Feixue looked at Chen Yu, her eyes burning.

It is precisely because of Chen Yu's sudden birth and a series of previous achievements that have strengthened the country's confidence in the development of martial arts.

It can be said that Chen Yu is the one who opened the door to a new era!

"Master Chen, I must remind you that this time your public lectures may not be so stable. According to our knowledge, some schools that have been hidden before are all staring at me at this moment. I want to make trouble while you are teaching. Things come out."

"With our current strength, it is difficult to completely guarantee your safety."

Feixue couldn't help lowering his head, a little blamed.Now in the Dragon Nest, several adults all have important things in their bodies and cannot show up. Otherwise, with them protecting the law, Chen Yu will definitely not have any problems.

Chen Yu waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "It's okay. I didn't intend to fortify it originally. It would be better if someone came. These people did not even pose their heads in the two wars in the Chinese martial arts world before, and now they come out. What's the use of keeping it for trouble? Kill it but clean it up."

Faintly squeezed a fist, Chen Yu smiled coldly.

"Hua Guo, don't need these cowards."

In the past few days, the Chinese martial arts world is surging.Air tickets and high-speed rail tickets to the northern capital were all sold out.The hotels and hotels near Beidu University are full of dangdang.

"Damn, what is going on, how do I feel these people are so scary?"

The people at the hotel’s front desk, after checking in for the last guest, their calves were a little soft.

Everyone who comes today has an electric gaze and a majestic vigor, which makes people feel a strong sense of oppression at the first glance.

Today, there are nearly 100 such guests!

The same situation also happened in other hotels.

These people are all martial arts masters, at least those of the dark power level.Martial arts masters are courageous and strong in themselves, and ordinary people's eyes are enough to make people feel flustered.In the crowd, it is very conspicuous.

Now because Chen Yu wants to give lectures, he has come from all over the country. It can be said that it is a grand event that has never been seen in the martial arts world in China.

"Grandpa, is Chen Wudi so good? I'm afraid there are dozens of masters I saw today, just above Huajin."

In a hotel suite, a woman in a white exercise suit said in shock.

The old man beside her smiled and said: "Wan'er, Chen Wudi is more powerful than you think. What a great achievement is to teach the world? When this incident is over, all of us in the martial arts world in China, He is half of his disciple. He will become the martial ancestor of our country!"

"In the future, he will be a character like Kong Shengren, destined to be a celebrity forever."

"Your strength is very good, but at the age of twenty-five, you have reached the peak of dark energy, but do you know Chen Wudi's strength?"

The woman shook her head and said, "I heard that he is still a freshman, and now that he is more powerful, he is in the Heavenly God Realm, right?"

The old man shook his head, and said, "Chen Wudi did not step into the Heavenly God Realm, but now his combat power is the best in the world. There are already dozens of Heavenly God Realm powerhouses killed in his hands! "

"What! How could this happen!"

The woman yelled, surprised.

Chen Yu's previous record was nothing more than being circulated in the uppermost circles, and juniors like this woman were simply not qualified to know.

This time it was also because of the rare opportunity that the old man took her with him, hoping that she could gain something.

"Okay, rest assured, this opportunity is incredible. The best lecture in the world, God knows after this time, who has developed into the Chinese martial arts world?"

"The next era will be the era of warriors. Dragons and snakes will rise together. From the state allowing Chen Wudi to lecture at Beidu University this time, we can see that the state has begun to let go of warriors. If you can’t seize the opportunity , The future will definitely be eliminated by the times."

The woman nodded emphatically. That night, in many hotels in Beidu, a pair of eyes were all staring in the direction of Beidu University, and there was an indescribable heat in the eyes.

However, in some exchanges, some people were staring at Beidu University with a slight disdain in their eyes.

"Want to become a saint and be an ancestor? Haha, I haven't asked me whether the Tianluo Tantric Sect could agree."

A bald head wearing a yellow robe sat quietly on the roof of a hotel, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"Chen Wudi, I can't wait to be born. He really thinks that his family is the only one in the Chinese martial arts world? It is arrogant and ridiculous."

On the other side, a handsome man leaned on the top terrace of a tall building, took a sip of red wine, and gently shook his head.

"Greatly hidden in the country, only those who know how to hide the front can live for a long time. Chen Wudi's arrogant appearance will definitely die early."

For a time, the northern capital was full of depressive mania like before the summer rainstorm.

A few days later!


When the sun rises in the early morning, dazzling lights suddenly flashed in the rooms of major hotels, and many masters opened their eyes one after another and woke up from their concentration.

"The time has come!"

In a short period of time, one after another, tall or short, majestic figures walked out of the major hotels and headed to Beidu University.

When many pedestrians saw this scene, they were so frightened that they avoided consciously.

The lecture venue is in the playground of Beidu University.

There were constant martial arts masters, and after they came here, they just sat down, closed their eyes and calmed down, quietly waiting for the class to begin.

Except for the high platform temporarily erected in the middle of the entire playground, other places are already full.


I don't know who said it, everyone's gaze was brushed, they looked over, and then immediately got up and automatically separated a channel.

"I'm good, this is Chen Wudi? Too young, too prestigious."

In a building next to the playground, some young people are gathering there. They are the most talented juniors in their respective families. They were brought to meet the world. Now after seeing Chen Yu, they immediately stared in surprise. eye.

Chen Yu's clothes were nothing but the most common shirts and slacks. How could such a dress look like the best in the world?

But at this moment, as Chen Yu walked, one after another martial arts masters bowed their heads respectfully.

"Master Chen is good."

"Master Chen is good."


One after another, voices echoed in the sky above Beidu University, and a strong sense of awe slowly rose.

"Oh my God, my third uncle never bowed his head, never kneeled to heaven, or kneeled to the ground in his life, and he actually bowed his head actively today!"

"Hi, my father has always regarded heroes in the world as nothing, but now he is so in awe?"

Those young people stared, looking at their elders and their elders, all of them bowed their heads respectfully and expressed their highest respect to Chen Yu.

"This is the highest majesty in the world!"

Wan'er clenched her fists tightly and looked at Chen Yu's eyes with excitement.

In the modern society where science and technology are constantly developing and martial arts are hidden and unobtrusive, many tycoons have appeared together, all bowing their heads!

Such a scene can be called a wonder of the world!

At this time, Chen Yu slowly stepped onto the high platform!

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