The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 1024) Emperor-level Son of God Sikong Ding

Qin Shiyu gritted his teeth!

Aggrieved, he felt extremely aggrieved.

As the divine son of the Immortal God King, Qin Shiyu has always enjoyed the treatment of his ancestors in the Qin Family of Jianzhou. When walking outside, who wouldn't hold him up to the sky and wish they could kneel at his feet to worship?

This was the first time Qin Shiyu had ever encountered him being yelled at.

Moreover, the person who told him to get lost was Xuanyuan Chuxue. [

Xuanyuan Chuxue's father, the Sword God King Xuanyuan Shang, died at the hands of the Immortal God King, Sikong God King... and other heavenly god kings. In Qin Shiyu's heart, he has always been superior to Xuanyuan Chuxue, for no other reason than Because his father killed her father.

However, he, the majestic Son of God, a seven-foot man, was now told by Xuanyuan Chuxue to get lost in front of thousands of mortal warriors!

Qin Shiyu's brows furrowed, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes. He looked at Xuanyuan Chuxue and shouted: "Xuanyuan Chuxue, I want to see what your combat power will be after you step into the imperial realm. Let me, Qin Shiyu, get out of here." ?You’re not qualified enough.”

Changkong Mingyue had already wanted to quit, but when Qin Shiyu said this, she could not help but lose face, left Qin Shiyu alone and ran away, standing still.

Unlike Qin Shiyu, who had a holy cauldron to protect her body, and she had not cultivated immortality, she naturally did not have the confidence like Qin Shiyu, so she remained silent.

Xuanyuan Chuxue said calmly: "Since you don't want to leave, then you all can stay!"

The voice was cold, but Xuanyuan Chuxue's speed was extremely fast.

She stepped into the void and took a step forward. There was a huge snowflake under her feet, and her figure was as fast as a shadow. In the blink of an eye, it crossed dozens of miles through the void and appeared directly in front of Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue ten miles away.

Xuanyuan Chuxue moves in the room. The Emperor's Dharma behind her shines brightly, especially the star, which is shining brightly. It can be seen that the Emperor's Dharma has a great help to the Emperor's strength.


On the move. Xuanyuan Chuxue waved her arm casually.

In an instant, Xuanyuan Chuxue was like a thunder male and lightning female traveling to spread rain, with a single wave. Dark clouds covered the sky, lightning flashed and thunder roared, and suddenly a heavy rain fell from the sky.

This rain falls from the sky. At first it was only the size of a fingertip. However, the raindrops gathered together to form a water mass, and the water mass became larger and larger.

The heavy rain in the sky eventually turned into dozens of water masses, each of which was more than a kilometer in diameter.

Although it is a water ball, such a large water ball falls down. I'm afraid the strength is not light either.

What's more, this is Xuanyuan Chuxue's realm as a one-star sword emperor. The power of the water ball released is definitely not comparable to ordinary water ball.

More than a dozen water masses fell, covering dozens of miles in radius, all within the range of the water masses falling.

Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue tried to dodge, but it was too late.

The two could only resist. [

"When soldiers come, water comes and earth covers you. No matter how much water you bring, it can't break through the barrier of the Holy Cauldron of Earth."

Qin Shiyu shouted loudly, and the Holy Cauldron of Earth in his hand suddenly grew in size, covering several thousand meters in radius.

Qin Shiyu threw the Holy Cauldron of Earth upwards, and the huge Holy Cauldron of Earth turned into a water tank. Water balls falling from a radius of several thousand meters all fell into the Holy Cauldron of Earth.

At this time, the bright moon in the sky flew towards Qin Shiyu and also flew under the Holy Cauldron of Earth. In this way, both of them were unable to be attacked by the water balls falling from the sky.

Qin Shiyu chuckled lightly, thinking that with the Holy Cauldron of Earth in his hand, no matter what water martial arts you have, you can easily transform it into it.

However, just as the smile appeared in his heart, he was suddenly startled.

However, the Holy Cauldron of Earth he threw suddenly became extremely heavy and was completely out of his control. It was as if it was hit by an uncontrollable force. It changed direction in an instant and fell violently downwards. Just hit it hard.

Qin Shiyu was mentally connected to the Holy Cauldron of Earth. Qin Shiyu immediately felt the terrifying power that the Holy Cauldron of Earth endured. All of a sudden, his body bent over.

In an instant, the Holy Cauldron of Earth fell on top of Qin Shiyu's head. Qin Shiyu instinctively raised his hands to support the bottom of the Holy Cauldron of Earth.

Qin Shiyu's fighting power was not weak, but it only blocked him for a blink of an eye. The Holy Cauldron of Earth fell again, pressing Qin Shiyu and hitting the ground quickly.

Just now, a total of seven water balls fell into the cauldron. The weight of each water ball cannot be described in words. It was guided by the profound meaning of water that Xuanyuan Chuxue understood, and through the holy treasure of the water cauldron, It is formed by fusing the water elements between heaven and earth and is billions of times heavier than ordinary water.

A ball of water is enough to crush an ordinary one-star Martial Emperor to death. Six balls of water fall into the Holy Cauldron of Earth at the same time. What a weight that is.

Even though Qin Shiyu's strength was far beyond that of a one-star Martial Emperor, he still couldn't withstand it, and even the man and the cauldron were suppressed.

As for the bright moon in the sky, her reaction speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, Qin Shiyu held the Holy Cauldron of Earth, and she saw that Qin Shiyu could not hold it. In the blink of an eye, she flew out from the bottom of the Holy Cauldron of Earth.

As soon as he flew out of the bottom of the unearthed Holy Cauldron, there was a water mass pressing down on his head.

The water ball was still hundreds of meters away from her, and Changkong Mingyue felt a terrifying airflow cover, giving her a feeling of suffocation. This shows how heavy the water ball is and how terrifying the force of the fall is.

The bright moon in the sky screamed, and its power instantly rose to its peak. The long whip in his hand was shining brightly, containing terrifying Gang Yuan and various mystical powers, and it was drawn towards the water falling from the sky.

The long whip exploded in an instant and turned into a giant stick thousands of feet long, hitting the water mass.

The terrifying power instantly defeated the water mass.

However, something changed when the water mass exploded. The disintegrated water mass directly turned into water arrows one after another. Each water arrow was more than ten meters long and splashed randomly in all directions.

In an instant, Changkong Mingyue faced water arrow attacks from all directions.

"The dragon whips out!"[

Changkong Mingyue shouted again, and the long whip in her hand softened, spinning rapidly around her like a tornado.

One after another, water arrows were blasted by long whips. It turned into tiny water droplets and splashed in all directions.

After using the strength of nine cows and two tigers, the bright moon in the sky completely resolved the attack of this water ball.

However. At this moment, a palm print came down, like it covered the sky and the sun.

This is a translucent palm, as if made of ice and snow, more than ten miles long and nearly ten miles wide.

Under the cover of a palm, Qin Shiyu's Holy Cauldron was pressed down, as well as the bright moon in the sky that had just broken through the water mass. They were all crushed under the palm of my hand.

At this time, Xuanyuan Chuxue had already flown high into the sky, with a huge palm print that looked like ice and snow. It was she who came down from the sky and struck out with a palm.

The ice and snow palm prints flew down, as fast as lightning. The bright moon in the sky had just broken through the attack of the water mass, and was crushed by the ice and snow palm prints.

Although the whip in her hand was as big as a tornado flying around her. The place where the ice and snow palm print received the whip. They all collapsed layer by layer, but they still couldn't resist the force of the palm print. Suddenly, as if they had been hit hard, their bodies instantly fell to the ground.

Qin Shiyu, who was pressed at the bottom by the Holy Cauldron of Earth, had just used all his strength to turn the Holy Cauldron of Earth over and pour out the six water balls inside. The ice and snow palm prints slapped the bright moon in the sky and pressed down.

As soon as the Holy Cauldron of Earth stood up, it was pressed back by the ice and snow palm prints. Qin Shiyu of the Holy Cauldron of Earth was immediately hit hard to the ground by the Holy Cauldron of Earth, even though he was affected by the Holy Cauldron of Earth. The defense was astonishing, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

The main reason is that he has cultivated the immortal body. Once an injury occurs in the body, it will heal instantly, so it is impossible to vomit blood. However, this time, he also suffered a big loss, and his body was completely blasted by the Holy Cauldron of Earth. Went under the ground.

The giant palm of ice and snow pressed down, smashed onto the Holy Cauldron of Earth and collapsed, turning into a torrent of water, rushing down like a river bursting its banks.

In an instant, the ground with a radius of several thousand meters turned into a vast ocean.

Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue were suddenly submerged in the ocean.

The water in the ocean was extremely heavy, squeezing the two of them from all directions, making it difficult for them to escape.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo…

Suddenly, there was a sound in the sky, and several sword lights flashed.

However, Xuanyuan Chuxue suddenly had a long sword in his hand, and he used unparalleled swordsmanship to kill Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue in the ocean with terrifying sword energy and sword light.

As the daughter of the God of Swords, Xuanyuan Chuxue is naturally a master of swordsmanship. As soon as she uses the sword, she has murderous intentions and wants to kill Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue.

Xuanyuan Chuxue is the Sword Emperor, and his sword power is doubled when he shows off his sword skills.

Qin Shiyu didn't believe Xuanyuan Chuxue could kill him because of his strong defense and immortality, but Changkong Mingyue's expression changed and she was shocked.


At this moment, another change occurred in the sky.

A sound of breaking through the sky came from a distant place. In an instant, the void broke open in the sky dozens of miles away, and a finger suddenly rushed out.

This finger was dozens of miles long, and it clicked over in the blink of an eye.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang

The more than ten sword qi and sword lights that Xuanyuan Chuxue slashed were all swept away by the fingertips that spanned dozens of miles, making a series of explosions, blocking all Xuanyuan Chuxue's attacks.

In an instant, a man in gray clothes appeared in the sky dozens of miles away and said in a cold voice: "Xuanyuan Chuxue, you are so brave. You dare to attack them. Do you also want to follow the path of your father's death?"


With the words of the man in gray, another burst of terrifying imperial power swept across the nine heavens and ten lands, covering all directions. It was more fierce and domineering than Xuanyuan Chuxue's imperial power.

Behind the man in gray clothes, there is also a star of the Emperor's Dharma, a one-star Martial Emperor.

"Sikong Ding...!"

"Brother Sikong!"

Because the man in gray blocked Xuanyuan Chuxue's attack, Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue immediately struggled out of the ocean and flew towards the man in gray, their voices full of surprise.

The person who came was none other than the Son of God, Sikong Ding, and he was also an Emperor-level Son of God. His strength was not inferior to that of Xuanyuan Chuxue.

At this moment, on the mountain behind Sunset Tower, the three holy cauldrons in Xuantian's body began to tremble again.

"Holy Cauldron, this Sikong Cauldron also has a Holy Cauldron." Jian Chi's voice sounded excitedly in Xuantian's mind again. (To be continued...)

ps: 2nd update from yesterday

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