The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 1060】 Emperors gather (3 updates, supplement)

Xuantian didn't pay attention to the gazes of the emperors. He and Long Ziyan sat there quietly, practicing and regulating their breath.

Probably because Xuantian and Long Ziyan's cultivation levels were too low, many emperors looked at them with ill intentions.

Moreover, when the emperors' attention shifted away from Xuantian and Long Ziyan's cultivation, basically all eyes were focused on Long Ziyan.

Long Ziyan's beauty is like a dream. When you are not paying attention, you may ignore it. Once you focus on it, it is easy to get lost in it.

Ever since Long Ziyan became the emperor, she has gained an air of grace, making her look more heroic and valiant, adding to her beauty a lot.

After a while, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore.

In a certain three-person team, a two-star emperor stood up and walked towards Xuantian and Long Ziyan.

Xuantian noticed that the teams with three-star emperors were basically there. It seemed that the stronger teams were in the center.

The team of the two-star emperor who came over was located in the center of all the emperors. There was also a three-star emperor in the team, who looked about forty.

At this age, the emperor may have actually lived for four to five hundred years.

Many people were originally ready to make a move against Xuantian and Long Ziyan, but when they saw a two-star emperor walking out of the team and walking towards them, their mentality calmed down and turned into a mentality of watching a show.

The two-star emperor who came over was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his early thirties. He walked up to Xuan Tian and Long Ziyan with a very disdainful smile on his face.

He glanced down at the two of them. Then he stared at Xuantian and said: "You, this is not the place you should be. Get out now...!"

After saying this, the eyes of the two-star emperor fell on Long Ziyan. Although his expression was still aloof, it was much calmer than when he looked at Xuan Tian. He said: "You, come with me. My elder brother Lu Tianxiong invites you." .”

In Wildfire County. When it comes to Lu Tianxiong, everyone has to tremble. Many people call Lu Tianxiong the Wild Fire Overlord. Even the king of Wildfire County will give him three points of respect.

Many years ago, the Lu family was a big family in Huanghuo County, when the Qin Empire was established. He once competed with the current Huo family for the position of King of Wildfire County. Although they failed, the strength of the Lu family was not much weaker than that of the Huo family.

Lu Tianxiong's strength is in the same league as the current King Huanghuo.

In Huanghuo County, apart from the Huo family, the Lu family is the strongest. Lu Tianxiong is the current head of the family and he is domineering. Not only in Wildfire County, but also in several nearby counties. They all have great reputations.

Many emperors present could not help but shrink their necks when they heard Lu Tianxiong's name.

When the two-star emperor mentioned Lu Tianxiong's name, the three-star emperor who was in the same team as the former looked at Long Ziyan from a distance and raised his head proudly.

Although they have lived for four to five hundred years, the emperor's lifespan is long, as long as a thousand years. If he lives for hundreds of years, his mentality is still very young. Although some emperors regard themselves as old men, they rarely regard themselves as those who are about to reach the end of their lives. The old man at the end.


Just when many emperors opened their eyes wide and looked at Xuantian and the two with an attitude of watching a show, a low-volume, but very clear and clear voice sounded, not only in the ears of those two star emperors. , all the emperors in the distance could hear it clearly.

The voice came from Xuantian's mouth.

On this side of the mountain range, dozens of emperors from the Great Qin Empire looked shocked. Many of them showed expressions of horror, while many others showed admiration and pity.

A quasi-emperor dared to speak to a two-star emperor like this. Even though it was surprising and even admirable, the consequences that followed were regrettable.

It was originally thought that Xuantian, the quasi-emperor, would be frightened and run away immediately when he heard Lu Tianxiong's name. No one expected that he would say such a word.

Especially the two-star emperor was in a daze, wondering if he had heard wrong just now.

"What did you say?" The two-star emperor frowned and asked in a deep voice.


Xuantian's gaze was like a sword, staring into the eyes of the two-star emperor, and spoke out the words clearly again.

This time, the two-star emperor in front of him heard clearly, and was very sure that he heard correctly.

Suddenly, his expression changed and he shouted: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his palm and pressed it down on Xuantian's head.

The two-star emperor slapped a palm, and the power was so powerful that the void suddenly collapsed, and huge power pressed down from the sky.

In the eyes of all the emperors, this palm would crush Xuantian into a pulp.

The distance between the quasi-emperor and the two-star emperor is quite far.


There was a sound of thunder, and when the two-star emperor clapped his hands, Xuantian's arm turned into pure gold, and with thunder and lightning, he punched out.

Thunder God Fist!

The two were so close that their fists and palms faced each other in an instant.


The result was beyond everyone's expectations. Amidst the explosion, a figure flew backwards in an instant, flying ten miles in the blink of an eye.

The one who flew out was not the quasi-emperor Xuantian, but the two-star emperor.


All the emperors took a breath of air.

The eyes of the two-star emperor who were flying back fell on Xuantian, his eyes full of shock and horror.

The quasi-emperor's cultivation level has the strength of a two-star emperor, which is almost comparable to the combat power of the Son of God and the Goddess.

Among the Qin royal family, there was a son of a god who descended to earth. His combat power was ridiculous. When he was a quasi-emperor, he beat up two-star emperors. After becoming an emperor, his strength increased greatly and he could easily defeat three-star emperors. .

Xuantian's appearance changed now, and he was no longer a handsome young boy. Although he looked only in his mid-twenties, the emperors could not compare him with the famous Son of God.

In the distance, Lu Tianxiong, the Three-Star Emperor, suddenly burst out with a sharp light in his eyes, containing murderous intent.

The two-star emperor, who was knocked ten miles away, stood up from where he was, shocked and angry, seeing that Lu Tianxiong was behind him. Just as he was about to rush forward again, Lu Tianxiong's voice shouted: "Come back."

After saying this, Lu Tianxiong looked at Xuan Tian from a distance and smiled. He said: "There is such a young and powerful man like you in the Great Qin Empire. It really makes me miss him. Haha... The path of genius often ends prematurely. The palace of Chiyang Emperor is extremely dangerous. Little brother, please be more careful. "

Some people who came from other places and didn't know Lu Tianxiong thought he was warning the younger generation. However, the emperor in Huanghuo County was sweating for Xuantian at this moment.

According to past experience, when Lu Tianxiong talks to a person with such a smile, That means that person is about to die...

This may seem like a warning, but it actually has a deeper meaning.

Xuantian dismissed Lu Tianxiong's words and turned a deaf ear.

If Lu Tianxiong saw Xuantian and Long Ziyan, they would injure a three-star demon emperor, the Fire Rock Emperor Crocodile. I'm afraid I won't bring any evil thoughts to the two of them today. That's exactly what I wouldn't say.

The Fire Rock Emperor Crocodile of the Three Star Demon Emperor was much stronger than him, the Three Star Emperor.

Next, no one dared to do anything to Xuantian and Long Ziyan. All the emperors made eye contact with each other, with surprise in their eyes from time to time, obviously transmitting messages from their souls.

He must be saying something about Lu Tianxiong's actions today, but he doesn't want Lu Tianxiong to hear it.

Soon, the day passed. Since Xuantian and Long Ziyan, many emperors have arrived from the Great Qin Empire. At night, there were nearly a hundred people.

There was no words for a night, but the next day, more emperors arrived one after another. The number of emperors in the Great Qin Empire soon exceeded a hundred.

When the sun rose, the powerful men sent by the royal families of the four empires finally arrived.

From the Great Qin Empire, a total of eight people came. The most powerful one was a Three-Star Emperor, but the Three-Star Emperor was not the leader.

The leader looks very young, in his early twenties, wearing a royal robe and a purple gold jade crown, and has an extraordinary imposing manner.

"This is Prince Qin Fei. I heard that he has the cultivation level of a two-star emperor, but his combat power is invincible to a three-star emperor."

"No wonder Prince Huanghuo looks weaker next to him."

Someone started talking quietly.

Hearing this, Xuantian glanced at Prince Qin Fei. It seemed that he was also an evil genius and could challenge higher levels after becoming emperor.

As for the three-star emperor next to him, it seems that he should be the King of County Fire.

As soon as Qin Fei arrived, he released his cultivation, and his powerful aura spread out, pushing out layers of air waves in the void, and loudly said: "Zhao family, Qi family, Duanmu family, have your people come...!"

The sound was so powerful that it spread almost thousands of miles away.

"I didn't expect that your Qin family would send you out. It seems that they want you to practice."

After three or four breaths, an equally majestic voice came from the west. As the voice came, a similarly young two-star emperor came from Tuxu.

Qin Fei looked at the person who came, smiled slightly and said: "Zhao Yan, your Zhao family is also training you. However, as long as I, Qin Fei, am here, the Chiyang Red Jade of the Scarlet Sun Sword Emperor must belong to me. You want to It’s a trip empty-handed.”

"Hehehehe...!" Zhao Yan sneered, "Qin Fei, this time I am determined to win Jiyang Red Jade. It's not that I look down on you. This time I really don't regard you as the biggest obstacle. I heard that the Duanmu clan is going to send a team A powerful person."

The implication was that Zhao Yan regarded the strong man sent by the Duanmu clan as his real opponent and did not treat Qin Fei too little.

While talking, several more people came quickly from the west, similar to the people Qin Fei brought, one was a three-star emperor, and the rest were one-star and two-star emperors.

This time, there seems to be an agreement between the four empires, which limits the number of people who can come and their cultivation strength. For an imperial palace, it is impossible for the four empires to use their full strength. Under almost the same conditions After a robbery, which side can gain something will depend on the fight between the moving people.

While talking, there were also two figures, one from the south and one from the north, approaching rapidly from a distance, flying very fast.

The strong man from the south is also very young, but he is a level higher than Zhao Yan and Qin Fei. He is a three-star emperor.

The strong man flying from the north is a bit special. She is actually a woman. This woman's face is veiled and her appearance cannot be seen clearly. However, looking at her slender figure, exquisite curves, and snow-white jade skin, you can imagine that she must be. She is a stunning beauty. (To be continued...)

ps: The third update. . . Supplementary update: 2nd update on September 30th. . . . .

It’s the last day of last month, and all the updates that were owed have finally been paid, and I can’t help but feel relieved.

Brothers and sisters, I strongly request your recommendation and support. . . .

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