The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 2018 You are not bad, come, let's continue

At the Strong Beast Martial Arts Hall, everyone looked at the scene in a daze, all dumbfounded.

How could this be?

Chen Yu, nothing happened to him?

Not only that, even Chen Yu's face did not change at all.

"Fuck? What's going on? Is it because the son didn't use 60% of his power?"

"No! It is indeed 60%. Look, the mark on the back of the son's hand has completely disappeared!"

Looking intently, he realized that on the back of Zuo Qian's hand, the original compass branded mark had disappeared.

Only after Zuo Qian's full use of six points of strength, the brand will disappear.

A little bit less, the brand will not disappear.

"Then, this, doesn't this mean!"

Someone swallowed, with shock on his face, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The person beside him nodded and took a breath.

"Hey! Yes, this human race has amazing defensive power. It is not even afraid of the six successful punches of the son of Zuoqian! My God, it is no wonder that he has the courage to play this game, I am afraid his defense power is close to the son! "


"Get close to the son! You are not kidding! The son's defense, even if I wait for a full blow, I can't break through, how can this guy be so strong?"

Everyone stared in amazement, shocked.

They were shocked, and Zuo Qian's heart had already set off a huge wave!

With his punch, even a powerful person in the Dao Realm would kneel on the ground and couldn't stand up.

But the boy in front of him, let alone kneel down, his face remained the same.

This is not Chen Yu's support, but indeed, Chen Yu has not suffered any damage!

Chen Yu's breathing, pulse, and heartbeat did not change in the slightest!

What kind of monster is this guy?The trivial human race has a defense comparable to mine?

Astonished, Chen Yu's hand was already placed on the compass, and when he moved the pointer on it, the pointer spun quickly.

The attention of everyone was instantly attracted, and there was even a touch of nervousness in their hearts.

Chen Yu's performance just now shocked everyone.

They all doubted how powerful Chen Yu's punch would be.

The pointer became slower and slower, and finally stopped and pointed to a space.

Everyone's eyes condensed, and their faces suddenly became very strange.

How could this be?

The direction pointed by the pointer turned out to be a force!

"Fuck, one, one effort, this luck is no one."

"Unfortunately, I still want to see what this guy will look like if he draws a lot of power. I never thought it would be a bit of power! This is simply a tragedy in a tragedy."

Everyone laughed, almost finished laughing.

Zuo Qian shook his head repeatedly, his eyes disdainful.

"It's a pity that there is only a small amount of power. I also want to see how powerful your attack is. It seems that there is no such opportunity."

Chen Yu just smiled softly, without speaking.

On the compass, a symbol flew out and attached to the back of Chen Yu's hand.

At the same time, Chen Yu felt that there was an additional flow restrictor in his body, so that his emperor dragon's vitality could not be gathered together in a short time.

This is the so-called one component.

Chen Yu's heart moved and understood the principle.

"How strong is my attack, you will know immediately."

Chen Yu spoke lightly, closed his fist between his ribs, watching Zuo Qian.

"Hehe, come on! Let you see, my armored blood bear clan's defense power!"

Zuo Qian stood proudly with his hands behind his back.

Everyone on the side yelled, full of excitement.

Chen Yu smiled without saying a word, his eyes flashed, and a punch suddenly blasted out!

This punch was not as powerful as the punch from Zuo Qian just now.


Chen Yu's boxing has a special charm!

This fist blasted out, as if affecting the entire sky, rushing away with a surging momentum.

Zuo Qian's pupils shrank and he was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yu's punch had such a meaning.

He didn't dare to neglect, he snorted, the real power in his body was flowing, and the muscles on his chest squirmed and contracted, turning into a thick wall of flesh to meet Chen Yu's attack.

"Huh? The son, he actually used the bloody bear to change the first change, the muscle change? Is that guy's fist so powerful?"

Everyone was surprised.

The armored blood bear clan, with talented magical powers, blood bear transformation, there are three changes, the first is muscle transformation, the second is blood demon transformation, and the third is bone armor transformation.The defense of each of these three changes is much stronger than the previous one.

And this muscle change is the first change of the left movement.

No one had expected that in the face of Ling Yu, Zuo Qian would use such a change, which really surprised them.

"Hehe, the lion has to fight the rabbit with all its strength. It seems that the son is going to make him suffer a big loss. After this muscle change, his defense power has increased sharply, and he has extremely strong resilience. People who don't know will even be shocked. It's hurt by force. Maybe, this guy will be hurt by the force of the countershock!"

The laughter sounded, and everyone folded their hands on their chests and looked at Chen Yu's fists. With a thud, they landed on Zuo Qian's chest.


A dull voice sounded, causing everyone to tremble fiercely. They all craned their necks, wanting to see what the final result was, but to their surprise, the scene on the court seemed to freeze.

Chen Yu did not move, and Zuo Qian did not move either.


What's wrong with Zuo Qian's expression?

Why, my son's face is so white, there is a lot of cold sweat on his forehead, and the corners of his mouth are constantly twitching?

They are puzzled, and Zuo Qian is already going crazy!

Damn it!

Is this a fucking fist that humans can punch?!

Why is this punch so heavy!It's like a big mountain, hitting him hard!

In Zuo Qian's heart, the turbulent waves have turned up.

No one can imagine how shocked his heart is at this time.

The punch of Chen Yu just now, the burst of power, in an instant, directly passed through his first muscle change!The powerful force rushed into his body.If he hadn't forcibly held it at the last moment, he would have been kneeling on the ground now.

But this is the case. At this time, Zuo Qian couldn't say a word, and was using his true power to relieve his pain.

"It's just a bit of strength, and it already has such power. If he uses a lot of strength, can I still be able to catch it?"

Zuo Qian thought to himself that a heart had sunk.

But then, when he glanced at the back of Chen Yu's hand, his heart suddenly tightened, and the blood in his body seemed to freeze instantly.

There, the symbol formed by the compass is still there, that is to say, Chen Yu and others didn't even use a single piece of force in the punch just now!

"You, what did you use just now, how much?"

Zuo Qian said with a trembling voice.

What force?

Chen Yu raised his fist, looked at the back of his hand, and smiled softly.

"Half effort, try it first, don't kill you all at once. But you are not bad, there is nothing wrong with it. In that case, let's continue."

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