The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1058】 Red Flame Desert (1 update)

"Xuan Tian, ​​this demigod has been dead for more than three thousand years. There should be many treasures left in the emperor's palace. You can go and take a look...!" Jian Chi's voice rang in Xuantian's mind.

To recover, Jian Chi needs to devour the soul of his mind, which cannot be swallowed by the soul of strangers. Jian Chi is obviously very interested in places like the ancient tombs of the Imperial Palace.

There will be some kind of thought clone left in each stream, which is a great tonic for sword enthusiasts.

Xuan Tian nodded secretly, and was quite excited. Since Jian Chi wanted to go, he naturally wanted to go to the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion.

"Master Zhu, a demigod's imperial palace is indeed an astonishing treasure. No wonder even the imperial family is tempted. However, if the imperial family intervenes, what benefits can other people get?" Xuan Tian asked.

The royal family of the empire is the Qin family, which is a super powerful force. Not to mention that the family has a large number of emperors, there are even more emperors attached to the Qin Empire. It is not something that ordinary emperors can do to compete with such behemoths. thing.

Zhu Li chuckled and said: "Young master arrived in Jianzhou not long ago and didn't know anything. If the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion fell within the territory of the Qin Empire and was discovered by the imperial royal family, it would be explored at lightning speed. No one dares to intervene, but the Chiyang Emperor's Palace is located in the Chiyan Desert. This is different. There are four empires around the Chiyan Desert. In addition to the Great Qin Empire, the Great Zhao Empire, the Zhao Qi Empire, and the Duanmu Empire They all also knew the news about the Chiyang Emperor's Palace and were moved by it. The Qin family wanted to take it all for themselves, but they couldn't do it. The four empires had already agreed to jointly explore the Chiyang Emperor's Palace and the people who had reached the imperial realm. They were all on one side. At the level of the ancestors, the Chiyang Emperor's Palace is located in the area of ​​Si Guang, and there are emperors who want to try it. How can anyone stop it? The imperial royal family explores the imperial palace, and ordinary treasures are not appreciated. As long as the emperor who goes there If the emperor doesn’t rob important things with them, they don’t care whether the emperor goes there or how much they go.”

Xuantian nodded slightly, an empire royal family basically has ancestors who ascended to become gods. The heritage left behind is greater than that of a demigod. There really are only a few things in a demigod's imperial palace that can catch the eyes of the imperial family.

The imperial royal family explores the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion. It was for the few supreme treasures inside, while other emperors had to fight for ordinary things.

Even, because this time people from the four major empires are going. Every imperial family also hopes that more emperors on their side can go there. Grab more resources.

Xuantian asked: "The Chiyang Emperor's Mansion has appeared for more than ten days. Since an emperor has discovered it, someone should have gone in to explore it?"

Zhu Li slowly shook his head and said: "The Chiyang Emperor's Mansion has a restrictive seal placed by the Chiyang Sword Emperor. The emperors who go there can only see the imperial palace and cannot enter at all. Many powerful emperors have I tried it, but couldn't break the seal at all. The demigods are so powerful that even after thousands of years have passed, the seals they set are still strong. The four empires agreed to meet outside the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion in ten days to join forces to break the seal and explore If you are interested in the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion, you can try your luck there. If you find some treasure in the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion but it is of no use to you, you can trade it with Lingbao Mountain in exchange for what you want."

Xuan Tian smiled faintly: "Definitely."

Zhu Li reminded: "The Crimson Flame Desert contains the power of the rules of heaven and earth, which is very strange. Warriors below the emperor can no longer teleport after entering the Crimson Flame Desert for millions of miles. Even the emperor can go deep into the desert." After tens of millions of miles in the Red Flame Desert, the ability to teleport will be lost, and there seems to be a naturally existing power to imprison the void. Therefore, even the emperor needs five or six days to get from the Wild Fire City to the location of the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion. Days time, the meeting time agreed upon by the royal families of the four empires is ten days later, and they will set off in about three or four days. I have a map of the Chiyang Emperor's Palace. It was originally sold for a hundred emperor-level elixirs, but Now that the map is overflowing, it has no value anymore, so I’ll give it to you...!"

Zhu Li took out a map and handed it to Xuantian. In just over a month, Xuantian made transactions for more than 4,000 emperor-level spiritual grasses in Lingbao Mountain. Zhu Li completely regarded Xuantian as the financial owner, even though He is a three-star emperor and rarely has Xuantian's transaction volume.

Xuantian took the map and thanked him: "Thank you very much, Master Zhu. If you need any useless treasures, I will definitely bring them to Lingbao Mountain."

"Haha, Lingbaoshan will definitely give you a good price and won't let the young master lose money...!" Zhu Li said with a smile.

After coming out of Lingbao Mountain, Xuantian and Long Ziyan found an inn in Wildfire City. Since they were leaving for the Red Flame Desert in three or four days, they stopped going out and stayed in Wildfire City for a few days.

Rumors of Chiyang Emperor's Mansion are indeed spreading in Huanghuo City. Not only the Emperor, but also the Emperor are extremely interested in it.

Of course, no matter how interested they are, they can only talk as much as they want. It is impossible to enter the Red Flame Desert. Warriors under the emperor will be affected by the confinement of the void if they go more than a million miles deep and cannot teleport.

With the Red Flame Desert covering an area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles, it would take more than half a year just to fly without teleportation, not to mention that there are emperor-level monsters with fire attributes in it. You will swallow a large piece of the emperor in one bite.

When he arrived at the inn, Xuantian took out the Chaos Holy Cauldron and refined all the emperor-level spiritual herbs into elixirs. Soon, he had four thousand emperor-level elixirs in his hands.

Long Ziyan spent more than 3,000 emperor-level elixirs to become the emperor. Xuantian cultivated the immortal golden body, and his Gang Yuan was even more powerful than hers. Can these four thousand emperor-level elixirs make it possible? When he became emperor, he really had no idea.

"This time in the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion, we have to get some treasures. No matter what, we have to buy more emperor-level elixirs. We have to get tens of thousands of emperor-level elixirs. From the quasi-emperor to the emperor, it will cost thousands Judging from each other, after becoming an emperor, one-star, two-star, and three-star emperors all need to practice emperor-level spiritual elixirs, and the number required is probably a huge number." Xuan Tian thought in his heart.

Three days passed by in a hurry. Xuantian and Long Ziyan did not wait for the fourth day and immediately set off into the Red Flame Desert.

Although they have a map, they are not familiar with the Chiyan Desert at all. It is better to set off one day in advance. If something is delayed, they can reach the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion in time. Otherwise, others will have already finished exploring. Wouldn't that be a waste of time?

For more than a month, Long Ziyan focused on practicing because she was about to become an emperor, while Xuantian was still some time away from becoming an emperor, so he devoted some time to practicing the Formless and Shadowless Curse.

It is not difficult to practice the Formless and Shadowless Curse. It only took Xuantian half a month to achieve success.

This time I went to the Chiyang Emperor's Mansion to meet people from the Qin Royal Family. Although Qin Shiyu, as the Son of God, should not have any interest in this demigod Emperor's Mansion and it would be difficult to meet him, other Qin Emperors may not have missed it. He had passed Xuantian's portrait, so Xuantian used the Phaseless Curse to change his appearance.

Although he is not afraid of anyone with his current strength and life-saving means, when he first arrived in Jianzhou, he still focused on cultivating for the time being. When he became stronger, he would settle accounts with the sons of gods such as Qin Shiyu and Sikong Ding, and bring down the Saint of Earth. The tripod and the sacred tripod of wood were seized.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan teleported over two million miles in an instant, extremely fast, and soon they left the Wild Fire County and entered the Red Flame Desert.

The climate in Wildfire County is already dry and volcanoes are common. The climate in the Red Flame Desert is a hundred times worse, with seas of fire appearing frequently.

A small sea of ​​fire has a radius of hundreds of miles, and a large sea of ​​fire has a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

What's more, Xuantian and Long Ziyan teleported over a sea of ​​fire. They traveled more than two million miles through the void in an instant, but they failed to fly through the sea of ​​fire. They really didn't know how vast this sea of ​​fire was.

Xuantian can feel that the flames in the sea of ​​fire are very strong, and the strength of the fire secrets inside is enough to kill any emperor in an instant. Even the emperor cannot be underestimated.

In the sea of ​​​​fire, there was a vague imperial power coming out, and there should be an emperor-level monster with a fire attribute hidden in it.

Xuantian and Long Ziyan are extremely fast, and their teleportation is even better than that of the two-star emperors. No emperor-level monsters come out to disturb them. At such speed, no ordinary emperor-level monsters can stop them. of.

More than two million miles in an instant, Xuantian had reached it when he was a seventh-level emperor. Now Xuantian is a quasi-emperor. His feelings for the Chaos Holy Cauldron are greatly deepened. The teleportation distance is almost twice as long as before. However, now The speed at which he followed Long Ziyan was only about two to three million miles in an instant.

The two teleported for dozens of breaths in the Red Flame Desert, and then arrived deep in the center of the Red Flame Desert.

Suddenly, the two of them entered an area and immediately sensed changes in the void, making them unable to teleport anymore.

Even with Xuantian's current understanding of the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, the door to space is locked.

There are natural space restrictions here, which are the power of the rules of heaven and earth. The masterpieces of nature, since they are gods, are insignificant in front of the power of the rules of heaven and earth, let alone the emperors of the mortal world.

Once here, Xuantian and Long Ziyan could only fly honestly.

Fortunately, even when the two of them were flying, their speed was extremely fast. Xuantian pulled Long Ziyan, and in a blink of an eye, he drew a trajectory in the air and flew thousands of miles.

Xuantian has a great understanding of the way of space, and he also has the Saint Cauldron of Wind, which is the main speed among the nine holy cauldrons. His body blends with the void, and even without teleportation, his flying speed is much faster than that of ordinary emperors. Even monsters like Long Ziyan can't fly as fast as Xuantian after becoming an emperor.

When we reached the central area of ​​the Red Flame Desert, there were even more flames, and the sea of ​​​​fire reached the sky. The flame mountains were like giant dragons, crawling on the earth.

Xuantian looked at the endless flaming land under his feet, and couldn't help but be secretly shocked. The Red Flame Desert was extremely hot, with seas of fire stretching to the sky. Yang energy was extremely heavy everywhere, and Yin energy could not exist. Isn't this entire Red Flame Desert a place A huge place of extreme sunshine?

The land of the extreme sun with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles is really scary. No wonder the Scarlet Sun Sword Emperor wants to place his imperial palace here. It seems that the Scarlet Sun Sword Emperor is particularly profound in the cultivation of the mysteries of the sun. (To be continued...)

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