The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 977) Chasing the Eighth Level Emperor


spn  Skeleton Valley, an eighth-level emperor's deputy valley master, personally led a team and came to kill Xuantian, thinking it was just in case.

It's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as God's calculations. Who would have expected that when Xuantian entered the Beihai Ancient Ruins this time, he would encounter the Tianji Stick and save him from birth.

Therefore, Skull Valley is destined to fail this time.

The deputy master of the Skull Valley was seriously injured, but after all, he was highly cultivated and powerful. Even though he was slapped away by the Tianji Stick and suffered heavy injuries, he still maintained a clear consciousness.


A ray of light flashed, and the deputy master of Skull Valley disappeared in a flash. He used the teleportation talisman to teleport millions of miles away.

The other assassin who was injured and retreated was the seventh-level assassin elder of Skull Valley. He did not have the willpower to stay awake while retreating after heavy damage like the deputy master of Skull Valley. Xiaohu was caught up before he could use the teleportation talisman. , grabbed it with another claw, and died immediately. Soon, the tiger opened its mouth wide and swallowed all the flesh and blood of the opponent.

Xuantian flashed an afterimage in the void, rushing like lightning towards the place where the deputy valley master of Skull Valley disappeared.

"Sir, I have a way to catch up with the moving talisman. Just wait a moment, and I will kill the escaped eighth-level emperor...!" Xuantian shouted to Tianji Stick at a fast speed.

Although the deputy valley master of Skull Valley is an eighth-level emperor and is far more powerful than Xuantian, he was seriously injured by the Tianji Stick. With the combat power of Xuantian's top seventh-level emperor, he may not be defeated by him now.

Moreover, Xuantian is protected by the Holy Cauldron, which can move the void a million miles in one step, coming and going freely. Even if there is any danger, he can escape.

so. Xuantian will definitely not let go of the opportunity of the deputy valley master of Skull Valley.

As soon as Xuantian finished speaking, Xuantian had arrived near where the deputy valley master of Skeleton Valley disappeared, and he waved his hand. The Void Gate in the Chaos Holy Cauldron suddenly appeared out of thin air.

This gate to the void is thousands of feet high and glows with a faint light.

Through the gate of the void, Xuantian immediately saw the trajectory of the deputy valley master of the Skull Valley moving through the void.

call out

Xuantian condensed the light from thousands of stars above his head and formed a hundred-foot-long jade sword light, which instantly stabbed into the space passage.

In the blink of an eye, the hundred-foot-long sword array disappeared.

Xuantian, on the other hand, took one step forward, which was also a step of millions of miles.

The deputy master of Skull Valley escaped a million miles away and had a fight with the killer king of the descendants of Skull Valley, Sickle. Thinking that he had finally escaped with his life, the tight breath in his heart suddenly dissipated.

"Terrible! Too terrifying! Who is this sixth-level emperor? Damn it, he has such terrifying power...!" The deputy master of the Skeleton Valley was extremely afraid of the Tianji Stick.

He is the sixth-level emperor. He has the combat power of a top eight-level emperor. This is definitely not an ordinary person. His super challenge ability can be compared with the five perverted monsters in Central Continent.

Such a terrifying person. There is no news about him in Skull Valley. This made the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley fearful and even more shocked, followed by fear.

"I have to send the news back to Skull Valley. There is such a person escorting Xuantian beside him. Only the owner of the valley can kill him. I must send the news back, otherwise Skull Valley will not know the truth. There will be big disasters. Loss." The deputy valley master of Skull Valley thought. [

call out

Just when the deputy valley master of Skull Valley had second thoughts, there was a bright sword light. Suddenly appeared out of thin air behind him.

This is a sword light that is a hundred feet long, as white as jade fat, and as dazzling as the blazing sun.

The deputy valley master of Skull Valley was suddenly alert and horrified at the same time.

He couldn't imagine that someone could sneak up so close to him and sneak attack him, not even the master of Skeleton Valley.

A hundred-foot-long sword shot out of the air, only about a kilometer away from the deputy master of Skull Valley, and without even half a blink of an eye, it had already pierced the deputy master of Skull Valley.

However, the reaction of the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley was also first-rate. His body flashed aside like a ghost. The sword that originally passed through his body just passed by him, but it almost cut off his left arm.

no one?

When the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley turned around and looked around, his eyes almost fell out of shock. He was attacked by a terrifying sword light, but he couldn't see the person on the other side.

"Could it be Fengyun Dragon City?" The deputy valley master of Skull Valley was shocked, but immediately rejected it. Even if the quasi-emperor took action, it would be impossible not to see the figure.

Moreover, although the attack power of Dao Jianmang was powerful just now, it was still far from the attack power of the Quasi-Emperor. If it was really the Quasi-Emperor, let alone the Qian Lord next to him, even if it was within ten miles, suddenly a sword strike When the attack came, he would never be able to dodge it.

Just when the deputy valley master of Skull Valley felt incredible, the void more than twenty miles in front of him suddenly opened, and a handsome young man stepped out of the void and appeared in front of him.

It's Xuantian!

Even though he was traveling through the void, he still maintained the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

As soon as he appeared, the sky with a radius of several kilometers above suddenly became dotted with stars and turned into a starry sky. A sharp aura swept across all directions in an instant.

The left arm of the deputy master of Skull Valley was almost crippled. He immediately took a healing elixir, which should be a very precious elixir, and the bleeding in his body stopped immediately.

However, it is still very early for the left arm to recover.

Seeing that the other party had taken the healing elixir, Xuan Tian knew that if it lasted more than a second, the other party's injuries would be better. Without saying a word, he moved his arms and pulled the stars down from the sky, condensing into nine rays in front of him. A hundred-foot-long jade sword glow.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

Xuantian swung his hand at the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley, and nine hundred-foot-long jade-fat sword lights suddenly broke through the void, slashing at the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley from nine directions and nine angles.

Seeing these nine sword lights that were exactly the same as the one that attacked him before, the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley suddenly looked horrified.

Xuantian has just arrived now, and is obviously more than two breaths slower than the sword light, so how can he stab out a sword light and appear directly a thousand meters behind him? This doesn't make sense. [

The Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley had thought that he would be hunted down, but. He used the teleportation talisman to travel through the void for more than a million miles. He never expected that someone would really catch up.

and. Even if someone catches up, the person the deputy valley master of Skeleton Valley thinks of is just the Tianji Stick.

Xuantian's sudden appearance was beyond his expectation.

If he had met Xuantian alone before, the deputy valley master of Skeleton Valley would only be excited, but at this moment, he was seriously injured. His left arm was almost crippled and his strength was greatly reduced, making it difficult for him to deal with even a seventh-level emperor.

And Xuantian has the combat power of a top seventh-level emperor!


The deputy master of Skull Valley retreated like lightning. He wanted to teleport, but the void around him was imprisoned, and he couldn't break it.

The Holy Cauldron can imprison the void, which makes the deputy valley master of Skull Valley feel scared. There was a sudden feeling of panic.

Teleportation. He could only retreat. He needed time to recover from his injuries before he could have the strength to fight Xuantian.

However, the speed of his retreat was like lightning, but the speed of the sword array was even faster.

Xuantian's whole body was shrouded in starlight, and he was walking in a sword formation, and his speed was one point faster than the deputy valley master of Skull Valley.

In just ten breaths, the sword light of the nine sword formations had already caught up with the deputy valley master of Skull Valley. Make him avoidable.

It is unavoidable and can only be resisted with strength.

Fortunately, most sword skills can be performed with one arm. The deputy valley master of Skull Valley immediately used the big skull black light sword to resist the attack of the sword array's sword light.

In an instant, the black sword light was like a curtain, condensing into nine hundred-foot-tall black light skeletons, facing the sword light of the nine sword formations respectively.

Nine blasts!

Nine tall black-light skeletons were instantly split in half.

The deputy valley master of Skull Valley has not recovered from his injuries, and he cannot use half of his strength at this moment. However, he finally blocked the sword light of the nine sword formations for half a blink of an eye. He immediately passed through the gap of the nine sword formations. He escaped being cut into pieces by the Nine Swords.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

The sound of nine sword lights piercing the air came again, and the expression of the deputy valley master of Skeleton Valley suddenly turned into despair. Xuan Tian was less than ten miles away from him at this moment, and nine more jade-like sword lights of a hundred feet came to kill him.

This time, the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley could not avoid it, but he could not stop it.

He tried his best to use the big skull black light sword to resist again, but his body couldn't bear it. The injury completely exploded, the wound burst, and blood rushed out like a fountain.

The burst of power from the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley shattered the nine hundred-foot-long jade-fat sword light into pieces, but Xuantian easily blocked the opponent's attack with the Holy Cauldron, while the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley once again Unable to hold on, his body fell to the ground as blood flowed out.

call out

Xuantian struck out a sword array again, instantly killing the deputy master of Skeleton Valley.

An eighth-level emperor died like this!

The deputy valley master of Skull Valley also had his eyes wide open after death, unable to close them. This time he personally led the team to kill Xuantian. He never expected that he would fall into Xuantian's hands instead. .

Xuantian quickly returned to Beiling Island with the body of the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley, and met up with Tianji Stick. The flesh and blood of the Deputy Valley Master of Skull Valley naturally became a nutritious meal for the little tiger.

"Your speed is many times faster than that of the Quasi-Emperor. You really are the best in the world. Only by breaking through the Emperor level can a warrior truly control the secrets of space. You can travel millions of miles back and forth. It seems that the Chaos Saint Cauldron is the head of the Nine Cauldrons. It certainly lives up to its reputation.”

When Tianjigun listened to Xuantian's account of the process of hunting down the deputy valley master of Skull Valley, he couldn't help but sigh.

Indeed, ever since Xuantian became empress, a gate to the void has appeared in the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, and its effect has been much greater than that of the Holy Cauldron of Thunder.

Although Xuantian travels millions of miles through the void with the Void Gate, it is nothing to the Sword God King Xuanyuan Shang, because the Sword God King can spit out a mouthful of saliva millions of miles away.

However, the understanding of the Holy Cauldron of Chaos and the realization of the Gate of the Void is probably beyond the reach of even the God King of Swords.

The God King of Swords did not have time to comprehend the Nine Cauldrons before he was killed by the other God Kings. However, Xuantian, who harvested the Holy Cauldron in the mortal world, had time to comprehend it, which is extremely rare.

This time, Xiaohu gained a lot. He ate a lot of blood and flesh of emperors, including two seventh-level emperors and one eighth-level emperor. Xiaohu's cultivation level improved again and he became a fifth-level demon emperor. (To be continued...)

ps: I went back to Shenyang today. I got home at around three o'clock in the afternoon, had a meal, and then slept for three hours. I finally recovered at night and started to update the code. I deeply apologize for the updates in the past two days.

Mainly because it was my first time to go to the Qidian Author Salon, and I saw a lot of great people who usually only chat online, such as Cai Jin, Jianyou Taixu, Zhu Sanbu, Jie Yu, Phalaenopsis, Douzi, I’m so ugly Deep in the soul...wait, wait...

In particular, I talked a lot about writing with Taixu. His skills are very high and he inspires me a lot. I want to tell you some good news. Taixu should have more updates. He has been criticized by everyone. Decided to increase the intensity of coding and maintain stable updates, ^_^...

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