The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 983) News about Zi Yan


spn Sikong Xiang, the Son of God, was split in half by Xuantian's sword.

Whether it was the strong men from the Fengyun Family or the Huangfu Family, or the strong men watching the battle in Sunset Tower or from a distance, they all looked stunned and dumbfounded.

In the battle just now, everyone saw that Xuantian's strength was slightly inferior to that of the Son of God, Sikong Xiang, because Sikong Xiang had an emperor-level magic weapon in his hand.

But, how long has it been since then?

In this short period of time, Xuantian appeared again. Everyone thought that he was sacrificing his life for righteousness, using his life to exchange for the peace of Sunset Tower. However, unexpectedly, Xuantian's strength was greatly improved compared to just now. In the blink of an eye, he killed the Son of God, Sikong Xiang. [

Of course, Xuantian's changes in strength before and after were not the most stunning.

The most surprising thing was that the identity of Sikong Xiang, a son of a god who descended from the world of gods and was destined to grow into a god in the future, was actually killed by Xuantian neatly and without any hesitation.

There are many people in Zhongzhou who can kill Sikong Xiang, but when it comes to the two races of humans and monsters, even the quasi-emperor would not dare to kill a son of god.

Not to mention that the divine weapon in the hands of the Son of God will explode with power when life is in danger, destroying the attacker to pieces, but the consequences of killing a Son of God are something that no one, including the Quasi-Emperor, can bear.

Sikong Xiang is not the only one who has descended from the God Realm. Although they are similar in age, their cultivation levels are different. Sikong Xiang is only the last among all the sons of gods. Many years ago, a sixth-level emperor came to Central Continent. Now the sons of gods are The most powerful person may already be a quasi-emperor, or even become an emperor. The combat power is unbelievable, killing the quasi-emperor is like picking something out of a bag.

Most people are extremely afraid of the Son of God. But Xuantian won't worry so much. The Son of God has long been looking for him all over the world.

Regardless of whether he kills Sikong Xiang or not, the other Sons of God will kill him to seize the Holy Cauldron.

Moreover, if Sikong Xiang has done this, how can Xuan Tian still spare his life and not talk nonsense to him at all. The time when Sikong Xiang was killed was very short, and he didn't even have time to say anything.

Xuantian waved his hand and released Xiaohu from the Holy Cauldron space. Said: "This is a son of God. Although his cultivation level is a bit low, it should still have a great tonic effect on you. Go and eat it!"

Xiaohu is already a level five demon king. Reached this state. It has become difficult for him to challenge the next level. He has just reached the fifth level Demon King, and he is still at the limit of the seventh level emperor, which is a bit weaker than the eighth level emperor. However, he can accumulate strength by devouring the flesh and blood of the strong. The cultivation level of the fifth-level demon emperor has reached the combat power of defeating the eighth-level emperor. When the energy accumulated by devouring flesh and blood reaches a certain level, Xiaohu will continue to advance.

Sikong Xiang's body was split into two halves. Both eyes showed disbelief. This result was something he never expected. He came from the God Realm and would die in the hands of a mortal in the Mortal Realm.

He carries a divine weapon. It stands to reason that even if a strong man from the mortal world kills him, once he is in danger of death, the divine weapon will automatically explode and kill the enemy.

However, Xuantian carries the Holy Cauldron, and there are two Holy Cauldrons. The Holy Cauldron is more precious and more advanced than the artifact. The self-explosion of the artifact cannot destroy the Holy Cauldron in the slightest.

Therefore, even though Sikong Xiang had a strong trump card, he still died at the hands of Xuan Tian.

"It feels so good...! Although the blood of the Son of God is not pure divine blood, it seems to be more divine than the blood of demigods, haha...! Killing the Son of God is so comfortable! So comfortable!" Tianxuan Emperor Sword Let out a hearty laugh.

The sword is a murderous weapon. As the sword of World Lord Tianchen throughout his life, the Tianxuan Emperor Sword has killed countless powerful beings and has a strong killing nature.

At this moment, the world was silent. Emperor Tianxuan was spitting out words from his sword, saying that it was comfortable to kill the Son of God. Even the emperors who were dozens or hundreds of miles away could only see clearly. They all looked at the sword in Xuantian's hand with shock and confusion. .

Apart from Xuantian, only Tianxuan Emperor Sword dared to speak so brazenly.

At this time, someone didn't know who saw the origin of Emperor Tianxuan's sword, and an exclamation rang out: "Does anyone think that the sword in Xuantian's hand looks like the Tianxuan Sword Tower?" [

Being reminded by this voice, everyone's eyes were focused on the Tianxuan Emperor Sword. It turned out that it was indeed the case. Although it had shrunk from a thousand feet to one meter in length, the entire shape had not changed at all.

The sword body has nine sections, which divide the sword into ten sections. If expanded, it would correspond to the tenth floor of the Tianxuan Sword Tower.

"Xuantian, is the sword in your hand the Tianxuan Sword Tower?" Someone asked, it was the emperor of the Huangfu family.

Xuantian put away the Tianxuan Emperor Sword, smiled indifferently, and did not answer. He came to Fengyun Longcheng and said, "Thank you, senior, for maintaining the Sunset Tower."

Although Xuantian did not hear or see what happened in front of him, as soon as he appeared, he found that Fengyun Family was confronting Huangfu Family and Sikong, so he naturally knew that Fengyun Family was for Sunset Tower.

Fengyun Longcheng looked old, but the wrinkles on his face were now relaxed, and said: "Fengyun Family and Xiyang Tower are allies, and they should advance and retreat together. This is the responsibility of Fengyun Family, haha..., little friend Xuantian, short In just over a year, you have become a fourth-level emperor. It seems that I may still be able to see the day when you break out of your cocoon and become the Sword Emperor in my lifetime!"

Xuantian glanced at the strong men of the Huangfu family and smiled slightly: "Some people don't want to see this day, but I will let them down."

"Haha, it's good for young people to be ambitious!" Fengyun Longcheng nodded, then took a few steps forward, looked at the people of the Huangfu family, and said: "Huangfu Liuchan, if you are not leaving now, do you want to ask you to stay in Sunset Tower?" Are you coming down to eat?"

Anyone can hear the irony in Fengyun Longcheng’s words. The Huangfu family wanted to help the Son of God, Sikong Xiang, destroy the Sunset Tower. Now that Sikong Xiang dies, the Huangfu family has lost its backbone. With the Fengyun family here, the Huangfu family is even connected to the Sunset Tower. Not a hair could move.

"Xuan Tian, ​​you are indeed brave enough to even kill the Son of God, but I want to remind you that your death is not far away. Killing the Son of God is a treasonous thing. Even if your talent is unparalleled, you can ascend to become a god in the future and reach the God Realm. There is only one way to die. However, you can’t wait until the day when you ascend to the level of a god. The Sikong clan is very powerful in the God Realm, and there are other sons of gods who descend to the world and come to the sword world. You kill Sikong Xiang, the god son of the Sikong clan. I will never let you go. As soon as that powerful Son of God arrives in Central Continent, you will have a chance to survive." Huangfu Liuchan said loudly.

Xuantian didn't argue with him at all. When soldiers came to block him, when water came and the soil came, he ran away. Xuantian, the divine son of the Sikong clan, also knew that there was a man named Sikong Ding who took Princess Yingyue away. Xuantian still wanted to find him. Woolen cloth!

"Are you done talking nonsense?" Xuan Tian looked at Huangfu Liu Chan and sneered.

Huangfu Liuchan asked for it, snorted, waved his arm, shouted: "Let's go!", and quickly left with the people of the Huangfu family.

As soon as the people from the Huangfu family left, the Fengyun family also said goodbye and left quickly.

When Xuantian entered the Sunset Tower, the other strong men watching the battle lost sight of it and left one after another. Most of the strong men went in the same direction, which was where the Tianxuan Sword Tower was located.

The sword in Xuantian's hand looked too much like the Tianxuan Sword Tower. Xuantian didn't admit it personally. They only needed to go to the Tianxuan Sword Tower to have a look.

The Tianxuan Sword Tower has disappeared, so it is certain that the sword in Xuantian's hand is the Tianxuan Sword Tower.

The emperor's speed was extremely fast, and soon some emperors came to the teleportation array and arrived at the location of the Tianxuan Sword Tower through the teleportation array. Although they had already expected the result in their hearts, they were shocked and couldn't believe it in their eyes.

Tianxuan Sword Tower has indeed disappeared!

Xuantian felt comfortable after killing the Son of God Sikong Xiang, but the people in Sunset Tower could not feel comfortable. They were worried that a more powerful Son of God would come to Central Continent to take revenge on Sunset Tower.

In fact, Xuantian was also a little worried.

Xuantian and Yan Gucheng discussed it and finally made the decision to move to Sunset Tower. [

Use the space treasure to take away all the personnel, skill secrets, and inventory secrets in the Sunset Tower, and then use Xuantian's speed of a million miles in one step to leave the Xixuan Tower far away, so that no one in the world knows that Sunset Tower Where is the building?

Finally, let Xiyang Tower settle down in a remote place, set up many formations, and the entire sect went into seclusion. Now that Sunset Tower has obtained a large number of secrets of Kung Fu, it will usher in a period of rapid growth in strength. The number of people practicing in seclusion will be No problem for ten years.

The relocation was quickly settled. The disciples below the King of Sunset Tower were allowed to choose voluntarily. If they wanted to leave together, they could be taken away. If they didn't want to, they could be sent home.

In just half a month, everything was arranged. The warriors, skill manuals, and inventory secrets of the entire Sunset Tower were all put into space treasures, and then put into the Holy Cauldron. Wanli, far away from the Xixuan Territory.

Xuantian walked all the way to the southeast, walking more than 60 steps in a row, traveling more than 60 million miles through the void. Not only was he far away from the Xixuan Territory, he also left the land of Central Continent and came to an island more than 20 million miles away in the south of Central Continent.

Geng Yuqing set up a formation on the island and rebuilt the Sunset Tower.

More than a month later, everything was stable, and the Sunset Tower in Xixuan Territory disappeared into thin air. No one knew where it was. The Tianji Stick specially set up a Tianji array for the new location of the Sunset Tower, which could block the calculations of any fortune tellers and magicians.

Before the migration, Tianji Stick's cultivation had successfully broken through to the seventh level of the Emperor, and then consolidated for a period of time.

On March 8, 10007 in the ancient calendar, Tianji Stick once again calculated the whereabouts of Long Ziyan.

After breaking through to the seventh-level emperor, Tianji Stick's Tianji arithmetic improved greatly, and he finally calculated the location of Long Ziyan's arrival in Central Continent, as well as some subsequent developments.

As early as four months before Xuantian came to Central Continent, Long Ziyan came to the Central Continent area and appeared in the sea east of the Central Continent.

Later, Long Ziyan came to the eastern part of Central Continent and arrived at a place called Tianyanmen. At Tianyanmen, Long Ziyan experienced some disasters, but everything turned into good luck.

According to Tianjigun's calculations, Long Ziyan escaped from the disaster with the help of noble people, and then went to the east. In the end, she disappeared without a trace. She must have entered an unaccountable place.

The calculated information is all vague, except for one thing that is very clear about the Heavenly Eye Gate!

Xuantian immediately decided to go to Tianyan Gate to investigate! (To be continued...)

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