"This this..."

Lian Bi, Tian Ge, everyone in the entire camp had their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe what they saw before them!

Bright red blood is flowing.

The corpses in one place still had warmth.Every corpse has the same expression, frightened!despair.

"Just now, did you see it!"

Lian will speak, Hetian Ge said.

"Well, one sword and one person, no one can make him make a second sword! It took only 27 seconds!"

Tian Ge swallowed. After saying this, he couldn't believe it.

These people here are not cats or dogs, but powerful people from all sides!All-in-one Hedao Realm!

Although among the great achievements in the Affinity realm, the combat power is also high and low, and there is a big gap, but Chen Yu is just a fellow of the Xiaocheng in the realm!

As a result, this team of a hundred people was slaughtered in just 27 seconds!

Is this really a small achievement in the realm of harmony?

Everyone almost exploded their heads.

"Where is Changlemen?"

At this time, Chen Yu asked coldly.

Chang Lemen!?

Lian Bi was taken aback, his eyes widened suddenly.

"Chen Yu, you, don't you really want to, go, go and destroy Changlemen!"

Chen Yu nodded and said, "Yes, tell me, where is Chang Lemen? I, in a hurry."

In a hurry......

Hearing this, Lian Bi's mouth twitched. It seemed that Chang Le Men was nothing but a place worth mentioning.

"Changlemen, not far from the east."

With that said, Lian Bi had already told Chen Yu where Chang Lemen was.

"Chen Yu, on this road, the dangers are very dangerous, there are many fierce beasts, and there are rogues, etc., if you go, you must be prepared."

"You don't need to prepare, I will go back."

When the voice fell, Chen Yu had already shot out like an arrow.

"Lian Lao, is there really no problem with him rushing over like this?"

Tian Ge doubted.

Lian Bi stared closely at the direction Chen Yu rushed out, gritted his teeth hard, and finally his gaze suddenly became firm, as if he had made a certain decision.

"Take all the warriors and go to Changlemen with Chen Yu!"

"What! All the soldiers? Old Lian, what do you mean!"

Tian Ge was suddenly startled, his pupils shrank severely.A crazy idea appeared in his mind.

Not bad!Gather all your forces to help Chen Yu and destroy Chang Lemen!With Chen Yu alone, it would be difficult to eliminate Chang Lemen.This time, we are taking a gamble!"

The combat power and self-confidence that Chen Yu showed just now shocked Lian Bi.This also gave him great stimulation.

If Chang Ba can really be killed, then for them, it will be the result once and for all!

This is worth a gamble!

Obviously, Tian Ge also knew the significance of it, and nodded solemnly.

"Good! Since Changlemen wants to destroy us, then, this time we will go with Chen Yu and destroy Changlemen!"

Turning his head to look at the many soldiers, Tian Ge's eyes sank and he shouted.

"Everyone is ready! This time either you die or I die! Use our blood to create a worry-free living environment for our women and children!"


After a hundred responses, everyone raised their heads and roared, and their eyes were filled with murderous aura of seeing death at home!

After the current rectification, everyone immediately set off, under the leadership of Lian Bi He Tian Ge, headed towards Changle Gate!

"Everyone maintains the highest alert! Be careful to be ready to fight at any time! There are several fierce beast dens along this road! Don't take it lightly!"

On the way, Lianbi shouted to remind.

Everyone nodded, very vigilant in their hearts.

The fierce beast is inherently low in intelligence and has no transformation. In the battlefield of the nine kills, the fierce beast has been affected by murderous intent for a long time, and it is even more savvy, extremely aggressive, and very fierce.

In their camp, many fighters were killed by fierce beasts.

This way is not easy!

"Attention everyone! We will be at the gathering place of Red Wind Fire Wolf soon, please pay attention!"

Hearing Lian Bi's reminder, everyone felt tight.

The Scarlet Wind Fire Wolf is a group of ferocious beasts, extremely cruel and cunning. Among them, the strength of their wolf king is extremely terrifying.And their machines are good at team combat, which is difficult to deal with.

In the past, when they went to Changlemen, they always took a detour, and would never cross the territory of Red Wind Fire Wolf.Only worried that Chen Yu would suffer here, they took the risk.

What should we do if we encounter the siege of the Red Wind Fire Wolf.

Lian Bizheng frowned and thought about the way to deal with it, when he heard an exclamation suddenly, burst out from the team, scared his heart to shrink.

"What's wrong! What happened? All staff are on alert!"

His body tightened instantly, and even Bi turned his head to look at Tian Ge on the side, and he was taken aback.

He saw Tian Ge standing in a daze, his eyes staring, his pupils shrinking frantically.

Not only Tian Ge, but the many soldiers behind him were completely dumbfounded at this time, all with a dull look.

"You, what's wrong with you?"

Lian Bi asked in shock.

Tian Ge raised his hand and pointed to the front, his mouth trembling.

"Look, look ahead!!!"


Suspicion turned his head and looked, Lian Bi's body trembled fiercely, his whole body froze instantly, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw!

A few hundred meters in front of him, there is an open field called Lili Grassland, which is the territory of Red Wind Fire Wolf, and now, thousands of Red Wind Fire Wolf are on this grassland!

However, all wolves have become dead wolves!All fell on the grassland, no one was spared!

Every wolf is seven or eight meters high and ten meters long, lying there quietly, with no vitality, like a forest of wolf corpses, extremely shocking!

The blood, on the grassland, gathered into small puddles one after another, in the sun, shimmering with ripples and reflections, extremely shocking!

When you get closer, you can find that every fire wolf has the same expression on its face, panic!

"My, my goodness! This, so many fire wolves, were they killed by Chen Yu alone?"

Lian Bi shook his body, saw the sword wound on the fire wolf's corpse, and took a breath.

"Look ahead, that is the Fire Wolf King!"

Suddenly, Tian Ge pointed in a direction and yelled.

Everyone rushed over and saw a huge headless wolf corpse more than ten meters high, lying there quietly, the wolf's head fell to the side, and there was still a confused look on his face.

"It will kill with one blow! This, this wolf corpse, has its head beheaded by a sword! There is no time to react!"

After checking the corpse, Lian Bi spoke in shock.

He raised his head and looked ahead, his body shook suddenly, as if thinking of something, he couldn't help but speak.

"Couldn't, all the fierce beasts in front, all, all have been, killed!!!"

what!All fierce beasts!?

All the soldiers looked at each other, shocked.

Is this almost impossible thing really possible?

Lian Bi took a deep breath and waved his hand fiercely.

"Go, go ahead at full speed, go and see!"

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