The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 1006) The scum of the human race

Although the sentry guards of the Huangfu family are relatively lax and don't pay much attention, they must go through the necessary precautionary procedures.

Checking the formation is one of the necessary precautionary procedures.

Xuan Tiantian destroyed the seventeenth formation, and suddenly a rush of bells rang in Huangfu City.

That was the warning sound of foreign enemy invasion. The Huangfu family finally knew that one of the formations had been destroyed.

As for why it was not until Xuantian destroyed seventeen formations that the people of the Huangfu family discovered that it was not that the Huangfu family's sentry guards failed in their duties, but that Xuantian broke the formation too fast. [

Every once in a while, the Huangfu family would sit down and check the status of the formation. During this period of time, even the formation master could not completely destroy a formation.

Even the most accomplished among formation masters can only destroy one formation within that period of time.

Compared to Xuantian's Emperor's Heavenly Eye, which can see through true and false at a glance, even a formation master cannot compare with him in breaking formations.

call--! call--! call--! …

One by one, the formation air shields rose.

The operation of the formation requires a large amount of energy. Although there are many formations inside and outside Huangfu City, it is impossible to keep the formation operating all the time. Otherwise, the energy consumed by the formation operation alone will not last for several years. In a matter of seconds, the Huangfu family, the Sword Emperor family, could be completely brought down.

The formations will only operate when it is determined that there is an enemy invasion, and for the time being, only a dozen formations have been activated.


Suddenly, nine strong men flew out from Huangfu City. Investigate the situation.

At the same time, in Huangfu City. Strong men also appeared one by one and gathered together to form teams.

A large number of kings gather together to form a formation, which can also bring out the king's combat power.

The number of emperors in the Huangfu family is limited, but there are tens of thousands of kings, although the strength gap between kings and emperors is too big. But when the number of kings reaches a certain level, they can still exert great strength.

The nine strong men separated and looked outside in the formation.

Xuantian wanted a quick victory and did not hide his figure. With a sweep of his Imperial Eyes, he immediately looked at the weaknesses of the next formation. And where the formation base is.


As soon as his figure flashed, Xuantian was already outside the formation base. With a wave of the Tianxuan Emperor Sword in his hand, a red sword beam suddenly struck out and struck the ground somewhere where the formation's air shield was raised.

There was a loud bang and the ground cracked. The base of the formation was split in half, and the formation's aura suddenly disappeared like a bubble being pricked by a needle.

Suddenly, a formation aura mask was lost, and the nine powerful men from the Huangfu family who came out to investigate immediately lost their protection. [

A red sword light broke through the sky. In an instant, a king was chopped into pieces, Xuantian's figure was like an arrow. Quickly run outside the next formation air shield and move quickly along the formation air shield to find the base of the next formation.

With a flash of yellow light, Huang Dao's Heavenly Eyes could see for dozens of miles in an instant. Soon, Xuantian found the base of the next formation.

At this time, the other eight strong men from the Huangfu family who came out to investigate rushed into the formation's air shield in a flash, and rushed towards Huangfu City, shouting: "It's Xuantian...! Xuantian is coming Got it!"

Although they have never seen Xuantian's face, there are very few people in the Huangfu family who don't know Xuantian. The nine strong men who came out to investigate just now all know Xuantian.

Xuantian killed one, and although the other eight were far away, they still recognized Xuantian at a glance.

The strong men of the Huangfu family were all shocked when they heard this. Xuantian actually came to Huangfu City?

After being startled, he was angry and happy at the same time. He was angry because Xuantian dared to come to the Huangfu family, but he was happy because Xuantian was seeking his own death.

Knowing that Xuantian was coming, no one dared to stop him. Xuantian could kill even Huangfu Zeming, and his combat power was unparalleled. Except for Huangfu Liuchan, the quasi-emperor of the Huangfu family, even the head of the Huangfu family was not sure he would dare. Better to say sure than him.


A figure soars into the sky from Huangfu City!

"Xuan Tian, ​​if you don't take the road to heaven, you will break through the gate of hell on your own. I have been looking for you for a long time. Today you are seeking death. I will help you...!"

A loud shout came from the sky, and at the same time there was a terrifying aura, pressing down from the sky. The man rushed towards him with an aura that was like a star falling from the sky. Even in the distance, the atmosphere in front was already rioting and blowing. A fierce wind arose.

Quasi-Emperor Huangfu Liuchan appears!

Xuantian's lips curled up, he had already been prepared for Huangfu Liuchan.

He waved his hand, and suddenly an old man wearing gold trousers appeared next to Xuantian. It was Master Jinlong, the quasi-emperor.

Xuantian shouted at Huangfu Liuchan: "Huangfu Liuchan, from now on, there are only four Sword Emperor families in the land of Central Continent. Your Huangfu family will be eliminated from now on!"

The sound was so powerful that it spread for hundreds of miles. Not only Huangfu Liuchan, but also everyone in Huangfu City heard it clearly.

This statement made everyone in the Huangfu family extremely angry.

Xuantian took the initiative to kill the Huangfu family, and actually wanted to destroy the Huangfu family!

The Huangfu family is a Sword Emperor family that has been inherited for thousands of years and has always been prosperous. Even from other Sword Emperor families and the most powerful force in the Monster Clan, no one dares to say such things.

In the sky, Huangfu Liuchan's pupils shrank sharply, and he saw the quasi-emperor Golden Dragon Master beside Xuantian.

"Our Huangfu family has been passed down for thousands of years. Who can destroy it? Xuantian, do you think that by asking for his quasi-emperor to come, he can pose a threat to our Huangfu family? Hahaha...!" Huangfu Liuchan laughed, "Golden Dragon Master Man, you hurt me with the help of formations in Hailong Palace, did that inflate your self-confidence? The formations of my Huangfu family are a hundred times more numerous and powerful than those of Hailong Palace. Here, let’s see how you follow I fight."[

As a Sword Emperor family, the background of the Huangfu family is indeed not comparable to that of Hailong Palace. The total number of formations in Hailong Palace is only a dozen, while in Huangfu City, there are hundreds of formations outside the city alone, and there are hundreds of formations in the city. There are definitely more laws.

Huangfu City was built up by generations of strong men from the Huangfu family using resources.

Master Jinlong was able to use the power of formations to defeat Huangfu Liuchan in Hailong Palace, so Huangfu Liuchan could naturally use the power of formations to defeat Master Jinlong in Huangfu City.

Moreover, the formations in Huangfu City were more and more terrifying, which further expanded Huangfu Liuchan's advantage.

At this time, Xuantian waved his arm again, and the Quasi-Emperor Jinglang Ancestor appeared.

"Haha... Huangfu Liuchan, in your territory, your strength will indeed increase a lot, but with the addition of my ancestor Jinglang...!" As soon as the ancestor Jinglang appeared, he looked at Huangfu Liu Chan laughed.

"Ancestor Jinglang?" Huangfu Liuchan's expression changed. Xuantian actually brought two quasi-emperors, but his attack on Xuantian did not stop.

A Qinggang Wood Emperor's sword energy fell from the sky and slashed for more than twenty miles. The sword energy was a huge tree with countless branches, flowers flying and leaves falling.

Whether it's the flying flowers or falling leaves, or the skills, they are all sword energy with extremely terrifying attack power.

And that huge tree is the main body of the Qinggang Wood Emperor's sword energy and the most powerful attack.

At this time, the trees were growing continuously, and the tree tops were reaching towards Xuantian in the blink of an eye.

Xuantian stepped back, and Master Jinlong and Ancestor Jinglang took action at the same time. Master Jinlong formed a seal with his hands, and a golden dragon's shadow appeared, condensing into reality.

The ancestor of Whale Wave took a shot with one palm, like a giant whale writhing in the sea. In an instant, a stormy wave appeared in front of him, as if there was a huge whale shadow shuttled back and forth.

The attacks of Master Jinlong and Ancestor Jinglang collided with Qinggang Mu Emperor's sword energy, and in an instant, the huge tree was blown to pieces.

Outside Huangfu City, the formations were all defensive formations. The air shields of the formations could only block other people's attacks, but did not improve Huangfu Liuchan's strength. Naturally, he was not a joint attack of the two quasi-emperors.

Just as several quasi-emperors were fighting each other, Xuantian's figure flashed and rushed to the side, continuing to look for the base of the next formation.

Huangfu Liuchan took action within the formation, and his sword energy turned into a tree again and charged towards Xuantian.

Master Jinlong and Ancestor Jinglang followed Xuantian and once again neutralized Huangfu Liuchan's attack.

The three quasi-emperors had only fought four times before Xuantian found the base of the next formation. With a wave of Emperor Tianxuan's sword, a red sword slash struck through. The base of the formation was destroyed, and another formation's aura was shattered. .

"Ancestor Quasi-Emperor! Let's rush out and destroy Xuantian!" A large number of powerful men from the Huangfu family flew into the sky, and many emperors shouted.

In their view, although Xuantian has two quasi-emperors beside him, he still has to deal with Huangfu Liuchan's attack. Although Xuantian is strong, the Huangfu family has so many people that they can't attack Xuanzang when they surge forward. The sky was shattered into pieces.

Huangfu Liuchan stopped everyone with his hand and shouted loudly: "Xuan Tian, ​​you are a human race, but you lead the demon race quasi-emperor to attack the human race's Sword Emperor family. You are simply the scum of the human race. There is nothing between us." Grudges should be resolved within our human race. You should stop immediately, otherwise you will become a public enemy of the human race, and there will no longer be a place for you in the land of Central Continent."

"Hahahaha...!" Xuantian laughed loudly, and while looking for the formation base of the next formation, he said: "Huangfu Liuchan, don't forget, it was me, the 'scum of the human race', who was killed when the demons invaded. , stepped forward and saved the human race, but what about you? You, the quasi-emperor of the human race, what did you do when the human race needed you most? You just hid in the back and acted like a coward. The only thing you did was to treat me as a demon. After the disaster of the invasion of the human race was resolved, he came out to seize my holy cauldron and harm my life. Huangfu Liuchan, these five words, the scum of the human race, will be returned to you intact."

There are a large number of people in the Huangfu family. Although the whole atmosphere is affected by the above, most of them are cunning and despicable, but some are still very upright and look ashamed after hearing Xuan Tian's words.

"Ancestor Quasi-Emperor, what should we do?" Huangfu Hongjun asked.

Huangfu Liuchan looked frightened and said: "No need to take action, let them break the formation outside the city. After they enter the city, use the killing formation in the formation to kill them. Hongjun sent four groups and let them Spread the news to the other four Sword Emperor families as quickly as possible." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote and vote monthly. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please to read.)

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