All the boxes were shocked, and the price increased directly from 100 million to 1 billion!

This is to announce to everyone that that person is bound to win this Jiuhaoyang Stone!

Everyone is silent at the moment. They are not stupid. They can raise the price to one billion in one go. It is definitely not something ordinary people can do. There is no need to fight with each other.

Among the several boxes, the people who were originally interested in Jiu Hao Yangshi, after weighing them repeatedly at this moment, all shook their heads and gave up directly.

And in one of the boxes, Zang Sheng and Zang Yuanba, looking at Jiuhao Yangshi at the moment, their eyes were full of heat.

"Asheng, with these Nine Haoyang Stones, your strong horned demon battle body will rise to the next level. By then, no one will be your opponent in the entire Thunder Star Territory!"

Zang Yuanba smiled faintly.

"I am the richest side of the Demon Clan, and this time I directly increased the price to 1 billion. There must be no one, more proud than us. The Jiuhao Yangshi is ours!"

Zang Sheng smiled and nodded, turning his head and looking at the big screen, the triumph on his face instantly turned into shock.

"How is this possible?"

I saw that on the screen, someone bid 2 billion!Raise the price directly by one billion!

"Damn it, who is it!"

Seeing this scene, Zang Yuanba's complexion changed drastically, and then his face suddenly became gloomy. Unexpectedly, someone would compete with them for the Jiuhaoyang Stone, and he was so overbearing that he would directly raise the price by one billion!

This move also shocked all the boxes.

"What? I thought that the man was already fierce enough just now, but I didn't expect that now, another fiercer one came out!"

"This, this is really horrible. Although Jiuhao Yang Stone is very rare, it is not worth the price. Who is that person? Is it possible that the family has a mine?"

"It's interesting now. I didn't expect that the two of them would hit the bar for a piece of Jiuhaoyang Stone. It seems that this is definitely not the final price!"

It was Chen Yu who made the bid!

The Jiuhao Yangshi is related to the forging of the emperor's sacred body, even if he pays a great price, he will definitely win it!

As for 2 billion?

For Chen Yu, this is nothing at all. All the way, his current wealth has already surpassed tens of billions of Starcoins, making him an absolute rich man.

"Master Bu, want Jiuhao Yangshi?"

After seeing this scene, Mo Zhaonu was suddenly surprised, and then she left the auction site directly and went backstage.At the auction site, another staff member was responsible.

At this time, another number appeared on the big screen.

Three billion!

The bright numbers shook everyone's heart, making the big brothers in each box dumbfounded and staring.

"This, this, how can it be so scary!"

"These two people are not bidding anymore, but they are completely up for the sake of face."

Three billion!

Such a terrifying price makes everyone stunned.

Zang Yuanba stood up in the box, looked at the big screen, his eyes were red, bloodstained in it, like a crazy gambler, yelling at the screen.

"Fuck, you're going to follow it again! I must take money to kill you this time! Dare to snatch things with us from the Demon Clan, it's just looking for death! Even if it's that absolute man, it is not Lao Tzu's opponent when it comes to money. !"

With spit splashing, Zang Yuanba was already hysterical.

But the next moment, the screen seemed to know his mind, and it really did as he wanted, and a number popped up!

Four billion!

"My Cao!!!"

Zang Yuanba cursed, the blue veins on his forehead jumped, almost slapped the entire screen with an angry slap.

I want you to follow, you fucking really follow!Why are you so obedient!

At this moment, in his heart, Zang Yuanba had already cursed the other party.

Cangsheng looked at Zang Yuanba from the side, his expression hesitant.

"Or, let's give up, otherwise, all of our money will be spent on this."

give up?

Zang Yuanba roared and said: "Never give up! You are the only member of our Strong Horn Demon clan who has the opportunity to train into the Strong Horn Demon battle body. It is our family's hope for the future! This stone must never fall. Into someone else's hands! Who does he have more money than? I'm just like him!"

five billion!

Cang Yuanba’s offer has once again refreshed everyone’s cognition!

But before they could react, the screen jumped again.

Six billion!

Subsequently, the numbers staggered to 10 billion in a moment!

At this moment, Zang Yuanba and Zang Sheng were already breathing in a mess, and their entire faces were flushed, like a bullfight.

"Dad, this is all our money. If we buy this stone, we will never have the opportunity to buy other things. And spending 5 billion, even on the black market, should make everyone crazy. Look for it. Jiuhaoyang Stone, after all, is not unique, so I must be able to buy it."


Cangsheng's words were like a basin of cold water, poured directly on Zang Yuanba's head, making him clever and completely reacted.

Just now, the two parties seemed to be in a grudge. They directly increased the price to more than tens of billions. There was almost no reaction time. Now that they thought about it, they realized that the price was still ridiculously high before they knew it!

"Yes, yes, yes! You are right! Mommy Lao Tzu was also confused, and he added 10 billion. Don't worry about it. After the other party makes an offer, we won't follow.

Cang Yuanba looked at the big screen, just waiting for the numbers to beat, and he was afraid.

At the same time, in the Jiuding box, Chen Yu was already ready to press the button for quotation.

He has no shortage of money, even if he uses tens of billions to crush the opponent, what about it?

When I was about to press it, there was a sudden jump on the big screen, and the screen switched to Mo Zhaonu's screen.

"Sir, are you trying to obtain the Jiuhaoyang Stone?"

The reason why Mo Zhaonu left the auction just now was to contact Chen Yu.

Hearing what Mo Zhaonu said, Chen Yu paused and nodded.

"Yes, Jiuhao Yang Stone is of great use to me, and I am bound to get it."

Mo Zhaonu smiled, and said, "The price of the auction now far exceeds the actual value of the Jiuhao Yangshi. Why should you spend so much energy on doing this kind of thing? If your husband needs it, I have a big gift here, which can be given to Mr.

Chen Yu raised his brows, "What kind of gift?"

Mo Zhaonu smiled and said, "When we got the Jiuhao Yangshi before, we also got a stone, the Jiuhao Yanjing! It’s just the Jiuhao Yangshi that we released at this auction, sir. If necessary, I can give Jiuhao Yanjing to Mr.!"


Chen Yu's expression changed when he heard Jiuhao Yanjing, he was surprised, it turned out to be Jiuhao Yanjing!To him, that was something better than Jiuhao Yangshi!In forging your own emperor dragon sacrament, the effect is even better!

Slowly putting down the bidder in his hand, Chen Yu laughed.

"Interesting, very interesting."

At this moment, Zang Yuanba in the other box, looking at the big screen, waiting for the changes to be seen!

But the big screen, no, yes, change!

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