The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

[Chapter 201] The Three Great Princes (Part 1)

The 'Chongyue Sword' flashed like a shooting star, crossed a long trail of flames, pierced into Heng Jianyun's vest in an instant, and pierced through his chest.

Being pierced into the body quickly by the sharp blade, even the nerves did not feel the pain so quickly.

Heng Jianyun's body paused, and he just felt a chill in his body. He looked down and saw a thick and bright sword protruding from his chest, with bright red blood stains on it.

The blood pooled into blood beads on the 'Chongyue Sword' and slowly fell to the ground.

In an instant, severe pain spread from his chest to his whole body.


Heng Jianyun opened his eyes sharply, almost staring out, and let out a shrill cry of horror.

His life withered in the screaming, and when the sound fell, his eyes quickly became lifeless, and he fell straight forward.

Xuantian quickly walked to Heng Jianyun's side, pulled out the 'Chongyue Sword', the smooth sword body could not stick to the blood, the blood quickly turned into blood beads, fell from the tip of the sword, and soon the 'Chongyue Sword' was clean and flawless Dyed, dazzling.

The black cub 'Little Tiger' also sprinted fiercely, and came to Heng Jianyun's body, and roared at Heng Jianyun!

Xuan Tian looked at 'Xiaohu': "Thanks to you, Xiaohu, the protective power of the mask outside his body is too strong, I can't shake it at all!"

Before the mask outside Heng Jianyun's body was broken, it was 'Little Tiger' who made the final blow, and Xuantian naturally believed that it was 'Little Tiger' who broke it.

'Little Tiger' took a look at Xuantian, with some doubts in his eyes, but quickly jumped away, and threw himself directly in front of Ren Hengxing's corpse, opened his mouth wide, bit Ren Hengxing's arm with sharp teeth, and tore it off. !

It seems that "Little Tiger''s anger towards Ren Hengxing has penetrated deep into his bone marrow. Even if Ren Hengxing died, "Little Tiger" would torture him terribly.

The teeth of the 'Little Tiger' are extremely sharp, no less than a high-grade treasure of the Xuan class. Like its sharp claws, it can easily tear up Ren Hengxing's corpse and swallow it directly.

Xuantian immediately turned his head to the side, even though Ren Hengxing was his enemy, but as the same kind, Xuantian still had a heart of compassion if his body was eaten after death.

But he did not stop the 'Little Tiger', knowing that this is the best way to disappear the corpse, and Xuantian will not impose the overflowing sympathy on the enemy, it is the three of them who deceived others first, and this ended up , is also more than enough to die.

He couldn't bear it, but iron and blood are better than sympathy.

Xuantian's gaze turned to Xuanyuan Chuxue who was a thousand meters away, but he was disappointed to find that Xuanyuan Chuxue had disappeared.

During the battle just now, she was there all the time, and when Heng Jianyun fled, Xuantian also vaguely saw that although she was far away, she was still watching, and in a blink of an eye, at some point, she actually left!

Xuan Tian felt a great loss in his heart!

Although it was the first time meeting Xuanyuan Chuxue, Xuantian believed it was a kind of predestined relationship between past and present lives. It could be seen that Xuanyuan Chuxue was at least twenty-four or five years old, almost ten years older than him, but he didn't care.

Just as the Great Elder Bai Jianxue said, when it comes to love, you have to act rashly, and don't leave regrets, you will regret it in the future.

When I met Xuanyuan Chuxue, I couldn't get any other information except the other party's name. This time, it will not be a long time before we can meet again. This has already caused a little regret in Xuantian's heart!

Although the 'little tiger' is in its infancy, its body is more than two meters long, which is about the same size as the adult tiger Xuantian had seen in his previous life. eat it.

Ren Hengxing called 'Little Tiger' a beast, which is considered to have touched the scales of 'Little Tiger'. Among the three, Ren Hengxing was not the first to be injured, but he was the first to die, and the first to be eaten dry by 'Little Tiger' clean.

After eating Ren Hengxing's "Little Tiger", he rushed towards Ren Badao's corpse. The corpse of a warrior is a great tonic for monsters. He can obtain true energy from the corpse of a warrior and speed up his advancement. For Ren's The corpse of the brothers and the young master "Little Tiger" will not be let go.

When 'Little Tiger' ate Ren Ba Dao's corpse, Xuan Tian also collected the treasures dropped by the three of them, one high-grade Xuan-rank treasure and two middle-grade Xuan-rank treasures, both of which were swords.

Now that Xuantian has the 'Seven Flames Red Lotus', he can incinerate Xuan-rank treasures, and he is not afraid of what the other party does to the treasures. As for other items, Xuantian has obtained more than twenty Except for the 'Top Grade True Qi Pill', the rest remained unchanged.

Soon, Ren Badao's corpse was also eaten up by the 'Little Tiger'. "Little Tiger" rushed towards Heng Jianyun's corpse again.

now! Almost everyone in Xiaoyao Jianzong who was tens of thousands of miles away was shocked.

Just now, a huge aura suddenly erupted from the back mountain, and the formed air wave almost spread to the entire Xiaoyao Jianzong for ten miles.

Then, all the elders, deacons, and disciples of the Xiaoyao Sword Sect heard the elder Da Taishang who was retreating in the back mountain roar angrily: "Whoever dares to kill the descendants of my Heng family, I will destroy ten families and nine clans! Destroy his ten clans and nine clans!"

Then, I saw a ray of light rising from the back mountain into the sky and heading northwest.

To the northwest of the Xiaoyao Dynasty is the Thunder Mountain Range——

After the 'Little Tiger' ate all the corpses of the three people, Xuantian had already used the 'Seven Flames Red Lotus' to incinerate the three treasures into liquid, and then took back the 'Seven Flames Red Lotus', three balls of liquid It solidified in an instant, turning into three spherical metal balls.

This metal ball is the material after the treasure is restored. However, if the refined treasure is re-incinerated and restored, the quality of the material will be lost, and at least one grade will be reduced. In the future, these three balls of metal refining can only refine one One piece of medium-level Xuan-level treasures and two pieces of low-level Xuan-level treasures.

"Little Tiger! Let's get out of here!"

Xiaohu is Xuanyuan Chuxue's monster, now that Xuanyuan Chuxue is gone, Xuantian instinctively regards it as a comrade in arms, advancing and retreating together.

He looked around vigilantly. Although this place is deep in the Thunder Mountain Range, there are not many warriors in the Thunder Mountain Range. He just came out of the ground and made a lot of noise, which might attract other warriors. .

Although the corpses and traces have been destroyed, this place is not a place to stay for a long time, the sooner you leave, the better.

As soon as the 'Little Tiger' jumped, it came to Xuantian's side.

"Huh! Huh!" Xiaohu raised his head and yelled twice. The fleshy wings on his back spread out to a width of five meters. With a vertical movement of his body, the black fleshy wings shot up into the sky.

In an instant, Xiaohu circled in the air, landed in front of Xuantian, raised his head and yelled twice: "Huh! Huh!"

Xuantian understood: "You want me to sit up?"

"Huh! Huh!" Xiaohu nodded.

Xuantian was not polite, and sat on Xiaohu's back.

Xiaohu's body is more than two meters long, even if three Xuantians can sit on it, it is more than enough.


Xiaohu raised his head and whistled, as a reminder, he flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

Boom! Boom! Rumble! ! !

In the sky of the Thunder Mountain Range, there was a dense thunderstorm. Many thunderbolts dissipated in the sky before they hit the ground. Therefore, the thunderbolts in the sky were much denser than the ground, and there were very few open spaces.

But Xiaohu seems to be very sensitive to thunder and lightning, carrying Xuantian, flying in the sky at a height of a thousand meters, most of the thunder and lightning were predicted and avoided by Xiaohu in advance.

In some areas of low power thunder and lightning, Xiaohu will not dodge or dodge, and rush straight past. Xuantian is very resistant to thunder and lightning. His resistance seems to be no worse than Xuantian's, his whole body is covered by lightning, and his flying speed seems to be faster than usual.

Thunder and lightning are everywhere in the sky, Xuantian and Xiaohu's bodies are densely covered with electric wires, although they are flying, they are integrated with the surrounding lightning capacitors, and they cannot be distinguished at all.

"This way! Go this way!" Xuantian sat on Xiaohu's back, looked at the map, and slowly realized his position in the Thunder Mountain Range, adjusted his direction constantly, and headed west.

Xiaohu's flying speed was very fast. In one day, he flew more than 10,000 miles. He left the Thunder Mountain Range, arrived at the periphery of the Beast Desolate Mountain Range, and arrived at the north of the boundary line between the Shenwu Dynasty and the Shensao Dynasty.

The long-term flight consumes more energy than running on the ground. That night, I rested outside the Beast Desolation Mountain Range, and continued to fly westward the next day. After an hour, I flew nearly 4,000 miles and arrived in Beimo County.

Today is the 28th of July, and there is still more than half a month before the martial arts meeting of the four major sects of the Shendao Dynasty on the 15th of August. Xuantian plans to stay in Beimo County for a period of time to combine his refining skills and Strengthen your cultivation.

Ten miles away from Huangbai Town, Xuantian let Xiaohu fall to the ground.

With a black tiger with wings, it is indeed a bit ostentatious and eye-catching.

Xuantian made Xiaohu smaller, like a black cat, sitting on his shoulders.

Soon, Xuantian returned to Huang's house in Huangbai town.

Everyone in the Huang family was overjoyed when they learned that Xuantian had brought a large number of high-grade Xuan-level spiritual herbs. Xuanhong was also very pleased and energetic. Everyone saw hope from Xuantian.

After chatting with the elders for a while, Xuantian and his parents returned to their room.

For a long time, Xuan Hong has been like Xuan Tian's guiding light. If you have any questions that you don't understand, you can always find the answer from Xuan Hong. The understanding of swordsmanship is also derived from Xuan Hong's enlightenment.

The last time he went back to Beimo County, Xuan Tian devoted himself to retreating and practicing, and had many questions in his mind, but he didn't mention this time to Xuan Hong, so he had to ask for advice.

After closing the door, the three of them sat down, Xuantian got straight to the point, and cut straight to the point: "Father, in the land of Shenzhou, is there a family with the surname 'Xuanyuan'?"

"Xuanyuan?" Xuanhong thought for a while, then shook his head: "I have never heard of it. The land of China is very vast. The places I have traveled in my life are less than 1% of China. Even the twenty-four states of the Western Regions, I More than half of them have never been there, and most of those who have been have just passed by in a hurry. The world is so big that it is unimaginable. What I have seen and heard is very limited. Maybe Shenzhou has the surname Xuanyuan."

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