A drop of cold sweat flowed from Feng Tianci's forehead.

From his wrist, an irresistible force locked him tightly, making him completely immobile. No matter how hard he struggles, the other party looks calm and calm.

How could this be possible, he is now in the position of the innate great master!This kind of strength, according to the statement of the Dark Judgment, is absolutely no rival among the same generation, how can this guy who looks younger than himself be so strong?

"My goodness."

Zhu Yiyue was on the side, covering her mouth in shock, her eyes widening.

He knew how strong Feng Tianci was. When Feng Tianci came back, she once came to Zhu's house to make trouble. At that time, she saw Feng Tianci's palm with her own eyes and punched a wall against it.

But now?

Chen Yu's only two fingers made Feng Tianci completely unable to move!

"This, is this the strength of the No. 1 person in the Chinese martial arts?"

Zhu Yiyue's eyes were getting brighter, and her face became a little flushed because of excitement.

Feng Tianci took a look at Zhu Yiyue's changes, and when he saw the worshiping look in the opponent's eyes, his anger immediately made him lose his mind.

"TMD let Lao Tzu go, do you know who Lao Tzu is! Dare to move Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu makes you unable to eat!"

Feng Tianci kept roaring, his face grim.

Chen Yu just smiled coldly.

"Let me eat and walk around?"

Chen Yu's fingertips pressed hard, and there was a clicking sound, and Feng Tianci suddenly screamed. The entire face was distorted because of the severe pain.

And at this moment, Chen Yu's wrist had been turned into an opposite angle.

As early as the very beginning, Zhu Yiyue had quietly locked the door of the entire private room. The soundproofing effect of this private room was very good. Although Feng Tianci screamed so screamingly, the outside world hardly heard any sound.

"Fuck you, you're done, I'm a member of the Dark Judgment Office, if you dare to move me, just wait for death!"

Feng Tianci was already sorely talking nonsense. After saying this, he realized that he had failed to speak. He stopped mentioning the Dark Judgment Office, but yelled at him.

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed, and the Feng family really hooked up with the people from the Dark Court.

"What the hell did the Dark Court come to Hong Kong Island to do?"

Chen Yu asked coldly.

Feng Tianci kept silent, but kept cursing.

"Don't tell me? I'll hit you and say."


Chen Yu kicked his feet abruptly and kicked directly on Feng Tianci's kneecap, and suddenly there was a clicking sound.

Feng Tianci immediately knelt on one knee.

"Say or not?"

Feng Tianci still did not speak.

Chen Yu got up again and knelt down with his other leg.

"Fuck you, I'm going to kill you! Roar!"

At this moment, Feng Tianci suddenly violent.

His body swelled suddenly, and in a short time, it rose to two meters two to three. The clothes on his body were torn apart every inch, and a layer of red and black long hair grew out of his body.

Feng Tianci's face also changed, with long canine teeth growing out of it, which was extremely fierce.On his five fingers, long black sharp nails also grew, and the bones that were previously broken by Chen Yu were all recovered at this moment.

Feng Tianci snorted suddenly, two long waves of air sprayed out of his nose.

"Ah! What kind of monster is this!"

Zhu Yiyue was so scared that she sat on the ground, her whole body was already pale.

A good person suddenly became like this, just like the werewolf in the movie, it was too shocking.

"Zhiyu, he, he is like a husky."

Xiao Xuan'er looked at Feng Tianci in a daze, and suddenly exclaimed.


Zhu Yiyue was stunned, staring at Xiao Xuan'er blankly, her brain crashed.At this time, shouldn't it be so scared to scream?What the hell is a husky?Is she really a normal girl?

Zhu Yiyue didn’t know, Xiao Xuan'er and Chen Yu were together, and the shocking things she saw were too much. She had already developed a big heart. With Chen Yu by her side, Xiao Xuan'er was not afraid at all. It is a mentality of watching the excitement.

Chen Yu was taken aback, looking at Feng Tianci's appearance, rubbing Xiao Xuan'er's head with a look of appreciation.

"My family's Xuan'er's observation ability is really good, it really looks like a husky."

"Huh, Husky?"

Feng Tianci was completely stunned. He lowered his head and looked at Xiao Xuan'er in a daze. There were all three words Husky in his mind.

With such a majestic appearance, he is called Erha?


Feng Tianci raised his head and roared.Unbounded in my heart.

At that time, he had suffered so much in the Dark Judging House before he was qualified to obtain the blood of the wolf god, and then he was able to improve his strength and be able to transform a werewolf.Around the age of 20, he has become a great congenital master.

But now, this is the first time that he has performed this kind of change, and the few people in front of him, not only do not have the slightest fear and awe, but they dare to call themselves Erha?

Can't bear it!Can't stand it!

"I want to tear you up!"

Feng Tianci roared and grabbed Chen Yu with one claw!

This claw is even more violent than before.

Chen Yu's eyes narrowed, Feng Tianci's strength at the moment was actually stronger than before, and it even faintly meant that the diamond was not bad at half a step.

Feng Tianci's attack was almost like a thunderbolt, and he had already arrived in front of Chen Yu in an instant. On his face, he even showed a triumphant smile, as if he had seen Chen Yu torn apart by himself.

But the next moment, his complexion completely solidified.

Chen Yu came first, pressing down with a palm.

"Get me down!"

When the words fell, Feng Tianci only felt that in the entire room, the sky was about to collapse, and the supreme force was pressing on him, and in an instant, he was firmly pressed to the ground, completely immovable!


A loud noise suddenly sounded in the hotel, everyone was taken aback, not knowing what happened.

In the box, Feng Tianci was lying on the ground arrogantly, completely confused.The palm of Chen Yu just now directly broke his transformation and restored him to his human form again.

After transforming himself, his strength has increased tremendously, but now he can't resist it completely?

How could this be?

Chen Yu walked to Feng Tianci, pinched Feng Tianci's throat, and lifted it up.

"Don't be a good person? Must be a dog?"

Chen Yu said coldly, "Tell me, the people from the Dark Court, why are you here?"

Seeing Chen Yu's cold eyes, Feng Tianci was shocked. No matter how lawless he was, he was scared at this moment. He finally knew that the person in front of him was definitely a super expert.

"I said, I said."

After swallowing, Feng Tianci never concealed it.

"When I was abroad, I accidentally joined the Dark Adjudication Office. This time they came to unblock a strong man who was banned in Hebaoshan."

"This strong man is a master in the line of werewolves of the Dark Judgment. He came to Hong Kong Island more than a hundred years ago and killed many warriors. Later, I didn’t know who made the move and directly suppressed him in Hebaoshan on."


Chen Yu was a little surprised. Didn't expect that here on Hong Kong Island, he would even ban the strong with the Dark Court?

"In addition to this incident, they came here for another purpose, to capture the family and women of Chen Wudi of China, and force Chen Wudi to join the Dark Court."


Chen Yu's eyes condensed, and his whole body suddenly burst into a terrifying murderous aura!

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