When the Five Sacred Mountains return, don’t look at the mountains, and when Huangshan returns, don’t look at the mountains.

This is what the ancients said about Huangshan. As a famous mountain in the world, there are so many people who travel to Huangshan every year.

"Everyone, follow the team, we will make the cable car up the mountain soon. Huangshan has four wonders, they are..."

At the foot of Huangshan Mountain, tourist buses stopped there. Tourists from all over the country walked up the mountain with excitement under the guidance of the tour guide.

Among these people, Chen Yu raised his head and looked at the majestic Huangshan, unable to help but squint.

According to various textual research and ancient pictures, the practitioner's cave is located under the cliff behind Guangmingding, one of the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain.

Let's go up the mountain first.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu stepped out directly and walked up the mountain.

"Everyone must be careful. The roads of Huangshan are not easy to walk, and the way to climb the mountain must be slower."

Halfway up the mountain, a tour guide with a horn pinned to his waist was reminding everyone in his team.

"Fuck, this mountain road is too steep, it can't even walk normally. I think it is Xiao Li, he is a sportsman, and he can walk faster."

A middle-aged man in the team looked at a young man beside him with a tone of envy.

"That's right, Xiao Li has such a good physical fitness. If he hadn't taken care of our old arms and legs, he would have trot up."

"That's right, Brother Li is so amazing."

The others in this team all said enviously, and among them were some young women who all looked at this Xiao Li in admiration.

Upon hearing this, Xiao Li showed a deep smug look on his face.

"It's nothing, after all, I have won many track and field championships in the province, and long-term fitness. It is normal that you can't keep up with me. In fact, if I am not selfish, if I give my full strength, I will climb Huangshan Among so many people, there are probably none who can keep up with me."


At this moment, Chen Yu swept past him directly, like a gust of wind.

"Fuck, who was that person just now, why is it so fast?" Everyone was shocked.

"Little, Xiao Li, does that person seem to be faster than you?"

Seeing Chen Yu leaving behind, everyone was completely stunned.Where is this mountain climbing?Even running on flat ground is not so fast.

Xiao Li's face was embarrassed for a while, and he just showed up in front of everyone, only to be beaten in the face.

"He, he is not safe, and climbing is a long-lasting thing. He will definitely not last long like this. Look at me, I have a full burst now, and I can catch up with him in just a few moments."

Xiao Li argued loudly, and the speed was a lot faster than before.But what made him desperate was that after only a few minutes, he couldn't even see Chen Yu's shadow.

And Chen Yu at this moment, among the many mountain climbers, looks so different.

Everyone who climbs the mountain is panting, slow as a snail.

But Chen Yu was trotting all the way, fast, often just in the blink of an eye, and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

"Fuck, this guy is so strong?"

"Little youth is great. If I were thirty years younger, his speed would not be much slower than him."

Along the way, everyone was amazed.

Chen Yu didn't care about these at all, he just wanted to get to the top of the mountain earlier.In fact, if he weren't afraid of being too shocking, his speed could be more than ten times faster than now.

To Huangshan, which is difficult for ordinary people to climb, it makes no difference to him peacefully.

"En? That person, is it a warrior of China?"

At this moment, the three sturdy, blond and blue-eyed big men with bulging bags, all their expressions flashed after seeing Chen Yu, which was very unexpected.

"Will he affect our plan?" one of them asked.

The leader is a bald, and shook his head lightly.

"It should be just a coincidence. This time it is extremely difficult for us to find that place. A warrior, it is not very possible to find there. But in order to prevent accidents, we have to speed up."

Looking at each other, all three of them stepped on their feet, and the speed of the whole person has doubled!

"Fuck, what is this? Who is going to race fast?"

After seeing this scene, someone exaggeratedly shouted.

Within an hour, Chen Yu had already come to the top of Guangming.Looking around at this moment, all are boundless seas of clouds, tumbling and stirring under the sun, magnificent.Many tourists are taking pictures here.

"That cave mansion, could it be under this sea of ​​clouds?"

Chen Yu glanced around and found no clues, and finally focused on the cliff behind Guangmingding.

"You don't love me! You won't even buy me a candied haws!"

At this time, a crying female voice rang beside Chen Yu.

Turning his head and looking around, he saw a pair of young lovers who were tumulting.The cause was that the girls fell in love with a candied haws, but the boys didn't buy it.

"Yueyue, I swear to this sea of ​​clouds, I love you!"

"You nonsense, if you love me, then you just jump from here?"

The girl yelled unreasonably, and the little boy's face instantly fell.

Jump into the sea of ​​clouds?Isn't he stupid?

Everyone looked at these two people, all smiled and shook their heads.

The young people nowadays are too willful.

"Look, what is he doing?!"

At this moment, someone suddenly pointed at Chen Yu and yelled in horror.

I saw Chen Yu walking slowly to the edge of the cliff at this moment, standing still and staring at the entire sea of ​​clouds.Afterwards, he suddenly jumped!The whole person plunged directly into the sea of ​​clouds!

"Fuck, someone has jumped! Someone has jumped!"

All of a sudden, many tourists roared in fright, watching the place where Chen Yu disappeared.

A young man jumped into the sea of ​​clouds in public on the top of Huangshan Mountain. The impact of this kind of thing is simply too great.

The discussion came and went one after another. Some people said it was because of love, some people said it was too stressful at work, and some people said it was forced by family to marry too tight.

There was everything, and some people sighed even more. They didn't prepare the camera in advance and took this scene.

The little couple just watched this scene blankly, completely frightened.

"Yueyue, you, do you want me to jump into the sea of ​​clouds?"

"No, don't jump anymore, we have to do a good job jumping into the sea of ​​clouds, it is really terrifying."

The girl, holding her little boyfriend, looked at the place where Chen Yu had just jumped down, with a pity on her face.This is how much stimulation it takes to jump into the sea of ​​clouds.

Chen Yu didn't expect that in order to find the cultivator's cave, he jumped from the top of the mountain, but unexpectedly made the couple reconcile.

Among the crowd, the three foreigners just now all had their complexions changed drastically, looking solemnly at the place where Chen Yu had just jumped down, then the three of them glanced at each other and all nodded.Let's walk to the place where Chen Yu just jumped.

Huh!With a jump, the three of them jumped down at the same time!

"Fuck it, jumped again! Jumped again!!! This time it's the fucking three jumping! And it's all fucking men!!!"

On the top of the light, the sound of horror, mixed with a trace of absurdity, resounded through the audience.

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