The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 997) Death of Lu Juechen


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Xuantian slashed his arm towards Lu Juechen.

Immediately, a sword beam composed of several starlights flew out.

The sword glow was more than a thousand feet long, as white as light, and struck in front of Lu Juechen in the blink of an eye.

Lu Juechen was determined to test Xuantian's attack power. He did not dodge or dodge. He formed seals with his hands and the strong wind swirled around him, forming a cocoon of wind that enveloped his body. [

At the same time, four thousand-foot-long wind scrolls, including the wind dragon, wind dragon, wind snake, and wind lizard, suddenly rushed out. Although they were formed by wind, they were as lifelike as they were real.

The four wind scrolls were intertwined with each other and twisted together. The wind and wind helped each other, and their power increased greatly. In an instant, they collided with the sword array that was more than a thousand feet long.


A sharp and shrill howling sound suddenly sounded.

The four wind scrolls were immediately cut open under the attack of the sword array's sword light. In an instant, the wind power condensed into four wind scrolls spread out.

Although each of these wind rolls is only a thousand feet long, the wind contained in them is very strong, enough to blow dozens of miles with your fingers.

As soon as the wind scroll was destroyed, those strong winds roared instantly and blew away in chaos. The power was strong enough to twist the average emperor into pieces.

However, in the battle between the two, Xuantian was the better one after all. The sword formation with a length of more than a thousand feet split four wind scrolls, but it still did not disperse. It drove straight down and continued to attack Lu Juechen.

The sword light of the sword formation struck the wind cocoon, and the extremely fast wind blew the sword light of the sword formation into splits, but the wind cocoon was also split more than a thousand meters away in an instant.

Soon, the sword light of the thousand-foot-long sword array was completely blown away by the wind cocoon, and it failed to cut through the wind cocoon, but the wind cocoon was cut away by this sword for nearly ten miles.

Lu Juechen was cut out for nearly ten miles in the wind cocoon, but he still did not leave the envelope of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, and was still within the confining void range of Xuantian's Holy Cauldron, because Xuantian drove the sword formation faster than Lu Juechen. Juechen was sent flying much faster, and the distance between them was not widened at all. On the contrary, it was shortened a lot.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Xuantian used his sword to strike at Lu Juechen repeatedly. In the blink of an eye, nine sword beams more than a thousand feet long struck at Lu Juechen.

The attack of a sword formation and sword light is so terrifying. If it were not blocked by four winds, Feng Cocoon would not be able to block it. Now nine sword formations and sword lights are striking at the same time. Lu Juechen knows that Feng Cocoon will not be able to block it. It is absolutely unstoppable.


In just an instant, the wind cocoon surrounding Lu Juechen was shattered into pieces. It was split into nothingness by the sword light of the nine sword formations.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang!

With nine consecutive sounds, the nine sword formations struck a three-legged ancient cauldron, and a hurricane flowed on the surface of the cauldron. Never stopping is the Holy Cauldron of Wind.

Even though Lu Juechen had the combat power of a ninth-level emperor, he was still inferior to Xuantian and had to rely on the defense of the Holy Cauldron of Wind. To resist the attack of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation. [

Moreover, Lu Juechen controlled the Holy Cauldron of Wind to rush into the distance like lightning.

In this fight, he was still not as good as Xuantian. He knew that it would be difficult to surpass Xuantian in this life. The hope of obtaining the Holy Cauldron of Chaos and the Holy Cauldron of Thunder was almost zero. The only thing he could do was to preserve his Holy Cauldron of Wind.

With his qualifications. It is very possible to become an emperor in the future, with the help of the Holy Cauldron of Wind, even if you become an emperor. He will also rise strongly among the Sword Emperors and become the top person in the mortal world, and he may ascend to become a god in the future.

"You can't escape today!" Xuantian shouted, driving his sword, and quickly caught up with him.

at the same time. Xuantian waved his hand, and several rays of starlight condensed into a lightsaber. Densely attacking the Holy Cauldron of Wind.

It is impossible to destroy the Holy Cauldron of Wind, but these attacks can affect the speed of the Holy Cauldron of Wind.

This time, Xuantian has the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation that has been cultivated to the limit. The speed of driving the sword is no less than that of Lu Juechen. In addition, the range attack of the sword formation can affect Lu Juechen's speed. One will eliminate the other. If it rises, he will definitely be able to catch up with Lu Juechen.

As long as he catches up, Xuantian can rush into the Holy Cauldron of Wind, and Lu Juechen will have nowhere to escape.

The combat advantage in this battle is no greater than the last time he chased Lu Juechen. The power of the Sword Pill Technique and the Ultimate Sword Formation are the same. They can kill enemies across four realms. However, the Sword Pill Technique The attack is too single, and the sword light goes straight. Although it is easy to kill the enemy, when encountering a strong man like Lu Juechen who has the protection of the holy cauldron, he cannot catch up if he wants to chase him.

But the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation is different. The sword formation has a large coverage area. It can condense the power together and kill the enemy with the power of powerful attacks. It can also disperse the power and turn it into several sword rays to attack continuously. Affects the enemy's speed.

In terms of attack, the Nine-turn Sword Pill technique is comparable to the Ultimate Sword Formation, but in terms of pursuit and killing, the Sword Formation is still stronger.

Sure enough, being attacked by swords from all directions, the movement speed of the Holy Cauldron of Wind was greatly reduced.

As for Xuantian's sword formation, he was as fast as lightning, approaching the Holy Cauldron of Wind.

In the Holy Cauldron of Wind, Lu Juechen looked shocked. He had always been proud of his speed. The last time he was chased by Xuantian, he also relied on his speed to escape.

But today, his usual speed has lost its effect. In the extreme Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation, Xuantian moves almost as fast as a star, even faster than Lu Juechen.

This time, Lu Juechen's heart was really shaken, and he felt the threat of death.


Suddenly, a violent wind rushed out of the Holy Cauldron of Wind, slightly repelling the attack of the sword formation's sword light.

Lu Juechen's figure immediately rushed out of the Holy Cauldron of Wind. He put the Holy Cauldron of Wind away in an instant, and a teleportation talisman came out of his hand.


Lu Juechen disappeared in a flash.

Moving the talisman was Lu Juechen's last resort. [

"Move the talisman? Humph...!"

When Xuan Tian saw Lu Juechen using the teleportation talisman to escape, he just snorted and showed an amused smile.

He raised his hand, and the Holy Cauldron of Chaos suddenly appeared in his hand. With a wave of his hand, the Gate of the Void immediately rushed out of the Holy Cauldron of Chaos and stood in front of Xuantian, reaching a height of thousands of feet.

Through the gate of the void, Lu Juechen's trajectory through the void by moving the talisman was immediately revealed, and Xuantian could see it clearly.

Xuan Tian took one step forward and followed the trajectory, covering more than a million miles in one step.

There was silence all around, and Lu Juechen was nowhere to be seen.

Xuantian used the Void Gate to check again, but Lu Juechen used the teleportation talisman to teleport away.

It seemed that Lu Juechen was very cautious. Most people would relax their vigilance after using a teleportation talisman to escape for more than a million miles, but Lu Juechen chose to continue teleporting.

However, Xuantian has the Gate of the Void, and no matter how many times he uses the Teleport Talisman to teleport, he cannot get rid of him.

This place is more than 60 million miles away from the Central Continent, unless Lu Juechen has more than 60 teleportation talismans to teleport back to the Central Continent. Escape back to the Lu family, otherwise Xuantian will be able to catch up with him no matter where he escapes.

More than sixty moving talismans. This is simply impossible. Mr. Xuechan has obtained more than 80% of the teleportation talismans from the old man Xuechan, and only has thirty or forty pieces. Each teleportation talisman is an escape treasure and is very precious. One cannot have too much.

Lu Juechen had a lot of moving talismans on him, fifteen in total.

This time he knew that the situation was serious and his life was threatened. In order to save his life, Lu Juechen used fourteen teleportation talismans in succession, leaving only one on him. Save it for future emergencies.

After teleporting fourteen times in a row, he had already left Dongqi Island for more than 14 million miles, and then teleported towards the direction of Zhongzhou.

Met Xuantian in the Eastern Sea. Lu Juechen will not attend the Ten Thousand Demons Conference. He will return to the Lu family. Only in the Lu family can he feel safe.

Unfortunately, for Xuantian. Even if Qian moved the magic talisman a hundred and forty times, she still couldn't escape his pursuit. Soon, Xuan Tian saw the direction in which Lu Juechen was escaping through the Void Gate, and chased him a million miles away.

"How is this possible? You are not a quasi-emperor. Why can you catch up with the speed of the moving talisman and not be able to shake it off like a shadow? Why is this?"

Seeing Xuantian chasing after him, Lu Juechen roared loudly, escaping for more than 14 million miles, but failed to escape Xuantian's pursuit, which made his spirit collapse.

Xuantian teleported directly to Lu Juechen, who was more than ten miles away. Several rays of sword light rushed out from Xuantian's body, turning into stars in the sky, covering a radius of more than twenty miles, and Lu Juechen was also enveloped.

"Lu Juechen, it's time to end this relationship between us!"

Xuan Tian said coldly, and with a movement of his hand, he drew the power of the sword array and turned it into dazzling white sword lights one after another, striking at Lu Juechen.


Lu Juechen used the last teleportation talisman and appeared more than a million miles away. Then, he increased his speed to the limit and teleported wildly to escape.

"I, Lu Juechen, am the son of destiny! I, Lu Juechen, am the number one genius in Central Continent! I, Lu Juechen, have had a smooth life. I, Lu Juechen, have always been the only one who has surpassed others. Why? Why did I die? Why? Why?"

Lu Juechen really collapsed. He had been arrogant all his life. He was the youngest among the five perverted monsters in Central Continent. Therefore, when he was a king, his reputation was not obvious, but his potential was huge. Once he became an emperor, he immediately surpassed the others. The four perverted monsters ranked first.

He always thought that he was the son of destiny and the favorite of God.

However, today he encountered a death crisis.

Xuantian can catch up with the moving talisman. Although he has a mental breakdown, his mind is not stupid. He knows that this time he is dead.

Sure enough, Xuantian soon caught up again, and the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation once again enveloped Lu Juechen.

No more moving talismans.

In terms of speed, Xuantian is faster, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer.

It didn't take long for Xuantian to catch up with the Holy Cauldron of Wind, and with his sword array, he rushed directly into the cauldron.

The space in the cauldron is limited, only a few kilometers in radius, and is completely enveloped by the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

In the Holy Cauldron of Wind, there were sword array attacks everywhere, and Lu Juechen couldn't dodge them at all.

Escape, there is nowhere to escape!

Avoid, you can avoid everywhere!

The sword light of the sword formation split through layers of Lu Juechen's defenses, and finally struck Lu Juechen's body.

"Ah! I hate it!"

Lu Juechen let out one last shrill roar, and his body was split into several pieces by the sword array.

A generation of genius has passed away. (To be continued)

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