"Good punch!"

Seeing Gu Tianzong's attack, Ling Yuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

He has also practiced martial arts, and it is natural to see that Gu Tianzong's punch is exactly the cannon punch in the Xingyi Five Elements Fist. It is like a meteor, its momentum, strength, and speed are unparalleled, just like a cannonball out of the chamber. People are terrified.

Ling Lan also held his fist excitedly.

Only Chen Yu shook his head lightly.


A fist hit Ivan Mauris' stomach, and Gu Tianzong suddenly shrank his pupils, completely unable to believe it.

His punch was enough to smash a rockery, and now he hit the opponent, but the opponent didn't even move?

"Hello? Did you not eat?"

Ivan Maurice lowered his head and laughed.

"Get out of here!"

With a slammed palm from the side, Maurice's palm, in the process of moving, became bigger and bigger, and it was twice as big in an instant, bringing a strong wind pressure.

"My God, how did his hands become so big?!" Su Yimo said in surprise.

Chen Yu smiled, "This is a Russian technique, similar to Shaolin's qi and blood transport. It can gather the blood and internal forces of the whole body in one place in a very short time, greatly increasing the lethality."


When Ling Lan heard Chen Yu's words, he was a little surprised. This guy actually knows so much?

While in the field, Gu Tianzong was shocked when he saw the opponent's attack, his whole body exploded with blood, he roared, his feet slammed on the ground, as if swinging two big hammers, his fists slammed into The palm of Ivan Maurice.


With a dull sound, Gu Tianzong screamed, and he flew out, plowing two deep gullies on the ground with his feet.

After standing still, Gu Tianzong's hands were hanging on his sides, shaking constantly, and he could see from a distance that Gu Tianzong's wrist had been slowly deformed.

With just one blow, Gu Tianzong's hands lost their combat power!

Gu Tianzong looked at Maurice with amazement in his eyes.

"This, how is this possible!"

Ling Ao grabbed the railing and leaned forward suddenly, staring at him, completely unable to believe it.

"Even, Master Gu, isn't Lao Maozi's opponent?"

Ling Yuan shook his body and took two or three steps back, his face pale.

Ling Lan stared at her eyes, she couldn't believe it. After a long time, she suddenly shook her body and took Chen Yu's arm.

"You asked him to come back before, and you will definitely win, right? Go and save him now, or he will be killed."

Chen Yu looked at Ling Lan coldly, and said, "Why should I save him? Since he is in the ring, he should be ready to die. I will kill that person, but I have to wait for the end of this event."


Ling Lan was taken aback, not knowing what to say.

However, Ling Ao stared at Chen Yu, full of anger.

"Xiao Lan, you don't ask him, he is just scared, just making excuses for himself! How dare he go to the ring because of his young age? He is just a fool!"

Chen Yu didn't pay much attention to Ling Ao's words, still leaning against the wall, holding his hands, his expression indifferent.

On the ring, Ivan Maurice laughed.

"Hua Guo, I give you a chance, now kneel in front of me and say three times that Chinese warriors are useless dogs, I will only scrap your limbs and let you make a living."


When a word came out, the audience boiled and cursed.

Maurice glanced around and suddenly roared like a raging mad bear, instantly suppressing all sounds.Everyone's complexion changed, and the clamor just now disappeared without a trace.

Everyone looked at Maurice with horror in their eyes.

Maurice glanced around, smiled coldly, and spit heavily, and said, "A group of cowards."

Turning his head to look at Gu Tianzong, he asked, "How about? Life and death, you choose yourself."

Gu Tianzong let out a low growl, with blue veins jumping on his forehead, looking at Maurice, his eyes were full of blood.

"I am a Chinese warrior, there are only heroes who stand dead, and no cowards who live on their knees! You remember, my name is Gu Tianzong, even if he is dead, he won't give you the fucking boy kneel down!"

Maurice grinned grimly.

"In that case, I'll break your leg, I don't think you will kneel down!"

Maurice was about to do it, and everyone at the scene felt tight, and the three Ling family's hearts flinched.

"and many more!"

With a faint sip, Maurice's hand paused.


Looking suspiciously at the source of the sound, he saw a handsome young man leaning against the wall next to the three of the Ling family. He slowly stood up straight, came downstairs and walked towards the ring. Come.

"You, what are you doing?" Ling Lan asked in a daze.

Chen Yu glanced at Ling Lan and said, "Go kill."


Ling Yuan and Ling Ao looked at Chen Yu, completely stunned, and then they shook their bodies and immediately reacted.

"Is he crazy! That's someone that even Master Gu can't deal with! How could he be so impulsive that he was excited by Lao Maozi to fight! Let him come back!"

Ling Yuan shouted, Chen Yu was here to help after all, although he was a little arrogant, he wouldn't die.

But Ling Lan did not move.

She had a strong hunch that this young man might really be a master!

"What are you doing? Hurry up! Lao Maozi, your opponent is me, don't do anything to him!"

Seeing Chen Yu actually stepping into the ring, Gu Tianzong shouted.

Chen Yu smiled faintly and didn't care.

"Based on what you said just now, I won't let you die."

While Gu Tianzong was stunned, Chen Yu had already walked to his side.

"It's over, it's over now!"

Ling Yuan closed his eyes and his heart became cold.

Maurice raised his brows and said with disdain: "Hua's little milk dog? I will kill him first, then you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Maurice fisted fiercely and went straight to Gu Tianzong's head.


At the next moment, everyone was taken aback.

"This, this is!"

Ling Yuan and Ling Ao both stared at the scene in front of them, unable to believe them.Ling Lan's eyes exploded, her whole body trembling with excitement.

"He did it, he really did it!"

On the ring, Gu Tianzong stared at the front blankly, Maurice's huge fist was no more than ten centimeters away from the tip of his nose.But it can no longer move forward.

And everything is because a white hand is holding Maurice's thick wrist, like iron tongs, making the opponent completely immobile!

"This, how is this possible?!"

Maurice's mind was blank, and he couldn't believe the scene before him. Why is such a thin young man so strong?

"I said, I won't let him die. Why don't you believe it? Huh?"

With a sudden force, there was a clicking sound, and Maurice screamed frantically, and Chen Yu's entire wrist was completely pinched and deformed!


With a faint drink, Chen Yu casually waved his hand, and Maurice flew out directly and hit the railing on the second floor heavily!

"Oh my God! Who is this young man! Why is it so powerful?"

"Here, this ancient Overlord of Western Chu is not as strong as him?"

Everyone was in a commotion.

The Ling family trio and Gu Tianzong all stared blankly at the scene in front of them, their minds blank.

This young man is really a master?


At this moment, a roar sounded, and Maurice leaped sharply and jumped onto the ring again. His whole body suddenly soared to more than three meters high, his skin was blood red, and a large amount of steam rose up.

"Little bastard, I want you to die!!!"

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