The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1026】 Sikong Ding, I will come to you

A single giant tree is enough to instantly penetrate dozens of miles of sky. If dozens of giant trees hit together, it is really powerful to destroy the heaven and earth.

In an instant, the sky dozens of miles above was like a mirror that had been hit hard and instantly shattered into fragments, forming a turbulent flow in the void.

Those dozen giant trees, as fast as lightning, as powerful as thunder, and as heavy as a million, fiercely collided with Xuanyuan Chuxue.

The strong winds generated by these dozens of giant trees streaking across the sky cut huge ravines on the ground that were tens or hundreds of meters deep. Fortunately, the battlefield at this time had been moved dozens of miles outside Sunset City. , otherwise I am afraid that the entire Sunset City will be reduced to ruins under the aftermath of this terrifying attack.

The sky is broken. [

The earth collapsed.

It is a true portrayal of the situation at this moment.

What does it mean to destroy heaven and earth?

The attack now launched by Sikong Ding was to destroy the world in a small area. The sky and the earth collapsed for dozens of miles, the mountains and rivers were displaced, ravines were crisscrossed, and some wild beasts, monsters, or plants in the mountains were all killed. There is survival.

Seeing how powerful Sikong Ding was, Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue, who were not far from Sikong Ding, had excitement in their eyes.

In this battle, Sikong Ding's victory is a foregone conclusion. Xuanyuan Chuxue is definitely no match for Sikong Ding.

They are both one-star emperors, but Sikong Ding's combat power is stronger than Xuanyuan Chuxue.

Uninformed mortal warriors all thought that Xuanyuan Chuxue was inferior to Sikong Ding, but as the sons and goddesses of gods, Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue knew that Sikong Ding's true cultivation level was already a two-star Martial Emperor, and now he only suppressed his cultivation level to one. Just Emperor Xingwu.

Even so, because Sikong Ding's martial arts understanding is at the level of a two-star martial emperor, his combat power is much higher than that of Xuanyuan Chuxue, a one-star sword emperor.

Qin Shiyu's lips curled up. With Sikong Ding around, Xuanyuan Chuxue couldn't care less. Wouldn't it be easy for him to join forces with Changkong Mingyue to kill Xuantian?

Thinking of this, Qin Shiyu smiled slightly, in a good mood, and with lightning eyes, he searched among the warriors in Sunset Tower.

now. Xuantian's heart was also very solemn. He could see that Sikong Ding was serious about it now. Xuanyuan Chuxue was indeed difficult to resist. There were three sons and goddesses on the other side. Now only Sikong Ding can take action, and the other two Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue also have surprisingly high combat power. He is far from his opponent. The combat power of Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue is enough to turn the Sunset Tower upside down.

For a moment, Xuan Tian wanted to retreat.

Qin Shiyu's target is Xuantian, as long as Xuantian shows up. Then he runs away, and the other party will naturally chase him.

Moreover, Xuantian also knew that Sikong Cauldron was coming. They should also come here for him, because he killed Sikong Xiang, so. Sikong Ding came here not just like Qin Shiyu. He wanted to seize the Holy Cauldron in his hand, but also wanted to avenge Sikong Xiang and take his life.

It was too late to say it, but it was so quick at the time. The change of thought only took a moment, and Sikong Ding's attack had already reached Xuanyuan Chuxue.

Facing Sikong Ding's attack, although Xuanyuan Chuxue looked stern and solemn, her mood remained calm and she did not panic at all.

After all, she was a one-star sword emperor. Although Sikong Ding was powerful, it was not so powerful that she could not resist it.

Xuanyuan Chuxue raised his left palm, the Holy Cauldron of Water appeared, and several streams of water flew out from the Holy Cauldron of Water. [

The silvery light of the water flow, like mercury, condensed into a pair of armor outside Xuanyuan Chuxue's body, covering her heavily.

The shape of flowing water, the phase of flowing water, this is the phase of water armor.

The Xiang Shui Armor can change its shape at will, and its defense is very high. It can also attack when necessary. This is the martial arts that Xuanyuan Chuxue understood after studying the Holy Cauldron of Water.

This Xiangshui Armor is like Xuantian understanding the gate of space through the Holy Cauldron of Chaos. In fact, the Holy Cauldron of Thunder and the Holy Cauldron of Wind have all kinds of magical martial arts as long as Xuantian works hard to study and comprehend them.

However, Xuantian's combat power includes the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation and the Nine-turn Sword Pill technique, and he doesn't pay much attention to other martial arts. Therefore, his understanding of the Holy Cauldron is mainly focused on the Chaos Holy Cauldron. The speed of the door is the key point of Xuantian's understanding.

As for Xuanyuan Chuxue, there was only one Holy Cauldron of Water, so naturally he studied it from time to time and understood various martial arts.

The same is true for Qin Shiyu and Sikong Ding. They both understood the earth-type and wood-type martial arts from the Holy Cauldron of Earth and the Holy Cauldron of Wood respectively.

call out

As soon as Xiang Shui Armor protected his body, a heavenly sword suddenly appeared. The sword's intention soared into the sky, and its light soared into the sky, splitting the sky into two.

In Xuanyuan Chuxue's right hand, there is a sword. When the swordsmanship is displayed, it seems to be one with the sky. Various Tao charms appear, turning into sword lights, falling from the sky, with astonishing power.

Sky God Sword Technique!

The unparalleled swordsmanship of the God of Swords, although this is only the emperor-level chapter of the swordsmanship of the Sky God, its power is astonishing.

As the daughter of the God of Swords, Xuanyuan Chuxue naturally received the inheritance of the swordsmanship from the God of Swords. Her fighting power is so strong that it is difficult to find an opponent in the same realm.

Hua Hua Hua Hua

The sword light fell from the sky one after another, containing profound Taoist charms and astonishing power. It actually cut off the terrifying giant trees one by one.

As the swordsmanship inheritance of the God of Swords, the Heavenly Swordsmanship is indeed extraordinary.

The giant tree was first divided into two, then divided into four, and then divided into eight.

The attack power of the Sky God Sword Technique is very terrifying, and the speed is very fast. In the blink of an eye, every giant tree is split open and turned into thousands of pieces, like broken wood flying.

Many pieces of wood were like arrows, splashing on Xuanyuan Chuxue's body, but they were blocked by Xiang Shui Armor one by one, and could not get closer than ten feet to her side.

The warriors who were watching the battle had their hearts skipping a beat and were amazed. They were shocked by the magic of Xuanyuan Chuxue's swordsmanship.

Sikong Ding also twitched his eyebrows and looked slightly shocked. If he hadn't been a two-star Martial Emperor, and had lowered his cultivation level to a first-star Martial Emperor to fight Xuanyuan Chuxue, in the same realm, he might not be Xuanyuan Chuxue's. opponent.

"Xuanyuan Chuxue, your swordsmanship is indeed magical and powerful, but unfortunately, you are definitely no match for me. Take my palm - the green lotus transforms into shape, and the divine palm opens the sky!" [

Sikong Ding shouted loudly, and a lotus leaf from the Thousand-foot Green Lotus suddenly flew out, instantly swelled up, and turned into a giant blue palm, twenty or thirty miles long, and swatted towards Xuanyuan Chuxue .

Xuanyuan Chuxue used the Heavenly Sword Technique to strike at the Green Lotus Divine Palm.

Bahba bahb…

The sword light can easily split the sky, but it cannot completely split the Green Lotus Palm. It can only create cracks one after another. However, the giant palm heals itself instantly. The Sky Divine Sword Technique cannot cause any damage to this Green Lotus Palm. Influence.

Seeing the Qinglian Divine Palm pressing over, Xuanyuan Chuxue Nai could only retreat.

Sikong Ding laughed loudly, and the thousand-foot green lotus moved rapidly in the void, chasing Xuanyuan Chuxue. With a slap of the green lotus, the green lotus divine palm bloomed with light again, and the speed exploded, and it swatted towards Xuanyuan Chuxue.

"Xuan Tian, ​​I know you are here, so don't be a coward. Otherwise, I will move this place to flat ground and even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will find you."

At this time, Qin Shiyu shouted loudly and had arrived outside the Sunset Tower.

"Qin Shiyu, if you want to seize the Holy Cauldron, you must first pass me, Jiang Yuheng." At this moment, another Son of God came through the air and appeared above the Sunset Tower.

This man, with fluttering green clothes and extraordinary bearing, was the Jiang Yuheng that Xuanyuan Chuxue had mentioned to Xuan Tian.

As soon as Jiang Yuheng arrived, he shouted to Xuanyuan Chuxue from afar: "Sister Chuxue, deal with Sikong Ding with all your heart. Leave Xuantian's safety to me. As long as I, Jiang Yuheng, am here, Qin Shiyu can never get what he wants."

Qin Shiyu looked furious and saw Sikong Ding repelling Xuanyuan Chuxue, but Jiang Yuheng came again. He wanted to kill Xuantian and snatch the Holy Cauldron, so he had to deal with Jiang Yuheng first, otherwise it would be difficult for him to do so with Jiang Yuheng around.

"Sister Mingyue, let's deal with Jiang Yuheng together. How about you share one of the three holy cauldrons on Xuantian's body?" Qin Shiyu looked at the bright moon in the sky.

Although Qin Shiyu has a holy cauldron and is not afraid of Jiang Yuheng at the same level of cultivation, it is not easy to defeat Jiang Yuheng. He must enlist the help of Changkong Mingyue to defeat Jiang Yuheng quickly.

Changkong Mingyue smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Okay!"

In an instant, the fighting started again. Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue attacked Jiang Yuheng at the same time.

"Xuan Tian, ​​the sons of gods are gathering, Central Continent is in chaos, the situation is not good for you, you should leave Central Continent as soon as possible...!" At this time, a voice came to Xuantian's ears.

Xuantian looked around and saw the Tianji Stick flying from the Sunset Tower towards where he was.

"Sir!" Xuantian looked overjoyed. The reason why he stayed in Zhongzhou was to wait for the Tianji Stick.

In the blink of an eye, Tianji Stick came to Xuantian's side.

Xuantian said: "That's what I mean. They are all here for me. As soon as I leave, these gods and goddesses will chase me. Miss Xuanyuan and Jiang Shenzi will no longer be attacked, and the Sunset Tower will be lost." threaten."

Now, the Sunset Tower can be said to be very powerful. Once the Son of God launches an attack on the Sunset Tower, the Sunset Tower's formation will not be able to withstand it.

At this time, Jiang Yuheng and Xuanyuan Chuxue were both retreating under the opponent's attack, falling into a disadvantage. If they didn't leave, Sunset Tower would be in danger.

"Zi Yan, sir, you all enter the Holy Cauldron, and I will take you out together...!"

Xuantian took out the Chaos Holy Cauldron and put Long Ziyan and Tianji Stick into it. As for the little tiger, it is now with its mother, so Xuantian is no longer worried about it.


Xuantian flew out of the Sunset Tower and appeared in the sky, shouting loudly: "Sikong Ding, I will come to you in the future...!"

Sikong Ding, I will come to you in the future!

Xuantian drank a series of sound waves with a strong Gangyuan drink, and these words rang out repeatedly in the void.

Everyone was attracted by Xuantian's words and looked towards Xuantian.

Sikong Ding and Qin Shiyu's eyebrows suddenly stood up, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

However, at this moment, Xuantian's figure flashed in the void. When Sikong Ding and Qin Shiyu rushed toward Xuantian quickly, Xuantian disappeared in a flash.

Follow you like a shadow

The two sons of gods immediately used space magic, and in an instant, they disappeared along with Xuantian.


There are four guaranteed updates today, and there may be a fifth update.

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