The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1028】 Looking for help

"Young Master Xuantian, please come to Qingyun Peak for a talk. If you want to know anything, feel free to ask. Mu will tell you nothing."

Mu Qingyuan said respectfully. At this time, he had noticed Xuantian's cultivation level and was secretly shocked.

Three years ago, Xuantian was a quasi-emperor. Now, Xuantian is a sixth-level emperor. This speed of cultivation almost makes Mu Qingyuan lie. He has been in the emperor realm for decades, and he became an emperor more than ten years ago. He has become a second-level emperor, but until now, there is no sign of breaking through to a third-level emperor.

In Mu Qingyuan's view, Xuantian is a nobleman of the Qingyun Sword Sect. A great nobleman, and having a good relationship with Xuantian will definitely be of great benefit to the Qingyun Sword Sect.

Xuan Tian nodded and walked inside with Mu Qingyuan. [

In front of the two people, the formation air shield suddenly became empty. The two people passed through and entered the formation air shield.

Xuantian asked: "As soon as I showed up, your sect activated the mountain protection formation. Is this also a tense period?"

Mu Qingyuan nodded and said: "Young Master Xuantian, you have not been in Yunzhou for the past three years and do not know the situation. In just three years, tens of thousands of kings of the righteous path of Yunzhou have disappeared, and even dozens of emperors have disappeared. Man, I heard that the situation is also the same in the Monster Clan. Which sect is not very vigilant now, and every time there is any trouble, people will be frightened."

The two of them moved very fast, and as they spoke, they had already arrived at Qingyun Peak. Mu Qingyuan invited Xuan Tian to enter Qingyun Hall and take a seat.

Knowing that Xuan Tian has a high profile now, Mu Qingyuan is the only one accompanying him in the Qingyun Palace, and there is no one else.

Xuantian sat in the guest seat and said: "There are people from the Zhengdao and the Demon Clan who have disappeared. It seems that it is the Demon Sect. This matter must be sought from the Demon Sect for justice."

Mu Qingyuan sighed and said: "Anyone can guess it, but the Demon Sect is extremely powerful. I don't know why I have gone crazy in the past three years, even if the righteous way and the Demon Clan have a great response. There is even a quasi-emperor appearing. However, the demon sect did not restrain itself at all. Instead, the quasi-emperors of the demon sect appeared. A total of ten quasi-emperors appeared, overwhelming the righteous people and the demon clan. They could only feel resentful, but there was no way to stop the evil of the demon sect. OK."

Xuantian's eyes lit up: "Oh, there are ten quasi-emperors in the Demon Sect? How many are there in the Righteous Way and the Demon Clan?"

Mu Qingyuan said: "The Righteous Path is weak, and now there are only three quasi-emperors, from the three major forces of the Righteous Path - Tianmeng Valley, Sima Family, and Da Luomen. The Monster Clan has four quasi-emperors, namely Niu Lihong from the Niu Clan. , Shark Clan's Shark must swim. Songyan from the Deer Clan, He Qingfeng from the Crane Clan, how many quasi-emperors there are in the Zhengdao and Yao Clan, the world is just guessing, and we don't know the details. But the appearance of the ten quasi-emperors of the Demon Sect overwhelmed Zhengdao and Yao Clan. The clan couldn't breathe, and only seven quasi-emperors appeared on both sides, and no other quasi-emperors appeared. I'm afraid, these seven quasi-emperors are all. And the Demon Sect, who knows, is too powerful. The territory is also It’s big and holds many secrets. Although ten quasi-emperors have appeared, I don’t know if they are all!”

Xuan Tian could tell that Mu Qingyuan's tone was very pessimistic. The Demon Clan is so powerful that neither the Righteous Path nor the Demon Clan can compete together. If one day, the war breaks out, both the righteous way and the demon clan will suffer a huge disaster.

In fact, what the demons have done in the past three years is enough to cause a war between the Zhengdao and the demon clan. Each side has tens of thousands of kings. More than a dozen emperors are missing. It is basically certain that they were captured by the demons. This is absolutely a big deal.

However, the war never happened, all because the Demon Clan was so powerful that the Zhengdao and the Demon Clan did not dare to start a war.

It stands to reason that the Demon Sect is so powerful, even stronger than the Zhengdao and the Monster Clan combined, that they should take the initiative to attack. However, apart from secretly capturing strong men from the Zhengdao and the Monster Clan, the Demon Sect never attacks head-on, which is surprising. I wonder what their purpose is.

"Is it because I took away the Emperor of Hell's Earth, which made the Demon Sect find it difficult to find so much Emperor of Hell's Earth to open the passage to the Demon Realm, and made them change their method?" Xuan Tian frowned slightly, secretly guessing in his heart, "Then these missing kings and emperors, Maybe it has something to do with opening the passage. In the past three years, so many kings and emperors have been captured. How on earth are they going to open the passage?"

"It must be a very evil method. The arrest of so many kings and emperors may really open the passage to the devil world. It must be stopped as soon as possible!"

Xuantian suddenly made a decision in his heart.

Xuan Tian said: "Where are Tianmeng Valley, Sima Family, and Da Luomen? The Demon Sect must be secretly carrying out some evil methods. They want to open the passage to the Demon World. I must stop them. I need the help of the quasi-emperor who is looking for the right path. "

Mu Qingyuan was stunned. The Demon Sect showed up, and they were the top ten quasi-emperors. The Zhengdao and the demon clan combined only had seven quasi-emperors, so they were no match at all.

Xuantian is only a sixth-level emperor now. Although Mu Qingyuan thinks it is incredible that Xuantian has been promoted from a quasi-emperor to a sixth-level emperor in only three years, and his training is extremely fast, but he does not think that Xuantian's combat power is What impact will it have on the quasi-emperor of the Demon Sect? [

Xuan Tian smiled, and by looking at Mu Qingyuan's eyes, he knew what he was thinking, and said: "I have the means to deal with the Demon Sect, but I need the help of some quasi-emperors. I will first find the righteous quasi-emperors, and then through They found the quasi-emperor of the demon clan, and with the help of the seven quasi-emperors, they should be almost ready to deal with the demon sect. One of the purposes of my coming to Yunzhou this time is to settle accounts with the demon sect. In this area of ​​Yunzhou, the existence of the demon sect , it’s time to end.”

Mu Qingyuan's eyes were full of shock. He never expected that Xuantian would return to Yunzhou to deal with the Demon Sect.

To a behemoth like the Demon Sect, a sixth-level emperor was nothing.

Even the seven quasi-emperors of Zhengdao and Yaozu were killed and fled everywhere.

However, since Xuantian said this, although Mu Qingyuan felt a little unbelievable, he still had hope in Xuantian and told Xuantian the locations of the three righteous forces of Tianmeng Valley, Sima Family, and Da Luomen. .

Of these three major forces, the Songhai Continent where the Sima Family is located is the closest to the Jiu Mo Continent, about 20 million miles away.

Songhai Continent is one of the largest continents in the east of Yunzhou, with a radius of tens of millions of miles.

The Sima family is the absolute overlord on the Songhai continent and one of the three major forces of the righteous path.

Xuantian left the Qingyun Sword Sect and went south to the Songhai Continent and found the Sima Family.

The quasi-emperor of the Sima family, named Sima Zhi, was less than four hundred years old. Compared with the quasi-emperor, he was in his prime.

Sima Zhi was in the family. Although the Demon Sect sent out ten quasi-emperors to deal with the quasi-emperors of the righteous way and the demon clan, they did not pursue them fiercely. It was enough to drive them out of the demon territory.

Xuantian was only a sixth-level emperor, and it would certainly not be easy to meet the quasi-emperor of the Si family. However, he used some tricks to torture the head of the family, who was a ninth-level emperor, and Sima Zhi discovered Got pregnant.

Therefore, if you want to see the quasi-emperor, you must be qualified to meet the quasi-emperor, and Xuantian has this qualification.

"Mr. Sima. I, Xia Xuantian, spent some time in Yunzhou three years ago and was hunted down by the seven demons under the Demon Sect. He later fled to Central Continent and only returned recently. The Demon Sect is plotting to open a passage to the demon world. , Xuan came back. Firstly, he wanted to settle accounts with the Demon Sect. Secondly, he wanted to smash the Demon Sect’s plan to open the passage to the Demon Realm. The two quasi-emperors Han Mengchen from Menggu and Su Ruohong from Daluomen, as well as the four quasi-emperors Niu Lihong, Sha Biyou, Lu Songyan and He Qingfeng from the demon clan came to find them."

Xuantian and Sima Zhi meet. Then he directly entered the topic and said this.

As a quasi-emperor, Sima Zhi is also like Mu Qingyuan. He was stunned.

Dealing with the Demon Sect?

How could it be that easy?

The seven quasi-emperors of Zhengdao and Yaozu have joined forces to enter the territory of the Demon Sect once, and broke into the Demon Sect headquarters to look for the missing kings and emperors, but they did not find any results. Instead, ten people came out of the Demon Sect. Quasi-Emperor. Defeat them and drive them out of the Demon Sect's territory.

And Xuantian is just a sixth-level emperor. Although their combat power was strong, even stronger than that of the ninth-level emperor of the Sima family, Sima Zhi did not think that the difference in strength between their seven quasi-emperors and the ten quasi-emperors of the Demon Sect would change with the addition of Xuantian.

Xuan Tian knew that Ma Sizhi could not trust him, so he smiled slightly and said: "I have two friends, both of whom have the ultimate combat power of a ninth-level emperor, and one of them is about to break through in cultivation. When the time comes, his combat power will be raised to a quasi-emperor in one fell swoop. Level, of course, the most important combat power is me. Mr. Sima, you may be very doubtful about my combat power. You can try it yourself. If you can block one of my attacks without losing, then you can treat me as I just said. I never said, if you can’t stop one of my attacks, how about you go find Han Mengchen, Su Ruohong, and the quasi-emperor of the demon clan?”

Tianjigun told Xuantian that after a year of accumulation, his cultivation level will soon break through to the eighth-level emperor. At that time, his combat power will increase by one level. Since he is among the quasi-emperors, he will be relatively powerful. exist. [

Sima Zhi immediately stared after hearing Xuantian's words. He was a majestic quasi-emperor, a sixth-level emperor, but he actually said that he could not block one of his attacks.

"Okay, Xuantian, I want to see how you, a freak who was hunted down by the Seven Demons three years ago, can say such big words."

Sima Zhi nodded, his momentum suddenly surged, and the power of the quasi-emperor spread out.

Xuantian stopped trembling. In the final analysis, he still had to rely on strength to convince others.

In an instant, several rays of sword light rushed out from Xuantian's body and turned into a starry sky above his head, forming the Great Zhoutian Star Sword Formation.

Xuantian took a step forward, raised his arm and slashed towards Sima Zhi.


In an instant, a sword array of lightsabers flew out from the starry sky, stretching for more than ten miles. It was so bright and dazzling that it was impossible to look at it.

The lightsaber in the sword array was really as fast as light. It was more than twenty miles away and arrived in front of Sima Zhi in the blink of an eye.

The void in front of Sima Zhi instantly split into two parts, his expression was horrified, and he suddenly felt a creeping feeling of fear.

His body-protecting aura seemed to be in vain and was easily split open by the sword formation's lightsaber.

His quasi-emperor aura was instantly wiped away by the sharp sword energy when struck by the sword formation's lightsaber.

Sima Zhi panicked to resist and used a set of emperor-level martial arts, but it still made up for it. In an instant, his attack was split by the sword formation and lightsaber.

His body quickly retreated, but the sword formation's lightsaber was faster and struck him in a flash.

The sword energy cut open Sima Zhi's clothes, but suddenly the brightness dimmed and the power was greatly reduced. When it struck Sima Zhi's body, it was just like being hit by an iron rod, but it did not break his body.

It was Xuantian who held back his hand, dissipating the power of the sword array in an instant.

Xuan Tian looked at Sima Zhi, who had a look of horror in his eyes, almost in disbelief, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Sima, you have failed."


To make up for yesterday’s second update, the fourth update is still guaranteed,,,, Chocolate will continue to code, and there will be a fifth update later.

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