The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 229】 Deep into the Treasure Land (Part 1)

As soon as Ao Wushuang's words fell, a genius disciple of Aojian Villa impatiently slashed out with his sword.

The sword is a high-grade treasure of the Xuan rank, the cultivation base is the ninth level of the Xiantian realm, and the sword skill is the top rank of the Xuan rank.

Slashing out with a sword, the sword light is as hot as the scorching sun in the sky, and it shoots hundreds of meters in an instant. The thick and bright sword light made many warriors look stunned, thinking to themselves that being hit by this sword, they might have a narrow escape end.

All the warriors of the Heavenly Sword Dynasty glanced at Jing Wubai in surprise. They were also at the ninth level of the Innate Realm, and the strength of the opponent's sword was stronger than that of Jing Wubai when he used the ultimate move of 'Canglong Cloud Breaker'. If it is stronger, it shows the power of this sword.

However, when the sword light struck the 'dream gate', only a slow ripple appeared on the smooth mirror-like restraint mask, leaving only a thin mark where the sword light passed, and then disappeared.

'Dream Gate, the restriction on it is so strong that it is unimaginable.

It was the first time for the visitors to enter the 'Fantasy Shrine', although they had heard the elders say that the 'Dream Gate' was difficult to break, but seeing it with their own eyes still surprised all the warriors.

All the fighters saw that the restriction of the 'Fantasy Gate' was so strong, they were shocked on the spot for a moment, and forgot to attack immediately.

"Shaoyu, come and try!" A voice rang out from among the warriors in Qingfeng Valley.

The person who spoke was about seventeen years old, personable, his cultivation was already at the tenth level of the innate realm, and he revealed the aura of true essence. He had obviously reached the stage of refining true essence, and he was a top half-step true essence master.

With such qualifications, he is none other than Feng Shaojun, the young master of Qingfeng Valley, one of the three geniuses in Aozhou.

Standing next to him was a young man, who looked even younger, about sixteen years old, with tenth level of innate realm cultivation, according to Feng Shaojun's tone, he should be his younger brother Feng Shaoyu.

There are tens of thousands of martial arts in the land of Shenzhou, but 90% of them are dominated by swordsmanship. This Qingfeng Valley, like the Divine Sword Sect, is a rare swordsmanship sect.

Feng Shaoyu immediately moved forward, and took off the high-grade precious sword on the Xuanjie behind his back, and suddenly there was a gust of wind, and he cut it off with one blow.

The bright blade glow was as fast as lightning, and there was a violent sound of breaking through the air. The air between Feng Shaoyu and the "dream gate" was split in two in an instant. Mang then cut in the 'Dream Gate, on.

"Dream door, there was a sizzling sound on the top, and the restraint mask, which was as calm as a mirror, suddenly agitated, producing violent ripples, a crack that was as thin as the thumb's finger, following the passage of the knife light, from top to bottom in an instant. .

The power of this saber is more than ten times stronger than the sword slashed by that disciple of the Ninth Level of Innate Realm in Aojian Villa.

Xuan Tian also changed his expression, the power of this saber was beyond his reach.

All the younger generation elites in Qingfeng Valley immediately let out a neat applause.

At this moment, a figure rose into the sky like lightning, leaping more than 50 meters, a shocking aura gushed out from his body, straight into the sky, and the situation changed.

All the warriors also felt that shocking momentum, which was not coercion, but a kind of arrogance that despised all living beings in the world.

The person who made the move was an elite from the younger generation of Aojian Villa, whose cultivation was so high that he had already reached the level of half a step of true energy.

Just based on this shocking arrogance, it can be inferred that this person is definitely going to use the unique skill of Aojian Villa "Aotian Sword Art"

This person is about seventeen or eighteen years old, he is a man, he is not Ao Xuanxuan, nor Ao Wushuang, many people have a name in their hearts: Ao Feiyu.

Ao Feiyu's body was as fast as lightning, and his sword was even faster than thunder. Compared with Feng Shaoyu's knife just now, it was faster. The 'dream door, come on.

In an instant, the "dream door" was covered with a glass-smooth restriction mask, which set off a huge wave, and a crack the size of a fist spread from the top to the bottom in an instant.

The power of this sword is more than ten times stronger than that of Feng Shaoyu.

However, "Dream Gate, the prohibition mask on it seems to have great self-recovery ability. The crack lasted for less than a second. In an instant, the lights on both sides merged and connected into a whole, intact. Just now The crack that Feng Shaoyu cleaved was restored in the same way.

Even Ao Feiyu, who has half a step of true energy, only cut open a crack the size of a fist "Dream Gate, the restriction on it is strong, it is conceivable, what is especially frightening is its incomparably fast recovery ability.

No one can break through the 'Dream Gate' with their own strength. Even if the elites of the entire Proud Sword Villa join forces, it will be quite difficult. That's why everyone needs to work together to break through the 'Dream Gate'

It is also an important reason why Aojian Villa is willing to let the elites of the descendants of the Seventeenth Dynasty enter the "Fantasy Shrine" and open the "Dream Gate".

For the previous three, one was stronger than the other and shot consecutively. The purpose was to let everyone have an intuitive understanding of how powerful the restriction on the "Fantasy Gate" is, so that everyone can work together and attack with all their strength.

Ao Wushuang said loudly, "You all have seen with your own eyes how strong the defense of the Dream Gate is. It cannot be broken by one person. It requires everyone's concerted efforts. Don't be stingy with your strength and attack with all your strength."

Following Ao Wushuang's order this time, all the people in Aojian Villa made a move at the same time, slashed out a sword, dozens of sword lights, and slashed at the "dream gate" at the same time, making a sky-shattering explosion, and the entire dream gate The prohibition mask on it was shattered in an instant, leaving dozens of cracks.

But what is broken is only the periphery. The mask is not hollow like your balloon, but solid. Unless you can break the entire restriction with one blow, otherwise, the extremely fast recovery ability will make the attack useless.

'Dream Gate, recovering at a strange and incomparable speed.

At this time, ninety junior elites from the three major dynasties attacked at the same time. Among them, there were six top masters with half a step of true energy. The disciples teamed up to strike, the strength is only strong but not weak,

Another shocking explosion sounded the "dream door, the restriction on it, just about to fully recover, was beaten to pieces again, and then recovered at an amazingly fast speed.

The elites of the other five middle dynasties and nine lower dynasties knew that if the attack stopped, the attack just now would be in vain. They followed closely behind the attacks of the elites of the three upper dynasties, and issued an earth-shattering blow at the same time.

Among these people, although there are no top masters with half a step of real essence, they are superior in that there are many people, and their power cannot be underestimated. They also blasted the restriction of the 'Dream Gate' to pieces.

The elites from the Aojian Villa, the three upper dynasties, the five middle dynasties and the nine lower dynasties shot successively. Although the recovery speed of the "Fantasy Gate" was extremely fast, they were still beaten to the point of being unable to recover their original shape. broken.

However, the prohibition defense of "Dream Gate" is indeed extremely strong. After attacking continuously for more than an hour, it finally collapsed completely and turned into nothingness amidst a shocking explosion.

'Dream door, collapsed, a passage with a height and width of a hundred meters was opened.

This channel will last for three months, until three months later, the restriction of "Fantasy Gate" will reappear, and all warriors in the "Fantasy Shrine" will be teleported to the square in the first area, and then , after another three days, it will be teleported out of the "Fantasy Shrine" to the "Shadowless Mountain"

"Dream Shrine, originally a place where the innate realm disciples of a great sect tried in ancient times, it contained a large number of secrets of mysterious martial arts, as well as secrets of formation, alchemy, and tool, and a large number of ancient beasts, For the disciples to try, but in order to prevent the lives of the disciples from being in danger, the great power in the sect distorts life and death with the incomparably powerful esoteric power, so that those who die inside will not really die, but will only send out the "Dream" Jingu"

Moreover, in order for the disciples to compete with each other, they will be teleported to the first area for the last three days. There will be no grass here, and there will be no harvest. The purpose is to let the disciples fight with each other, and in the cruel life-and-death duel, the final victory will be achieved. Or, this will not hurt their lives, but also allow them to gain experience in life and death battles, killing two birds with one stone.

However, at the end of the ancient times, this great sect, like other ancient sects, disappeared and became a secret. It is unknown where it was buried, leaving only the 'Wuying Mountain' and 'Dream Palace' still existing.

Without the power to provide energy, the "Fantasy Shrine" is gradually difficult to maintain and is about to collapse. However, the ancient Da Neng has already considered this situation. Once the energy in the "Fantasy Shrine" is insufficient, the mountain where it is located will sink into the ground. , to absorb the underground aura, and keep the energy in the 'Fantasy Shrine' sufficient.

Therefore, as the energy of the ancient power left in the "Fantasy Shrine" gradually fades away, the mountain where the "Fantasy Shrine" is located sank into the ground, and after the energy is replenished, it will reappear in the world. Sinking into the ground, endless loop, until the day when the prohibition in the "Fantasy Shrine" collapses.

'Wuying Mountain, the name, is so named because it sinks underground all year round and is rarely seen for decades.

Opening the 'dream gate' is equivalent to opening the real treasure gate, and all the elites of the younger generation are rushing to the 'dream gate', the vast land on the other side.

At this moment, the Aojian Villa and the junior elites of the three major dynasties do not intend to do anything to other people. Let them go hunting for treasures separately. After the last three days, when they return to the first area, the hunt will begin. , Let them drop out all the treasures they got after death.

Xuantian was clear about the plans of Aojian Villa and the elites of the three major dynasties, and knew that there was no danger at this time. Following the crowd, he quickly rushed through the "Dream Gate" and entered the real treasure place, with the little tiger on his shoulder. Huhu, shouted happily, seeming to know that the dream gate is a key position, and there will be great gains through this gate.

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