The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 990】 East China Sea Monster Clan


spn Three days and three nights……

Xuantian chased Lu Juechen for three days and three nights!

Previously, Lu Juechen had been chasing Xuantian for more than three days, but now he was chased back by Xuantian.

Lu Juechen was carrying the Holy Cauldron of Wind, and his speed was too fast. Xuantian couldn't catch up with him just by flying speed, and the Holy Cauldron imprisoned the void, so Xuantian couldn't teleport close to him.

Therefore, after chasing for three days and three nights, Xuantian failed to catch up with Lu Juechen and kill him. [

Three days later, Lu Juechen fled back to Central Continent from overseas, fled all the way to the Eastern Continent, and fled back to the Lu family. Xuancai stopped the pursuit.

The Lu family is a family of sword emperors, with a quasi-emperor sitting in charge.

Although Xuantian's current strength is at the pinnacle in Central Continent, second only to the ninth-level emperor, his strength is still inferior to that of the Sword Emperor family.

Collecting the nine holy cauldrons is Xuantian's goal. Since the holy cauldron of wind is on Lu Juechen, Xuantian will take the holy cauldron of wind back from him sooner or later. Even if the Sword Emperor family is behind him, they can't stop him. Stay in Xuantian's footsteps.

Now Xuantianfa can compete with the Sword Emperor family, and it may not be possible in the future. All Xuantian needs is time.

Xuantian left the Lu family in the Eastern Continent and headed east, a million miles away, and soon left the land of Central Continent and arrived in the Eastern Sea.

Xuantian's enemies in Central Continent are not the Sword Emperor family, but existences with ninth-level emperors like Skull Valley. Now Xuantian is able to protect himself, but he still lacks the strength to deal with them.

Therefore, Xuantian still has to focus on improving his strength. For him, the improvement of his cultivation and strength is just a matter of time.

While practicing, he planned to go to the Eastern Sea to find the whereabouts of Long Ziyan. This was the goal of his trip, and he met Lu Juechen by chance. Obtaining the Extreme Yang Pearl was a complete accident.

As for Tianji Stick, I came here to accompany him, but both Tianji Stick and Old Man Tianji disappeared, and Xuan Tiangen could not be contacted.

With the strength of the Tianji Stick, Xuan Tian was not worried about any problems, so he could only go alone to find Long Ziyan.

The land of Middle-earth is vast, and the surrounding ocean is even more vast.

Although Xuantian has seen the vast oceans in the northwest sea and northern sea. But every time he entered the depths of the ocean, Xuantian felt relaxed and happy.

A few days ago, Xuantian also went to a place thousands of miles deep in the Eastern Sea, but at that time he was in order to practice the fifth-turn sword elixir. Xuantian deliberately avoided some land. This time, in order to find Long Ziyan, Xuantian's route was naturally different. He needed to go to every place where humans lived or where the transformed demon clan lived.

Master Jinlong is the quasi-emperor of the demon clan. It should be located in the territory of the demon clan, very far away from the land of Central Continent.

Xuantian went all the way east, and after leaving the land of Central Continent, he walked more than 70 steps, more than 70 million miles away from the land of Central Continent, before he stopped on a huge piece of land.

This piece of land was so big that Xuantian couldn't even walk across it in two steps. It means that the width or length is at least two million miles.

Such a large piece of land is definitely a large island in the sea.

The Demon King only exists on large islands. When Xuantian inquired about Long Ziyan, he must first inquire about the Master Jinlong. When inquiring about the quasi-emperor, he naturally started from the existence of the emperor level. [

After asking around, I found out that this is an island inhabited by a tribe of shapeshifting monsters. This was within Xuantian's expectation and was more than seventy million miles away from the land of Central Continent. Even the quasi-emperor took several days to arrive, and he had already left the territory of the human race.

Although the demon clan is very hostile to the human race, Xuantian is a fourth-level emperor. If he catches a demon king, he has the ability to crush the opponent to death at any time. The demon king will naturally know about his problems.

"What kind of island is this? Who is the strongest demon emperor on the island?"

"'s Ice Toad Island, and the strongest demon king is the Ice Toad Demon King."

"What realm?"

"The fourth-level demon emperor is stronger than the ordinary fifth-level demon emperor."

"Where is the Ice Toad Demon King?"

"There is a large glacier in the north of Ice Toad Island, and Ice Toad Palace is located in the Icefield Valley, the largest valley in the glacier."

Ice Toad Island has a radius of about four million miles, and Xuantian only took a few breaths to reach the northern glacier.

The Icefield Valley is two to three hundred miles wide and thousands of miles long. It is the largest valley. Xuantian found it not long after following the demon king's reminder.

It's better to call it a valley than a canyon. Although there are ice peaks on both sides, the entire valley has sunk underground, looking like a huge crack created by the cracking of the earth.

Xuan Tian opened his Imperial Heavenly Eyes and saw that there were many formations arranged in the Icefield Valley.

However, these formations were child's play for Xuantian, who had the Emperor's Sky Eye. Soon, Xuantian could see the flaws and weaknesses of the formations, and passed through the formations silently and entered the Icefield Valley.

In the deepest part of the Icefield Valley, there is a huge ice palace, which is a hundred feet high. This is the residence of the Ice Toad Demon King. Xuantian came directly to the Ice Toad Palace. The air waves spread in all directions.

Suddenly a foreign emperor appeared, and the monsters in the Ice Toad Palace were all shocked. The owner of the Ice Toad Palace, the fourth-level Demon Emperor Bing Toad, was alarmed and rushed out of the Ice Palace.

The Ice Toad Demon King looks like a man in his thirties, and his skin color is more delicate than that of women, almost crystal clear.

Seeing that Xuantian was a human emperor and a fourth-level emperor like him, the Ice Toad Demon Emperor's expression suddenly changed.

The Ice Toad Demon King is a mutated monster, and its combat power is much stronger than other Demon Emperors. Although it is a fourth-level Demon Emperor, many fifth-level Demon Emperors are no match for him. He is very famous among the East China Sea Demon Clan. .

"Human, you came to my Ice Toad Island and broke into my Ice Toad Palace for a reason. You are so brave." The Ice Toad Demon King said coldly.

Seeing that the boss looked unhappy, the other demon kings and little demons also started to scold him.

Among them, there are two Demon Emperors, both Level 2 Demon Emperors, one on the left and one on the right standing beside the Ice Toad Demon Emperor. [

Facing all the monsters, Xuantian looked calm, looked at the Ice Toad Demon Emperor and said, "I have a question, where does Master Jinlong live and where are the people?"

The Ice Toad Demon Emperor's face was startled. Master Golden Dragon was no ordinary figure, but the quasi-emperor of the demon clan, the number one demon clan in the entire Eastern Sea.

Seeing Xuantian inquiring about Master Jinlong, the Ice Toad Demon Emperor's opinion of Xuantian improved a bit. Said: "Why are you asking these questions? Are you a servant of Master Jinlong?"

Xuan Tian shook his head and said, "Ask him to inquire about a person's whereabouts!"

The Ice Toad Demon King suddenly sneered and said: "Master Jin Long is such a person. You, a human race, dare to ask him for information."

Xuan Tian said: "You only need to tell me the whereabouts of Master Golden Dragon, and you have to worry about the rest."

The Ice Toad Demon King smiled coldly and said: "Human race, don't even think about getting any news from the Emperor. You are not welcome on Ice Toad Island. You should get out of Ice Toad Island quickly. Otherwise...!"

"Otherwise?" Before the Ice Toad Demon King finished speaking, Xuan Tian interrupted and said: "You little toad. Do you have to force me to force you?"


A cold breath suddenly spread out, filling all directions, and a hoarfrost mist suddenly appeared in the air.

The Ice Toad Demon King's expression became angry and said: "Human race, if you are angry with me, the emperor will be very angry and the consequences will be serious. You have to pay the price for your words and deeds!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Ice Toad Demon King's head suddenly changed and turned into a toad's head, with a big mouth taking up three-quarters of the head.

That big mouth. The frosty white mist that suddenly disappeared suddenly spit out.

In an instant, the wind roared like a knife, and several icy sharp blades rushed out of the frosty white mist. They are all condensed from the mysteries of ice. They are extremely cold, bone-chilling, and extremely sharp.

There will be no pain when the body is broken open by this sharp icy blade.

Ordinary people cut their flesh in ordinary ice water. Even though the blood is flowing, I can't feel the temperature of this cold and sharp blade. I don't know how many times lower than ordinary ice water, even the emperor can be killed without knowing it.

The Mystery of Ice belongs to the Mystery of Water, but it is a mutated Mystery of Water, and its attack power is more powerful than the simple Mystery of Water.

The Ice Toad Demon King controls the extremely powerful secret of ice, and his combat power is stronger than even the fifth-level Demon King.

He didn't even pay attention to Xuantian, who was also a fourth-level emperor.

Xuantian is not an ordinary emperor. The Ice Toad Demon Emperor has understood the secret of ice to the fifth level, while Xuantian has understood the secret of chaos, the secret of thunder, the secret of fire, the secret of earth, and the secret of sun to the sixth level. At the peak level, even if Xuantian doesn't use the sword formation or the sword elixir technique, his absolute strength alone is much higher than the Ice Toad Demon King.

Facing the extremely sharp icy blade, Xuantian stretched out his arm and pointed out a finger.

Bang! Bang! Bang! …

Xuantian's fingers were filled with lightning, and the lightning shot out continuously, like lightning.

Every icy sharp blade was shattered into pieces by Xuantian's finger.

The secret of thunder at the peak of the sixth level has very powerful attack power.

As Xuantian pointed out, more and more lightning gathered, almost condensing into a curtain of thunder.

All the ice-cold blades were shattered into pieces when encountering this thunder curtain, and the extremely cold frost-white mist was also opened by the thunder curtain and poured towards the Ice Toad Demon King.


Xuantian's figure was as fast as lightning, his finger pointed with lightning, and he rushed towards the Ice Toad Demon King.

The Ice Toad Demon King's face was horrified, and Xuan Tian easily defeated his strongest attack, indicating that his strength was far superior to his.

He was frightened and was about to run away, but the void around him was as solid as iron. Before the Ice Toad Demon Emperor could react from the surprise of teleportation, Xuantian's lightning finger had already touched the Ice Toad Demon Emperor's body.


In an instant, the Ice Toad Demon King's whole body was shrouded in lightning, almost turning into a thunder ball. Amidst the screams, he flew back and hit the Ice Toad Palace.

Seeing this, the rest of the demon clan were frightened and dispersed in all directions, screaming. No one dared to stay any longer. Xuantian's strength was so powerful that they were scared out of their wits.

Xuantian's body flashed and he came to the Ice Toad Demon King who fell to the ground. The lightning turned into a giant hand and grabbed the Ice Toad Demon King: "Can you answer my question now?"

"Yes! Yes! Spare my life...!" The Ice Toad Demon King nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and said quickly: "Master Golden Dragon is in the Sea Dragon Palace in the far east of the Eastern Sea. I don't know the specific location of the Sea Dragon Palace. I just I know that it is on the seabed near Dongliu Island. As for the Golden Dragon Master, his dragon has never seen its end, and no one knows his whereabouts, including me."

ps: The update is a bit late, but I will keep up with the two updates. I will continue to type and try to update the second chapter before twelve o'clock. . . . .

I have been very busy during the day recently, so I can only type at night. Instead of declining, Jianni subscriptions have actually increased. Thank you brothers for your support.

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