Next to the Harada Group headquarters building, Chen Yu sat in an izakaya, looking at it quietly through floor-to-ceiling windows.

Rao did not expect that the mysterious Shen'an Sect was actually in this crowded place.

After a faint drink of a glass of wine, Chen Yu was about to go straight in after a while, find the people of Shen'an Cult, and kill him!

At this moment, a group of noisy voices came, and a group of men and women filed in from the door.

Chen Yu looked over and recognized that these people had just come out of the headquarters of Harada Group. He thought it should be their employees who came for lunch.

There are three women and seven men in this group. All of them are surrounded by a woman wearing professional clothes, black socks, and short hair, faintly centered on her, humorous and respectful.

At the end, there was a handsome boy, but at this moment, his face was full of distress, not at all like the others, smiling.

"Sister Li, do you really have the legendary God Jiaye?"

After sitting down, a few people were chatting, and a woman asked inadvertently, which made Chen Yu a little surprised and couldn't help paying more attention.

The woman called Lizi was the central figure. After hearing this, she smiled faintly.

"Of course, you don’t know. Great God Jiaye existed more than a hundred years ago. At that time, thousands of people were killed and the entire island nation was alarmed. Countless mages were sent to surrender her, but in the end, They were all beheaded and killed. In the end, without knowing what happened, the Great God Jiaye disappeared completely."


Everyone exclaimed when they heard Lizi's words.

Lizi scanned the surroundings, then lowered her voice.

"Tell you a secret. I heard that the top ten floors of our Harada Building are dedicated to the god Jia Ye! That's why our Harada Group can grow bigger and bigger."

"Hey? Is this really the case? No wonder we are not allowed to take that special elevator upstairs." A girl covered her mouth and said with a surprised look.

The same is true for other people, feeling incredible.

Chen Yu is also proficient in the language of the island country. Although it is far away, he can hear it clearly.

"It turns out that Shen'an Sect is on the top ten floors."

Chen Yu knew it well and kept listening.

"Hey, I hope God Jiaye will bless you. Recently, the fairy grass group in China has been antagonizing our Harada Group. I really hope that God Jiaye will kill their boss."

Someone said suddenly.

Hearing this, all the people who came to the dinner nodded, but the handsome boy was silent.

"Yes, that Xiancao Group is really annoying. He has robbed several of our Harada Group's business in China."

Although Xiancao Group takes Donglu Xiancao as its main business, Chen Taiyi has already covered all aspects of its business, and has a competitive relationship with Harada Group in many fields.

Hearing this, Lizi smiled disdainfully, "People in China are like this, they are superstitious about health products. In my opinion, this Xiancao Group will not last long, and it will definitely be annexed and defeated by our Harada Group. Ren Fei, you Say yes?"

After Lizi finished speaking, everyone looked at the handsome boy, with a touch of mockery at the corner of his mouth.

Ren Fei is an overseas student in Japan. After graduation, he originally wanted to return to China, but was arranged by his mentor to work in the Harada Group. Because he was a Chinese, he was cold-eyed in the Harada Group and was usually called around by them.

"By the way, here is this kid from China. Ren Fei, tell me, are the Chinese people all fools? Compared with our island country, which one do you prefer?"

One man grinned, everyone else laughed.

"Ren Fei, you have to think about your answer. Don't forget, your bonus for this month is still in the hands of Section Chief Matsuda. You got a wrong answer. Be careful to drink Northwest Fengyou this month.

Another lovely-looking woman, speaking, was full of bitterness.

"Haha, don't be so embarrassed by Ren Fei. He is an obedient dog in our Harada Group. I believe he will answer correctly."

Everyone smiled and looked at Ren Fei, and they cast all their anger towards the Xiancao Group on Ren Fei.

Lizi hugged her arms, leaned comfortably on the back of the chair, sneered, like a proud queen.

Ren Fei clenched his fist, his eyes were bloodshot.

"I am Chinese, Chinese, not stupid!"


Without hearing the answer they wanted, everyone's smiling faces quickly cooled down.

"Baga! Ren Fei, you fellow, I will tell you now, your work this month is not good, and all your bonuses will be cancelled!"

Matsuda, with a big belly, yelled.

"Ren Fei, you disappoint me."

At this time, Reiko spoke lightly, "Since you are in our Harada Group, you must have a sense of what to say and what not to say. Don't forget your debt."

Hearing the word debt, Ren Fei's teeth creaked. In order to help a female classmate from an island nation, he inexplicably owed a huge debt to Harada Group. Later, he signed a contract with Harada Group. , More than half of the monthly salary is given to the Harada Group, and what I have left is only enough for food.

And this debt will have to be repaid for 10 years!If dismissed midway, the debt will have to be recalculated. It can be said that the terms are quite overbearing.

And it was not until later that Ren Fei knew that he had been calculated. The reason was that he invented a patent and was favored by the Harada Group, so the design pitted him. As a result, he was not only in debt, but also the patent was gone.

Lizi looked at Ren Fei's face and sneered.

"I heard that you already know how you came to Harada Group? Now I give you one last chance, kneel down and lick my toes, and I will let you stay in Harada Group and stay like a dog. Otherwise, I will fire you immediately, so that you will have a bad life in your life."

Lizi took off her high heels and stretched out her feet in black silk in front of Ren Fei, with a sneer on her face.

He likes to see men surrender at his feet, especially the men from China.

"Haha, Ren Fei, how lucky you are to kiss Miss Lizi's toes, it is your honor!"

"That's it, don't you knelt down and cry bitterly to express gratitude?"

"Hurry up, you are the only blessed person among the Chinese."

Everyone shouted.

When Chen Yu saw all this from the side, there was already a stream of murderous air in his eyes.

Ren Fei clenched his fist severely, and suddenly roared.

"I'll kill you bitch!"

When the voice fell, Ren Fei slapped him directly and slapped Lizi's face hard. Then the whole person jumped up and pressed on Lizi's body, slap after slap, completely non-stop, Lizi's face.

"TMD I just committed suicide, and I must kill you bitch first!"

Ren Fei yelled, the whole person was like crazy, and all the people on the side were frightened.

It was not until later that they reacted and pulled Ren Fei away.

"Ren Fei, you are over, your life is over!" Lizi screamed when she stood up.

"The TMD people are dead and the birds are in the sky, Lao Tzu is fighting." Ren Fei's eyes widened and said hard, but he thought of his sister who was far away in his hometown, and he felt a little bit sad.

"He can't finish it. It's your Harada Group who wants to finish it."

A voice attracted everyone's attention. When everyone looked over, they found Chen Yu approaching.

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