The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1049】 Xuantian is back (3rd update, supplement)

In order to rush back to China as quickly as possible, Xuantian took Long Ziyan, Xuanyuan Chuxue, Yu Feifan, and Jiang Yuheng into the Chaos Holy Cauldron, and Yibao Boy himself also returned to the Danyuan Emperor's Mansion.

In terms of speed, even the emperor-level gods and sons and goddesses cannot compare with Xuantian. Since Xuantian became a seventh-level emperor, the distance he could travel through the void has increased a lot.

As Xuantian's cultivation level gets higher and higher, his understanding of mysteries becomes more and more profound, and his understanding of the Holy Cauldron becomes more and more profound. The direct manifestation is Xuantian's teleportation distance.

The Son of God and the Goddess may have other ways to travel from Central Continent to China, but Xuantian only knows one route, via Yunzhou and Tianzhou.

Xuantian first returned to Xiyang Tower, said goodbye to Yan Gucheng, Yan Xixi... and other acquaintances, without staying much, and then set off.

In just a few dozen steps, Xuantian traveled more than 120 million miles through the void and reached the northwest edge of the Central Continent.

In less than two days, Xuantian passed through the chaotic space and arrived at Yunzhou.

When he was the quasi-emperor, it took Xuantian more than a month to reach Zhongzhou from Yunzhou, but now, it only takes four days for Xuantian to go from Yunzhou to Zhongzhou, and then back to Yunzhou from Zhongzhou, and Most of these four days were spent traveling through the chaotic space. In the chaotic space, blind teleportation is not allowed.

Arriving at Yunzhou Jiu Mo Continent, Xuantian still walked more than two million miles at a time, walking toward the southwest. With his speed, there was no need for any teleportation array at all.

The Yunzhou area, from northeast to southwest, is nearly 300 million miles long, but as far as Xuantian is concerned. It only took more than a hundred breaths, plus the direction deviation, asking for directions and adjusting the route. It only took half a moment to reach the Xiling Continent in the southwest.

From Xiling Continent, proceed eight million miles to the southwest and reach the chaotic void adjacent to Yunzhou and Tianzhou.

It also took two days for Xuancai to pass through the chaotic void, and there was a boundless and silent sea in front of him. This is the Tianzhou area.

However, when Xuantian was about to step out of the chaotic void and step over the silent sea area. But there is an invisible barrier blocking Xuantian.

The heaven and earth in the Tianzhou area cannot integrate Xuantian, a seventh-level emperor.

When Xuantian left, Tianzhou and Shenzhou had the same destiny. It can withstand the strength of a first-level emperor at most. Now four years later, it's still the same.

The Son of God and the Goddess had magical weapons to suppress their cultivation, but Xuantian did not. However, the situation in front of him was what Xuantian had expected.

He raised his hand, and a ball of golden blood flew out from the Chaos Holy Cauldron. It was Tu Shaoyuan's immortal blood.

Xuantian threw the ball of immortal blood forward.

That invisible barrier does not block the immortal blood. Instead, it blended with it, and the immortal blood compressed into only a small ball. But when it spreads out, it looks like a stream.

As a seventh-level emperor, Tu Shaoyuan's Qi and blood were so strong that the golden blood in front of him extended for ten miles.

However, soon, all the immortal blood was completely absorbed by the world in the Zaizhou area.

The warriors in the entire Tianzhou area were shocked at this moment. The wind of destiny blew up, gently at first, and soon turned violent.

There was a strong aura of heaven and earth in that wind.

The spiritual energy concentration in the Tianzhou area has been greatly increased.

Xuantian took another step forward. This time, there was no invisible barrier to block him. Xuantian directly entered the Tianzhou area.

He felt that the spiritual energy in the world has been on the rise. Although it is not yet comparable to Yunzhou and Zhongzhou, it should not be long before it reaches the same concentration as Yunzhou and Zhongzhou.

When the time comes, emperors of Tianzhou will emerge in large numbers, and some will even be extremely talented and beautiful. In the future, they will even leap over the dragon gate and become emperors.

Xuan Tian smiled slightly, paused for a moment, then took a step forward and teleported away.

Xuantian is very familiar with Tianzhou area and has some acquaintances, but now Xuantian has no idea of ​​meeting these acquaintances.

His only thought now is to go home.

Looking back on this life, although I lived for thirty years, I didn't have many days to reunite with my family.

The real peaceful life with parents was only before the age of five.

After he was five years old, he faced a big chase and was on the run all the way.

After finally escaping to Beimo County and settling down, Xuantian soon turned ten and entered the Tianjian Sect. He stayed in the Tianjian Sect for several years. He only went home once in a while, but could not stay for more than a month or two.

Later, he became a disciple of Luo Xiaoye. After entering Beichen Pavilion, he was even more running around and could hardly go home even once.

Even after he left Tianxing Pavilion, Xuantian still lived an unstable life. He was chased by the First Young Master into the Sea of ​​Demonic Mist. It took more than a year before he returned to China and reunited with his family.

Compared with the days that follow, these short separations are still considered good. I can always go home once every year or so.

The real separation was when Xuantian sacrificed his life to suppress the demon. After entering the demon world, this separation lasted for more than three years.

But this time the separation was even longer. Counting from the time Xuantian went to Yunzhou in July 10004 of the ancient calendar, it is now August 10008 of the ancient calendar, which is more than four years in the blink of an eye.

Xuantian moved more than two million miles at a time, quickly approaching the Shenzhou area.

The closer he got, the more he missed her.

In China, there are his father Xuan Hong, his mother Huang Yue, his grandfather Xuan Xiong, and his five other lovely wives: Ao Xuanxuan, Ling Xingyue, Bai Ling, Yue Hanxi, their Shadows appeared in Xuantian's mind one by one.

Suddenly, a little girl of three or four years old occupied his mind, babbling "brother".

Xuantian couldn't help but smile slightly, that was his sister Xuan Tingting.

When Xuantian left, Xuan Tingting was already over four years old. Thinking about it, she is now over eight years old, and she is no longer the three or four-year-old girl she was back then. This made Xuantian couldn't help but guess what Xuan Tingting looked like now.

The breeze blows on my face, feeling relaxed and happy.

Xuantian basically fought and killed along the way. Although he has a superb memory, it is difficult to remember how many battles he has fought and how many people he has killed. His journey was full of blood and killing.

The road of killing, the bloody road is the only way for every warrior who pursues the peak. If you don't want to kill, you can only stay at home with peace of mind and be lucky enough to live an ordinary life. If you are not lucky, you may be killed by someone else.

Although blood and killing have occupied most of Xuantian's life, Xuantian's memories are still full of blood. These are pitifully few, or even non-existent.

The memories are always of family and friends. Family affection and warmth.

Luo Xiaoye, Mo Qianji, Xiang Tianxiao, Ling Yichen... these people, old and young, who were closely related to him, flashed through Xuantian's mind one by one.

This brought a smile to Xuantian's face. More and more brilliant.

The Tianzhou area is much smaller than Yunzhou and Zhongzhou. From the northern edge to the southeastern edge, it is only about 50 million miles.

In his memories, Xuantian unknowingly arrived at the Beast Wasteland and came to the barrier separating Tianzhou and Shenzhou.

Xuan Tian's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The destiny of heaven and earth in Shenzhou is the same as that of Tianzhou just now. It also needs the blood of the immortal god or the blood of the immortal god to improve.

Xuantian's Chaos Holy Cauldron also suppressed Huangfu's first-class immortal blood, which came in handy now. This is what Xuantian has prepared for returning to China.

Sprinkle the blood of the immortal god into the blocking barrier channel ahead, and the channel is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. The destiny of heaven and earth in the entire Shenzhou region is changing rapidly.

The land of China, the northern part of Aozhou, the Tianjian Dynasty.

Tianjian Peak towers in the central area of ​​the Tianjian Dynasty, where the number one force in China, the Sword Sect, is located.

In the past four years, the Sword Sect has brought a large number of miraculous elixirs and martial arts techniques brought by Xuantian, and its strength has improved very quickly, and hundreds of kings have appeared.

For example, Luo Xiaoye, Xuan Hong and others who became kings four years ago are now the ultimate kings of Xiaocheng. Mo Qianji, who became the king seven years ago, is now the king of Dacheng peak.

Although other forces in China have gradually become kings due to changes in the fate of heaven and earth, no force can compare with Jian Zong.

In the Shenzhou area, the Sword Sect is a real behemoth, and even a mountain guarding spiritual beast is a demon emperor.

In China, the Sword Sect is supreme and unparalleled.

However, the current Sword Sect is a bit strange, looking dull and without any vitality. All the Sword Sect warriors have dull and listless faces.

This situation has been going on for a month.

It all started when five young warriors came to Jianzong a month ago.

These five young warriors were four men and one woman. The eldest one looked about twenty, and the youngest one was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

However, their strength is frighteningly strong.

With the same cultivation level as a first-level emperor, one of the men suppressed the three eyes of the guardian mountain spirit beast with a single finger, making it unable to move.

The mountain-protecting formation of the Sword Sect was completely ineffective against these people. Even the third-level demon emperor Three Eyes was no match for one of the five people, and the warriors of the Sword Sect were even more incomparable.

In the blink of an eye, the 'powerful' Jian Zong fell completely and became a prisoner.

"You bunch of ants, killing you is dirtying the hands of the Son of God. However, you have a very close relationship with Xuantian. There are his relatives and friends here. I believe he will miss you here. We will live here for a while, no matter What method do you use to inform Xuantian to come back as soon as possible, as long as he hands over what we want, I don't care about the despicable lives of you ants, if Xuantian doesn't hand it over, it means that you are also despicable in his eyes, That son of God can only swat you to death like a fly."

This is what one of the youngest sons of gods said to the warriors of the Sword Sect.

The warriors of the Sword Sect don't know the names of these five people or where they come from. They only know that they call themselves the Sons of God.

On this day, August 14, the wind of luck suddenly blew in the Shenzhou area, and the concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth increased rapidly.

The eyes of the five divine sons of the Sword Sect lit up at the same time. They clearly felt that the restrictions on cultivation in this world were slowly disappearing.

Their cultivation gradually improved with the changes in the world, some became quasi-emperors, and some became emperors.

"Xuan Tian should be back...!" The youngest son of God said excitedly. (To be continued...)

ps: The third update is here, supplementing the second update on September 26.

Kawen, coding is very difficult, the update is a bit late, almost ten o'clock, the third update was coded.

Now there are more than 640 recommendation votes, which is only a little over 100 away from 800 votes. I believe that with some help from brothers, more than 100 recommendation votes will be nothing.

So, I will continue coding tonight and code out the fourth update.

Although it will be very late, with the support of the brothers, the chocolate will work hard and try to be coded before twelve o'clock.

Dear brothers, update, chocolate works hard as much as possible, but it needs a little stimulation. I ask you for your recommendation votes. This thing is available every day. If you don’t vote, you won’t be able to save. Voting can give chocolate an incentive and make chocolate work harder. You guys You can also read more updates every day, why not?

So, shout out – vote for recommendation! ! ! ! !

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