The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 474】 Strong help comes to help (three more)

"The ancestor was seriously injured and returned to the Xuan family. Ba Jing was dying and fell into a coma. He passed away soon after, and only brought back the 'Nine Curves Against Heart Sword' and our Xuan family's heaven-level secret book 'Nine Curves Against Heart Sword' Among the people left, the one with the highest cultivation has only learned two-thirds of the 'Nine Curves Against Heart Sword Code', and finally the top-rank part of the exercises has been lost since then."

"Since then, our Xuan family has lost some of the top-ranked exercises of the heavenly rank, and the most outstanding geniuses have not been able to reach the peak of the heavenly rank. The other two first-rank sects in the land, after the 'Undead King,' disappeared, began to compete for the position of the overlord of Shenzhou. The battle lasted for hundreds of years, and finally 'Tianxing Pavilion' won. At the time of aid to help (three shifts), another "Blood Refining Cult" came out overseas and started a fierce battle, which has been going on until now...! "

After hearing this, Xuan Tian asked: "The ancestor is the head of a first-rank family, so he must be powerful. How could he be so seriously injured? Could it be that the people who went to the boundless sea to find the technique of immortality encountered some kind of danger! They all died. gone?"

Xuan Hong shook his head and said: "Before the ancestor fell into a coma, he once scratched two words on the ground - Wenren, the Wenren family, was one of the few second-rank families that went overseas that time. When the ancestor was unconscious, Youdan The pharmacist treated him, and found that he was not seriously injured, but was poisoned, a poison that had never been seen in China, and even a celestial elixir pharmacist was helpless.

In order to investigate the death of the ancestor, his son went to sea to investigate. Ten years later, he came back and brought back news. Almost all the families who went overseas were poisoned to death. Only the Wenren family was left. Settled down on Zhuri Island, which is far away in the eastern sea area, and became the overlord of Zhuri Island, the only first-rank force.

Our Xuan family's "Nine-Turn Against the Heart Sword Code" fell into the hands of the Wenren family. It was the Wenren family who poisoned everyone, robbed the skills of several major families, and became kings on Zhuri Island. The patriarchs of the past dynasties came to help (three shifts), and they would go to Zhuri Island in their later years, hoping to get back their family's "Nine-Turn Nixin Sword Code".

However, the Wenren family is already a first-rank power, and it is too powerful on Zhuri Island. In the past thousand years, many Xuan family heads died on Zhuri Island, and they failed to get back their clan's skills. Tian'er, Your grandfather couldn't help himself, and he was still injured as a father. I'm afraid it will fall on you to get back his family's martial arts from the Wenren family in the future. "

After finishing speaking, Xuanhong picked up the "Nine-curved Nixin Sword", handed it to Xuantian, and said: "Your current strength is qualified to bring the family's family's divine weapon with you."

Xuantian took the 'Nine-curved Nixin Sword' into his hand, and as soon as he took it, a warm air flow spread all over his body. This sword contained enormous power, which almost doubled Xuantian's strength.

The heavenly first-class sword is really extraordinary.

Xuantian put the 'Nine Curves Against Heart Sword' into the sword box, and said: "Father, don't worry, I will definitely take back the belongings of my family. I heard that the family killed countless ancestors of my family and forcibly robbed a thousand skills of my family. Years, they will pay for it."

Xuanhong nodded in satisfaction, and said: "There is no need to rush this matter overnight, after the internal struggles of the Xuan family are resolved, the head of the Wenren family is one of the world's three most powerful sword masters of 'Zhuri Island' "It's not easy to get something out of his hands. "

The three most powerful people in the world: the master of Tianxing Pavilion, the master of blood refinement, and the sword master of Chasing Sun Island.

Xuantian did the math, at least two of the three great powerhouses were on the opposite side of him, they were the master of Tianxing Pavilion and the sword master of Chasing Sun Island. There are quite a few strong men of the Blood Refining Cult, and the Blood Refining Cult is the great enemy of China. It seems that the three most powerful men are all his opponents.

From today onwards, Xuantian has an extra heavenly weapon, the Nine Curved Nixin Sword, and a terrifying enemy, the Sword Master of Chasing Sun Island.

Xuantian's cultivation has reached the ninth level of the earth-level realm. In this realm, the limit of the sword intent that can be comprehended is the seventh-level sword intent.

If he wants to become the top swordsman in the future, he needs to develop his sword intent and cultivation at the same time. For a long time to come, Xuantian will focus on comprehending the sword intent, and launch an attack on the seventh-level sword intent.

In the days of 'Sword of Heaven', he practiced sword skills every day, comprehended the meaning of the sword, met with his family every day, and accompanied by two beauties, Ling Xingyue and Bai Ling, lived a solid, comfortable and warm life.

"You are really destined to be a woman. When you were in Beichen Pavilion, you had Ao Xuanxuan. When you come back here, you have Bai Ling and Ling Xingyue. No wonder Yufeng looked down on you at the beginning. You have no sympathy...!" Luo Yuyi said to Xuan God gave such an evaluation.

In a flash, a few days passed.

On this day, Xuantian was practicing swordsmanship in the back mountain of Tianjianzong, and Luo Yuyi was his accompanying trainer to comprehend the meaning of swords together.

Luo Yuyi's cultivation is now also at the ninth level of the earth-level realm, but the sword intent has not yet comprehended the strength of the sixth level, which is one level behind Xuantian.

During this period of time, Xuantian mainly comprehended the sword intent, and Luo Xiaoye asked Luo Yuyi to comprehend it too. Although Luo Yuyi was not as high as Xuantian, as long as he could comprehend the sword intent to the sixth level, it would be far beyond ordinary people. Very good.

It was almost noon, Ling Xingyue and Bai Ling also came to the back mountain, Bai Ling shouted from a distance: "Brother Tian, ​​you have a friend who came to Tianjian Peak to look for you, he said he was your brother!"

"Brother?" Xuan Tian let out a startled cry.

Ling Xingyue and Bai Ling soon arrived in front of Xuantian, Ling Xingyue said: "There are three people in total, two are old people, one is drunk, another person calls himself Xiao Lao, and there is a young man who is older than you. Your name is Xiang Shao."

It was exactly as expected, Xuantian laughed, and said: "Sure enough, it's my brother, Sister Yuyi, let's go and have a look together, I'll introduce you to a young genius who is not weaker than a son-in-law."

Luo Yuyi was slightly surprised, and said: "If there is a young genius who is not weaker than the son-in-law, then he will be famous in the world long ago, and he will be called something." Pass!"

Xuan Tian said: "My brother is relatively low-key, you will know it when you see it."

"Okay! Let's go and have a look...!" Luo Yuyi waited for Xuantian and the others to come to the main hall of Tianjian Peak. Uncle, everyone has arrived, and they are receiving the three of Xiang Tianxiao.

It's no secret that the Huang family is in the 'Sword Sect of Heaven', now that Luo Xiaoye has arrived, it's even more obvious that they regard 'Sword Sect of Heaven' as their base, and they won't be afraid of being attacked.

"Brother Xuantian...!" As soon as Xuantian and the others entered the hall, Xiang Tianxiao yelled at him and walked over quickly.

As soon as the drunken swordman arrived at the 'Sky Sword Sect', Luo Xiaoye and Xuan Hong called out one senior at a time, and invited him to the main seat of the main hall. The drunken swordman didn't talk much, but Old Xiao was very talkative. Talking with Luo Xiaoye, Xuan Hong and others.

Xiang Tianxiao is only eighteen years old, a generation lower than everyone else, so naturally he has no common language, and has been waiting for Xuantian to come over, "Young Master Xiang...!" Xuantian also waved his hand in greeting, his eyes startled slightly , Xiang Tianxiao's cultivation base has already stepped into the heavenly realm, and it seems that it took a day or two to step into the heavenly realm, and his aura is very stable. Much more powerful.

It seems that it has been at least two or three months since Xiang Tianxiao broke through to the heavenly realm, and his age is only half a year older than Xuantian, so he should have just turned eighteen.

Stepping into the Heavenly Realm before the age of eighteen is indeed a son-in-law genius.

Xuantian glanced at Luo Yuyi beside him, and said: "What, Sister Yuyi, I'm right, Xiang Shao is half a year older than me, but he has already stepped into the heavenly realm...,!"

Luo Yuyi nodded, and said: "There really is such a genius who is not well-known, in the land of China, there are indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

Xiang Tianxiao walked in front of Xuantian, laughed and said: "As soon as I left the customs, I heard wave after wave of shocking news from you, you really turned Shenzhou upside down."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Luo Yuyi and asked, "Who is this gentle beauty...?"

Ling Xingyue and Bai Ling stood next to Xuantian, and Bai Ling was even close to Xuantian's body. Xiang Tianxiao knew that they were Xuantian's women, and they had met and talked before, so he asked Luo Yuyi directly. .

Although Luo Yuyi came together, but judging from the distance and her expression, she was obviously not Xuantian's woman.

"Luo Yuyi!" Luo Yuyi nodded slightly.

Xuan Tian explained: "It's my master's daughter!"

"Xiao Tian Xiao, you can call me Young Master Xiang!" Xiang Tian smiled happily.

"It doesn't look like you said it was very low-key!" Luo Yuyi glanced at Xuantian, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah?" Xiang Tian smiled for a moment.

Xuan Tian explained it again, Xiang Tianxiao understood, continued to laugh, and said: "My master said, when you don't have the ability, you should keep a low profile and don't let others pay attention to yourself. After you have the ability, you can make such a blockbuster. Soaring to the sky, now my retreat is over, brother Xuantian... I'd better call you Tianshao, it's too troublesome to call you Tianshao, my master wants me to help you, let's explore the world together, with you The ability to make troubles in Shenzhou, believe me, Xiang Shao's name will soon resound across the land of Shenzhou, and the power will shake the boundless sea area. Tian Shao, which son you are not happy with, I will beat him up, this should be a blockbuster , soaring into the sky!"

Luo Yuyi chuckled.

Xuan Tian glanced at Xiang Tian and smiled speechlessly, and said: "Could it be that you came here to cause trouble on purpose? You are talking, the commander is here, I'll go ask you first!"

Xiang Tianxiao, Zui Jianweng, and Xiao Lao three lived in the 'Sky Sword Sect'. With Zui Jianweng sitting in the town, the strength of 'Sky Sword Sect' suddenly exploded.

Drunk Sword Weng's eyes were blurred and he didn't speak much, but he also expressed his intention to come to help and resist the attack of 'Tianxing Pavilion' or the Xuan family of the Western Regions.

"Father! Senior Drunken Sword Weng and 'Tianxing Pavilion, do you have any enmity?" Afterwards, Xuan Tian asked Xuan Hong privately.

(to be continued!!!

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