
There was a faint noise, and everyone in the meeting room was dead tight. They unconsciously grasped the handle beside them, their buttocks were slightly raised, and their bodies leaned forward slightly.

The representatives of the island country and the cold stick country swallowed their saliva, with a trace of panic that could not be hidden in their eyes.

Standing in front of them is the number one in the world, Chen Wudi.

Under the prestigious reputation, there are no vain people, whether true or not, are the men who stand at the top of the earth's billions of people!

Chen Yu just stood there and glanced casually, which made them feel shocked.If it weren't for the backing of Kaiduo Country, even if they had the courage to come, they would never come.

Zhuang Xinghe and others, standing behind Chen Yu, clenched their fists in excitement.

These small countries, relying on the fact that Kaiduo was behind, always looked like a fox and a tiger.

It’s like a vicious dog, yelling at you a few times, saying, "You hit me, you hit me." When you really want to hit him, just stab him and ran to Beside his master, it was annoying.

When have these people been like this?Are you scared like this just by seeing yourself?

Even Feixue is very worried, but at this moment I have to say, this feeling is really fucking cool!

"Are you that heinous sinner, Chen Yu?"

Hidal looked at Chen Yu, suppressing the shock in his heart and asked.

At her level, she already knew a lot of things, but seeing Chen Yu at this moment was still shocked.

Unexpectedly, this Chen Yu was younger and arrogant than she thought.

No one can be presumptuous in front of our country!

Thinking of this, Hidal sat on the main seat, did not get up, but frowned, his chin slightly raised, with a hint of condescending.

"You sinner, who committed a heinous crime, dare to come so unscrupulously? Why didn't he bring his handcuffs and shackles? That's how you treat such vicious criminals?"

Hidal asked fiercely, and as soon as she came up, she showed her domineering style and directly asked the teacher.

Beside her, after seeing Hidal's attitude, those forces were immediately suppressed and shouted.

"Yes, this kind of inhumane fellow is a shame to humans!"

"How can you allow such people to exist? We express our strong dissatisfaction and condemnation to you!"

"Tie him up! This kind of criminal, I don't know how many crimes he has committed, and must be punished severely by our laws!"


For a time, the entire conference room was noisy.

Zhuang Xinghe and others changed their expressions.Although facing any force alone, they are not afraid of it, even if they are facing the Kaido country, they can also deal with it.

But now there are so many people together, and only when they really face it, do you know how much the pressure is. It is almost like a mountain whistling a tsunami, and it makes people breathless.

"Can Master Chen really withstand this pressure?"

The three of them all looked at Chen Yu, but were stunned to find that Chen Yu's complexion had not changed at all. Facing the clamor of these people, they still carried their hands on their backs, with a slight disdain in their eyes.

"Noisy! Shut up!"

A word came out, suddenly like thunder in summer, it blasted directly in everyone's ears.

Chen Yu used a special vocal technique in his voice, which was even more shocking than the roar of a Buddhist lion. In just one moment, it quieted the crowd who had just been clamoring.

One person, one word, suppress all voices!

Hidal's complexion also changed, feeling the mighty power emanating from Chen Yu's body, and his body tightened.

Beside Hidal, the two accompanying people, wearing black suits and black sunglasses, had been silent before and glanced at Chen Yu at this moment.There was a hint of surprise in the eyes covered by the sunglasses.

"If an old woman dare to convict me? What are you?"

The corners of Chen Yu's mouth turned up, and his fluent English made Hidal even more gloomy.No one has ever dared to humiliate her so much in front of so many people.

But after all, she was not an ordinary person, and she didn't bother with this issue. She straightened her collar and looked at Zhuang Xinghe.

"What a rude guy. We are here today, not to quarrel with you. We will go through the transfer formalities immediately. I will take him to our military court to be tried by our law."

Looking down at his watch, Hidal looked like ice.

"You still have 2 hours."

After speaking, Hidal never looked at Chen Yu again, and completely regarded Chen Yu as nothing.

Zhuang Xinghe looked cold, and Hidal was so aggressive, which made him very unhappy, but after all she represented the Kaiduo country. Although she wanted to kill this old woman in her heart, Zhuang Xinghe didn't dare to overstate her face.

As for the reception officials just now, they smiled bitterly.

Chen Yu looked at Hidal and smiled coldly.

"I also tell you, there are two hours, you must all leave, otherwise, you will stay forever."


Everyone was shocked and they all looked at Chen Yu in a daze. He, he dare to threaten them?Could it be that he still wants to kill them here?

When I think of this, everyone has a tingling scalp.

Even the three of Zhuang Xinghe were frightened by Chen Yu.This is more than a dozen strengths, and one carelessness can even cause global turmoil!

This courage is going to break the sky!

Hidal glanced at Chen Yu, but didn't care at all, still looking at Zhuang Xinghe.Chen Yu's words seemed to her to be nothing more than bluffs and weak threats.

"I hope you young people in China can be quieter when we are talking."

Hidal looked arrogant, sitting on the main seat, gracefully tilting a Erlang's legs, the toes of her shoes were still shaking up and down, and the corners of her mouth had a thick sneer.

In her eyes, Chen Yu's title of No. 1 in the world is just a deliberate attempt by the dark web to attract everyone's attention.Otherwise, pulling out a top powerhouse from their mysterious research institute would be enough to kill Chen Yu!

No. 1 in the world, it's just a target!

And beside her, the two men in black who had been silent for a long time were the strong men in the Mystery Research Institute, who had been protecting themselves closely, which was why she dared to ignore Chen Yu.

Zhuang Xinghe's eyes widened, an anger surged into his heart, his fists clenched angrily, and his hands were pale.

Both Feixue and Hanying's expressions were extremely cold.

The three of them were restraining themselves with all their strength and did not break out on the spot.

After seeing the three people, the others looked at each other and all laughed.

Nothing has changed, it is still the same as before, in front of them, everything must be bowed.


A crisp sound surprised everyone.

Chen Yu flashed like a ghost, appeared in front of Hidal, slapped her directly, and slapped her off the main seat, and fell to the ground.

Chen Yu slowly sat down and looked down at Hidal with a dull face, his expression indifferent and merciless.

"Old woman, it's you. Be quiet. You are not qualified to sit in this seat."

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