The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

(Chapter 1041) Powerful Balasa


At the moment when Mingzi Balasa appeared, Xuantian and others' attack hit the already broken and crumbling golden light shield again. With a loud explosion, the golden light shield suddenly shattered into pieces.

In an instant, nearly thirty Demon Sect emperors were shaken by the terrifying force of the counterattack, and all of them turned into blood mist and exploded to death.

The five quasi-emperors of the Demon Sect, Xue Linglong, Chi Yanfeng, Chi Yuchen, Yan Dingyi, and Fan Yunshuang, also vomited blood one after another, and their bodies fell to the ground.

The rest of the Demon Sect emperors were all injured, varying in severity. [

The nearly thirty emperors of the demon sect who died must have been extremely unwilling in their hearts. They finally waited for the arrival of Ming Zi Boluo Sao, but in the end, they lost their lives at the last second.


As soon as Mingzi Balasa appeared, a terrifying aura instantly surged out from the altar, sweeping across the earth like a swirling wind, spreading in all directions in an instant.

Xuantian raised his arm to stop everyone from continuing to attack. The aura of Mingzi Boluosha in front of him was too terrifying.

Xuantian has felt this kind of aura before. Qin Shiyu, Changkong Mingyue and other gods and goddesses in the quasi-emperor realm are so terrifying.

Mingzi Balasa's cultivation level is exposed to the outside world, and he is also a quasi-emperor. Shenzi and Mingzi are of the same status and bloodline. Presumably, Balasa's combat power should be no less than Qin Shiyu and Changkong Mingyue.

Mingzi, the Son of God in the quasi-emperor realm, is much more powerful than a one-star emperor. In fact, it is even difficult to compare with a two-star emperor. Xuantianfa can't compete with him.

Even with the addition of Long Ziyan, Tianji Stick, the seven quasi-emperors of Zhengdao and Yao Clan, twelve ninth-level emperors are still difficult to resist.

Once the combat power reaches the emperor level, it will be a huge step up from the emperor, and the distance between them is very different.

As soon as Ming Zi Bo Luo Sa appeared, Xuan Tian knew that it would be impossible to destroy the Demon Sect today.

Instead, now they face great danger.

Previously, Xuantian didn't know what Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng were doing. If they had known that they were summoning the Mingzi Balasa, they might have retreated earlier rather than face each other head-on now.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis. If Xuantian really knew that they were summoning Mingzi Balasa, he might attack harder and crush the Demon Sect's plan earlier.

because. Once Mingzi Balasa comes to Yunzhou, the demon sect will become unshakable, which may be a disaster for the righteous way and the demon clan.

"Xuan Tian, ​​you are not his opponent yet. If you have the chance, retreat quickly." Jian Chi's voice sounded in Xuantian's mind.

Xuantian gave an affirmative answer. It's not difficult for him to leave now. He can just use the space door and break the void.

The key is that Long Ziyan, Tianji Stick, as well as the nineteen strong men from Zhengdao and Yaozu, came to attack the Demon Sect because Xuantian started the trouble, and he can't just leave.

They must be collected into the Holy Cauldron before leaving. However, as soon as Xuan Tian takes out the Holy Cauldron to collect Long Ziyan and others, Mingzi Boluosu will definitely take action instantly.

Xuantianfa estimated how terrifying Mingzi Balasa's attack would be, and whether he could successfully collect everyone and then retreat, so Xuantian did not act rashly for the time being. [

"You guys stay vigilant, I will take out the Holy Cauldron at any time. Take you in, Mingzi Boluosao is in the quasi-emperor realm, we cannot compete." Although Xuantian did not make any move to retreat, he sent his divine message to everyone tone to get them ready.

"Congratulations to Lord Mingzi for coming to Yunzhou...!"

Tu Wancheng and Gong Gucheng looked overjoyed when they saw Mingzi Borasa appear, and bowed with clasped fists.

The rest of the powerful demon sects. Injured or uninjured, king or emperor, they all looked at Mingzi Borosa with excitement. Tu Wancheng and Gong Gusheng followed him with a postscript.

Mingzi Porosa waved his arm as a greeting, but his eyes remained fixed on Xuantian, and he slowly said: "Xuantian, your cultivation has improved a lot in just three years."

The last time the two met was in the Zhongmo Continent in the Demon Realm. Mingzi Balasa was a seventh-level emperor, and Xuantian had just become emperor. Three years later, Balasa was already a quasi-emperor, and Xuantian was a sixth-level emperor. By.

From the seventh-level emperor to the quasi-emperor, compared with the Son of God Mingzi, it is only an improvement of two realms, because they do not have the realm of a ninth-level emperor, but Xuantian has been promoted by five realms.

Although it is said that as a warrior reaches the later stage, the difficulty of cultivation becomes more and more difficult. From seventh-level emperor to quasi-emperor, many geniuses cannot achieve it in their lifetime, but it is still impossible to compare with Xuantian's five realms.

It has been more than half a year since Boluosu became the quasi-emperor. His cultivation has been very consolidated, and his combat power is even worse than that of the two-star emperor. Even though Xuantian's cultivation has improved rapidly and his combat power has also skyrocketed, but Seeing Xuantian now, Balasa is confident and more confident than last time.

Three years ago, Balasa was only a quasi-emperor in combat power, but now it is the top combat power among the two-star emperors. It is completely different. The emperor's combat power is terrifying enough for the emperor. The two-star emperor's combat power is already terrifying. It's even more out of reach.

Xuan Tian looked at Bo Luo Sa and said calmly: "Bao Luo Sa, you have made great progress."

The strong men of the Demon Sect were all shocked. Actually, Xuantian and Boluo Suo had met before?

Xuantian looked calm, but his heart was not calm. Although Balasa did not make any move and just looked at him from a distance, Xuantian knew that Balasa had locked him in all directions. As long as he made any move, Balasa would be there. In an instant, he launched the most violent attack on him.

This made Xuantian dare not act rashly. He took out the Holy Cauldron and brought Long Ziyan and others in. It would also take some time.

Although it is very short, for a strong man like Balasa, any short moment is a long time.

"Xuan Tian, ​​this Mingzi is difficult to deal with, but I can stop him for a while. You seize the opportunity, take Zi Yan and the others, and use the door of space to escape quickly...!" The voice of the Tianji Stick sounded in Xuantian's mind. , he is the voice of the soul.

Xuantian sent a message and said: "Sir, how can this be done? I have the Holy Cauldron. No matter how powerful he is, I can still deal with him and I will always seize the opportunity and escape."

The Tianji stick soul read the message and said: "The chance is slim. Look at the look on this Mingzi's face and you will know that everything is under his control. I have the Tianji mirror. He can trap me at most, but he can't hurt me. You can rest assured to take him with you." They leave, and when you have enough strength, it will not be too late to come and save me in the future. The Tianji Mirror is a treasure comparable to the Holy Cauldron. Once I defend with all my strength, God will not be able to do anything to me, so you don't have to worry."

"Seriously?" Xuantian asked via voice transmission. Although the Tianji Stick was indeed powerful and had many strange methods, Xuantian was still a little worried.

"Absolutely no problem. I am an authentic descendant of the Tianji lineage. I don't have any means to save my life. How can I live up to the reputation of my Tianji lineage? I can enter the Tianji mirror, and even he can be suppressed in it, but I'm afraid it won't be suppressed. Stop. But he can't do anything about the Tianji Mirror, and he can't even think of getting me out of the Tianji Mirror. I'm in the Tianji Mirror, and no matter how strong he is, he can't do anything to me."

Xuantian sent a message and said: "Sir, if you have this method, then I can rest assured. But this is just a final plan. I'll look for opportunities first to see if there is a way to take you away. If there is no way, I will rely on sir Take action."

Tianji Stick pondered for a moment and then transmitted a message: "Okay!" [

"Xuan Tian, ​​are you secretly transmitting messages and discussing how to escape?"

Boluo Sa's eyes swept over Xuantian and others. Finally, he settled on Xuantian and said with a slight smile: "It's useless, haha..., Xuantian, you escaped once under Ben Mingzi. I will never let such a thing happen a second time, today. You will die." Doubt, none of you can escape. This Mingzi first arrived at Yunzhou in the Sword Realm. I will use your blood to sacrifice the flag."

Although Bo Luo Sao's guess was correct, Xuan Tian smiled indifferently and said as usual: "Bao Luo Sao, I feel really sorry for you. You have the identity of Mingzi in the Demon Realm and can do whatever you want, but you have to come to the Sword Realm. , I can tell you with absolute certainty that you will never return to the Demon Realm. When you come to Yunzhou, you are taking a dead end, a dead end that doesn’t even have a way out!"

Balasa's smiling expression paused, his face turned green, and he said coldly: "You dare to speak harshly when you are about to die...!"

As he spoke, Boluo Sa's aura surged, and a tornado appeared in his whole body, soaring straight into the sky, turning the world upside down.

As soon as he finished speaking, Balasa took a step forward, his body seemed to merge with the void, and in the blink of an eye he appeared several miles in front of Xuantian.

This was not teleportation, but walking at the limit of speed. Even Xuantian was surprised by such a method. Even the Son of God did not have such a method.

bang bang bang bang bang

In the blink of an eye, Boluo Suo's figure suddenly grew larger, and suddenly hundreds of giant hands grew, and they shot towards Xuantian at the same time.

Looking at that huge figure and densely packed arms, Xuantian's heart tightened. What kind of martial arts is this?

Those hundreds of giant hands slapped him, and the air in front of Xuantian was shattered into pieces like broken glass. Wave after wave of terrifying power came towards him.

Danger! A feeling of extreme danger arose in Xuantian's heart, which was an irresistible force.

Outside Xuantian's body, a three-legged ancient tripod with the light of chaos suddenly appeared.

In fact, Xuantian had already used all three holy cauldrons in an instant, and others were already in the innermost holy cauldron of wind.

Although he entered the Holy Cauldron, Xuantian's heart did not calm down. He came in, but Long Ziyan, Tianji Stick, and the strong men of the Zhengdao Monster Clan had not yet come in. With the terrifying power of Balasa, he was extremely powerful. Xuantianfa is sure that the speed at which he will put everyone into the Holy Cauldron will be faster than the hundreds of giant hands of Balasa slapping them over.

"Don't resist, come in!" With a thought from Xuantian, the Holy Cauldron emitted the absorbed power and enveloped Long Ziyan and others.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh...

One by one, figures rushed into the holy cauldron.

No more, no less, including Xuantian's twenty-two people. Fortunately, they were finally able to get everyone in before the attack.


In the blink of an eye, there was an explosion, and hundreds of arms struck the Chaos Holy Cauldron.

The Chaos Holy Cauldron was suddenly like a cannon, flying for dozens of miles. Even though there were three Holy Cauldrons separated, Xuantian spit out a mouthful of blood.

The rest of the people also spurted out a mouthful of blood. Although unlike Xuantian, their minds were connected to the Holy Cauldron, they were also shocked by the terrifying power.

Everyone in the Holy Cauldron looked horrified. The power of this Ming Zi Bo Luo Sao was really terrifying. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote and vote monthly at Qidian. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read it.)

ps: The third update is a supplement to yesterday’s first update.

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