The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 2081 The galaxy shakes!

Qianji Building.

In a small courtyard in the deepest part, there was a fascinating female voice, full of unusual style.

If you enter it, you can see that Nangonghao is sitting on a large sofa. In front of him, three graceful women, without a patch of green, are kneeling on the ground, serving them.

In the courtyard, there are also a group of female dancers, dressed in tulle, dancing dance music.It's just that there is not much difference between the clothes and not wearing them.

Nangong Haozhi triumphed, squinting his eyes slightly, enjoying himself very much.

Soon, it was coming to Xiao Xuan'er's blind date, and that annoying Chen Yu was also dead.This kind of time is a good time to relax your body and mind.

Not long ago, he was in the virtual spirit world, because of that accident, he suffered a lot of damage when the Tianqing Tower collapsed because of that accident, so he has been relaxing himself these days.

It's just that Nangonghao's brows also frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

In the Void Spirit Realm, who created that vision?

Just thinking about it, suddenly outside the courtyard, a servant slammed the door open and stumbled in.


The women in the yard all screamed in fright, clutching their chests, and fled in all directions.

This is Nangonghao's exclusive courtyard, and most people cannot enter without being notified, otherwise they will be killed.

Therefore, their clothes are relatively cool, and someone rushed in at first glance, which surprised them.

"Huh? What's the matter, do you know the rules? Is this a place where you can go around!"

Nangonghao frowned, and there was a haze in his eyes.I was disturbed, which made him very upset.

"Master, big news, amazing big news!"

The servant's face was shocked, and he swallowed.

"What news? Make you look like this?" Nangong Hao was also surprised when he saw the servant's appearance.

He knew this servant, he was very calm, and he had never seen such a gaffe.

"Just now our subordinate forces received a message. Chen Yu, Chen Yu and others, have come out of the battlefield of the Nine Kills!!!"


Nangonghao stood up suddenly, stared at the servant, and came to the servant in an instant.

"What are you talking about? That kid, he came out of the battlefield of the Nine Kills? How is this possible? He was exiled there by the Overlord Heavenly Sovereign. Moreover, no one has been able to come out of the battlefield of the Nine Kills since ancient times, how could he come out!? Say, where did you get the news?!"

The servant dared not conceal the slightest bit, and immediately told what had happened.

Nangonghao heard that he stood there blankly, without speaking for a long time.

A touch of shock appeared on his face!

"Really, came out?!"

"What kind of monster is this kid? How could it be from the battlefield of the Nine Kills? That's a restricted area where even Tianzun steps into it and will die!"

Suddenly, Nangonghao's body trembled, and a glimmer of aura suddenly struck his mind.

Previously, the Lord of the Nine Kills appeared on the battlefield of the Nine Kills!

The Tyrant Snake Tianzun went to attack, was seriously injured by the Lord of Nine Kills, and recovered from her seclusion!Could it be that that guy Chen Yu came out at that time?

In the battlefield of the Nine Kills, Chen Yu has found the great backer of the Lord of the Nine Kills!!!


And the virtual spirit world!

Counting it all up, the time when the vision occurred in the Void Spirit Realm was just shortly after the Lord of the Nine Kills appeared!If this is the case, then Chen Yu created the vision of the Void Spirit Realm?!

Do not!


What is he?How could that kind of vision be created?

Nangonghao's face became more and more gloomy.

Clenching his fist tightly, Nangong Hao was no longer in the mood, and slammed everyone in the courtyard out.

"Alright! If you are not dead, yes! It just so happens that you can look at your woman with your own eyes and become someone else's crotch plaything!!!"

"Chen Yu, this time, I want to kill people and punish my heart!"

"Come on! Give me this news and spread it all over the stars!"


Chen Yu is back!

This news, like a storm, spread to all major forces!

Tianfeng Xuansu Palace!

Qiu Zun sat on the throne, frowning tightly, holding a cup of tea in her hand, and did not move for a long time.

"Lord Tianzun, Chen Yu is not dead, you see if the blind date will be cancelled this time. After all, Chen Yu is Xuan'er's man."


Autumn Zun was startled, the tea in the cup rippled gently.

Looking at Feng Jiu, Qiu Zun shook his head.

"No. His death and life will not affect the blind date this time. After all, Xuan'er is already like that. He, Xuan'er's dream at the time. This dream has long passed."

Feng Jiu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then sighed.

"Follow the decree of Tianzun."

Feng Jiu withdrew from the main hall, and for a while, only Qiu Zun remained in the whole hall.

Staring at the slowly calming ripples in the cup, Qiuzun's eyes were indifferent.

"Since you are alive, isn't it good to live in hiding? How much do you have to survive this exposure?"

Above a dead star in the starry sky.

A fierce figure sits on a rock, and a pair of eyes reveals a scarlet light.

"Oh? That little guy named Chen Yu? Hehe, interesting. He killed a trace of my blood. He thought he had no chance to get revenge, but he was still alive? If that's the case, then, he was on top of the Fengnv's blind date. Let him disappear."

King of alien races, Hu Yanhao!


In front of Hu Yanhao, millions of foreign races kneeled on one knee and shouted!

And behind them, on the entire planet, all the creatures died, leaving behind pieces of dead bodies, densely stacked!

Overlord Tianzun Mansion!

The deep roar, constantly ringing!

"Damn! Damn! Chen Yu, you are still alive! Wait, wait until the old man recovers from his injuries, the old man must let you die without a place to bury you!!!"

The stern voice of Tyrant Snake Tianzun came from the deepest point, making the scalp numb.

The many servants in the house were all shivering at this time, kneeling on the ground, not daring to take a breath.

Everyone can hear the endless killing intent of the Tyrant Snake Tianzun!

Chen Yu is still alive, this is literally beating the face of Tianzun Tyrant!

Above a meteor in the starry sky, a burst of crazy laughter came from far away.

"Haha, this kid is so fucking strong! I knew that my disciple wouldn't die so easily!"

Venerable Qiu Yan took a sip of wine, letting the liquid drip from his stubble.

A joyful smile appeared on Venerable Qiufang's face, and the corners of his mouth almost reached the roots of his ears.But the next moment, his smile disappeared without a trace, his expression was unusually cold!

"Ba Snake, the last time I miscalculated, let you cheat my students, but this time, I will not make mistakes again! Lao Tzu can't beat you, but Lao Tzu's teacher can beat you all over! Lao Tzu’s disciples, no one except people of the same generation can kill him!!!"

With a low roar, Venerable Qiu Yan turned into a stream of light and shot out!

The entire starry sky trembled because of Chen Yu!

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