The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 985) Tianji Stick and Tianji Old Man


spn  The seventh-level emperor of Tianyan Gate was stunned. He didn't expect that Xuan Tian knew Long Ziyan's combat power so well that he could guess Lu Juechen's identity at once.

Seeing the change in the other person's expression, Xuan Tian was sure in his heart that that person was indeed Lu Juechen.

Three years ago, Xuantian was in Yunzhou, when Long Ziyan should have become emperor, and came to the Central Continent area through the path taken by the Undead Emperor.

When arriving in Central Continent, the first thing Long Ziyan must do is to look for Xuantian to see if Xuantian has come to Central Continent from Yunzhou. Long Ziyan knows that Xuantian will know the Heavenly Eye of the Emperor. He heard that there is a Heavenly Eye Gate in Central Continent. Zi Yan came to Tianyan Gate.

The Yuejiang Territory is very close to the Eastern Continent Territory, and the Tianyanmen can only surrender in the face of the Lu family's strength. [

Over the years, the Tianyan Sect has completely become a subsidiary force of the Lu family.

With the strength of the Tianyan Sect, if it were farther away from the Lu family, it would definitely be able to dominate the world. Unfortunately, this is the fate.


Although the Tianyanmen did not want to become a vassal of the Lu family, they did not have the strength to resist.

From the news about Long Ziyan that the seventh-level emperor of Tianyan Gate told Xuantian, we can see his dissatisfaction with the Lu family.

If he was willing to surrender to the Lu family, when telling the story, he should just omit the part about Lu Juechen and just say that Long Ziyan was taken away by Master Jinlong of the demon clan.

But he told everything in detail, which was enough to prove his dissatisfaction with the Lu family. Although he didn't tell Lu Juechen directly, it was because of the pressure from the Lu family that he didn't dare to say it clearly.

Lu Juechen!

Xuantian recited this name silently in his heart!

Among the five great perverted monsters in Central Continent, Fengyun Enemy, Zhan Lang, and Huangfu Yiyi are all fourth-level emperors. With the same realm as him, it should be certain that the combat power of someone with the same realm as Xuantian to kill the Son of God, Sikong Xiang, would surpass them. After Wei Zhenyu died in Xuantian, there was only one Lu Juechen left, who was said to be a fifth-level emperor.

Lu Juechen carries the Holy Cauldron, so his combat power must be very strong. At the same level as Sikong, his combat power may not be weaker than that of Sikong Xiang.

Now Lu Juechen is a fifth-level emperor, and his combat power will definitely exceed that of an eighth-level emperor. Although Xuantian killed Sikong Xiang, his strength is not necessarily comparable to Lu Juechen.

Although the Jie Zun Sword Technique is powerful, it can only enable Xuantian to fight across four realms. The strength is equal to that of an eighth-level emperor. It is not as powerful as the fifth-turn sword pill or the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with seven overlapping sword formations. It can directly kill enemies across four realms.

It is equal to the eighth-level emperor. And kill the eighth-level emperor. The difference in combat power is quite large, perhaps several to ten times different.

Xuan Tian put aside Lu Juechen for the time being. His main purpose of coming this time was to find the whereabouts of Long Ziyan, and said: "Master Jin Long, the quasi-emperor of the demon clan, what is his origin? Where does he live?"

The seventh-level emperor of the Tianyan Sect said: "He is one of the strongest men of the demon clan. He has been a quasi-emperor for at least a hundred years. As for where he lives, I don't know. I only know that he is in the Eastern Sea."

Xuan Tian frowned. The land of Zhongzhou is already large enough, and the area of ​​the Eastern Sea is even larger. There are countless islands beside the sea.

Although he takes a million miles in one step, finding someone is not a matter of running fast. It is really not easy to find Long Ziyan in the Eastern Sea.

Seeing Xuantian's worries, Tianji stick said: "You don't have to worry. There is no problem with Long Ziyan's safety for the time being. Master Jinlong is harming her." [

Xuan Tian nodded and said: "I hope so, sir. I am going to the Eastern Sea to look for Zi Yan. I don't know how long the search will take. Are you going with me or do you have other things to do?"

Before Tianji Stick could answer, a voice came loudly from a distance: "Master Lu is here!"

Xuantian raised his eyebrows, Mr. Lu? He instinctively thought of Lu Juechen!

It was indeed Lu Juechen who was here. Lu Juechen, dressed in blue and with black hair, looked to be in his early twenties. He was elegant and came walking on the wind. Next to him, there was an old man with white hair like snow but no wrinkles on his face. , none other than Old Man Tianji.

The Heavenly Eye Sect’s highest secret skill, the Imperial Heavenly Eye, was dedicated to the Lu family. However, it is difficult to cultivate the Imperial Heavenly Eye. Only the Earth Eye Pupil can be trained to only one in ten thousand people. Those who have cultivated the Imperial Heavenly Eye, the Heavenly Eye Sect and There are only a handful of Lu families in total, and Lu Juechen is one of them.

Therefore, the Tianyan Gate is almost like the back garden of the Lu family. The strong men of the Lu family can come and leave as they please.

Now, Lu Juechen is here.

Lu Juechen knew everything about the illusionary formation in Misty Mountain, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

As for Old Man Tianji, he had an ancient bronze mirror in his hand. When the mirror light shined, all reality and reality appeared. He kept changing directions and passed through the void barrier without any obstruction, arriving at the Sky Eye Gate.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lu Juechen and Old Man Tianji had just passed through the formation and arrived at the Tianyan Gate, when four gazes immediately collided in the void.

Xuantian and Lu Juechen, Tianji Stick and Old Man Tianji.

The former are two descendants of perverted evil geniuses, while the latter are both descendants of the Tianji lineage.

Xuan Tian and Lu Juechen were very surprised. They obviously didn't expect that they would meet here. It was so unexpected.

As for Tianji Stick and Old Man Tianji, although their eyes were jittery, they were much calmer and calmer, as if they had expected it.

Old Man Tianji looked at Tianji Stick and smiled, and said: "Why did I have a bad premonition this time? It seems that there is some change in the dark. It turns out that I met a young boy from the Tianji lineage."

Tianji Gun is also nearly two hundred years old, but Old Man Tianji is obviously much older, at least over three hundred years old, not to mention more than four hundred years old.

Although it looks like old man Tianji has no wrinkles on his face, his actual age is over 450 years old, which is more than 200 years old than Tianji Gun, more than double his age.

In the eyes of old man Tianji, Tianji stick is really a young man.

Tianji Stick also smiled and said: "There are successive generations of people who have learned the Tao, and there are specializations in the arts. You have indeed been practicing in the Tianji lineage much longer than me, but you may not be able to test the art of luck. Fuck me.”

If a few years ago, when Tianji Stick and Xuan Tian first arrived in Central Continent, he would not have said such words when they met Old Man Tianji. [

But these few years. The growth of Tianji Stick is rapid, not only the growth of cultivation, but also the comprehension of Tao is rapid.

At first. He pinned all his luck on Xuantian. If Xuantian's luck was strong, he would also be strong. But later, Xuantian disappeared in the Tianxuan Sword Tower, and Tianjigun realized it.

His luck does not need to be pinned on others, as he said: There is no secret. You can stay anywhere.

His understanding of the secrets of heaven is no longer limited to appearances, nor is it limited to a certain person. His divine secret lies in the entire heaven and earth.

Of course, Xuantian is a man of great luck, and with the Tianji Stick by his side, he can still gain great benefits. But Tianji stick is now following Xuantian. Compared with following Xuantian before, they have two completely different mentality and Taoist heart.

There is a certain order of learning, and there is a specialization in the art!

This sentence explains the changes in cultivation of all warriors in the world.

It does not necessarily mean that the earlier you practice, the stronger you will be. Some people have extraordinary talents. Although they practice later, they may catch up later. Even if you are not a person with natural tremors, you only need to specialize in a certain field. There are also opportunities to surpass those who came before.

Old Man Tianji's smile paused, and he was a little unhappy. Tianji's lineage cultivates not only cultivation, but the accumulation of feelings for Tianji's lineage over time is particularly important. Unlike other warriors, some evil geniuses can easily catch up in a short time. The strong old man.

But in Tianjigun's tone, he didn't feel that the senior Tianji Old Man was better than him.

The skin on Old Man Tianji's face twitched a few times and he said: "Junior, look at the person I chose. Is he a lucky person? How does Xuan Tian next to you compare to him?"

Tianji Stick shook his head and said: "Although you are an elder, your understanding of Tianji is not as good as mine. Both of them are lucky people. How can Xuan Tian compare with Lu Juechen? If not, so what? With What do you and I have to do with each other? Besides, no one can draw conclusions about the changing direction of luck. It may be prosperous at this time, but it will turn from prosperity to decline in less than a moment or three. Do you think you can see through the secrets of heaven and determine your luck? Can’t do it?”

"What does it have to do with me and you? Haha...!" Old Man Tianji laughed loudly and said: "Although luck has experienced ups and downs, the overall trend will not change. Juechen's luck is stronger than Xuantian, so what will happen in the end? The result has already been determined. All struggles are in vain. Others cannot see the strength of luck. You are the descendant of my Tianji lineage. Can't you see it yet? Use your Qi-gazing technique to see that Xuanqi's luck is ninety-seven. , and Juechen's luck is ninety-nine. A little difference in luck will lead to a huge difference in life. Although luck is not destined, fate is. Compared with Lu Juechen, Xuantian's fate is still slightly different. Junior, am I right?"

When Lu Juechen heard that Old Man Tianji said that his luck was better than that of Xuantian, he felt happy and smiled again and again on his face.

Xuantian dismissed these words. When had he ever believed in fate?

All destiny is bullshit to him. He only knows that the future is in his own hands. As long as he works hard, he will change his destiny against the will of heaven. Even a small person can soar above the nine heavens.

Tianji Stick also laughed and said: "Haha... What you said is right for others, but it is bullshit for Xuantian. How can a person who does not believe in fate be bound by fate? What's more, I have my life, and you have yours. My life is in my own hands, but your life depends on Lu Juechen. You have actually seen the level between us, but you just don’t want to believe it. That’s it, you still have decades to live. If you go back and study more, you may still hope to reach my realm this year.”

"You fart!"

Old Man Tianji yelled angrily. He has lived for more than four hundred years and is proficient in the way of Tianji. How can he be inferior to a younger generation who has practiced for less than two hundred years? He really didn't want to believe it.

"Is your life in your own hands?" Old Man Tianji shouted, and the ancient bronze mirror in his hand suddenly glowed brightly, shining towards the Tianji Stick.

Tianji Stick chuckled, and an ancient bronze mirror also appeared in his hand. He clapped his palm and shined the light at Old Man Tianji.


With a crisp sound, all the light from Old Man Tianji dissipated, and the ancient bronze mirror in his hand suddenly shattered, cracking like a spider web.

Old Man Tianji looked shocked and said: "How is it possible? Are you a genuine Tianji Realm product?" (To be continued...)

ps: Updates in the next few days should all be in the evening.

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