The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1054】 Great Qin Empire (1 update)

Hearing the two people's exclamations, Jian Chi's voice rang in Xuantian's mind: "The concentration of spiritual energy in the God Realm is a thousand times, ten thousand times stronger than here. Therefore, if you practice in the God Realm, you can become a god no matter how average your qualifications are." , a warrior’s achievements are closely related to resources.”

Xuantian agreed with this. No matter how evil a genius is, if he does not have a vast space and sufficient resources for his growth, he will not achieve very high achievements.

Just like the biggest fish raised in a pond, it cannot be compared with the big fish in the ocean.

Xuantian sent a message: "Jian Chi, with the concentration of spiritual energy in Jianzhou, how long will it take for me to break through and become an emperor?"

Jian Chi sent a message: "About two to three years!"

"It will take so long?" Xuan Tian was a little surprised.

The sword idiot said: "Do you think it's so easy? There are countless emperors in the sword world, and they all live for hundreds of years, but only one can become an emperor. What others can't accomplish in hundreds of years, you two Three years is enough, how long can it be?”

Xuantian thought in his heart, this is really the case. Xuanyuan Chuxue said that although there are many emperors in Jianzhou, they are far less than one percent of the emperors.

Xuantian sent a message: "It seems that we need to get some pills to practice."

Although he has never been to Jianzhou, Xuanyuan Chuxue, Yu Feifan, and Jiang Yuheng have all been here. The three of them lived in Shenzhou Jianzong for more than a month. Xuantian talked a lot about Jianzhou with them and knew that there was an emperor in Jianzhou. Level spirit grass, burned emperor level elixir, can greatly speed up the emperor's cultivation speed.

If you rely solely on absorbing spiritual energy to practice, it will be difficult for even the most evil genius to reach a very high level. Although it is said that the emperor's lifespan is a thousand years, if it takes a hundred years, he can advance to a higher level and reach the next level. The harder it is to improve, I am afraid that in a thousand years, geniuses will only be able to cultivate to the realm of a three-star or four-star emperor.

Only by relying on miraculous elixirs or treasures from heaven and earth can one be able to go far in cultivation and reach the pinnacle of emperors, or even those with great luck. It can even ascend to godhood.

Although Xuantian now knows that gods in the divine world cannot last forever, the lifespan of a 10% god will reach a terrifying 100,000 years or more. Compared with the thousand-year lifespan of the strongest emperor in the mortal world, one hundred thousand years is definitely considered immortal.

If you don't become a god, you will only have a thousand years of life, even if you are a demigod. It can only live for more than a thousand years. Once one ascends to become a god, he or she can live for a hundred thousand years. The difference between this gap cannot be calculated. Because of this, the emperors all strive to ascend to become a god.

For this goal, most emperors are willing to spend their entire lives on cultivation. It seems that the emperor has a life span of thousands of years, but in fact he enjoys years of life. But it is not necessarily much longer than some leisurely emperors. Of course, the status of the two cannot be compared.

The emperors in Jianzhou generally have cultivation levels below four stars, and there are very few emperors above four stars, because most of the emperor-level spiritual herbs in Jianzhou are only sufficient for the cultivation of emperors below four stars.

If an emperor with four stars or above wants to continue to progress, he must go to the outer stars to search for rare treasures of heaven and earth, so that he can go further.

According to Xuantian's plan, after arriving at Jianzhou, the first priority is to upgrade his cultivation level to the Emperor Realm, and then travel around the world, looking for opportunities, and quickly improve his cultivation level. After his cultivation level reaches the Three-Star Sword Emperor, he will also You need to enter the outer starry sky to experience.

Of course, while practicing, Xuantian must also pay attention to the news of the sons of gods. Whenever there is an opportunity to kill Sikong Ding and Qin Shiyu, Xuantian will never let it go.

It's too early to say this. Xuantian is still far behind Sikong Ding and Qin Shiyu. For now, improving his cultivation is the first priority.

Xuantian took out the letter talisman Xuanyuan Chuxue gave him and crushed it into pieces, telling him that he had arrived at Jianzhou. Xuanyuan Chuxue had said that when Xuantian became emperor, she would give him the Holy Cauldron of Water in her hand. Xuantian came to collect the nine holy tripods.

In the past three years, Xuantian has been in a peaceful mood and has no thoughts of quick success. As he slowly cultivates, he has also gained insights into the four holy cauldrons in his hands. Now, not only has he gained a deeper understanding of the chaotic holy cauldron, he has also gained a deeper understanding of the other three. Zun Sheng Ding also gained a lot, making his own strength more and more powerful, not far from the power of the sword array.

"Zi Yan, let's walk around first and find the Wild Fire City. We can get the emperor-level elixir there. This will be of great benefit to our breakthrough in cultivation." After crushing the letter talisman, Xuantian said to Long Ziyan .

There are many emperors in Sword Continent, and many large-scale life planets in the Sword Realm starry sky have teleportation arrays connecting Kaiou Star Sword Continent. Because Sword Continent’s resources are relatively rich, a large number of emperors or quasi-emperors are there. Love comes to Jianzhou to find opportunities.

The resources of the King Planet are relatively abundant, and Emperor-level spiritual herbs are rare. Emperor-level spiritual elixirs for emperors to cultivate are in absolute short supply and are very precious.

According to Xuanyuan Chuxue, reaching Jianzhou through the void barrier from Zhongzhou should be Wildfire County in the west of the Great Qin Empire. The trading market in Huanghuo City, the county seat, occasionally has emperor-level elixirs traded.

The area of ​​Jianzhou is many times larger than that of Zhongzhou, at least ten thousand times larger. The counties of Jianzhou are not as small as Tianzhou. A Wildfire County is almost as big as the entire Tianzhou area, which is tens of millions of miles across. .

The territory of the Great Qin Empire was even more vast, with hundreds of counties.

In Jianzhou, there are hundreds of countries like the Great Qin Empire, each of which is an emperor-level force with extraordinary strength and has produced nine-star emperors.

The Great Qin Empire was established by the Immortal Emperor more than nine hundred years ago. Compared with other ancient empires that have been passed down for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, the Great Qin Empire was pitifully short.

However, the strength of the Great Qin Empire cannot be underestimated. The Immortal Emperor dominated the sword world for decades more than 900 years ago, almost sweeping the mortal world. He even killed many strong men in other mortal worlds. Although he Later, he ascended to become a god, but he left his bloodline in Jianzhou, and conquered many emperors to serve the Great Qin Empire. Before his ascension, he left a god-level mind clone as a foundation, which was suppressed in the capital of the Great Qin Empire.

That god-level thought clone was powerful enough to defeat any demigod. Therefore, although the Great Qin Empire was not too strong at first, no one dared to touch it.

Qin Bu died in several worlds and collected a large amount of resources for his descendants to cultivate. Therefore, after he ascended to godhood, in just a few hundred years, the strength of the Great Qin Empire exploded. Many emperors appeared in his descendants, and some even reached the level of The pinnacle of the imperial realm, the realm of the nine-star emperor.

Although the emperors that Qin Bushit conquered nine hundred years ago are all dead, the Great Qin Empire today is already one of the strongest forces in the sword world.

Any force that produces a powerful figure who ascends to godhood will definitely rise to the forefront of the mortal world and be famous for a period of time. However, whether it can last forever depends on the qualifications of the younger generation. If one generation is not as strong as the next, no matter how powerful it is, Strength will also be lost in the long river of time.

Since ancient times, the number of powerful men in the Sword World who have ascended to godhood is unknown, but there are only a few hundred super empires, and many super powers have fallen away.

Of course, although Sword Continent is large, it is not unlimited. It can only host a few hundred empires. Talents have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years. In the long river of time, the change of forces is inevitable.

The forces in Jianzhou are dominated by the super empires, and then the other emperor-level forces belong to each major empire depending on their location and obey the orders of the empire.

Compared to a super empire, even if a general imperial force has a few emperors, it is only a small force. When the empire is angry, unless it is an equally large super empire, all imperial forces will retreat.

As its name suggests, Wildfire County has barren land and a dry climate. There are many volcanoes within the territory. Xuantian and Long Ziyan saw a mountain of flames within their field of vision.

To the west of Wildfire County is the endless Red Flame Desert. Inside is a sea of ​​flames. The climate is extremely harsh and humans cannot survive. The Red Flame Desert covers a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and there are some fire-natured incarnations living in it. Monsters are almost as if they are forbidden to humans. They do not belong to the Great Qin Empire and are located between the territories of several empires.

Xuanyuan Chuxue told Xuantian some simple information about the Great Qin Empire and Wildfire County, and Xuantian remembered it very clearly.

When he arrived at Jianzhou, Xuantian no longer had to put Long Ziyan into the Holy Cauldron in order to rush on the road. He had plenty of time and was not in a hurry.

Moreover, Long Ziyan is already a quasi-emperor. Whether it is my understanding of mysteries or physical strength, she is much stronger than a one-star emperor. Her teleportation speed is faster than that of a one-star emperor. In an instant, she can reach millions of miles, and her speed is not the same. Not slow.

The two of them walked in Wildfire County for a while, and soon met a group of emperors. After asking for directions, they knew the location of Wildfire City, and they rushed towards Wildfire City.

Not long after, the two arrived at Wildfire City.

Based on the cities the two of them had seen, it was difficult to call the city in front of them a 'city' because it was too big.

Not to mention the tall buildings that can be seen everywhere, just based on the area of ​​​​the city, the two of them can see that they have not seen the end for thousands of miles.

In Yunzhou and Zhongzhou, the city with a radius of two to three hundred miles is the largest city, and the county city of Huanghuo County is even more ridiculously big. Xuantian looked carefully for a while before he saw it. This city is at least three thousand miles long.

More than a hundred miles away from Wildfire City, Xuantian and Long Ziyan discovered that the space was imprisoned and they could not teleport and could only fly. It seemed that there was a huge forbidden air formation that blocked the entire Wildfire City and hundreds of miles around it. of void.

With the Forbidden Sky Formation, even Xuantian cannot teleport. It seems that even the emperor can be imprisoned. In this Wild Fire City, no one can be too presumptuous. Every county and city is controlled by the prince of the Great Qin Empire. With the emperor's army, there are many emperors serving for it, and warriors are prohibited from fighting in the city.

Xuantian tried it and found that the gate of space was not imprisoned. With the help of the Chaos Holy Cauldron, he could still teleport in the city.

This was something different from ordinary people. Xuantian didn't show it. He walked in the void with Long Ziyan and walked towards Wild Fire City. He had a lot of treasures on him and wanted to see if he could exchange them for some emperor-level elixirs. (To be continued...)

ps: Are there any recommendation votes? Keep asking.

Yesterday Jian Ni was the first updated book in three days for high-quality books, and today it was the second updated book for high-quality books in three days.

Chocolate will continue to work hard today, and there will be four updates, hoping to still be at the top of the update list tomorrow.

Recommended votes come to the bowl soon. . . .

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