The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 1020) Sword Realm Ordinary Realm

After talking with Xuanyuan Chuxue for a while, Xuantian had a rough understanding of the divine world. This was something that Jian Chi had never told him before.

The god kings of the god world have the ability to carve out a piece of heaven and earth, and can create a world. Each god king is the master of a piece of heaven and earth, so he is called the god king of all heavens.

However, God-Kings also have strengths and weaknesses depending on their understanding of the laws of the world. Some God-Kings stand at the pinnacle of God-Kings.

For example, the God-King of Swords of the Xuanyuan Clan, the God-Kings of the Ji, Jiang, and Yu Clan, the God-Kings of the Sikong, Changkong, Gongsun, Qin, Qian, and Shi Clan are all the highest among the God-Kings. The presence.

In all the worlds, wherever there are people, there are fights, and the gods and the underworld are no exception. These god-kings who stand at the top are also united because of interests, and oppose each other because of conflicts. [

In the eternal history of the God Realm, the four major forces of Xuanyuan, Ji, Jiang, and Yu, and the five major forces of Sikong, Changkong, Gongsun, Qian, and Shi, are in opposition to each other.

Qin Bushi, the newly promoted peak god king, did not participate in the battles between these veteran superpowers in the divine world at first. Because of the Nine Sacred Cauldrons, he joined forces with the Sikong Clan, Changkong Clan... and other five major forces.

As for how many divine sons and goddesses sent by the divine realm to the mortal world, Xuanyuan Chuxue is not sure. The only thing that is certain is that those peak god kings will definitely send about two to three divine sons and goddesses to the mortal realm. As for The other gods and kings of the gods may or may not have factions.

Moreover, not all the sons and goddesses from the God Realm are in the Sword Realm.

There are three thousand worlds in the mortal world, and the sword world is just one of the three thousand worlds, because Xuanyuan Shang is the God King of Swords. The gods and kings of the heavens speculated that Xuanyuan Shang would bring the nine holy cauldrons to the Sword Realm. Therefore, the Sword Realm was the key area for searching for sons of gods and goddesses, with the largest number.

Regarding the sword world, Xuanyuan Chuxue knew much more than Xuantian.

Xuantian has left China since then. After knowing that the Sword World was broken and divided into several continents, I thought that my horizons had broadened and I knew the general layout of the entire Sword World.

But after talking with Xuanyuan Chuxue today, Xuancai discovered that he was still a child in the well.

The Sword World is one of the three thousand worlds. It's very big, very big, much bigger than Xuantian's imagination.

The sword world in Xuantian's heart was only on this continent that was split into several pieces, but Xuanyuan Chuxue told him. This is just a little bit of the entire sword world. The real sword world includes the starry sky that he can see.

Every night, there are stars in the sky, and Xuan Tian has no idea how far away those stars are from him.

Only the Sword Emperor can go to the stars outside the sky, and Xuantian was lucky enough to go there once. He almost had a narrow escape from death, which greatly damaged the strength of Jian Chi. If it were not for the protection of the Holy Cauldron, he would have died under the attack of the outer Gangfeng.

It turns out that the continent under his feet, including Shenzhou, Tianzhou, Zhongzhou, Yunzhou, and the legendary Sword Continent, all belong to only one planet - Kaiowei, which is the largest planet in the Sword World and is the center of the Sword World. The birthplace of life.

The twinkling stars in the sky. In fact, they are huge planets, but none are as big as Kaiou. Kaiou is the king of planets in a large world.

In the outer starry sky, there are also planets with life. A small living planet is not even one-tenth the size of the Shenzhou region, while the largest living planet may be as large as ten Central Continent regions.

The smaller the planet, the lower the life potential. Although there are living creatures, they are relatively weak. On the smallest living planet, a person cannot even practice martial arts.

As for the largest living planet, martial arts are also very prosperous, and even emperor-level warriors can appear and travel in the starry sky.

"The starry sky in the Sword World is exhausted, with billions of planets, and it is so vast that there is no limit. It is one of the three thousand great worlds. It belongs to the original world, not the world created by the God King. There are a large number of life planets in it, and there are countless warriors who can break through and become the emperor. There are quite a few, but those who can ascend to godhood are only one in ten thousand, very rare." Xuanyuan Chuxue said.

Although Jian Chi was once the number one figure in the God Realm, his knowledge of the Sword World is not as good as Xuanyuan Chuxue. After all, Jian Chi lives in the God Realm. He can only hear about the things in the Mortal Realm and ascend to the God Realm. The gods of the world will explain. [

Therefore, when Xuanyuan Chuxue was discussing the structure of the sword world, Jian Chi remained silent.

At this moment, Jian Chi suddenly interjected and said: "There are rules and restrictions for mortals to ascend to godhood. In each big world, every hundred years, only one person can ascend to godhood. On average, every one of the three thousand big worlds can ascend to godhood. Only thirty people can ascend to godhood in a hundred years, and it has been like this since ancient times."

Xuantian was a little surprised: "The Sword World only has one Kaiwang planet, which is so huge, and there are many other life planets. A Sword Emperor can live for more than a thousand years, so how many Sword Emperors will there be in the entire Sword World? Every year In a hundred years, only one can ascend to become a god. This is not just one in ten thousand, it is simply one in a billion. Wouldn’t it be true that most of the sword emperors can only die of old age without the possibility of ascending to god?”

In the past, Xuantian thought that it was very difficult to ascend to godhood and the ratio was very small. But today he realized that the ratio was so small that people today are amazed.

Xuanyuan Chuxue smiled faintly and said: "Every big world in the mortal world has a certain fate. Only one person can ascend to become a god every hundred years. More than thirty years ago, someone in the Sword World ascended to become a god. Waiting for the Sword World It will take more than sixty years to have the luck to become a god again, but if there is a Nine-Star Sword Emperor in the sword world now who wants to reach the god realm, it is not impossible."

Xuan Tian asked curiously: "What can I do?"

Xuanyuan Chuxue said: "There are three thousand great worlds in the mortal world. In each great world, only one person ascends to become a god every hundred years. Although the fortunes of these three thousand great worlds are similar, the year when the ascension occurs does not happen. Not all together, Uncle Jian Chi just said that every year, thirty people in the mortal world can ascend to become gods. Therefore, no matter which year, among the three thousand great worlds, there are always thirty great worlds with people who ascend. The luck of becoming a god. There is no luck of ascension in the sword world, but you can go to other big worlds that are in the year of ascension. More than thirty years ago, the person who ascended to god in the sword world was named Su Junfang. He was not People from the sword world come from the gun world."

Xuantian said: "The Sword Realm, the Spear Realm... why are they named after weapons? Could it be that the three thousand worlds in the mortal realm are all named like this, so where do they come from so many weapons?"

Xuanyuan Chuxue said: "Among the three thousand worlds, there are eighteen worlds. The most special ones are named after eighteen kinds of weapons. They are called the Eighteen Holy Worlds. They are holy places for practicing various weapons, such as the Sword World. It is the Holy Land of Swordsmen. The Sword World is the Holy Land of Swordsmen. Except for the Eighteen Saint Worlds, the rest are ordinary worlds. In terms of practicing fists and kicks, empty-handed swordsmanship, and various weapons, they are all the same. Only the Eighteen Saint Worlds are the same. In the sword world, practicing the corresponding weapon method will get twice the result with half the effort. The sword method in the sword world is much more powerful than in other worlds. Swordsmen will gain more from understanding it. This is the reason why swordsmen account for 90% of the sword world. If When you arrive in the world of swords, you will find that more than 90% of them are swordsmen. Although the fate of warriors in the three thousand worlds of the mortal world is the same, the warriors who rise to god have the same luck in the three thousand worlds. The proportions are different.”

When Xuantian was absorbing the knowledge, he immediately asked: "What's the difference?"

Xuanyuan Chuxue said: "Every year, 90% of the thirty lucky people who ascend to become gods come from the eighteen holy realms, and the eighteen holy realms, compared to the three thousand worlds of the mortal world, account for even 100% of them. Not even one.”

"Oh, it seems that the Eighteen Saint Realms are indeed special. The number is less than one percent of the three thousand worlds, but it provides more than 90% of the warriors who ascended to become gods. The warriors of the Eighteen Saint Worlds, He went to other big worlds and robbed warriors from other big worlds of their luck to ascend to godhood." Xuantian said with some surprise.

Xuanyuan Chuxue nodded, "There are three thousand worlds in the mortal world, which is indeed a large number, but the sons of gods and goddesses only look for the whereabouts of Jiuding in the eighteen holy realms. Xuantian, we sons of gods and goddesses all have the power of the king of gods in our bodies. Blood, as soon as you reach the level of cultivation, you will automatically condense your godhead and ascend to god. You will not be affected by the fate of the mortal world at all. However, you are a person in the sword world. If you want to ascend to god in the future, you will not only have to fight with the sword. Instead of competing for luck with the geniuses and monsters in the world, they compete with the geniuses and monsters in the three thousand worlds of the mortal world. Every year, all warriors who have the possibility of ascending to any thirty worlds will rush there. These people are either nine-star sword emperors or demigods. They are all more powerful than others. Some evil geniuses can even fight beyond the next level. Their combat power is far better than that of warriors in the same realm. They are like gods. If you want to become a god, there are still other things you can do. A difficult time.”

Although Xuantian is only a sixth-level emperor now, Xuanyuan Chuxue has already regarded him as a candidate who can ascend to godhood.

It seems that Xuanyuan Chuxue has already inquired about Xuantian's situation when he arrived in Central Continent. A monster like Xuantian can be killed in the same realm as the Son of God, Sikong Xiang. His potential is so strong that even if he looks at the three thousand worlds of the mortal world, it is Xuanyuan Chuxue's sharp eyesight is extraordinary, and she will naturally not look down on Xuantian.

In the future, not only will we have to fight with some sons and goddesses from the God Realm because of the Nine Holy Cauldrons, but we will also have to compete with the geniuses and monsters from the entire three thousand worlds of the mortal world for the luck of ascending to godhood. Xuantian's days , will not be calm.

Thinking about the days to come, Xuantian felt an excitement in his heart and aroused fighting spirit.

Neither the sons of gods nor the geniuses of the three thousand worlds can stop Xuantian's progress.

His goal is to collect the nine holy cauldrons, understand the rules of heaven and earth, and the origin of the world. His enemy is the God-King of the Heavens, and he is also the Immortal God-King, Taichu God-King, Kunxu God-King, etc. The presence.

Xuantian even thought of the God Emperor and the Underworld Emperor, two figures who had not been heard from since the war ten thousand years ago.

"No one can stop me from collecting the Nine Cauldrons. No matter it is the Son of God, the Genius Monster, the God King of the Heavens, or even the Emperor of Gods and the Underworld. I will use the sword in my hand to fight against the heavens and the sky to complete the unity of the Nine Cauldrons." My mission is to unravel the mystery of the origin of the world...!" Xuan Tian gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read it.)

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