The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1013】 The sword madman awakens (3 updates, supplement)


In the God Realm, the Immortal God King snorted coldly and slapped his palm on pngbn's ten thousand feet throne. Fastest update


The Immortal King is very unhappy!

Xuantian was right in front of him, and he just watched helplessly as Xuantian broke through in cultivation. [

Xuantian's cultivation breakthrough was followed by a surge in strength, especially the power of the sword formation.

The Immortal God King had a premonition that it might be impossible for his mind clone to kill Xuantian this time.

And if you can't kill Xuantian, you can't snatch his Holy Cauldron. The three Holy Cauldrons are right in front of you, but you can't get them. The depression in the heart of the Immortal God King is really difficult to describe in words.

At this moment, the Immortal God King wanted to break through the barrier between the two realms, appear next to Xuantian and seize the three holy cauldrons.

With his strength, he could kill Xuantian with just a spit, and seizing the three holy cauldrons was just a matter of thought.

It's a pity that even though he is one of the supreme beings in the divine world and has the ultimate combat power among the divine kings, he just can't understand the origin of the world. He is still affected by the rules of heaven and earth and cannot travel between the divine and mortal realms.

The only thing the Immortal God King could do was to watch from the sidelines.

In the space of the Holy Cauldron of Wind, Xuantian was in a very comfortable mood at this moment.

His original purpose was to see if he could revive the Sword Chi, but he never expected that his last fight would actually lead to a breakthrough in his cultivation and become a sixth-level emperor.

After becoming a sixth-level emperor, the danger to him from the Immortal Emperor's clone was greatly reduced. He no longer had the feeling that the sky was falling in front of him when he faced the Immortal Emperor's clone.

"Do you think that if you have achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, you will be my opponent? You still have to die!"

The immortal emperor's clone roared angrily. Seeing Xuantian's eyes filled with murderous intent, he exerted his strength to the limit and slashed at Xuantian with his arm. A jet-black sword gang split the space in the Holy Cauldron of Wind into two halves and struck at Xuantian.

Xuantian wanted to try out how powerful the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation would be after becoming a sixth-level emperor.

He immediately put away the Tianxuan Emperor Sword, raised his hands, and merged them above his head. The light from several stars above gathered together and condensed into a sword light that was more than a thousand feet long. Like a huge lightsaber, it shines several times more brightly than the previous sword formation lightsabers. It's hard to watch.

Xuantian's arm pulled the sword array and slashed against the dark immortal sword. In an instant, the bright light sword that was more than a thousand feet long slashed down.

In an instant!

The bright lightsaber and the pitch-black sword slashed together.

There was a loud bang. Countless waves of Gang Yuan Qi splashed in all directions. Xuantian felt a terrifying force fighting back at him.

After just one breath, the sword array lightsaber suddenly collapsed and turned into pieces. Although the power of the Immortal Sword Gang was greatly reduced, it still slashed towards Xuantian quickly. [

Xuantian dodged.

"This emperor said that even if you make a breakthrough in cultivation, you are still no match for me, hahaha...!" Seeing that Xuantian was defeated. The immortal emperor's clone laughed.

His strength is much greater than Xuantian's, even if Xuantian's cultivation has broken through a new level. That's still no match for him.

Facing the undead emperor's clone's hearty laughter, Xuan Tian also curled his lips, his eyes full of confidence.

Although he lost the fight with the Immortal Emperor's clone just now, Xuantian only used the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with eight overlapping sword formations. He felt that its power was not much worse than the Immortal Sword Gang of the Immortal Emperor's clone.

After his cultivation level increased, his mental power was enough to control the overlapping sword formations of the Nine Swords Formation. The characteristic of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation is that the more overlapping sword formations, the stronger the power. If another three hundred and sixty sword formations are added, A super spirit sword, the power of the sword array will be increased by another level.

Through the test just now, Xuantian is very sure that the power of the overlapping sword array of the nine sword arrays will definitely exceed the combat power of the Immortal Emperor's clone.

Suddenly, another ball of sword light flew out of Xuantian's body, which was three hundred and sixty emperor-level spiritual swords.

There are a total of 3,600 imperial-level spiritual swords. Xuantian has already prepared them. As long as his cultivation level breaks through, he can add new sword formations to the sword formation at any time.

With one more sword formation overlapping, the power of the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation has indeed increased in a large arc. The momentum alone is much higher than the boss just now, far more than the clone of the Undead Emperor.

Xuan Tian smiled slightly and stared at the immortal emperor's clone: ​​"Haha..., is that right? Come and try the attack of the sword array again."

As he spoke, Xuantian made a swipe of his arm, and a lightsaber more than a thousand feet long suddenly flashed out, reaching the limit of speed, and slashed towards the clone of the Undead Emperor.

The brilliance of this lightsaber is much stronger than the lightsaber in the eight-sword formation that overlapped just now.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor noticed Xuantian's changes, and immediately took action, slashing out with the Immortal Sword Gang.

In an instant, the lightsaber and the Immortal Jian Gang were slashing together. With an explosion, the Immortal Jian Gang was split into two halves by the lightsaber.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor suddenly looked horrified. He saw Xuantian adding emperor-level spiritual swords to the sword array. He knew that the more spiritual swords there were, the more powerful the sword array would be, but he did not expect that it would be so much greater.

All of a sudden, the strength of the two people was completely reversed.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo

As soon as Xuantian gained the upper hand, he took advantage of the situation and attacked continuously. He led the formation with both hands and kept slashing at the immortal emperor's clone. Thousand-foot-long lightsabers struck at the immortal emperor's clone one after another.

The attack power of each lightsaber was appalling, making the clone of the Undead Emperor very afraid.

However, the clone of the Immortal Emperor is also very powerful. He slashes out the Immortal Sword Gang one after another, and uses a set of powerful martial arts, which are extremely powerful. They may be emperor-level martial arts. Although he is retreating, he will be defeated for a while. Xuantian's attack was blocked.


Xuantian shouted loudly and his attack became even fiercer.

He knew that the clone of the Undead Emperor contained extremely strong energy and had a huge nourishing effect on the Sword Maniac. If the clone of the Undead Emperor was allowed to continue to use martial arts to resist, the energy would gradually be exhausted.

If the clone of the Undead Emperor is killed, the energy contained in it will be retained, which can nourish the Sword Chi.

Most of the space of several kilometers around the Holy Cauldron of Wind was brightly lit, with a large number of lightsabers crisscrossing it. One after another, they strike towards the other half of the dark space,

The clone of the Immortal Emperor struck out the Immortal Sword Gang. There was a lot of darkness, but under the attack of the sword array, the area covered was getting smaller and smaller. His attack power was a bit weaker than Xuantian's, and he couldn't resist Xuantian's offensive at all.

He entered the Holy Cauldron space and felt that he was catching a turtle in a urn against Xuantian, but now he was counterattacked by Xuantian. Instead, he trapped himself in a cage.

In the God Realm, the Immortal God King saw that Xuantian's strength surpassed his mental clone and turned into a bitter face. Depressed to the extreme.

He knew that Xuantian would not die this time, and his mind clone could not save the Huangfu family.

have to say. The combat power of the Immortal Emperor's clone is very powerful. Although Xuantian had the upper hand, it was difficult to kill him for a while.

If this continues, the energy of the Immortal Emperor's clone will be exhausted sooner or later.

Xuantian has regarded the Immortal Emperor's clone as a tonic for sword madness. Of course, he can't bear the energy of the Death Emperor's clone to be consumed so slowly.

Suddenly, Xuantian's expression was startled, as if he had made an important decision.

There was another ball of sword light. He rushed out of Xuantian's body and merged into the sword formation above.

It is three hundred and sixty imperial-level spiritual swords.

Ten sword formations overlapped. The Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation is complete.

However, the overlapping of the ten sword formations was a bit beyond Xuantian's endurance limit. He felt that each emperor-level spiritual sword was extremely heavy.


Xuantian did not withdraw the imperial-level spiritual sword that joined behind him. Instead, he shouted loudly and raised his mental power to the limit. Even if it was a divine injury, he still had to use the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation with overlapping ten-sword formations to launch an attack.

In an instant, Xuan Tian vomited blood.

He powerfully used the ten overlapping sword formations, and he was the first to suffer the backlash.

However, Xuantian did not stop controlling the sword formation.

With a stroke of Xuantian's hands, a bright sword of light that had never been seen before was cut down from the sword formation.

The power of this sword was astonishing. In the blink of an eye, all the immortal sword swords struck by the immortal emperor's clone were split into two halves, and the defensive shield of the immortal emperor's clone was reduced to nothing.

The undead emperor's clone only had time to show a look of horror before his body was split in half by the extremely bright lightsaber.

The powerful attack power directly killed the immortal emperor's clone.

The clone of the Immortal Emperor had just been killed, and the sword array above Xuantian suddenly collapsed. Xuantian could no longer control it, and all the spiritual swords fell down.

Spirit world!

The Undead God King only saw an extremely bright lightsaber slashing in front of him. In the next moment, all the scenes disappeared. As the Undead King's clone was killed, he seemed to have been dug out and looked towards the mortal world. Eye.

"Asshole! Damn Xuantian! Damn sword formation master...!" The Immortal God King slapped his palm on the throne and roared angrily.

The immortal emperor's clone was split in half, and his body instantly dissolved into a mass of energy.

Xuantian immediately took out the Xuanyuan Sword fragments and put them into the ball of energy.

This was a ball of thought energy, but it was out of anyone's control. As soon as Xuanyuan Sword got close to this ball of energy, it instinctively absorbed it.

Xuantian guessed in his mind that Jian Chi was too weak to take the initiative to devour his thoughts. Therefore, he killed the clone of the Undead Emperor, causing the will to lose its thoughts and leaving only a pure energy of thoughts. In this way, the sword Chi doesn't need to use any force at all, he can absorb it directly.

Seeing that the fragments of the Xuanyuan Sword had indeed absorbed the energy of the mind, Xuantian felt that he had guessed correctly and waited patiently.

After about ten breaths, a voice suddenly rang out from Xuantian's mind: "Xuantian, that's right. I thought I had to go to the God Realm to absorb divine energy before I could wake up. I didn't expect you to do it for me." The pure mental energy came and made me wake up early, haha... I became smarter."

It's the voice of Sword Chi! Really woke up.

In the blink of an eye, several years have passed since Jian Chi exhausted all his strength to resist the strong wind in the starry sky for Xuantian and fell into a deep sleep.

At that time, Xuantian was still a Xiaocheng Ultimate King, but now he is a Level 6 King.

Without Jian Chi talking to him, Xuantian always felt that something was missing. Now that Jian Chi finally woke up, Xuantian was very happy in his heart. (To be continued... ps: Updated 2nd on September 14th.

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