The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 979) Xuantian’s decisive battle with the Son of God


spn Sikong Xiang glanced at everyone in the Huangfu family and said: "My son's surname is Sikong Mingxiang, and he is a descendant of King Sikong of the God Realm. My ancestor King Sikong and the King of the Undead God are good friends. I heard from the King of the Undead that he is here In Zhongzhou, the Mortal Sword Realm, I have helped the Huangfu family. I have a favor for the Huangfu family, so don’t refuse.”

All the powerful men in the Huangfu family were startled.

They only know that there is a God Realm, and they don't know how the gods in the God Realm are divided into specific parts. But what is certain is that the God King is definitely not an ordinary god.

As for the Immortal God King, the only thing they can think of is the Immortal Emperor from more than nine hundred years ago.

Thousands of years ago, the Immortal King emerged from the sky and soared into the sky like a rocket in Central Continent. He became emperor more than 900 years ago and became the youngest person to become emperor in Central Continent in ten thousand years. He left behind a legend. [

However, the achievements of the Immortal Emperor are more than just legends. They have exceeded everyone's expectations. Not only will he become an outstanding pawn among the Sword Emperors in the future and ascend to godhood, but even in the God Realm, he still maintains a rapid improvement speed and becomes a god. A generation of divine kings.

Huangfu Liu explained: "Son of God, please tell me, the Huangfu family will do their best to help."

Sikong Xiang nodded and said: "Okay, I came to Central Continent this time just to kill Xuantian. It is enough for you to tell this son of God all his news and whereabouts."

All the powerful men in the Huangfu family looked stunned. The Son of God, Sikong Xiangxiang, came to Central Continent to kill Xuantian!

But then it turned into a surprise. If there was any force in Central Continent that wanted Xuantian to die the most, it was naturally the Huangfu family.

Huangfu Liu explained: "A year ago, Xuantian entered an ancient ruins in the northern sea of ​​Central Continent, and there has been no news since then. But recently there are rumors that Xuantian has come out of the ancient ruins of Beihai. In Central Continent, Xuantian is like They all live in the Sunset Tower, which is like home. As long as the Son of God goes to the Sunset Tower, he can find Xuantian regardless of whether Xuantian is there or not."

Huangfu Liuchan's intention was very clear. With the Sunset Tower as a threat, Xuantian would come back to rescue him no matter where he was.

Sikong Xiang thought for a while and said: "Leave this matter to the Huangfu family. Let everyone in the world know the news. This son of God has come to Central Continent. He will go to Sunset Tower ten days later on January 17th. If we fight Xuantian, if Xuantian doesn't dare to show up. I will destroy the Sunset Tower, and then no matter where he is hiding, I will find him. Let him slowly taste the taste of death."

Huangfu Liuchan was overjoyed that Xuantian was favored by the Fengyun family, so much so that even Xiyanglou formed an alliance with the Fengyun family, making it difficult for the Huangfu family to deal with.

But the Son of God, Sikong Xiang, is not yyng. Although he is only a fourth-level emperor, his identity is the Son of God from the God Realm. Behind him is the God King of the God Realm, let alone the Sword Emperor Family. Even if it is a truly top imperial family, for gods. They are all mortals, like ants.

"Lord Shenzi, the Sunset Tower has formed an alliance with the Fengyun family, another sword emperor family in Central Continent. The Fengyun family has two sword emperors who are very powerful. If they knew that you were going to destroy the Sunset Tower, I'm afraid they wouldn't stand idly by." Huangfu Liu He explained, feeling secretly happy in his heart.

He has been thinking about how to deal with the Fengyun Family, but he has never been able to come up with a solution. But now, he saw an opportunity. If the Fengyun Family angers Sikong Xiang, Huangfu Liuchan is sure, the Huangfu Family will definitely suffer.

Sikong Xiang is not the only son of God who has come to the sword world. Many of them were emperors many, many years ago, and may be about to become emperors now, and some have even become emperors. The Fengyun Family is much stronger than the Son of God, Sikong Xiang, but What if a quasi-emperor comes?

Sons of God, every one of them is a heaven-defying figure. They are born with the power to control some small paths. Their strength is very terrifying, and their ability to leapfrog challenges is very strong.

Sure enough, Sikong Xiang heard this and just smiled faintly and said: "Fengyun Family? In front of this Son of God, you are just an ant-like existence. If you dare to stop me, hum... As long as I, the Sikong Family, are the number one in the lower world. Once he arrives, it will be easy to kill him, I can only pray that they will be smarter."

A son of God named Sikong Xiang came to the land of Central Continent. He will go to the Sunset Tower on January 17 to fight Xuantian. If Xuantian does not dare to show up, the Son of God Sikong Xiang will destroy the Sunset Tower.

Soon, under the propaganda of the Huangfu family, a piece of news spread throughout the land of Central Continent.

In fact, it is spreading rapidly even in the four sea areas. [

The Sword Emperor Family wants to spread a piece of news with all their strength. It can spread throughout Central Continent within two days, and all the demon clans in all the seas will hear about it within five days.

On January 9, Xuantian heard the news at Sunset Tower.

At that time, he was asking Tianji stick to calculate Long Ziyan's whereabouts.

"According to my calculations, Long Ziyan has indeed arrived in Central Continent, and she arrived one step earlier than you!" Tianji Stick said with certainty.

Xuan Tian's eyes lit up, and then his heart tightened again, and he said, "It's been more than two years since Zi Yan came to Central Continent, but why has there been no news about her? Where is she now?"

Tianji Stick shook his head and said: "I only know that she is in Central Continent, but I can't figure out where she is. The place where she is now must be very special."

Xuan Tian was shocked: "Is there any place in the world that I can't figure out?"

Tianji Stick nodded and said: "Of course, back then, the Holy Cauldron of Chaos was in the Sea of ​​Demonic Mist. Because we were not far apart, I used the Tianji Realm to explore it once with the help of calculations. When I saw the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, I received the secret from it. The backlash almost killed me. The place where the Holy Cauldron is located is completely unpredictable, and even a glance at it will cause disaster."

"Sir, how is Zi Yan's condition now? Do you know whether she has good or bad luck?" Xuan Tian asked again.

Tianji Stick shook his head and said: "There is good fortune among misfortunes, there is blessing among disasters. The final result cannot be predicted for the time being."

This made Xuan Tian anxious, and said: "Then where Zi Yan is now, can you calculate the approximate direction?"

Xuan Tian decided that as long as he knew the approximate location of Zi Yan, he would search slowly. He could find people in many places in one day, and he could find people a thousand times faster than others. times.

Tianji stick said: "Although it is a bit difficult, it is still feasible. Just calculate where she was when she arrived in Zhongzhou and where she disappeared, and you can determine it. However, it will take a certain amount of time to unravel her past. I will soon After a breakthrough in cultivation, when I become a seventh-level emperor and have more energy, then I can calculate her whereabouts and it will be more complete."

Xuantian nodded and said: "Okay, sir, when can you take the next step and become a seventh-level emperor?"

Although he knew that the Tianji Stick suppressed his cultivation in the Beihai Ancient Ruins, Xuantian was still a little surprised that his cultivation was about to break through just after he left.

With the combat power of the Tianji Stick, he can become a seventh-level emperor. It won't take long for him to have the combat power of a ninth-level emperor.

Tianji stick said: "Just for these ten days and a half, but after I consolidate my cultivation a little bit, it should take a month before I can give it to Long Ziyan."

Xuan Tian breathed a sigh of relief. He had been waiting for two years, but he didn't care about waiting another month.

At this time, Yan Gucheng ran over anxiously and said in surprise: "Xuan Tian, ​​something is going wrong."

Yan Gucheng arrived quickly and was in front of the two of them.

Xuan Tian frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Yan Gucheng said: "There is news from the Huangfu family that a god named Sikong Xiang has come to Zhongzhou, saying that he will come to Sunset Tower on January 17th to fight you to the death. If you don't show up, he will... ...We will destroy Sunset Tower.”[

There is no reason why Yan Gucheng is not shocked. The identity of the Son of God is too great. There are Sons of God who have come to Central Continent many years ago. The Son of God who arrived in Central Continent many years ago is already an emperor of level six or above. His strength is second only to the Quasi-Emperor.

Although the divine son who came now was only a fourth-level emperor, no one dared to look down upon him. If he was the divine son of the seventh-level emperor many years ago, who knows what level he has reached now, quasi-emperor? Already become emperor? That combat power can only be described as terrifying.

"Sikong Xiang? He dared to come to me. It seems that his injury has finally healed!" Xuan Tian's eyes lit up.

"His injury?" Yan Gucheng asked in surprise.

Xuan Tian smiled slightly and said: "I once had a battle with him. At that time, his cultivation was suppressed by heaven and earth, and he was at the same level as mine. I won that battle, and he had to unblock his cultivation and break through. The cultivation level of Heaven and Earth is at its limit. He was almost wiped out by the rules of the great road and suffered serious injuries. He has been healing these years, and his cultivation level will definitely not increase. However, after a few years, I am already a fourth-level emperor. I am the same as him. With the same level of cultivation, I’m not afraid of him anymore.”

However, the Tianji stick was immediately spread out on the table, and he said with a somewhat solemn expression: "Xuan Tian, ​​I just calculated your blessings and misfortunes. Your situation is a hundred times more dangerous than when you were on Beiling Island. Don't underestimate the enemy."

Yan Gucheng's face was covered with frost. The pressure brought by the Son of God was indeed extraordinary.

Xuan Tian frowned slightly and said: "It seems that Sikong Xiang is still my strong opponent. However, if the soldiers come to stop him, the water will come and the soil will flood me. Since he threatens me to fight with the Sunset Tower, then I can only accept the challenge. Sir, you know , even the Sword Emperor has no 100% chance of killing me."

Tianji Stick nodded, Xuantian could move a million miles in one step too fast, and as his cultivation level improved and his understanding of the Chaos Holy Cauldron deepened, the distance he could cover in one step became farther and farther.

Xuantian glanced at Tianjigun, who understood and said: "If you can't beat me, just leave. If he wants to move to Sunset Tower, he has to ask me if Tianjigun will agree."

Xuantian smiled miserably. The Son of God, Sikong Xiang, was mixed with the Huangfu family. The Fengyun family was bound to be restrained by the Huangfu family. However, with the Tianji stick sitting in the Sunset Tower, Sikong Xiang could not even think of destroying the Sunset Tower.

Time passes day by day!

Warriors throughout Central Continent are waiting for the arrival of January 17th.

A large number of emperors rushed to the Sunset Tower in Xixuan Territory in the west of Central Continent from all over the land of Central Continent. There were even emperors coming from overseas.

One is the Son of God, and two words are enough to shake the entire Central Continent. The other is Xuantian, a figure who carries the Holy Cauldron, and is known to the world. He is a bright new star that has risen in the future, and has signs of surpassing the five perverted monsters.

These two people are going to fight to the death, who wouldn't dare to be interested?

January 17th, the day finally arrived.

When the sky was bright and the red sun rose in the east, Sikong Xiang, who was dressed in black and had black hair, appeared in Xixuan Territory. He walked towards the Sunset Tower hundreds of thousands of miles away. (To be continued...)

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