Standing here at the airport in Paris, France, Chen Yu looked at the endless stream of people with a trace of emotion in his eyes.

Once upon a time, China has gone through vicissitudes of ups and downs, and its people abroad have always been targets of oppression. However, the emergence of the Qinggang and Hongmen has made all this change upside down. Up to now, it has become a global underground world. A force that cannot be ignored.

Shaking his head, Chen Yu put these emotions aside, according to the address Cang Siyuan gave him before, and went directly to the location of the Qinggang headquarters.

At this moment, there are already crowded, and luxury cars are constantly stopping, one by one, powerful bosses stepped out of the car and slowly walked in.

Looking up at the headquarters of the Green Gang, even Chen Yu nodded at this moment.

In a fashion capital like Paris, there can be a courtyard that covers an extremely large area.Moreover, the tall vermilion gate and the two large stone lions in front of the gate are all full of strong Chinese flavor, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding environment.

"Who would have thought that the gang in China, now overseas, has such a majestic scene?"

Chen Yu was a little emotional.In the previous life, he was just a struggling ordinary person before he met Venerable Qiuyan, and he didn't know this at all.And when he was successful in his cultivation and returned again, things in the martial arts world would have already gone out of his eyes.

"Hey, buddy, why are you standing here stupid?"

At this time, a clear voice made Chen Yu turn his head.

I found a young man in his 20s with a delicate appearance and clever eyes.Looking at himself curiously.

"Damn, I look more handsome than me!"

After seeing Chen Yu's face, the young man was taken aback and cursed in secret.

"You also came to the conference?"

Chen Yu asked.

That humanity said: "Of course, the Qinggang will re-elect the top master today, carry the banner of the Qinggang, and open fire with the European underground world. My dad belongs to the Qinggang. How can I miss this kind of event."

Chen Yu nodded.To survive and grow overseas, the Chinese must have iron and blood, strong strength, especially the underground power of the Qinggang, which is squeezed out by many forces abroad, and they must have sufficient force to deter them before they can stand. Hold your feet.

Du Yuankai, the top master of the Green Gang, was besieged and killed in the Sahara Desert. At this time, if you can't quickly select a figure carrying the big flag, you will definitely be taken advantage of.

"You don't seem to be from the Qing Gang?"

The young man looked at Chen Yu with some doubts.

Chen Yu said, "My name is Chen Yu, I am from China."

The young man laughed.

"It turns out to be a brother from China, my name is Mu Qingxiao. This time, there are several big bosses in China coming to watch the ceremony. By the way, there is a legendary character who will also come from China!"

Mu Qingxiao's eyes shone, and a trace of worship appeared.

"Oh? Who is it?"

Seeing Mu Qingxiao's excitement, Chen Yu was curious.

"He is the legendary first person in the martial arts of China, Chen Wudi! He is my idol, roar!"

Mu Qingxiao shouted excitedly, his face flushed.

Chen Yu was taken aback, looked at Mu Qingxiao and asked, "Well, you don't know what Chen Wudi is called?"

Mu Qingxiao suffocated his breath and scratched his head embarrassedly.

"I only heard of his deeds in the past two days. I only know that he is called Chen Wudi, and I haven't had time to understand his name."

Chen Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes. This was really a real treasure, but to his surprise, he did not expect that he would have gained a small fan from far abroad.

"Hey, today I heard that Chen Wudi will be here. It is said that the big guys in the gang, everyone is very nervous and made it very grand. I don’t know if I have the opportunity to talk to him, even if Just take a look from a distance, that's fine."

Mu Qingxiao's whole person, like an avid fan, is concerned about gains and losses.

Chen Yu smiled, this little guy didn't know yet, what was in front of him was his idol.When Cang Siyuan gave himself an address before, he also agreed on a time, but he came earlier, and Cang Siyuan didn't know that he had already arrived.

Patting Mu Qingxiao on the shoulder, Chen Yu said: "Don't worry, you can definitely talk to him, and there is more than one sentence."

Mu Qingxiao was overjoyed and said: "Haha, although I know it's impossible, I still lend you good words."

"Hehe, Mu Qingxiao, what kind of thing do you want to be able to talk to like Chen Wudi?"

A sarcastic voice came from a distance.

Mu Qingxiao heard the words and looked over, his face suddenly sinking.Chen Yu also looked over.

Opposite the two, a few people were walking over with a smile, the first one, a brand-name suit, and a pair of triangular eyes, full of treacherous.

"Sharda, keep your mouth clean."

Mu Qingxiao said coldly.

Like Mu Qingxiao, Xia Da's father was a cadre in the Qing Gang, but the two had never seen each other, so there was constant friction between Mu Qingxiao and Xia Da.The few people beside Xia Da are all Xia Da's attendants.

After talking about the situation with Chen Yu, Mu Qingxiao said: "This Xia Da is very insidious. You are from China and you are not familiar with the place of your life, so don't provoke him."

Chen Yu smiled, noncommittal.


How could a child catch his eyes.

"Come on, let's go in."

Without paying any attention to Xia Da, Chen Yu turned around and went straight in.

A haze flashed in Xia Da's eyes when Chen Yu ignored him.

"Sir, I'm sorry, you can't go in without an invitation."

Chen Yu was about to walk in when he was stopped by the gatekeeper.

Chen Yu frowned, unexpectedly.In fact, this was also a misunderstanding. After Cang Siyuan made an agreement with Chen Yu last time, he planned to wait for a large number of bigwigs to come out to greet him, but he did not expect that Chen Yu would arrive early.

"Hehe, what kind of character I am, I don't even have an invitation to get started. Mu Qingxiao, what kind of cats and dogs you brought here."

Xia Da's tone was sarcasm.

In addition to the members of the Youth Gang, there were many other forces who came here with invitations, and everyone was well-dressed, which looked extraordinary.

Only Chen Yu, not only has no invitations, but is also very ordinary in dress, which does not fit here.

Xia Da originally thought Chen Yu was some kind of person, but now it seems that he is just a stunned man.

"Dude, you don't have an invitation?"

Mu Qingxiao was also taken aback.

Chen Yu shook his head and said, "I was invited, so there is no invitation."

"Yo? Someone else invited you?"

Xia Da raised her brows and laughed, "Tell me, which servant of my youth gang invited you to come?"

Hearing this, the people around him all burst into laughter.

Chen Yu glanced at Xia Da with a hint of coldness in his eyes, and immediately shocked Xia Da's heart, only feeling that his blood was stagnant and he dared not speak any more.

"How could this guy have such sharp eyes?"

Xia Da was horrified.

Mu Qingxiao also asked, "My buddy, who did you invite?"

Chen Yu said lightly: "Cang Siyuan."


When these words came out, all of them were stunned.

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