The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 2055 Strong Aid Arrives


Nie Tusheng's eyes were electric, and he stuck out his palm.In an instant, the sky and the earth were surging, and in the sky, from behind the heavy lead clouds, a big hand with a radius of hundreds of miles suddenly pressed down.

A series of thick and huge tornadoes, in the palm of the hand, are uncertain.Each of the clearly visible palmprints on the palm of the hand is like an abyss, crisscrossing and frightening.

In the nest, Jin Mie and others looked up at the sky, their eyes shocked.

Is this Nie Tusheng's combat power at this time?


It's so powerful!

Even if the empress is here, she can't resist it.Even if Chen Yu didn't die, he was not at the same level as Nie Tusheng.


It is above Hedao, another level of realm.After being in harmony with the Tao, it can manifest the holy relics and possess all kinds of incredible magical powers.

Under the giant palm, the beast's nest was like a small ball, and in an instant, it was held in the hand by the giant palm.

Fingers as thick as a mountain were pressed down, supported by the powerful formation of the animal nest.

A layer of light film resisted Nie Tusheng's palm.

However, it just resisted it.

Nie Tusheng's five fingers shook, and he used force suddenly.


After a sip, I heard the sound of kakaka from the whole world, like a broken mirror.

Above the beast nest, there was originally a powerful formation, forming a light film, but now, on the light film, there are criss-cross cracks, in the shocking eyes of everyone, the light film burst into pieces!

The endless gust of wind ravaged the entire nest.

The cracked flag, in the lonely and gloomy sky, hunted and hunted, somewhat tragically.

Jin Mie's empty left sleeve was fluttering, but he didn't notice it at all. He just looked up at the sky, and watched the formation burst into pieces, turning into endless splendid light, flying in the sky.

It's so beautiful.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I would still be able to see such a beautiful scenery, it would not be a waste of life.

Jin Mie smiled miserably.

Raise with one hand.Jin Mie pointed the spear in his hand at the sky, and shouted with all his strength.

"In this life, I have cried and cried for Jin Mie, have failed and succeeded, have been brilliant and lonely, and it is worth it! I set foot on the summit with the animal nest, and today, I will go to the Yellow Spring together with the animal nest! How fast! "

In the entire beast nest, the words of Jin Mie were rippling, and the originally fearful beast warriors all calmed down at this time, and there was no fear anymore, and some were just the last passion.

"How fast is it to go to Huangquan together!!!"

Roaring like thunder, he rushed towards Xiao Han, his voice spread hundreds of miles away.

It was the people who surrounded the beast's nest. At this time, their expressions also changed, and they were shocked by this spirit.

"Hmph, I don't know the so-called, your struggle is no different from ants!"

Nie Tusheng smiled faintly and didn't care.

The struggle of the weak is meaningless!


Pressing with one hand, in the void, the giant palm moved with it, pressing down the lid.

Jin Mie, at the top of the independent animal nest, raised his head slightly.

Even if you want to die, you can't bow your head!Otherwise, he went to Huangquan, how could he have the face to see the empress?

"My Empress, I have gone to Huangquan to follow you!"

Jin Mie roared fiercely, but the next moment, another voice rang from the heavens and the earth!

"Jin Mie, go to Huangquan, you can't find me."


Jin Mie's body shook, his eyes widened suddenly, his entire mind was clouded and he couldn't believe it.

Is it an illusion?

He actually heard the voice of the Empress?

But then, a scene that shocked everyone happened!

In the extremely distant sky, a huge red and blue beam suddenly shot over, and in an instant, it hit the giant palm in the sky!

In an instant, the giant palm froze, then collapsed and disappeared without a trace!


Everyone shook suddenly, and suddenly turned their heads to look at the distant sky, and then there were bursts of air-conditioning sounds.

In the distant sky, the beast roared again and again, and a giant beast was rushing forward.

On top of the giant beast's head, three figures stood proudly, their eyes flashing like electricity, murderous!

"This! This is!"

The heads of the eight major forces, their complexions changed wildly at this time, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

How is this possible?Well, isn't that a strange beast?

And the figure above him, isn't Chen Yu who has been buried in the mouth of the beast?

How could they appear here?

"The Empress? It is the Empress! The Empress is back! And Chen Yu! He, he is not dead! He is back too!"

Jin Mie was a little confused at first, but then his body shook, and the blood rushed to his head in an instant, making him almost jumped up with excitement!

The king of the beast's nest, the undefeated empress, is back at the moment of life and death in the beast's nest!

And not only came back, it seems that the sea, but also came back with a great helper!

That strange beast, is it the strange beast in the realm of Manifestation, as they said earlier?

In the nest, all the soldiers had shocked expressions on their faces, and some even knelt on the ground, crying loudly.

"The Empress, the Empress is back! She did not abandon us, she is back!"

In some houses, groups of elderly women and children came out, one after another, bowing down to the distant sky.

They are all people who are reluctant to bear the nest and will die with the nest last.

Originally, they had been desperate, but now, the flame of hope appeared in their hearts again!

Because their empress is back!

"Canghai! Chen Yu! There are other animals!"

Nie Tusheng's pupils shrank sharply, and his face was full of horror.

He couldn't believe that Chen Yu was still alive!Not only that, but also brought back the strange beast!

What exactly is going on?Did the Alien Beast reach any agreement with Chen Yu?

"Huh, just three people and one beast, what are you? Lord Nie, let us help you and kill these people!"

People who had come from other forces wanted to behave in front of Nie Tusheng and rushed out with a sneer.


Nie Tusheng shouted, his scalp numb with fright.How do these people know the horror of this alien beast if they have never been to the abandoned battlefield?

Sure enough, facing the dozens of people who rushed over, the strange beast roared violently, and two air currents of extreme cold and extreme heat burst out in an instant. All the people who rushed over were frozen into ice in just an instant, and then they snorted. Burned to ashes.

Seeing this scene, everyone's pupils shrank and were shocked.

You know, those guys are all masters in the ultimate realm of Hedao Realm!In fact, all of them died in one face.

This is simply unimaginable.

"Okay, be quiet, don't always roar."

Chen Yu patted the head of the strange beast, and the strange beast immediately grumbled in cooperation, and lowered his head.

The corner of Nie Tusheng's eyes twitched.

Could this guy, not cooperate with this strange beast, but surrender this strange beast?

Just thinking about it, Chen Yu and the others had already entered the nest and came to Jin Mie's side.

"Chen, Chen Yu, this, this strange beast?" Jin Mie asked stupidly.

"It?" Chen Yu glanced at the strange beast and smiled lightly.

"It's my little follower."

This, this big guy, is Chen Yu's little, little follower?!

Jin Mie was dumbfounded.

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