The Supreme God Reincarnated in the City

Chapter 590 You Said I Dare To Kill You?

Everyone knows that the boardroom on the top floor of Xiancao Group is divided into two rooms, inside and outside, and except for the major directors, people are not allowed to enter and leave at will.Even the middle-level leaders of Xiancao Group are not qualified.

But at this moment, at the top level, many middle-level leaders of Xiancao Group, all gathered outside the boardroom door, wanting to see what happened inside.

"I'm Cao, the prince is really too fierce, and I got on with Du Chengjun as soon as I got up, it's really amazing!" Someone was standing outside.Said excitedly.

Just now, Chen Yu dragged Du Cheng all the way up the elevator, which shocked the entire Xiancao Group.Especially Du Cheng's miserable appearance of constantly screaming and cursing, it made everyone's gossip heart burn.

So even at the risk of being deducted, they want to see what happened.

But after Chen Yu just entered, he closed the door to the outside room, so everyone didn't know what happened inside.

"Hey, don't you know how fierce the prince is. That Du Cheng got involved with the prince because of the job application, but the prince shot directly, dozens of slaps, and kept hitting him. Picture, tut tut."

A middle-level person kept shaking his head and sighed with emotion, as if in aftertaste, immediately made everyone exclaim.

Some middle-level leaders also looked worried, "Now the Du family, father and son, are very noisy in the group. If the prince does this, I am afraid it will cause a very bad chain reaction."

"Hmph, what are you afraid of, just do it if you refuse to accept it. I have long been uncomfortable with Du Chengcheng. He is clearly at the same level as us. As a result, we are all like his little brother. Now I want to fight for power with the chairman. , The prince is playing well!"

Everyone was talking about it outside the door.

But in the meeting room inside, it was a dead end at the moment.

"Little feather!"

Seeing Chen Yu appearing here at this time, Chen Taiyi and Wu Nianzhi both shouted in surprise.

Although they do not believe that their son will be killed, as parents, they still have a trace of worry in their hearts when they hear Du Fei say that Chen Yu is dead.

But now, these worries have all disappeared.

But Du Fei and others all stood up with a bang, everyone's face was full of shock.As for the bodyguards behind the few people, all of them shook their bodies suddenly, like cats, their waists were arched, their hands touched their waists, and they were on guard.

"Chen, Chen Wudi, why are you here? And, you? You are Xiaocheng?!"

Du Fei stared at Du Cheng, but he didn't recognize it for a while.The dozen or so slaps of Chen Yu just now slapped Du Cheng's face without even knowing his father!

Chen Yu smiled coldly and flicked with one hand at random, like throwing trash, and threw Du Cheng in front of Du Fei, ignoring Du Fei's few people, but walked to the side of Mrs. Chen and his wife with a smile.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I worried you."

Chen Taiyi laughed and was in a good mood.

"I knew that my son, Chen Taiyi, would never be killed! I am not worried about you."

Wu Nianzhi glanced at Chen Taiyi in a sideline, and said, "You have to stop, I don't know who it is. He hides in the study every night, peeking at the photos of Xiaoyu when he was a child, and grinning silly."

Mrs. Chen's face was rarely red, and he smiled.There is no majesty of the chairman of Xiancao Group.

Chen Yu was taken aback, looking at Chen Taiyi, with a soft smile on his face.

"Dad, Mom, with me, you, absolutely nothing will happen!"

After speaking firmly, Chen Yu turned his head and looked at Du Fei and the others. The gentleness just disappeared instantly, and a thick murderous intent overflowed in his eyes!

"Dad, kill this kid! He dared to beat me just now! Fuck I want this kid to die!"

Du Cheng roared bitterly, his eyes red.

"To shut up!"

With a violent roar, Du Cheng was immediately stunned. Turning his head, Du Cheng was surprised to find that his father's face turned pale at this moment, and his whole body was shaking slightly!

Not only Du Fei, but the others, all looked solemn.

How could this happen?Those foreigners, he clearly remembered how arrogant and dismissive of the Chinese people when he saw them, even if it was his father, they did not have much respect.

But now, just because of Chen Yu's turn around, he was shocked?!

"Dad, you, what's the matter with you? Who is he?"

Du Cheng has realized at this moment that Chen Yu's identity may have far exceeded his imagination.


Du Fei smiled bitterly. He had never told his son that although the Xiancao Group was owned by Chen Taiyi, in fact, the real boss behind it was Chen Taiyi's son, Chen Yu!

If it hadn't been for someone to tell him, Chen Yu would have died under siege in Siyahai.How dare he join forces with Kaiduo Country, European Union, and domestic enterprises to force Gong Chen Taiyi together?

But unexpectedly, Chen Yu didn't die!

Thinking of Chen Yu's methods, Du Fei's scalp was numb, he couldn't help but swallowed, calmed himself, and pulled out a smile.

"Chen, Chen Wudi, all these are misunderstandings. You, don't care."


Du Cheng was stunned. His father was actually subdued?

Chen Yu narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed, and glanced at the agreement on the table.

"Misunderstanding? Is this also a misunderstanding?"

Du Fei suffocated his breath and said, "I will give you an explanation for this matter."

Chen Yu shook his head and scanned the crowd in front of him.

"I don't need you to give me this explanation, I will take it. Since I dare to threaten my parents and still want to seize the Xiancao Group, today, you don't want to step out of this room."


Chen Yu took a step forward, Du Fei and others were all startled, their scalp numb.

"Chen Yu, do you want to kill people here? Okay! If you bring the seeds, then come and kill me! Dad, don't be afraid, he must be threatening us! I don't believe it, he dares in broad daylight Kill us."

Du Cheng yelled frantically.

"Xiaocheng, hurry up!"

Du Fei was taken aback and hurriedly shouted, but it was too late!


With a faint sip, Chen Yu waved his fingers, and a golden light flashed across the room. Du Cheng was clutching his throat, looking at Chen Yu's eyes full of disbelief.

"You, you fucking, actually, actually, move, hand."

Puff through.

Du Cheng fell directly to the ground. Even though he was dead, his eyes were still staring, full of shock, as if he couldn't believe that Chen Yu actually killed himself.


Du Fei roared in grief and indignation, his eyes were immediately red, staring at Chen Yu, his teeth clattering.

"Chen, Wu, enemy!"

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