The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 293】 Entering Beichen (Part 1)

Xuan Tian watched the battle between the two, Xiang Tian Xiao's fighting method was completely different from most swordsmen, but it was very strange and the effect was extraordinary.

One smile destroys the soul, the second smile forgets worries, the third smile is ruthless... It seems that the emotions of the strong man in black have always been affected by Xiang Tianxiao's sword move of laughing and killing the soul.

"Four smiles break the yuan!"

Facing the killer move of the strong man in black, Xiang Tianxiao still had a relaxed demeanor and a smile on his face, but with the same voice, his piano sound changed again.

It became intense in an instant, and the killing was decisive, breaking through thousands of miles, the sound of the piano turning into a sword, and splitting the void.

The intense sound of the zither turned into sword lights all over the sky, attacking the strong man in black like a storm.

Puff puff puff puff—the sound of shattering sounded continuously, and the strong man in black let out an exclamation, and countless sword lights killed him in front of him, and even touched his body, knocking out his body-protecting essence. Break them all.

For a moment, the strong man in black felt like a plucked chicken, without any protection, and was horrified.

The current situation was extremely bad for the strong man in black, and he immediately retreated.

"Five smiles attack the heart!"

Xiang Tianxiao's smile remained the same, the sound of the piano continued, and his ten fingers flicked rapidly like beads. All the sounds of the piano were condensed together, forming a dazzling sword, piercing the heart of the strong man in black.

While the strong man in black was retreating, the earth-level medium-level sword in his hand also stabbed out, hitting the sword light transformed by the sound of the piano.

At this moment, Xiang Tianxiao slapped Zhenyuan Guqin with both palms at the same time.

There was a loud 'bang', and the strong man in black screamed, his heart burst suddenly, and a blood hole appeared, with blood flowing.

An invisible sound wave penetrated the chest of the strong man in black and seriously injured him immediately.

The sudden damage caused the sword stabbed by the strong man in black to deviate a little, and its strength was greatly reduced.

The strong man in black suddenly twisted his body, avoiding the result of the heart being pierced by the zither sound and the sword light, but the left chest and shoulder were slashed by the sword light, and a deep bone wound was immediately cut.

The strong man in black spurted out a mouthful of blood, and backed away in a panic. The giant wings of true essence appeared on his back, and he shot up into the sky, and at the same time, he took out a pill from his bosom and ate it.

Xiang Tianxiao didn't chase after him, the strong man in black flew extremely fast, and within a few breaths he disappeared into the white clouds in the sky.

The strong man in black was seriously injured, Xuantian knew that the next journey was finally safe, and the assassination of Xiaoyao Jianzong failed again this time, so he should learn more and learn a lesson.

Xiang Tianxiao stood up, and the real yuan guqin had turned into real yuan and integrated into his body.

Xuan Tian stepped forward and thanked: "I'm Xia Huang Tian, ​​thank you Xiang Jianyou for saving me."

Xiang Tianxiao still had a smiling face, and said: "It's just a matter of raising one's hand, but it's a pity that I have only refined the fifth form of the seven-style laughing and soul-killing piano sound. If I practice the sixth form of 'killing', the man in black will not be able to leave. gone."

Xuantian said: "The man in black is a strong man at the seventh level of the Earth-level realm. It is very rare for Jianyou to hit him seriously with a cultivation base of the fifth-level Earth-level. Strange, there are such martial arts in the world, it really opened my eyes, and the song before, it seems to be everywhere, not knowing where the source is, it is even more miraculous."

Xiang Tian laughed, and said: "My master taught me the sword technique of turning the sound of the piano into a sword, and my master also sang those laughing songs. It has nothing to do with me. Brother Huang doesn't need sword friends Sword Friend is so polite, we met by fate, if you treat me as a friend, just call me Xiang Shao."

"It turns out to be Master?" Xuantian looked slightly startled. To teach a disciple like Xiang Tianxiao, his master is at least a super strong man in the sky level, and he clasped his fists and said: "Young Master Xiang, this mountain range must be the potential of the master. The place of cultivation, I rashly entered and disturbed the peace of Master, I am really sorry, please say hello to Master for me, I will take my leave now."

Xiang Tianxiao smiled slightly and said, "Brother Huang, go slowly!"

At dusk, Xuantian rushed to Qianyuan City of the Shenwu Dynasty, and stayed in the city for one night. The next day, he traded all the medium-level mysterious treasures in the city's trading market for earth-level spiritual herbs. Returned to Huangbai Town.

In the next few days, Xuantian forged two high-grade treasures, using the hide of the ancient fourth-level monster beast overlord the unicorn bull in the "Dream Palace", platinum ore, and many monster cores. , and some other materials, to forge two mysterious high-grade defensive treasures - 'Demon Bull Armor'.

One piece was worn by Xuantian himself, and one piece was given to Long Ziyan for self-defense.

Moreover, Xuantian successfully consolidated his cultivation to the peak of the ninth level of the Xiantian realm, and he could attack the tenth level of the Xiantian realm at any time.

However, because the journey to Beichen Pavilion was imminent, Xuantian was not in a hurry to take the 'Valmai Pill'.

In a blink of an eye, it was March 4th, Xuantian bid farewell to his parents, elders, Long Ziyan and others, and arrived at Aojian Villa at night.

The 30 disciples specially recruited by 'Tianxing Pavilion' in Aozhou have all returned to Aojian Villa, but of the original 30 disciples, there are only 18 left. Except for Ao Wushuang and Wei Shuanglin, the rest Ten people, all lost their lives at the hands of the monsters of the blood refining cult.

Being an enemy of the blood refining cult, even the disciples of the 'Tianxing Pavilion', is also in great danger.

However, the bases of the blood-refining cult in Aozhou were almost completely wiped out after the Aojian Villa and the sects of the major dynasties targeted them. The blood-refining cult suffered heavy losses in Aozhou.

Of the 18 living 'Tianxing Pavilion' special disciples, Xuantian has the highest merit points, reaching 325 points, followed by Ao Xuanxuan and Heng Fengyun, both of whom have exceeded 200 points.

As for the other people, they are not as lucky as the three of them, and they all get credit points by killing the monsters of the blood refining cult. Wait.

Xuantian obtained 325 points of credit, and it has already been widely spread in Aozhou. Everyone knows that he has become the most legendary figure among the elites of Aozhou's juniors. He defeated Qingfeng in the challenge competition. Gu Feng Shaojun and Feng Shaoyu brothers are known to everyone among warriors, and they have become the most influential figures in Aozhou.

The other special disciples of the 'Tianxing Pavilion' in Aozhou have envy, worship and jealousy towards Xuantian.

The vast majority of people took the initiative to show their favor to Xuantian, but Feng Shaojun, Feng Shaoyu brothers, and Heng Fengyun kept a distance from him, looking at Xuantian with strange eyes.

The gazes of the two brothers Feng Shaojun and Feng Shaoyu were anger and jealousy, while Heng Fengyun was indifferent.

The last night in Aozhou finally passed.

On March 5th, not long after the sky had just dawned, and the red sun was just rising, eighteen specially accepted disciples of the 'Tianxing Pavilion' had already gathered on the square of Aojian Villa.

Luo Xiaoye stood in front of the crowd, and the Aojian Villa held a farewell ceremony for the crowd, and the eight heaven-level powerhouses all came forward.

Amid the farewell sound of blessings, Luo Xiaoye stretched out his palm from his sleeve and waved towards the open area of ​​the square in front of him. A flat boat about seven meters long and three and a half meters wide appeared in front of everyone.

"Spatial ring!" Xuantian's eyes fixed on the dark ordinary ring on Luo Xiaoye's middle finger, which was very similar to the 'spatial ring' in his arms.

As the owner of the 'Beichen Pavilion', it is not surprising that he has a 'space ring', it is within reason.

The other people, seeing the sudden appearance of the flat boat, quickly imagined the 'space ring', and they were all taken aback, and thought to themselves, how cool it would be if they also had a space ring.

"Go up!" Luo Xiaoye pointed at the barge.

Following Luo Xiaoye's pointing, everyone's attention fell on this flat-bottomed boat. It was jet-black in color and made of unknown material. It was seven meters long and three meters wide and could easily hold thirty or forty people. people.

Xuan Tian and the eighteen special disciples of the 'Tianxing Pavilion' quickly entered the boat, and Luo Xiaoye also jumped up immediately.

The total height of the boat is about three meters. Among them, the bottom occupies nearly two meters, and the space inside the boat is about one meter high. Around the inside of the boat, one inch below the edge of the boat, there is a concave chisel every half a meter. There are three holes in total. ten.

After Luo Xiaoye entered the boat, he said: "This is a mechanism boat. As long as you provide enough spirit stones, you can fly at high altitudes. The speed is similar to that of the strong in the late stage of the earth stage. And you won't get tired. You can fly in a day." Flying for more than 30,000 miles, after twelve days, you will reach the destination - Beichen Pavilion."

While speaking, Luo Xiaoye walked around the side of the boat, and put a spirit stone into each hollow.

When all the thirty spirit stones were filled, Luo Xiaoye pulled a switch on the bow of the boat, and the organ boat immediately rose into the sky, the speed became faster and faster, and it didn't take long before it rose to an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. .

Luo Xiaoye pulled a switch again, the mechanism boat no longer rose, but flew forward, the speed gradually increased, and soon exceeded the speed of sound.

Thinking of the twelve days on the way to the 'Beichen Pavilion', Xuantian stood by the boat to watch the scenery, then sat in a corner by the side, took the 'Falmai Pill', and hit the tenth level of the Innate Realm.

Everyone has enough food for a day, and once the organ boat flies, it will be a whole day, from dawn to dark, a full six hours, twelve hours.

Every day when he set off, Luo Xiaoye would add thirty spirit stones to the mechanism boat. It can be seen that thirty spirit stones are just enough for the mechanism boat to fly for one day, six hours.

It will take twelve days to travel from Aojian Villa to the 'Beichen Pavilion', and a total of 360 spirit stones will be consumed.

One spirit stone is enough for a strong man in the early stage of the earth stage to practice for a month, twelve spirit stones are enough for a year of practice, and three hundred and sixty are enough for thirty strong people in the early stage of the earth stage to practice for a year .

It can be seen from this that the consumption of spirit stones by the organ boat is really large enough.

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