The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 415】 Fierce Battle in the Cave Hall (Part 1)

The nine powerhouses of the 'Blood Refining Sect' stood in a semi-circle, surrounding Xuan Tian in the middle of the front.

Xuantian had beheaded the powerhouses of the 'Blood Refining Cult' several times, and many of the walker-level powerhouses were killed by Xuantian. Not long ago, the three famous earth demons were also killed by Xuantian. Forged a deep hatred with the 'Blood Refinement Cult'.

It is heard that Xuantian has been promoted to the blacklist of the "Blood Refining Sect" who must kill, and the "Master Blood Refining" specifically named Xuantian and issued a must-kill order.

Feng Hanyue even led the "Blood Refining Sect" powerhouses in Lingzhou to launch a large-scale attack on Diling City, the purpose of which was only to kill Xuantian. How hated.

Now in this unfathomable underground cave, Xuantian meets several geniuses and monsters of the "Blood Refining Cult". The conflict and hatred between the two parties cannot be resolved.

Xuantian's eyes swept over the nine 'Blood Refining Cult' powerhouses one by one, and finally landed on a young powerhouse about twenty years old standing in the middle: "No wonder the 'Tianxing Pavilion' The genius disciples were all captured by you, and you actually broke in with a genius at the ninth level of the earth level."

On the side of the 'Tianxing Pavilion', although the third batch of genius disciples who entered the Qixuan Mountain Range included a strong man at the tenth level of the earth level, obviously none of them broke into the Zhongyang Valley of the Qixuan Mountain Range. It is the eighth level of the highest level of talent.

On the side of the 'Blood Refining Cult', there is a strong man at the ninth level of the earth level, who is also a genius who can leapfrog challenges. 'Tianxing Pavilion' is naturally no longer an opponent.

The young genius of the "Blood Refining Sect" at the ninth level of the earth-level realm waved his hand: "Take him down!"

The words were not addressed to Xuantian, but a random order, it seemed that Xuantian was already a turtle in a urn, and he took Xuantian with his hands and captured him without paying attention to Xuantian at all.

This person has the cultivation base of the ninth level of the earth level, and is a genius who can leapfrog challenges. Even the tenth level of the earth is not his opponent, and his combat power is very strong.

Although the internal force of the warrior here is still imprisoned by a powerful invisible force. But this person is still standing in an invincible position with his advanced cultivation base and strong physical body.

At least, before Xuantian came, this person was invincible in this cave.

"Let me kill Xuantian!" The eighth-level powerhouse who was the first to speak just now rushed towards Xuantian.

The "Blood Refining Sect" mainly practiced sword skills, and the weapons used by those who shot. It is a mid-level precious sword at the ground level.

With one slash, a dazzling light of the knife immediately burst out in the void. Extremely glaring. It can be seen that the power and speed of this knife have reached a very terrifying level.

Even those who can't move the true energy in their bodies, and those who are at the eighth level of the Earth Rank Realm are very powerful.

It is common sense that a warrior's internal strength is sealed, and his strength will drop significantly. Because of this, the experts of the 'Blood Refining Cult' judge Xuantian's strength. It was greatly reduced, and Xuan Tian was not taken seriously.

Facing the tyrannical knife that came from Quick Cut. Xuantian's face remained unchanged, and he let out a clang. The first-class earth-level sword immediately unsheathed, bringing out a flash of sword light, and directly slashed upwards.

Xuantian's physical strength is strong, and he exerted it with a reckless, terrifying force. The power of this sword slash is even more terrifying than the tyrannical sword slashed by an eighth-layer powerhouse.


The sword and the sword cut together head-on, making a crisp bang.

Xuantian didn't move at all, but the strong man at the eighth level of the 'Blood Refining Sect' retreated three steps in a row, his arm was in severe pain, his face was full of shock, Xuantian's strength exceeded his imagination.

Especially when he looked at the earth-level medium-level precious sword in his hand, his complexion changed drastically. The precious knife was cut with a gap as deep as a finger, which was almost cut off by Xuantian's sword just now.

When he was terrified, a gust of wind rushed towards him suddenly, and when Xuan Tian made a move, he was as fast as lightning, and as soon as the opponent retreated, he followed him like a shadow, immediately took three steps forward, and slashed at the opponent with the second sword.

With this sword, Xuantian held the hilt with both hands, and released a blow with peak strength. Both hands exerted force at the same time. Compared with the strength just now, it has more than doubled, and the attack power is very terrifying.

The sword light pierced through the void, and instantly slashed to the top of the eighth-level powerhouse of the Earth-level realm.

The strong cultist shouted loudly, and at the same time his body retreated, he held the knife in both hands, and instantly raised it to the top of his head to strike.


There was another crisp bang.

clang! Half of the saber body fell to the ground, and that mid-level earth-level saber was cut into two pieces by Xuan Tian's sword.

Although the internal energy is imprisoned, Xuantian's attack power is still strong against the sky. The power contained in his body is immeasurable, and it is a huge threat to the strong in the late stage of the earth level.

Fortunately, the body of the powerhouse of the cult at the eighth level of the earth was retreating. Although the sword was broken in two, it still blocked Xuantian's sword for half a blink of an eye. escape.

After retreating a full ten feet, to the position where the other geniuses of the 'Blood Refining Cult' were standing, the powerhouse of the cult at the eighth level of the earth level stopped, with terror in his horrified eyes.

He felt a little coolness on his forehead, and when he reached out to touch it, he was even more shocked. He actually touched the blood on his hand, and the flesh on his forehead was swollen. The flesh and blood of the powerful cultivator of the Eighth Layer of the Realm was cut.

Although everyone in the Northeast battlefield knew about Xuantian's beheading of the three major earth demons of the 'Blood Refining Sect', the 'Blood Refining Sect' was naturally rumored, but because Xuantian killed them with the help of external force, so, 'Finishing Sect' The Blood Cult's powerhouse didn't think that Xuantian himself had such a powerful combat power.

At this moment, the internal energy of the warrior is imprisoned again, and the strength will be greatly reduced. The strong man at the eighth level of the earth rank thinks that killing Xuantian is as easy as ever, but he is completely wrong. Combat power, relatively speaking, the more prominent it is. With its tyrannical physical strength, it is almost invincible and unstoppable in the ground level.

Xuantian's two swords almost took the life of the eighth-level powerhouse of the earth level, which surprised the other 'Blood Refining Cult' powerhouses.

The cult powerhouse at the ninth level of the earth-level realm narrowed his eyes. In an instant, he shot, his body jumped, rose into the air, condescending, and slashed down towards Xuantian.

There was a sound of broken wind in the void, and the slash was quick and simple. Straightforward, but with immeasurable power, extremely frightening.

This ninth-level cult powerhouse is the most powerful among the genius disciples of the 'Blood Refining Sect', and his attack is really extraordinary.

Xuan Tian fought head-on as usual, fully displaying his formidable physical strength, the sword drew a bright sword light, and directly slashed the blade horizontally.


The huge shocking sound exploded in an instant.

Xuantian and the cult powerhouse at the ninth level of the earth level retreated three steps each. Feeling a numbness in their arms, they all looked at each other. They were all amazed at each other's physical strength.

Both of them have great physical strength. Exceeding the limit of the earth-level realm, almost comparable to the physique of a strong man in the heaven-level realm, the strength is amazing.

Xuantian was still the first earth-level strong man who could compete with him in pure physical strength, he was slightly startled, the person in front of him was indeed a formidable opponent, if he recovered his true energy, his strength would be extremely terrifying. Xuantian's current strength is far behind.

The cult powerhouse at the ninth level of the earth-level realm was even more shocked. Xuan Tiancai's cultivation base of the fifth stage of the earth, unexpectedly has the strength to fight head-on with him. And he didn't fall into a disadvantage, which is really hard to believe. Xuantian's physical strength is far superior to that of a strong man of the same realm, and his strength is not lower than that of a cult strong man at the ninth level of the earth level, which makes him a little unbelievable.

"All of you, blast Xuantian into scum!" Seeing that Xuantian is so powerful, the powerhouse of the cult at the ninth level of the earth level yelled loudly.

The demons of the 'Blood Refining Cult' are crooked, and they won't tell you the truth of fighting alone. Immediately, all nine of them rushed up to Xuantian, and each used their powerful martial arts to attack Xuantian.

The nine geniuses of the 'Blood Refining Cult' are all evildoers who can leapfrog challenges, and their combat power is very powerful. Although in terms of their individual physical strength, most of them are far behind Xuantian, but when the nine join forces, they are powerful. But still very powerful.

Faced with the simultaneous attack of nine geniuses, Xuan Tian could hardly resist.

However, Xuantian didn't resist, nor did he dodge, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There was still some thunder power stored in Xuantian's body, not a lot, it was left over after beheading Si Dongyan, at this moment, it finally came in handy.

The thunder power in Xuantian's body is not much, and the range of the lethality released is limited, wishing that all the geniuses and powerhouses of the 'Blood Refining Sect' would rush forward to deal with it at once.


Xuantian shouted loudly, the killing sound was deafening, and along with the killing sound, there was a bang, and a large amount of thunder force spit out from Xuantian's mouth.


Fierce lightning blasted towards the front in an instant, and countless bolts of lightning were intertwined together like a big net, covering all nine geniuses from the 'Blood Refining Cult'.

The shrill screams sounded in an instant, and all the nine geniuses of the "Blood Refining Cult" were repelled. Some were seriously injured by the electric shock, and some were instantly killed by the electric shock.

Only the strong man at the ninth level of the earth level who was extremely powerful in fighting against the sky, although he vomited blood, the situation was not too dire, and he could still say: "How can there be so much thunder power in your body? Could it be Is it inexhaustible?"

call out! call out!

The evil cult powerhouse at the ninth level of the earth level had just finished speaking, and two sword lights burst out from Xuan Tianmei's heart. It was the "Earth Level Spirit Sword", which chopped off his head like lightning, and he died. It is strong, but it is also difficult to compare with the 'Youquan Disha', which is the tenth level of the earth level.

Even the 'Youquan Disha' was beheaded by Xuantian with the power of thunder and the 'Earth-level Spirit Sword' when he was able to use his true essence, let alone this one whose true essence was imprisoned at the ninth level of the earth-level realm Genius strong.


Only this update today!

The update is a bit late these two days, I'm really sorry, Chocolate also wants to update more codes, but the past two days have been plagued by things.

I came to Shenyang this year and was planning to marry my girlfriend. After a year of hard work, my mother-in-law finally agreed, but I needed a house and a car, otherwise she was reluctant to marry her only daughter in the countryside.

Last year, I worked hard for my family’s house for a year. I made a lot of money, but I didn’t save a penny. This time I came to Shenyang and borrowed 100,000 yuan. The car is settled, with a down payment of 100,000 and a loan of 130,000.

In the future, Chocolate will not only have to repay the money, but also the bank loan, as well as make money to buy a house in the city, and work hard to get married. Of course, I want to write more and earn more money.

Therefore, if you have time, Chocolate will definitely update more code words. What kind of loan will be taken next week, and the car will be picked up, but there will be nothing to do tomorrow. I will make up for the missing one today, and try to add more.

Make more and more money. What Chocolate is thinking about now is to make money desperately. When there is no update, there must be something busy. Please be more tolerant, thank you for your support. (To be continued.,.)

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