The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 972】 The cultivation level is improved and the strength is greatly increased.


spn Huan Tian had already reached the limit of a second-level emperor after absorbing Wei Xiaonan's cultivation. It felt like it wouldn't be long before he could break through again and become a third-level emperor.

Now that he has absorbed Wei Zhenyu's cultivation, Xuantian feels that his spiritual body is being nourished by life potential, and he already has a feeling of bursting, as if he is about to break through immediately.

Xuantian was overjoyed. It had only been about four months since he became a second-level emperor, and now he could break through to a third-level emperor. During this trip to the Beihai Ancient Ruins, he not only gained a large number of teleportation talismans and emperor-level Spiritual sword cultivation is also very rewarding.

It seems that the effect of the emperor-level Yin Ming** is still very powerful.

Ignoring the emperor-level spiritual sword on the ground, Xuantian immediately sat on the ground, preparing to attack the barrier of the second-level emperor, and stepped into the realm of the third-level emperor with a burst of energy. [

After all, you are absorbing other people's cultivation. Although cultivation is fast, breaking through the barrier is much more difficult than your own cultivation.

It feels as if the spiritual body is about to burst and a breakthrough is imminent, but it is still relatively difficult to really break through to the third level emperor.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed, and Xuantian no longer felt the feeling of bursting in his body. All the extra energy seemed to be consumed when he hit the realm barrier, but he still failed to break through that barrier.

Xuantian ate a three-thousand-year-old elixir and continued to attack.

Another day passed.

The impact for three consecutive days and nights finally had an effect. Suddenly, Xuantian's heart moved and his body trembled slightly.

The Gang Yuan in the body suddenly became unblocked as if a valve had been opened.

Xuantian's spiritual body, nourished by Bu Duan and strengthened by Bu Duan, finally changed quantitatively and qualitatively, from the peak of the fourth level to the limit of the fourth level.

Xuantian's cultivation has improved to a higher level and he has become a third-level emperor.

A person lives in seclusion and practices asceticism. As expected, the gains were not as great as those gained from wandering outside. The time it took Xuantian to go from the second-level emperor to the third-level emperor was two months shorter than the time from the first-level emperor to the second-level emperor.


Xuantian let out a long breath. With a breakthrough in cultivation, his understanding of mysteries can reach a higher level, and his strength will greatly increase.

Of course, no matter how much his strength increases. It is also difficult to surpass the power of the fourth-level sword elixir. It is more than enough to defeat the sixth-level emperor, but there is still a gap between it and the seventh-level emperor.

However, Xuantian glanced around and saw that he now had thousands of imperial-level spiritual swords, plus the 720 imperial-level spiritual swords he obtained from the founder of the Star Sword Sect. That's 1,720 people.

Wei Zhenyu's Yin-Yang Liangyi Sword Formation also has a hundred imperial-level spiritual swords.

All the emperor-level spiritual swords add up to more than 1,800. 360 of them can form one Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, and 1,800 can form five Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

How powerful will the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, which is formed by overlapping the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation composed of five emperor-level spiritual swords, be?

Can it be done when I am a third-level emperor? Has the combat power of a seventh-level emperor?

This Xuantian method's estimation may only be known through experiments. [

Just when Xuantian was excited, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears: "Xuantian...!"

Xuantian's expression suddenly trembled. This voice was very familiar. It seemed to be -? The voice of Mr. Shenji.

"Mr. Shenji!" Xuan Tian shouted, he was very surprised.

This is the ancient ruins of Beihai. He accidentally arrived here after chasing Wei Zhenyu. If Mr. Shenji is also here. That was too much of a coincidence.

"Hahaha...!" The voice burst into laughter and continued to ring in Xuan Tian's ears: "The title Mr. Shenji has been no longer used for a long time. I am Tianji stick. I haven't seen you for five years, and you have become a third-level emperor. , it’s really fast, haha...! Congratulations!."

"It's really you. Mr. Shenji!" Xuan Tian suddenly stood up and said excitedly: "Where are you?"

The voice of Tianji stick continued: "I have been trapped here for several years. I knew you and that kid as soon as they came in and saw that you were making breakthroughs in cultivation. So I didn't bother you. I was trapped under the ground of this palace. , there is a door behind you on the right, it is my only way out, but it cannot be opened from the inside, maybe you can open it from the outside and let me see the light of day again."

Xuantian immediately looked to the right and rear, and saw a closed door in the corner of the dark hall.

"Let me give it a try!" Xuantian came thirty meters away from the gate, with a red light blooming all over his body. The power of the Four-turn Sword Pill was operating to the extreme, and he struck out with a sword.

call out

A red sword beam shot out.


There was an explosion, and the red sword struck the door, causing some sparks to fly, but the door did not move at all.

Xuan Tian walked forward and took a look, and saw only a shallow mark on the door. He didn't know what material the door was made of.

It is simply impossible to open the door with the power of the Four-turn Sword Pill.

The sound of the Tianji Stick sounded in Xuan Tian's ears: "Although the attack power of your swordsmanship is powerful, it is mostly due to its sharpness. In terms of strength, it is slightly inferior. It is impossible to break through this door. You have just become As a third-level emperor, you can practice for a while first, and you have so many emperor-level spiritual swords. If you can practice the sword formation and then break through the stone gate, you will have great hope."

Xuantian glanced at the emperor-level spiritual sword on the ground, which happened to be the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, and said loudly: "Then sir, please wait for me for a while."

"Haha... I've been trapped for several years. If you didn't come here, I might have been trapped here forever. Even if I don't have to wait, you can practice slowly, increase your strength to the highest limit, and then break through." Tianji. Stick laughed loudly.

Xuantian put away all the spiritual swords, refined them into his own possessions, and then began to practice the sword formation.

He has become proficient in the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, and now he only needs to change the king-level spirit sword to the emperor-level spirit sword. Although it is difficult to control the sword formation composed of the emperor-level spirit sword, Xuantian's cultivation level has improved, and his mental power has increased. It is a level stronger, and the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation that controls several emperor-level spiritual swords overlaps. There should be no problem. However, the spiritual swords have changed, and the control will also change. It will take some time to get familiar with it.

With a thought in Xuantian's mind, seven hundred and twenty emperor-level spiritual swords flew out in an instant, forming two overlapping star sword formations around the sky.

The sword formations of the two emperor-level spiritual swords overlapped, and Xuan Tian had already practiced them skillfully and could operate them freely. [

After a few breaths, another ball of sword light rushed out of Xuantian's body. Three hundred and sixty emperor-level spiritual swords flew out, and the sword formations of three emperor-level spiritual swords overlapped.

Although the imperial spiritual sword controlled by mental power was much heavier than the king-level spiritual sword, Xuantian did not feel any discomfort.

Immediately afterwards...

The Zhoutian Star Sword Formation composed of the fourth and fifth emperor-level spiritual swords flew out of Xuantian's body, and the five sword formations overlapped.

With five Zhoutian Star Sword Formations and one thousand eight hundred imperial-level spiritual swords, Xuantian finally felt some discomfort.

But Xuantian can still bear it, but he feels a lot heavier, and the operation is not as flexible as before. After a few days of practice, he will become proficient. After all, Xuantian has long used the king-level sword array to operate the entire Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. I have mastered the spiritual sword practice to perfection.

Another three days passed quickly, and Xuantian was finally fully proficient and felt quite relaxed. Perhaps, he could withstand the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation composed of one more emperor-level spiritual swords, but he did not have more emperor-level swords. Spirit sword.

Xuantian still has dozens of imperial-level spiritual swords on his body, and the large Zhoutian Star Sword Formation is based on the Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. It requires at least 360 swords to form a small sword array.

The sixth, seventh,... tenth...

Xuantian overlapped the Zhou Tianxing Sword Formation composed of king-level spiritual swords one by one. He felt that the power of the sword formation did not seem to increase. It seemed that after becoming an emperor, the strength of the king-level spiritual swords increased as the cultivation level reached a later stage. The smaller it is, it can almost be ignored.

Xuantian simply withdrew all the King-level Spirit Swords, leaving only 1,800 Emperor-level Spirit Swords, which were lighter and more flexible to control, but almost the same in power.

It's time to test the power of the sword array.

Xuantian came 30 meters in front of the gate, waved his arm, and all 1,800 imperial-level spiritual swords flew out to form the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. The sky above Xuantian was densely covered with stars, and the stars were twinkling.

A terrifying sword force was generated, and Xuantian felt his strength explode.

Xuantian raised his hands high and merged them like swords. Several rays of starlight fell from the starry sky above and condensed into a sword light in Xuantian's hands.

The light of this sword was extremely white, like jade fat, and the power it contained was unimaginable.


Xuantian shouted loudly, slashed with both hands, and the jade-like sword light slashed towards the gate in an instant.


There was a loud explosion, and Xuantian felt the entire hall shake slightly. In an instant, the jade-like sword light collapsed and transformed into form.

Xuantian came to the door and found a chopstick-thick mark on it, which was much larger than the mark made by the Four-turn Sword Pill.

It shows that the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, which is composed of 1,800 imperial-level spiritual swords, has an attack power that is even better than that of the Fourth-turn Sword Pill. Judging from the vibrations in the entire hall just now, the power is greater than that of the Fourth-turn Sword Pill. There seems to be more sword pills.

However, it is difficult to judge whether he has reached the combat power of a seventh-level emperor.

"The strength is still a little bit short. Xuantian, if you continue to practice, you will have the Holy Cauldron, and you will understand the power of the mysteries to a higher level. The power of the sword array will increase again. Judging from the current situation, your understanding of the mysteries will If there is a breakthrough, there is a good chance of opening the door." The sound of the Tianji Stick sounded in Xuan Tian's ears again.

Xuantian stopped attacking and continued to practice for the rest of the time, comprehending the secrets and improving his strength.

The Mysteries of Chaos include the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, the Mysteries of Thunder include the Holy Cauldron of Thunder, the Mysteries of Fire include Ghost Fire, and the Mysteries of Earth include the Emperor of Hell Earth. The power of these four mysteries can all be understood within a month or two. Higher realm.

Xuantian put all his mind into comprehending the secret.

Time passes day by day.

Soon, two months passed and it was early May.

The Mystery of Chaos, the Mystery of Thunder, the Mystery of Fire, the Mystery of Earth... Xuantian's understanding of the four great mysteries has all reached a new level, reaching the early stage of the sixth level.

The power of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation has also increased with the tide, making great progress. To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m to read. )

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