The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 994) Combat Power Soars


spn  Blood-striped purple gold mine, for sword formation masters, this is a rare treasure.

Xuantian, in particular, has practiced the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, which is the top sword formation among the emperor-level sword formations. After practicing it, he can kill enemies across four realms, and his combat power is terrifying.

However, due to the lack of emperor-level spiritual swords, Xuantian has been unable to exert the maximum power of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

Now Xuantian has the cultivation level of a fourth-level emperor. He has cultivated the fifth-level sword elixir, and his combat power has reached the limit. He can also fight across four realms.

However, the power of sword pill technique will not be broken with the breakthrough of cultivation level. If Xuantian's cultivation level breaks through to a fifth-level emperor, it will only be an increase in his absolute strength, or he can only reach the point of killing an eighth-level emperor. , there is still a certain distance between him and the ninth-level emperor. [

However, if there are enough emperor-level spiritual swords, that is completely different.

Xuantian broke through to the fifth-level emperor, and had enough emperor-level spiritual swords to form the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. His combat power was strong enough to break through four realms and kill the ninth-level emperor.

Only a fifth-level emperor can kill a ninth-level emperor. His combat power is strong enough to stand at the pinnacle of Central Continent, second only to the quasi-emperor.

"God helps me! God helps me! Ancestor Blood Chan, I found a blood-marked purple gold mine that can forge enough emperor-level spiritual swords. It won't take long for me to break through to the fifth-level emperor. When the time comes, I will The Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation will definitely kill you...!" Looking at the blood-stained purple gold ore hundreds of miles underground, Xuantian was overjoyed.

This is a blood-striped purple gold vein, and within Xuantian's visual range, there is quite a lot of it. Enough to refine the emperor-level spiritual sword he needs.

Now he has 1,800 imperial-level spiritual swords, and he only needs 1,800 more, so that he can refine the complete Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation in the future. At the imperial level, it is easy to defy the heavens and kill the emperor.

Of course, a vein of blood-striped purple gold ore, and the debut of the blood-striped purple gold ore, will definitely forge not only one or two thousand emperor-level spirit swords, but at least thousands, or even tens of thousands. Xuantian sells the excess blood-striped purple gold ore to other major forces or sword formation masters. It is definitely a sky-high price treasure, and can be exchanged for rare treasures that are also rare and rare.

"Dig! We must dig out all the blood-stained purple gold ore in this vein." Xuantian was very excited. Feeling excited.

The Tianxuan Emperor Sword suddenly appeared in Xuantian's hand, bursting out with bright red light.

Actuated by the power of the Five-Revolution Sword Pill, Xuantian stabbed the earth with his sword.


The ground shook, and a huge hole was suddenly stabbed out.

Emperor Tianxuan's sword can be big or small. The maximum length is more than 3,000 meters. It was exactly what the Tianxuan Sword Tower looked like. Xuantian stabbed with his sword, and the Tianxuan Emperor Sword broke through the earth as easily as cutting through tofu.

Coupled with the bloody sword, Xuantian's sword pierced at least a hole more than ten miles deep in the earth.

Xuantian jumped up, reached the bottom of the cave, and stabbed downwards with the Emperor Tianxuan Sword again...

Soon, Xuantian opened a vertical passage in the earth. All the way to a hundred miles underground.

Pieces of blood-stained purple gold ore appeared in front of Xuantian's eyes.

Xuantian dug out piece after piece of blood-stained purple gold ore. Then he threw it into the Chaos Holy Cauldron.

The space of the Chaos Holy Cauldron is now thousands of meters high, long, and wide, and it can accommodate many items. [

Xuantian has the Tianxuan Emperor Sword, which can break through earth and stone with ease. He also has the Emperor's Heavenly Eye, which can see through the earth and know where there is ore and where there is no ore.

Xuantian dug wherever he saw it, and harvested the blood-striped purple gold ore with great efficiency.

Time passed by, and in half a quarter of an hour, Xuantian dug out more than a hundred pieces of blood-striped purple gold ore. A larger piece could be enough to forge a dozen emperor-level spiritual swords, and a smaller piece could also be forged. Several mouthfuls.

More than a hundred pieces of blood-stained purple gold ore are enough to forge more than a thousand emperor-level spiritual swords.


While Xuantian was digging for blood-stained purple gold ore underground, the earth shook crazily.

The source of the vibration was on the ground, and soon there were continuous vibrations. Xuantian even heard a terrifying crash, as if there was a battle on the ground.

Xuantian suddenly frowned. The little tiger was on the ground. Could there be a monster attacking?

The blood-striped purple gold mine can be dug at any time. Xuantian followed the passage and appeared on the ground with a teleport.

Sure enough, there was a battle with Jule, and Xiaohu's situation was a bit dangerous.

There were nearly ten monsters fighting Xiaohu, most of them were eighth-level monsters, and one of them was a ninth-level monster emperor.

After Xiaohu ate the Elephant Demon, his cultivation reached the level of the Sixth Level Demon King. He had the ultimate combat power of the Eighth Level Demon King. The attack power of those eight-level demon beasts had little effect on Xiaohu. The key was the level nine monster. The Demon King is a little wexe towards Xiaohu.

With so many powerful monsters, I am afraid that the death of the eighth-level monster king elephant monster was known to the monsters on the island, which angered them and killed them collectively.

Xuantian immediately carried the Tianxuan Emperor Sword and rushed into the battlefield. The Tianxuan Emperor Sword slashed out red sword gangs of more than twenty miles, and the attack power was terrifying.

When the sword passed by, the eighth-level demon king was completely unstoppable and retreated one after another.

But the ninth-level demon king couldn't hold back at all. He rushed forward and blocked Xuantian's red sword.

Although the strength of this ninth-level demon king is much worse than that of the Blood Chan ancestor, it is still much stronger than Xuantian.

The combat power of the ninth-level demon emperor and the eighth-level demon emperor are not on the same level. Even if Xuantian has the ultimate combat power among the eighth-level demon emperors, there is still a certain distance between the ninth-level demon emperor.

Xuantian's purpose is not to kill these monsters, but to rescue Xiaohu.

Seeing Xuantian appear, the little tiger suddenly shrank into a palm-long shape and flew onto Xuantian's shoulder.

Facing the attacks of many demon emperors, Xuantian took one step forward, traveled a million miles through the void, and left the deserted island.

Xuantian dug up the blood-striped purple gold ore, which is enough to forge more than a thousand emperor-level spiritual swords, which should be enough for what he will need in the future. [

There are still a lot of blood-stained purple gold ores on the island, and Xuantian will naturally not abandon them, but now that there is a ninth-level emperor guarding them, Xuantian can only retreat temporarily.

It is better to find a place to break through the cultivation level to the fifth level emperor. Then he forged the blood-marked purple gold ore into an imperial-level spiritual sword again, and cultivated the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation to its ultimate limit.

At that time, the ninth-level demon emperor Xuantian will not be included. You can go to the island to mine the remaining blood-striped purple gold mines, and you can sweep across the deserted island and let Xiaohu eat a few more eighth-level demon kings, and even eat the ninth-level demon emperor. Xiaohu's strength is certain. Rapidly rising.

More than three million miles away from the deserted island, Xuancai was wandering in the sea again. Found another island.

This is a small island with a radius of only more than 200 miles. There are some invisible monsters living on it, but their cultivation level is very low. There are very few demon kings.

Xuantian did not disturb these monsters, and they burned incense and worshiped Buddha. No one had any objection to Xuantian's appearance on the island.

Xuantian named this small island Zijin Island and settled on this island. Swallow the three-thousand-year elixir. Attack the fifth-level emperor.

Time flies!

The days passed day by day, and more than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Xuantian ate three three-thousand-year-old elixirs in a row before he finally filled up the energy consumed in his body. He further improved his cultivation and became a fifth-level demon king.

By becoming the fifth-level Demon King, Xuantian can reach a new level of understanding of mysteries.

The Mysteries of Chaos and the Mysteries of Thunder were understood by two Holy Cauldrons.

The mysteries of fire, earth, and yang can be understood by ghost fire, hell earth, and extreme sun beads respectively.

For Xuantian. Whether it is cultivation or profound understanding, it is not a problem. It just takes some time, and before long, his profound understanding will reach the sixth level limit.

For him, the cultivation of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation is the key.

Xuantian continued to retreat on Zijin Island and vowed not to leave the island until he completed the practice of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

Once the goal is achieved, Xuantian's combat power will undergo earth-shaking changes. Under the sword formation, even the ninth-level emperor will not be able to escape, and his combat power will be close to that of the quasi-emperor.

Every day, Xuantian spent his time comprehending the secrets and forging the imperial-level spiritual sword.

Five months have passed, Xuantian’s profound meaning has been comprehended, and the first one to reach the sixth level limit is the profound truth of Yang. Although this is the last profound truth to be understood, the power of the profound truth in the Ji Yang Pearl is too pure, and Xuantian is the fastest to comprehend it. Quickly, it's like a secret transfer.

June has passed, and Xuantian's Mystery of Chaos and Mystery of Thunder have reached the sixth level limit one after another. June 9th is Xuantian's birthday. Xuantian spent it on this small purple island somewhere in the Central Continent. 29th birthday.

A 29-year-old fifth-level emperor, his combat power will soon reach the point of killing a ninth-level emperor. Whether it is Zhongzhou or Yunzhou, wherever Xuantian has been, this is a record of the ancients. .

Time flies, and most of July has passed in the blink of an eye.

Xuantian's Mysteries of Fire and Mysteries of Earth have also reached the sixth level limit one after another. All the blood-striped purple gold ores were forged by Xuantian into imperial-level spiritual swords, a total of one thousand four hundred and ninety-one.

With Xuantian's current mental strength, after trying it, he could control the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with eight overlapping sword formations at most. This was the limit.

The Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation reaching its limit means that it can kill enemies across four realms.

Xuantian originally had 1,800 imperial-level spiritual swords, which could form five Zhoutian Star Sword Formations. The eight sword formations overlapped, and another 1,080 spiritual swords were needed. The emperor-level spiritual swords forged by Xuantian still needed Four hundred and eleven more mouthfuls.

Regarding the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, Xuantian had long been familiar with it using the King-level Spiritual Sword. However, switching to the Emperor-level Spiritual Sword required much greater mental power, and the sword felt much heavier.

After several days of practice, Xuantian quickly adapted to the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, which consisted of eight overlapping sword formations composed entirely of imperial-level spiritual swords. As expected, his combat power skyrocketed.

He had met with the blood cicada ancestor who had the top combat power among the ninth-level emperors, and had generally withstood the blood cicada ancestor's attacks. Comparing the two, Xuantian could conclude that now he uses the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, The attack power is definitely one point higher than that of the Blood Cicada Ancestor.

The attack power is stronger than that of the Blood Cicada Ancestor, and compared to other ninth-level emperors, it is even more terrifying. (To be continued...)

ps: It’s almost 12 o’clock, and I finally coded the second update. I thought I could only code one chapter tonight. It seems that sometimes if you push yourself, you can still code one chapter. Xuantian The combat power has soared again, and it is about to sweep the ninth-level emperor. The plot behind will continue to be exciting. Thank you for your support.

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