The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 975】Fourth Level Emperor


spn   Time flies like an arrow, and time flies by like running water.

The year of good fortune has come to an end.

Xuantian has been practicing in seclusion in the Imperial Dragon Veins deep in the ancient ruins of Beihai.

As early as September, Xuantian's spiritual body broke through to the early stage of the fifth level and became a fourth-level emperor.

Then, Xuantian continued to comprehend the power of the secrets, and broke through the secrets of chaos, thunder, and fire, reaching the peak of the sixth level. [

Just today, Xuantian's secret of earth has also made progress, and he has also understood the peak of the sixth level.

It's a pity that there is still a sixth-level peak secret, otherwise Xuantian can practice the fifth level of the nine-turn sword elixir technique.

Xuantian became a fourth-level emperor, and the power of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation also increased a lot. However, because the number of emperor-level spiritual swords did not increase, the improvement was extremely limited.

Xuantian's current mental power is enough to control the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with seven overlapping sword formations. If there are enough emperor-level spiritual swords, Xuantian's combat power can continue to cross four realms and kill an eighth-level emperor. .

But precisely because of the lack of emperor-level spiritual swords, although the strength has improved, it is still unable to compare with the eighth-level emperor.

If he met Lu Juechen now, Xuantian's combat power would be no weaker than his, and it would be easy to kill a seventh-level emperor.

However, more than half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. It has been a year and a half since Lu Juechen became a fourth-level emperor. It is not known whether his cultivation has continued to make breakthroughs.

Tianji Stick's cultivation level is still that of a sixth-level emperor. He has been practicing in the Imperial Dragon Vein and has long accumulated enough energy to break through to a seventh-level emperor.

However, the seventh-level emperor will encounter additional restrictions in the Beihai Ancient Ruins, and the danger will increase tenfold. The Tianji Stick will slightly suppress the speed of his cultivation breakthrough. I believe that after leaving the Beihai Ancient Ruins, his cultivation will not take long. Then you can go to the next level.

Seeing that the year of luck is coming to an end, this year has passed. The danger of Beihai Ancient Ruins will immediately increase. Xuantian and Tianji Stick walked out of the Imperial Dragon Vein and left Beihai Ancient Ruins.

A few days later, the two of them completely left the Beihai Ancient Ruins and flew over the sea to Beiling Island.

Turning back, I looked at the endless Beihai Ancient Ruins. Xuantian sighed.

He spent nearly a year in the Beihai Ancient Ruins. When he entered, he was only a second-level emperor, but now he is a fourth-level emperor.

He had surpassed some of the top five perverted monsters in the past, and Wei Zhenyu died in his hands, just a short distance from the front. It's getting closer now.

"After leaving the Beihai Ancient Ruins, the world is indeed different, much more comfortable...!" Tianji Stick looked hesitant, feeling like he had seen the light of day again.

The space in the Beihai Ancient Ruins is solid, and teleportation is not possible. It is like carrying a mountain on your back every moment, and you suddenly arrive at a world where you can teleport at will. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and my whole body felt lighter.

Xuan Tian looked at the sea and the blue sky beside him, and felt comfortable in his heart.

Of course, the most important thing is that now that the machine gun is around, after returning to Sunset Tower, I will ask him to figure out the whereabouts of Zi Yan.

The two chatted happily all the way. Within two days, they returned to Beiling Island. [

Somewhere on Beiling Island, Xuantian and Tianji stick just returned to Beiling Island when a pair of eyes appeared on him.

Returning from Beihai Ancient Ruins, Beiling Island is almost the only way to pass, but Xuantian didn't know it. Someone has been waiting for him on Beiling Island for nearly a month.

"Deputy Valley Master, Xuantian did not die in Beihai Ancient Ruins. He came back. Just one year has passed. He has become a fourth-level emperor, and there is also a sixth-level emperor who came from Beihai Ancient Ruins with him. Return...!" In a shadow, someone reported the news about Xuantian.

An eighth-level emperor in the shadow opened his eyes and said in a surprised voice, "His growth rate is indeed terrifying. However, since I am determined to kill him this time, I will personally take action and lead the five elders. Even if He has become a fifth-level emperor, and there is only one way to die, but... who is the sixth-level emperor who returns with him?"

"In the information we have about Central Continent, there is no such a sixth-level emperor!" the person below replied.

Skull Valley is a killer organization. Killers can assassinate the weak and kill the strong. What does it rely on?


If you know the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without slacking off!

Know the strength of the opponent, what are its strengths, and what are its weaknesses. The clearer the better, and then set up an assassination plan based on the weaknesses. Only in this way can the weak kill the strong.

The upper-class figures in the entire Central Continent are investigated in Skull Valley, and all the emperors are recorded in it.

However, there is no record of Tianji stick.

Not long after Tianjigang became the queen, she went to Beihai to survive the Tianji tribulation, and then she was trapped in the ancient ruins of Beihai. She has not seen the light of day again until now. It would be a shame if Skull Valley had any information about him.

The deputy valley master of Skull Valley said: "It seems that he is a reclusive emperor, not a big shot. The plan is to proceed as usual. Xuantian will be killed on Beiling Island. He cannot be allowed to return to Central Continent. This sixth-level emperor, I will Deal with it personally and don't let him spread the matter."

Skull Valley dispatched five killer elders this time, and even the deputy valley master personally took action. They were all elders who had lived for two to three hundred years.

Fengyun Longcheng said that the elders who bully the small against Xuantian are fighting against Fengyun Longcheng. The elders in the Skeleton Valley of Central Continent do not dare to attack Xuantian, but Beiling Island is tens of millions of miles away from Central Continent. Far away overseas, although the power of Fengyun Dragon City shocked the world, it was beyond its reach.

Not long after Xuantian and Tianji stick entered Beiling Island, Tianji stick suddenly stopped his advancing body and counted with his fingers.

"What's wrong, sir?" Xuan Tian asked when he saw this.

Tianji stick said: "I just had a feeling in my heart, and after calculation, I realized that you were in danger, haha... I was also implicated."

Xuantian naturally knows that the Tianji stick knows the past, predicts the future, and understands the creation of Tianji, so what he said is naturally true.

Xuan Tian said: "Everyone knows that I carry the Holy Cauldron. There are many people in Central Continent who want to take advantage of me, but they are all suppressed by the quasi-emperor of the Fengyun family. The Huangfu family is also scrupulous about killing me, so they hired a Ask the killer organization from Skull Valley to deal with me. The last time I was in the Tengjia Ancient Land, people knew my whereabouts, but I was attacked by the killers from Skull Valley. Could it be that it's them again this time?"

Tianji stick said: "It seems they have someone plotting your whereabouts...!"

"Sir, let's wait here to see what kind of people Skull Valley sends to kill me this time." Xuantian said lightly. [

His strength now is no better than a year ago, and even the seventh-level emperor is no match for him.

The Tianji Stick is even more terrifying. Xuantian's current strength is similar to that of Lu Juechen more than half a year ago. They are both the top combat power among the seventh-level emperors. However, Lu Juechen was easily beaten by the Tianji Stick with one palm. Fly.

It can be concluded. The Tianji Stick's combat power is at least an eighth-level emperor or above.

Unless the master of the Skeleton Valley, a ninth-level emperor, comes in person, no one in the Skull Valley can get the secret stick.

The two stopped in a large mountain only thousands of miles away from the sea and talked slowly.

The killers from Skull Valley soon surrounded him.

Their figures were hidden in the void, with no trace or even the slightest breath fluctuation.

While the two were talking, Tianji Stick raised his hand, and an ancient bronze mirror appeared in his hand.


The ancient bronze mirror suddenly bloomed with light.

The Tianji Stick took the ancient bronze mirror and swept it in all directions. The deputy valley master of Skull Valley and the five assassin elders were still hundreds of miles away when they were swept by the light and revealed.

The expressions of several emperors of Skull Valley were shocked. This mirror could actually reflect them out of the void. It was simply the killer's nemesis.

Originally, they wanted to approach Xuantian and Tianji Stick quietly and carry out a sudden assassination. But the plan obviously failed.

Xuantian glanced at each of the six killers, with a little shock in his eyes. Skull Valley was really generous in order to kill him. Of these six killers, the ones with the lowest cultivation levels were all sixth-level emperors.

Among them, two are even seventh-level emperors. There is also an eighth-level emperor.

Seventh-level emperors are already the highest level among the top echelons of any force. Looking at the entire Central Continent, the number of eighth-level emperors is very small, not more than thirty.

Together, these six killers can kill an eighth-level emperor by force, and it is possible to assassinate a ninth-level emperor.

But the target of this assassination was only Xuantian, a junior who had become emperor less than two years ago...

The killer of Skull Valley reacted from the shock of his whereabouts being exposed. Seeing that Xuantian and Tianji stick didn't run away, the only eighth-level emperor, deputy valley master, waved his arm and said: "Surround them up."

Soon, the six killers teleported and appeared more than thirty miles away from Xuantian and Tianjigun. Each of them planted two formation flags.

Void confinement, a formation air shield was generated, and two formations were deployed.

This is a space of sixty or seventy miles in radius. It became a prison, unable to escape, and it also imprisoned the void.

Although the strength of the killers dispatched by Skull Valley this time is unparalleled compared to Xuantian, there is a master like Tianji Stick. Xuantian didn't take these six killers seriously. He and Tianji Stick looked relaxed and watched them lay down their formations.

"Deputy Valley Master, they don't seem to be afraid at all. Is there any possibility of fraud?" An elder killer said through a message from his soul.

Xuantian and Tianjiguan looked calm and did not react at all as if they were in a dangerous situation.

Naturally, the Deputy Valley Master had noticed the expressions of the two of them a long time ago. Although he was also very surprised, if Xuantian and the two were not afraid, but they were scared away as killers, this was simply impossible.

"A fourth-level emperor and a sixth-level emperor can defy the odds. Don't be fooled by their pretense. I will kill that sixth-level emperor. The five of you will kill Xuantian without any room for error." The Valley Master's soul read the message.

The five assassin elders responded one after another: "Yes!"

"Kill!" the deputy valley master ordered.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo

With the sound of the voice, the Deputy Valley Master charged towards the Tianji Stick. The key to assassination swordsmanship is speed, accuracy and ruthlessness. The swords stabbed at the key points of the Tianji Stick in rapid succession.

At the same time, all five assassin elders also took action, killing Xuantian.

For a moment, swords and swords overlapped one after another, stabbing or slashing at Xuantian and Tianji stick from all directions, coming at a rapid pace.

There was a faint smile on both of their faces.

The Tianji Stick threw the ancient bronze mirror in his hand, and in an instant, the light of the ancient bronze mirror changed and swept towards the deputy valley master of the eighth-level emperor.

The light condensed into lines and turned into a bunch of light blades, densely packed and much more numerous than the sword blades thrust out by the Deputy Valley Master. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Mobile users please go to read

ps: I went to Guilin today to attend the Qidian Author Salon. I departed at ten o'clock and my flight took off at 2:10 pm. I should have arrived in Guilin at 6 pm and it was at least 7 o'clock when I arrived at the hotel. . . . . I won’t be able to return to Shenyang until the 16th. I’ll try my best to update these days, but it may be unstable. I’d like to remind everyone.

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