Qualified enough!

Hearing this, the remaining few breathed and looked at Chen Yu incredulously.

No one thought that Chen Yu would be so domineering, and he showed everything directly with practical actions!

Is it qualified enough?

Is this still necessary?The people who spoke just now were all played by him. If this is not qualified, who is qualified?

What's more, in Chen Yu's hands, there is still a handwritten record left by predecessors. If you want to find the ultimate treasure, you must have this thing!

The few people looked at each other and suddenly smiled at Ling Yu.

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect that Chen Yu, you still have such a side. Yes, really good. Cooperation, only with the strong, it is meaningful. Now we become partners, for the common Interests, go ahead."

Someone took the lead, while others nodded and smiled.

Chen Yu smiled faintly, and walked forward with a few others.

He naturally wanted to take a look at the so-called ultimate treasure.

I am afraid that the final destination of Canghai should also be in the so-called ultimate treasure.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu felt a little more settled.

Behind Chen Yu, several people stared coldly at Chen Yu's back, and secretly transmitted voices to each other.

"Hey, do we really want to work with this kid?"

"Otherwise? Didn't you see that the strength of this kid directly killed that guy! It seems that his strength is not much worse than ours! And he is cruel, beyond our imagination."

"Yes, but that's okay. Although he is strong, he is reckless in action, but he can be used by us. When the time comes to find the benefit, with the power of a few of us, is it not easy to kill him? The most important thing at the moment is Find the ultimate secret treasure! That is our main goal this time!"

Several people secretly formed an alliance, and one of them walked towards Chen Yu.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Chen Yu, your strength, to be so strong? But this lost battle is extremely dangerous, you have to be careful."

Chen Yu just smiled and took out the script, a little puzzled.

"What is the so-called ultimate secret treasure written in this script?"

The man smiled and said: "You don’t know anything about this lost battlefield. In the entire nine-kill battlefield, there is a mysterious place. The ultimate secret treasure is the chance among chance!"

"According to the record, in the deepest part of the abandoned battlefield, there is an ultimate secret treasure, and no one knows what it is. But! The strength of this ultimate secret treasure is simply incredible. Anyone who gets him will even have a chance to break through. The realm of Consummation, go straight to the Manifestation! And will not be killed by the rules of the nine kills battlefield!


Chen Yu's eyes flashed, a little surprised.

Is this ultimate secret treasure still so effective?

In an instant, Chen Yu became very interested.Now that I have broken into the Hedao Realm Xiaocheng, I still don't know where I want to break through next time. This ultimate secret treasure may be my opportunity to break through!

This feeling is very strong, after all, here before, he saw the corpses of Chinese people fighting with alien kings.

I am afraid that the ultimate secret treasure here is also very likely to have something to do with this!

At this moment of thought, Chen Yu's heart was instantly filled with fire.

"But I want to remind you that not only we have this handbook, but many people have it. So the competition will be fierce!"

The man spoke again.

"If this is the case, let's move on. I also want to see what the so-called ultimate secret treasure is."

Without hesitation, Chen Yu rushed out first.

Five people sneered at the corners of their mouths behind him.

Even if the ultimate secret treasure is discovered, there is no point for you.At the moment, the five people looked at each other, nodded, started all together and rushed out.

This passage is extremely long, even at the speed of Chen Yu and others, it took a long time before it reached the opposite side.

On the opposite side, leading directly to a dilapidated ancient palace, corpses lying all over the place, there are various scars on their bodies, which is frightening.

What shocked them in particular was that the appearance of these corpses hadn't changed at all, as if they had just died. It seemed that time was here and had completely stagnated.

"Be careful, it's so weird here, it must not be easy."

Several people cautiously stepped into the ancient palace.

As soon as they entered the ancient palace, everyone was dumbfounded.

"My God, am I not dazzled? This, this is too shocking!"

It's no wonder that some people are so emotional, because the walls around this ancient palace are full of sculptures, embedded in the wall, at a glance, they are densely packed, like a honeycomb.

Moreover, each sculpture has a different shape, full of a strange feeling, which makes the heart chill.

Several people stood in the hall and looked up, feeling that these statues were all looking at them, and their eyes were full of scrutiny.

"The eyes of these sculptures are really uncomfortable."

Someone spoke and waved to Chen Yu.

"Hurry through, I always feel weird here."

After speaking, the man took the lead and walked forward. Several others followed. When he was about to act, a weird whistling sound resounded through the entire hall, and then suddenly all his eyes turned on the sculpture on the wall. , Staring at the person in front!


From the eyes of the countless sculptures, rays of light were violently shot, and they went straight to the person in front!

In an instant, those rays of light came quickly, densely and endlessly, and in just a moment, the person in front was cut into pieces of meat!

During the whole process, that person didn't even react at all!

The few people who had just planned to follow that person were all dumbfounded at this time, and after a while, they were afraid, and they appeared in their hearts.

If they had just walked a few steps forward, then!

"What the hell is this?"

Several people exclaimed.

Chen Yu's eyes flashed, and he looked at the surrounding walls, wondering in his heart, how could this institution look like the Thousand Faces Buddha of a foreign race?

Just thinking about it, suddenly someone pointed to the back and yelled.

"Look at it! The passage when you come!"


Everyone turned their heads to look, and their faces were suddenly scared.

The passage at the time of arrival is rapidly disappearing, and the scary red thread before, seems to have sensed the existence of everyone, and is climbing crazy from a distance!

The red silk thread forms a wave of up to 100 meters, with a suffocating pressure!

That's it!

Everyone turned pale instantly.

Fuck on both sides, this time, it's dead!

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