The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 264】 Shadow of the Night (Part 2)

Accompanied by the melody of the music, these beautiful girls twisted their delicate bodies to their heart's content, swayed their heads, shook their chests and buttocks, and made various provocative movements.

But for a moment, Xuan Tian looked at Wei Shuanglin and Bu Xizhi, and saw that their eyes were shining brightly, looking at these beautiful girls, their eyes were full of desire, how could they even have the slightest thought to talk about blood refining cults?

Although the stronger the strength, the stronger the desire, Xuantian has comprehended the third-order sword intent, and at the same time, the desire for some things is far beyond ordinary people, but he can still use the sword intent to destroy the delusions, stick to the heart, and not be affected by outsiders. Material influence.

Seeing the appearance of Wei Shuanglin and Bu Xizhi, Xuantian immediately felt bad. The Xindao Giant Spirit Sect knew why they came here, but they kept procrastinating and trying their best to please them. However, it is almost to the point of doing nothing.

Xuan Tian secretly paid attention.

The vocals and music are bursting, and the dance is fluttering. This is indeed not a good time to talk. Xuantian keeps his heart and looks at the dancing postures of the beautiful girls naturally. From time to time, he looks at the people of the Giant Spirit Sect. There seems to be no problem staring at these beautiful girls.

After the song was over and the singing and dancing were over, these beautiful girls retreated to the side hall, Hu Yanbao, the head of the Giant Spirit Sect, immediately said: "These singing girls in this sect are all beauties from all over the world, and they are all selected from a hundred. , and the ability to serve men, hey, what do you think, honored guests?"

"Good! Good!" Wei Shuanglin blurted out praise.

Bu Xizhi smiled and said nothing, but just looking at his wretched smile, he knew that he was thinking about something dirty at the moment.

Huyanbao's eyes fell on Xuantian. Said: "What does Huang Shaoxia think?"

Xuan Tian smiled slightly: "Not bad!"

"Hehehe...!" Di Lieyan laughed, and said: "Huang Shaoxia has clear eyes and a calm heart. He is different from ordinary people. He is not affected by female sex. He is really a hero among men."

Xuantian said: "Huang came to the Lianyue Dynasty with a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, how dare he be obsessed with women. Elder Di, Huyan Sect Master, we came here to track down the traces of the blood refining cult. Did the Giant Spirit Sect ever exist in Lianyue?" Dynasty, find anything suspicious?"

Di Lieyan stroked his pale beard, but did not speak.

Hu Yanbao smiled and said: "Hahaha... Huang Shaoxia is really a person who handles affairs, but please don't worry, I can guarantee that there are no followers of the blood refining cult in the Lianyue Dynasty, although the blood refining cult is raging outside. , but the Lianyue Dynasty has always been calm, and there has never been anything related to the blood refining cult, nor has there been any suspicious incidents."

"Really?" Xuan Tian asked.

Hu Yanbao smiled and said: "It's absolutely true. Even any warrior in the Yue Dynasty knows that even the Yue Dynasty is a rare piece of pure land, a paradise outside the world, and the terrain here is remote. Even if the blood refining cult occupies it, it will not be of much use Hehe, the entire Lianyue Dynasty was peaceful, singing and dancing peacefully. It is a fairyland on earth. When several distinguished guests came here, we should do our best to let them enjoy the fun. You can choose whatever you want, and I will accompany all the distinguished guests tonight."

Xuan Tian wanted to ask a few more questions, but Wei Shuanglin had already rushed to ask: "Can I choose two?"

"Hahahaha..." Hu Yanbao laughed loudly, and said: "Wei Shaoxia is young and strong, really interesting, as long as you have the ability, let alone two, three are fine, five are fine, ten are fine too Not impossible."

Wei Shuanglin smiled awkwardly and said, "Then I'll just choose three."

Hu Yanbao looked at Bu Xizhi and said, "Where is Hero Bu?"

Bu Xizhi said calmly, "Two are enough."

"Okay." Huyanbao smiled slightly, and turned his eyes to Xuantian: "Huang Shaoxia..."

"I don't need it." Xuan Tian flatly refused.

Hu Yanbao said: "If you are not close to women, Huang Shaoxia is very valuable."

Wei Shuanglin chuckled lightly and said: "Men and women love each other, yin and yang intercourse, this is the way of heaven and earth, if a man is not close to women, it is really an act against the heavens, what is so valuable? Hehe..."

Hu Yanbao said: "Since Wei Shaoxia likes it, let them play another song."

After saying that, Hu Yanbao clapped his hands again, and there was another burst of vocal music, and those beautiful girls came out of the side hall again, dancing gracefully.

This time the vocal music is different, and the dancing posture of the beautiful girl has also changed. The most special thing is that the clothes she is wearing are less than last time. Some parts are covered, and the rest are fully covered.

But this kind of concealment, with the twisting of the delicate bodies of the beautiful girls, is looming, adding more, making people spurt wildly.

Wei Shuanglin watched, almost drooling.

After dancing to this song, the banquet had passed for nearly an hour, and it was almost dusk. Wei Shuanglin and Bu Xizhi each picked three or two beautiful girls to accompany them, and went to the residence arranged by the giant spirit gate.

The place where Xuantian lived was not far from Wei Shuanglin and Bu Xizhi, and they were both in the same courtyard. As soon as he arrived in the courtyard, Xuantian went straight into his room, checked the room, and then went to bed Meditation pranayama.

In the banquet just now, the food was quite sufficient, so it could be regarded as dinner. In the evening, Wei Shuanglin and Bu Xizhi were going to have sex with five beautiful girls, so they were naturally very busy. The environment, as well as the distribution of the halls of the Giant Spirit Gate, can be seen in the eyes.

It wasn't until Haishi that Xuancai went back to his room to sleep.

It was mid-January at this time, the full moon hung high in the sky, and the moonlight swayed down, illuminating the boundless land.

When the moon was in the middle of the sky, Xuantian who was sleeping suddenly opened his eyes. He felt that there seemed to be something moving in the 'space ring' on his chest. His thoughts penetrated into it, and he immediately saw, 'seeking blood beads' It actually glowed.

The 'Blood-seeking Orb' will only light up when it encounters other 'Blood-seeking Orbs'. Could it be that at this moment, someone carrying a 'Blood-seeking Orb' has come to the Giant Spirit Gate?

With the 'Blood Seeker' in her body, there is a high probability that she is a member of the blood refining cult.

Xuantian's thoughts changed sharply. In the middle of the night, people from the blood refining cult came to the Giant Spirit Gate. There were no more than two situations. meeting.

It's really God helping me, Xuantian thought to himself, he got up lightly and let Xiaohu stay in the room, while he sneaked out from the back window.

Xuantian's cultivation base has broken through the ninth level of the Xiantian Realm, and he has already cultivated the "Ghost and Shadow Spiritual Movement" to the highest level. The only difference is the degree of fire, but the depth of lightness kung fu is unmatched by the Xiantian Realm warriors.

He was like a ghost. Although the full moon was high in the sky, he escaped the patrolling disciples of the Giant Spirit Sect and sneaked away silently following the direction of the light on the 'Blood Seeking Bead'.

'Blood-seeking beads' are only found on some important figures of the blood refining cult. Seeing the 'blood-seeking beads' glowing on their bodies, the cult members thought they had met someone from the cult, and they didn't feel much about it, but Xuantian saw The 'Blood Seeker' on his body glows, and he knows that there are important figures of the blood cultivating cult nearby. One is in the light and the other is in the dark, which is of great benefit to Xuantian.

What's more, Xuan Tian did experiments with the 'Blood-seeking Orb' in Wu Zhenkun's hands. When the 'Blood-seeking Orb' was stored in the 'Space Ring', other 'Blood-seeking Orbs' could not be sensed. However, the 'Space Ring' ' but the 'blood-seeking beads' can sense the position of other 'blood-seeking beads'.

Xuantian used the 'Secret Mystery Technique' to seal his aura, and his whole person was like a ghost. Even a strong person in the third level of the earth level could hardly feel his existence. No one knew that he was lying in the moonlight. Sneak in the shadows.

The direction where the 'Blood-seeking Bead' shines is outside the gate of the Giant Spirit Gate. Seeing the brightness of the 'Blood-seeking Bead' getting bigger and bigger, Xuantian knows that another person who is pregnant with the 'Blood-seeking Bead' is now heading towards The giant spirit gate is coming.

Xuan Tian lurks high above a mountain peak, quietly waiting for the arrival of another person carrying the 'Blood Seeker'.

If there are many people coming, then it should be a surprise attack on the Giant Spirit Gate. If there is only one person coming, then, firstly, it is possible to step on the spot, and secondly, it is possible to meet someone.

Xuantian's thoughts entered the 'space ring', and he could clearly judge the direction of the person who came out, and waited for the rabbit.

Soon, the 'seeking blood bead' became brighter and brighter, and Xuantian saw a black figure in front of him, coming towards his direction.

This black shadow is very cautious, and also uses the shadow of the moonlight to hide its whereabouts. However, Xuantian has long been prepared to lurk aside and not move, and then uses the 'Secret Mystery Technique' to seal the breath. The whole person is like nothing, that black shadow The shadow flashed by not far from Xuantian, even though he was a second-tier powerhouse, he did not notice Xuantian's existence.

Seeing that the black shadow is familiar with the road and is very familiar with the route along the way, Xuantian ruled out the idea of ​​stepping on the spot, and followed the black shadow from a distance to see who he is going to meet with?

Although the black shadow was cautious, he never dreamed that someone had discovered his whereabouts long ago, and had been lurking in the shadows waiting for his arrival. The 'Blood Seeker' in the ring found the location of the black shadow, so it was not afraid of losing it at all, and kept as far away as possible to prevent the black shadow from finding it.

After turning over ten mountain peaks in this way, the black shadow directly entered a two-story attic.

When Xuantian came to the Giant Spirit Gate, he only looked at a few peaks, but he had never been here before. This attic is very secret, it should be the secluded residence of a high-ranking member of the Giant Spirit Gate.

Like a ghost, Xuan Tian came to the shadow behind the attic, leaped lightly, and went up to the second floor, with his ear against the wall next to the window, quietly guarding his mind, listening carefully with all his attention.

Sure enough, just a moment later, a voice sounded: "Mr. Wu, two new disciples from the 'Tianxing Pavilion' came to our sect today, and they wanted to inform you not to come tonight, but it was already too late."

Xuantian was taken aback, the person who spoke was none other than Di Lieyan, the Grand Elder of the Giant Spirit Sect. (to be continued..)


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