The island country Kyoto Airport.

Chen Yu looked at everything around him, with sneers rising from the corner of his mouth.

Beside him, Meng Qing followed Chen Yu, with a deep despair in her eyes.

"We have arrived in the island country, can you unravel the prohibition in my body?"

Meng Qing looked at Chen Yu pleadingly.

Long before the two came, Chen Yu deliberately injected an emperor dragon Yuanli into Meng Qing's body in order to prevent Meng Qing from making trouble. As long as Meng Qing changed a little, he could make the other party die without a dead body.

"Why did you become a member of Shen'an Sect?"

Chen Yu did not answer the other party's question, but asked directly.

He was very curious that Meng Qing was just an ordinary person. How could Shen'an teach such a person?

Meng Qing looked at Chen Yu with horror.

"When I was studying in Japan, I was playing in a bar and I met an island country boy. After we slept for one night, he told me that I was a person of Shen'an teaching and that I was a rare favorite physique, so Let me join Shen'an Church."

Chen Yu's eyes were slightly cold, this Meng Qing, after meeting people in the bar, casually slept with others without talking, and joined the Shen'an Sect, which is really cheap.

However, the physique of this god pet made Chen Yu very interested.

When he destroyed the branch of Shen'an Sect in China before, he had heard that Shen'an Sect had twelve envoys. Among them, Teng Qingmu had been killed by him. This time he came to the island country. It is to destroy the entire Shen'an Sect.

"Take me to the location of Shen'an Sect."

Chen Yu ordered.

"I, I don't dare, Shen'an Sect is terrifying. If I take you there, they must know that I betrayed them and will kill me. Chen Yu, just let me go, as long as you let it go. I, I’m willing to do anything. I, my bed is very skilled. In Shen’an Education, many men have been conquered by me, so let me serve you.”

After speaking, Meng Qing rubbed Chen Yu's body, winking like silk, licking her tongue, and a low groan in her throat. She lifted her short skirt in her hand, revealing her white thighs, and let herself be Her black lace panties are looming, arousing men's desires.

Chen Yu looked at Meng Qing coldly, and immediately pinched Meng Qing's neck.

"What are you, you dare to talk to me like this? You are too dirty to serve me. Now take me to Shen'an Sect, otherwise, I will let you die!"

After releasing his hand, Chen Yu just thought, and the Emperor Yuan Li lurking in Meng Qing's body became restless.

"Ah! No, I will never dare anymore, never dare anymore."

Meng Qing felt her internal organs being upset, and immediately begged for mercy in pain.


Only then did Chen Yu let Meng Qing go, how could his Cang Yu Tianzun fall in love with such a dirty woman?It's ridiculous that Meng Qing tempted herself with beauty.

Looking at Chen Yu, Meng Qing's eyes were full of fear, and she did not dare to have any thoughts anymore, leading Chen Yu to the secret base of Shen'an Sect.

"I don’t know much about Shen'an Sect. I just know that Shen'an Sect has twelve envoys, four great guardians, and two vice-masters. I'm just a branch of Shen'an Sect, as for the headquarters. I don’t know where it is."

On the way, Meng Qing explained to Chen Yu.

"What do you mean by the physique of the god pet?"

Meng Qing shook her head and said, "I don't know this too well. It's just that in our branch, including me, there are more than a dozen god pets, all of whom are under 30 years old. We are fine and never limit our spending."

Upon hearing this, Chen Yu narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Glancing at Chen Yu in fear, Meng Qing said again: "Our branch has two envoys and a principal. Their strength is very strong."

Chen Yu smiled and didn't care.At that time in the desert, killing Umekawa Zuo and Fuji Aoki by himself didn't take much effort, what's more, now he is in the body tempering state to completion?

Jingle Bell.

At this moment, Chen Yu's phone rang.

"Master Chen, I heard that you have gone to the island country? Trouble finding Shen'an Sect?"

Zhuang Xinghe asked on the phone, with shock and worry in his tone.

"Yes, I'm in Kyoto now."

"Master Chen, you must be careful. I have received news that the strength of Shen'an Sect is much greater than we thought. He is in the island country and has inextricable connections. The martial arts world of the island country, The big chaebols all have the shadow of Shen'an Sect! You are too reckless to go this time!"

Chen Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled faintly.

"Is that so? That would be even better. The island country has always looked at us, China, and their martial arts world has been in constant friction with China's martial arts world over the years. This time I come, I really want to see it. Look, what actions will the martial arts world of the island country do."

Hearing Chen Yu's words, there was a sound of cold air on the other side.

"Master Chen, is it possible that you want to be alone against the three major forces of the island country's martial arts world, Shen'an Sect, and the big chaebol?!"

Chen Yu was noncommittal, just smiled lightly, "So what? If they dare to come, I dare to kill."

On the other end of the phone, in the base of Greedy Wolf, Zhuang Xinghe, Zeng Fuchen, and the leaders of the other six special forces suddenly fell silent when they heard the answer from the speaker.

Afterwards, everyone was solemn and bowed a solemn salute.

"Master Chen, there is no need to say more about the grievances and grievances between China and the island country. This is not only for yourself, but also for the spirit and spirit of the entire Chinese martial arts world. There is no need to say anything else. We are here, and wish you good luck!"


Everyone roared loudly.

"Wuyun is prosperous!"

Although Chen Yu had previously become the chief instructor of the Seventh Army, except for the wolf, the other six special teams did not have much respect for Chen Yu.

But now, when they learned that Chen Yu alone had gone to single out the Shen'an Sect, the martial arts world, and the big chaebol in the island country, they were completely shocked by Chen Yu's courage.

Such a character is simply a peerless hero.They are proud of such a chief instructor!

At this moment, Chen Yu, led by Meng Qing, had already arrived in front of a simple temple.

"This is the branch of Shen'an Sect in Kyoto."

Chen Yu nodded and looked over. This temple is very remote, built on the hillside, and there is no one around.

The long steps are a hundred meters long, and at both ends of the steps, there are people wearing standard clothing standing guard, there are more than a dozen people, and everyone looks fierce.

"Well, Meng Qing? Why did you bring a man here? Huh, it turned out to be a pig from China?"

When the guards saw Meng Qing, they were taken aback.

Chen Yu's eyes froze for an instant, and then he sneered, and then waved his sleeve. Suddenly, an extremely violent tornado flew out of his palm. Before all the guards had reacted, they were directly involved in it. For blood mud, crashed into the door of Shen'an Sect branch.

Boom, the door was beaten up in the loud noise, and on the steps, there was a lot of red blood.

Meng Qing was scared to death when she saw this scene. These gates were so powerful that he had seen them. At that time, a couple of Chinese tourists passed by here, but after one more look, the man was killed and the woman was killed. Was directly dragged in for everyone to have fun.

But now?These gates turned into bloody mud!

"Shen'an Sect, come out and die!"

With loud noises, Chen Yu stepped on the bloody avenue paved with blood and walked towards the temple!

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