The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 1001) Quasi-Emperor Golden Dragon Master


spn  In the Blackstone Fortress, the predictions of the strong men and demons from the two tribes were right.

The ancestor of the Blood Chan was indeed caught up by Xuantian and died at the hands of Xuantian.

A ninth-level emperor with the highest combat power, how abundant and rich the energy in his flesh and blood must be!

As soon as the blood cicada ancestor died, the little tigers who had been prepared for a long time rushed out. The blood and flesh of the blood cicada ancestor had already entered the little tiger's mouth one after another while they were still falling in the air, and then swallowed them.

The more Xiaohu eats, the stronger he becomes. [

After eating the ninth-level demon king ape demon, Xiaohu's strength was already at the level of a ninth-level emperor. Later, after eating Lu Juechen, he became even more powerful. Now after eating the flesh and blood of the blood cicada ancestor, Xiaohu's combat power is completely An existence that will reach the limit among ninth-level emperors.

Compared to Xuantian, Xiaohu is not weak at all.

Soon, the little tiger burped, and its breath obviously increased a lot, which was thicker and more terrifying than the breath of the blood cicada ancestor during his lifetime.

There was Lu Juechen and the Blood Cicada Ancestor. All their flesh and blood energy was absorbed by Xiaohu. Xiaohu's strength had surpassed that of either of them.

Xuantian waved, and the little tiger's body shrank, like a palm-long black cat, and returned to sit on Xuantian's shoulder.

His strength is already the number one under the Quasi-Emperor, and with the addition of Xiaohu who is not weaker than him, Xuan Tian believes that even the Quasi-Emperor can fight a fight.

Master Jinlong said that he would show up after the Ten Thousand Demons Conference and kill the Blood Cicada Ancestor. It was time to go back to the Black Snake Fortress to take a look.

Xuantian traveled more than a million miles in one step and soon returned to Black Snake Fortress.

now. The Black Snake Fortress was in a state of excitement, and everyone was talking about Xuantian's pursuit of the Blood Cicada Ancestor.

Suddenly, the sky was above the battlefield of Black Snake Fortress. The void opened and Xuantian came out.

Seeing Xuantian, everyone looked shocked, their eyes tightened, and they were wondering: Did the Blood Chan ancestor successfully escape?

"Is Master Golden Dragon here?" Xuantian appeared, looking around, and said loudly.

No one responded. But an old man in black robe flew out from the central castle of Black Snake Fortress, looked at Xuantian and shouted: "Little friend Xuantian. I will take you to see Master Jinlong."

"Who are you?" Xuan Tian asked with a frown.

The black-robed old man said: "The old Black Snake Ancestor, under the orders of Master Jinlong, will bring the winner of the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference to the Sea Dragon Palace to meet him."

Black Snake Ancestor. The ninth-level demon king of the Black Snake Clan.

After a pause, the Black Snake Ancestor continued: "Little friend Xuantian won just now. The old man should have come out, but the Xuechan Ancestor came too fast, and little friend Xuantian has the strength to resist the Xuechan Ancestor. Between you, I didn’t interfere in the grudges between us, so please don’t be offended.”

Xuan Tian nodded lightly: "Well, there must be life between us. If he dies, he won't come to me. I will also go to find him. Ancestor Black Snake, please lead the way!"

"Little friend Xuantian, please come with me!" Ancestor Black Snake invited Xuantian and asked casually: "Ancestor Blood Chan is now...?" [

"He's already dead!" Xuan Tian said casually.


Immediately, the entire Black Snake Fortress, both human and demon clan strongmen, could not help but scream in surprise.

The blood cicada ancestor is really dead.

Even the Black Snake Ancestor's heart skipped a beat. The Blood Cicada Ancestor's strength was far superior to him. Xuantian only had the cultivation of a fifth-level emperor, but he could kill even the Blood Cicada Ancestor. It was really scary! terrible!

The Black Snake Ancestor secretly rejoiced: Fortunately, I did not become enemies with Xuantian!

Feeling in his heart, the Black Snake Ancestor teleported and appeared more than a thousand miles away.

"Brother Fengyun, Brother Zhan, see you later...!" Xuantian said hello to Fengyun Enemy and Zhan Lang who were not far away, and followed the Black Snake Ancestor teleporting away in a flash.

Ancestor Black Snake was in front and Xuantian was behind. The two of them were so fast that they could travel more than a thousand miles in the blink of an eye.

Black Snake Fortress is not far from the sea, less than a million miles away. In less than an hour, the two of them left Dongliu Island and continued to fly eastward into the vast sea.

After flying in the sea for more than an hour and covering more than a million miles, the Black Snake Ancestor in front said: "Little friend Xuantian, please follow me into the sea."

The water in front splashed, and the Black Snake Ancestor dived into the sea, and Xuan Tian also rushed in.

After diving to a depth of tens of thousands of meters, the Black Snake Ancestor teleported in an uncertain direction for half a moment, and finally stopped at a mountain thousands of meters high on the seabed.

"Hailong Palace has arrived.!"

The ancestor of Black Snake glanced at Xuantian, and then shouted to the mountain: "Master Jinlong, I have brought little friend Xuantian here."

Xuantian opened his Imperial Eyes and looked at the mountain in front of him. He couldn't see through the mountain. After tens or hundreds of meters of depth, his vision was blocked by a force and he couldn't see through it.


There was a loud noise from the foot of the mountain, and the mountain cracked open, and a huge portal appeared inside, as high as a hundred feet high.

A sixty-year-old man wearing a golden robe walked out of the Baizhang portal.

"Old friend Black Snake...!"

"Master Golden Dragon...!"

The sixty-year-old man and the Black Snake Ancestor greeted each other. [

Is this Master Golden Dragon? Xuantian looked over and saw that the Sea Dragon Palace was in the heart of the mountain, but the Emperor's Heavenly Eye could not see through the mountain. If the Black Snake Ancestor had not brought him here, he would have been unable to find the Sea Dragon Palace for the rest of his life. .

Master Jin Long also looked at Xuantian, their eyes met, Master Jin Long said: "Are you Xuantian?"

Xuantian asked doubtfully: "Master Jinlong knows about me?"

Master Jinlong nodded and said, "I heard people talking about you."

At this time, the Black Snake Ancestor smiled and said: "Master Golden Dragon, I have brought Xuantian to you, I will go ahead."

"Go slowly!" Master Jinlong nodded to the Black Snake Ancestor.

The Black Snake Ancestor also smiled and nodded to Xuantian before teleporting away.

"Where is Zi Yan now?" Xuan Tian asked impatiently as soon as the Black Snake Ancestor left.

Master Jin Long did not answer in a hurry and waved to Xuan Tian: "Zi Yan has encountered some trouble. Come on, let's go inside and discuss it in detail."

Xuantian has a teleportation talisman. The teleportation talisman is refined by the Sword Emperor. Any Jedi can teleport out. Although he is not familiar with Master Jinlong and is more friendly with him, Xuantian is not afraid of entering the Sea Dragon Palace.

Following Master Jinlong, Xuantian passed through the hundred-foot gate.

Outside the gate, there is all the sea water, but inside the gate, there is no water, it is a huge cave. It has a radius of thousands of meters.

There are huge boulders in the cave, dividing the cave into open areas one after another.

Master Jin Long walked directly to the front, where there were some stone chairs. He sat on the main seat, pointed to the stone chair next to him and said, "Please sit down."

Xuantian opened his eyes and looked at the stone chair. He saw no problem and sat down.

"You are very cautious and vigilant!" Master Jinlong looked at Xuan Tian and said.

Facing a demon clan quasi-emperor, Xuantian was of course wary and said: "Please tell me the whereabouts of Zi Yan."

Master Jinlong said: "Three years ago, I saved Zi Yan's life and accepted her as a disciple, because I am also the inheritor of the dragon's bloodline. I will not harm her. She is in the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm."

"Hidden Dragon Secret Realm? What is it?" Xuantian lowered his guard against Master Jinlong.

Master Jinlong said: "The place where the divine dragon once died contained a large amount of divine dragon's blood. I sent Zi Yan into it, so that she could obtain a large amount of divine dragon's blood, and her cultivation level could be improved rapidly. In just three years, she has grown from A first-level emperor has become a sixth-level emperor.”

From a first-level emperor to a sixth-level emperor in three years, Xuan Tian was also slightly shocked. His cultivation had grown fast enough, but Long Ziyan was not slower than him at all.

Xuan Tian asked: "What happened to Zi Yan?"

Master Jinlong said: "The blood of the divine dragon is divided into two attributes, Yin and Yang. The Yin attribute of the Dragon's blood in Qianlong Secret Realm accounts for the majority. She has absorbed a large amount of the Yin attribute of the dragon's blood. Yin is prosperous and Yang is sad. Although the woman is Yin, But it also requires a certain amount of yang energy adjustment. If the yin and yang are too imbalanced, it will be very dangerous. Unless there is a large amount of yang-attributed dragon's blood for her to absorb, it can be resolved. However, the dragon's blood is too rare. Except for the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm, It’s hard to find even a drop of it, and there’s no way to find the yang-attributed dragon’s blood.”

Xuan Tian frowned: "What should we do?"

Master Jinlong said: "Women belong to yin and men belong to yang. The more powerful a man is, the stronger his blood and the more yang. Only when men and women blend and yin and yang are combined can the solution be resolved. Three months ago, Zi Yan just broke through six As a super-emperor, the yin is rising and the yang is declining. She told me that she only wants one man in the world, and that is you Xuantian. I searched for you all over the world, but there was no news about you...!"

Three months ago, Xuantian had just broken through to the fifth-level emperor, and was forging an emperor-level spiritual sword on a deserted island in an area where monsters do not transform. He did not know how far away he was from Central Continent, and even tens of thousands of miles away from Dongliu Island. It would be a wonder who could find him.

Xuantian said: "So you asked the Black Snake Clan to hold the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference?"

Master Jin Long nodded and said: "Zi Yan can persist for up to four months. I can't just watch her die just because I didn't find you. I asked the Black Snake Clan to hold a Ten Thousand Demons Conference, where people and demons from the two tribes All powerful people from the younger generation can participate. The news has spread throughout the Central Continent. If you hear the news, you will definitely come to participate. If you don’t come, then I can also choose a better man for Zi Yan. If you want to regulate her body With excessive Yin Qi, he must be a man with extremely strong masculine blood, his combat power must be similar to Zi Yan, and he must have the combat power of a ninth-level emperor."

Xuantian let out a breath. Fortunately, he came out of the desolate sea of ​​incarnated monsters. If he missed the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference, he would really regret it for the rest of his life.

Xuan Tian said: "Zi Yan only has one month left. Master, where is the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm? I have to save her!"

Xuantian's combat power is the ultimate among the ninth-level emperors. Except for the quasi-emperor, Xuantian is the most powerful and masculine warrior.

Moreover, Xuantian also has the Extreme Yang Bead, and he has understood the secret of Yang, and has sufficient Yang Qi.

Master Jinlong said: "Don't worry, Zi Yan can still bear it now. Due to the death of the dragon, Qianlong Secret Realm is full of killings. It can only be entered and exited in the second half of the morning at Mao hour every day. You have to wait here for a day first, and tomorrow morning , I will take you to the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm." (To be continued...)

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