"Okay! If that's the case, let's go. Tomorrow morning, I will go there with you!"

After Chen Yu finished speaking, Jiacui nodded.

There was nothing for a night, and early the next morning, Chen Yu talked with Zhao Pangsheng and then went to the coordinate with Jiacui.

This starry sky coordinate is very strange.But Jia Cui just smiled, and then stroked in the void with one hand, and a passage appeared.

"Don't ask me how I did it. I don't know. It seems to be my talent. After I wake up this time, I will know."

Chen Yu nodded, said nothing, and entered the room together with Jia Cui.

After stepping into the passage, the entire passage disappeared.

Zhao Pangsheng looked at each other, shrugged, and didn't care.

They didn't feel any surprise at what happened to Chen Yu now.

However, not long after Chen Yu left, the voice of a message sounded on the three communicators.

this is...

The three of them looked down, asking them to gather in the square, and they were a little surprised at the moment.

I don't know what medicine is sold in this gourd.

"Let's take a look, I'm afraid this time, I'm also preparing for the next trial."

Wang Lin spoke, and Zhao Pangsheng and Su Wuya nodded.

The three of them did not hesitate too much and went to the square to gather.After arriving, I found that many people have gathered here.

Everyone's face is full of curiosity and surprise.

"Hey, do you know what the hell is going on? Calling us all?"

Someone looked curious.

Among the crowd, someone raised their brows and a smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

"Hey, I'm afraid you don't know yet, this time you called us over because this time, we have to arrange the order for us."


Hearing this, everyone was taken aback and a little curious.

"Order? What order?"

Zhao Pangsheng stepped forward and couldn't help but ask.

Seeing that it was Zhao Pangsheng, the expressions of the others changed.

After all, Zhao Pangsheng, but the guy who pitted them so much money!Now in the entire college, Zhao Pangsheng has become a public enemy of the whole people!

It's just that Zhao Pangsheng has proved his strength after all, and no one dares to underestimate him.

Although a little unwilling, the person explained it.

"This time, it's for the next challenge to qualify. A hundred seeded players are ranked, and the rest will also be ranked according to their strengths."


Hearing that, Zhao Pangsheng and the three looked at each other and were deeply surprised.

Unexpectedly, they would actually play this trick?

"Does this rank have any effect?"

Wang Lin asked, this time is about to go to the trial, this qualifying appears at this time, it seems a bit unusual.

"Well, this qualifying match is based on a comprehensive assessment of your previous record. The higher the ranking, the more pill materials and the like will be distributed to the person, and the planet is controlled by the alien. We will also give preferential treatment in terms of placement."

The three of them were taken aback, glanced at each other, and there was a clear look in their eyes.

Appearance Academy, this is obviously to protect the strong.

In the spiritual world, that's it. It doesn't mean you can be protected if you are weak.On the contrary, being weak is the original sin.

Especially this time trial.Although the purpose is to experience the students, but the same, but also to protect the students below.

It's just that the objects they want to protect cannot cover everyone, but only a part of them. Obviously, protecting top students is more valuable!

Although cruel, it is realistic.

This is the road of cultivation!

"I don't know, where will the ranking of the three of us be?"

Zhao Pangsheng looked at Wang Lin expectantly.

Wang Lin and Su Wuya looked at each other, smiled and shook their heads.Although I don't know the specific ranking, I want to have the previous record to base, the ranking of the three of them will never be low!

The three were discussing, when someone suddenly shouted.

"Look! Venerable Penghai and the others are here!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked around. As expected, Chen Penghai and other fourteen venerables came here together.Everyone now salutes respectfully.

However, to the surprise of the three of Zhao Pangsheng, Venerable Qiufang looked very bad, as if he was suppressing his anger.

"Well, I am calling you here today for this time's ranking! Now it is up to me to inform you of this time's ranking."

After Chen Penghai spoke, he explained all the matters related to this ranking.After listening to it, I discovered that this time the ranking was basically the same as the previous person said.

In a word, the higher the ranking, the better the treatment!

"Now that I know it, let's publish the ranking this time! First of all, the ranking of the 100 seed candidates!"

After speaking, Chen Penghai waved his big hand, and suddenly a streamer shot out and hit a stone monument in the distance.

A hundred names appeared on it, shining brightly.

Everyone looked over, full of curiosity.

The three of Zhao Pangsheng were no exception. They swept their eyes on the list. When they saw their names, their eyes flashed and lightened slightly!

The three of them are in the top ten!

Among them, Wang Lin ranked first!Su Wuya is third, Zhao Pangsheng is fifth!The second is Wang Rui and the fourth is Li Zinian.

"I'll go, why I'm fifth, and you two are better than me. What's the matter with Li Zinian and Wang Rui? If I didn't fight them before, I would never be weakened by them!"

Fatty Zhao said angrily.

The two smiled helplessly, but they didn't care too much, and they continued to sweep the list.

"Huh? Why is there no Junior Master among such sub-players?"

Wang Lin frowned and spoke in surprise.


Hearing this, Zhao Pangsheng and Su Wuya were also stunned, and they quickly searched the list, only to read it several times. Indeed, as Wang Lin said, Chen Yu’s name is not on the top. !

How could this be?!

The three of them glanced at each other and were stunned.

At this moment, Chen Penghai spoke again.

"Well, now apart from the seeded players, we start to announce the names of other players!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Penghai waved one hand again, and a list hit the other stone tablet.

There are obviously a lot more names on this list, and in addition, they are not as dazzling as the list just now.

Everyone is on the top, looking up their own names, some of them are naturally very happy, while those behind are dejected.

Zhao Pangsheng and the three of them also began to work hard to find, until finally, they finally found Chen Yu's name, but they were dumbfounded when they saw the location of Chen Yu's name.

My little uncle, why is he there?!

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