
Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and never expected that this would happen.

But then, Yin Ran and others laughed slowly.

"Hehe, Master Chen is really lucky. You don't need to do anything. Just follow Lu Hong's statement and repeat it to pass the level. But Master Chen must be careful, don't make mistakes, or you will fail."

Yin Ran looked at Chen Yu and laughed.

Lu Hong laughed too.

"Master Chen rest assured, I won't say that you plagiarized, you can repeat what I said. Even if it is a tie between us. Rest assured, I won't mind."

Having said this, the many orcs all laughed, feeling that Chen Yu's luck was really good.

But the three people on the side looked gloomy and very ugly.

"Master Chen, it's not easy to do. Even if Master Chen can really see these mistakes, he will put a plagiarized name, and if he doesn't say it, he will be considered as lacking. Even if it is necessary to change. The deputy Danfang will also be considered scared, so he won't please."

To say it is to imitate, not to say it is to be afraid of making excuses.

Such a dilemma is simply unacceptable.

While Yin Ran and others were proud, Chen Yu sneered.

"The mistake you pointed out just now doesn't make sense, and it deserves me to imitate?"


Lu Hong smiled stiffly, his face immediately sank.

"You said my statement was wrong? Huh, that's ridiculous!"

"The inheritance of the alchemy here has a total of 3,241 alchemy recipes. I have read each alchemy recipe no less than ten times. I have read the alchemy recipes of the broken star pill more than a hundred times. , My back is flowing! Even with my eyes closed, I know what went wrong."

Taking a step out, Lu Hong raised his neck, his hands behind his back, staring at Chen Yu, his eyes sharp.

"You said my shit doesn't make sense? You, where do you get your confidence!"

When the orcs saw Lu Hong look like this, they all clamored to cheer for Lu Hong, and Yin Ran and the others were even more proud. In this round, they were finally able to suppress Chen Wudi!

As for the three people before, they were pale.

"Now, Master Chen might really lose!"

Turning his head to look at Chen Yu, only to find that Chen Yu just smiled faintly, not caring about Lu Hong.

"Where is the confidence, I will tell you now, where does my confidence come from!"

With a big wave, Chen Yu looked at the alchemy wall and spoke quickly.

"In the first place, you said that cinnabar should be changed from 2 coins to 3 coins, wrong! But to 4 coins!"

"Secondly, you said that there is a lack of blind medicinal materials, wrong! But there is an extra medicinal material, former pasture."

"The third place..."


"Forty-third place, when the pill is condensed, you can't use the spring water from heaven and earth to irrigate, but burn it with real fire!"

With a sigh of relief, Chen Yu directly said forty-three mistakes. Not only did he overthrow all the prescriptions Lu Hong said earlier, but he also pointed out forty-three mistakes again!

"This, is this true?"

The three of them looked at Chen Yu, their eyes widened.

"I, I don't know. I haven't even heard of these things Master Chen said. What kind of flames are there? Does this kind of thing really exist?"

Many orcs looked at each other, confused.

Yin Ran looked at Chen Yu with surprise and uncertainty.

I don't know if what Chen Yu said is right or wrong.

Catwoman and Hei Yan glanced at each other, and they unexpectedly agreed. They swallowed their saliva. From each other's eyes, there was a deep anxiety.

I'm afraid what Chen Yu said is true!

"No, it's absolutely impossible! I did exactly what Dan Fang said, you are just talking nonsense, absolutely incorrect!"

At this time, Lu Hong stared his eyes and roared fiercely, his anger widened, full of anger.

"Yes, Lu Hong's memory will never go wrong! I don't believe what Lu Hong said are all wrong!"

"I also think it's impossible. Just now, Lu Hong achieved an eight-star result, which shows that Lu Hong's answer is correct and absolutely not wrong!"

All the elders present expressed their opinions.The more they said, the more certain they believed that what Chen Yu said was wrong!

Chen Yu smiled faintly, his eyes staring sharply.

"Shit pill, is it worthy to show off in front of me?"

"what did you say!"

Lu Hong glared sharply. Just as he was about to refute, a thick golden light burst out of the entire alchemy wall, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Then everyone was shocked to see that on the alchemy wall, the nine stars kept shining non-stop, and then with a bang, the whole alchemy wall exploded directly!

"This, what's going on?"

When many orcs saw this scene, they were all stunned.I don't understand at all, how could this happen.

However, Yin Ran and many other elders stared at the fragments of the alchemy wall, and their pupils kept shaking.


Lu Hong knelt on the ground abruptly, his eyes were lost, and he muttered to himself with his mouth open.

"According to the ancient records, only all the errors in the alchemy prescription are found out, and the alchemy wall is destroyed if it exceeds the detection range of the alchemy wall! I always thought it was a legend, but it turned out! It really happened!"

Upon hearing this, Yin Ran and others' faces were already gloomy.

One is only eight stars, and the other has found all the mistakes. The gap in this is really too big!

It's clear at a glance who wins and who loses!

A deep wry smile appeared on the faces of Catwoman and Hei Yan.

Sure enough, their principal won without any suspense!

It's just the two of them, but they can't be happy.

"I, we lost!"

Yin Ran looked at Chen Yu and said dejectedly. She never expected that apart from forging, even Pill Dao and Chen Yu would have such accomplishments.

Following Yin Ran's words, the three people beside Chen Yu let out a long sigh, followed by joy.

There were many orcs against the audience, but morale plummeted.The two elders of my own family used what they are best at to deal with Chen Wudi, but they both lost?

Hearing Yin Ran's words, Chen Yu smiled faintly, waved with one hand, and spoke domineeringly as many orcs watched.

"You, who else will come? I give him a defeat!"


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and all the orcs roared, surging with Chen Yu's arrogance.

"I'm not convinced, I want to compare calligraphy and painting with you!"

"I'm not convinced, I want to try the tea ceremony with you!"

"I want to test the rhythm with you!"


Many elders appeared one after another.I have to say that in this ancient relic, there are so many inheritances preserved, and these orcs know all kinds of things.

The three people next to Chen Yu were completely stunned when they saw this. They had no idea that these orcs would even try these things!

But only an hour later, the many orcs who were clamoring for the competition just now all knelt on the ground with a look of frustration.

With so many competitions, Chen Yu won!

Yin Ran knelt on the ground, looking at Chen Yu, biting his lip, panting slightly, mists of water in his eyes and infinite sadness on his face.

"You, you beast!"

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