The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 481】 Breaking into the Dragon House (Third Watch)

【Chapter 481】Break into the Dragon House (three more)

Xuan Tian withdrew his gaze, the younger guard only felt a lightness all over his body, only then did he realize that he was already covered in sweat, as if he had walked through the gate of hell just now, his heart was terrified, and he dared not speak again.

"Hey...wait a minute!" The older guard sighed, and then entered the courtyard.

Not long after, there were footsteps coming from the courtyard. From the sound, there seemed to be three or four people.

Before anyone could see it, there was a shout of anger: "The traitor who colluded with the blood cultivating cult, the warrior of Shenzhou, everyone can punish him, and he dared to come to Long's house again, how brave he is!"

Hearing the sound, the younger guard at the door suddenly calmed down a lot, and whispered: "Our leader, Long Chengming, is here, you are... finished."

Long Ziyan whispered in Xuantian's ear: "The person who pushed my father the most back then was my second uncle, Long Dangqing, who stabbed my father with a sword in front of everyone when he said he wanted to destroy my relatives righteously. It was very sinister, even though my father was an elixir master, he still couldn't be cured. This Long Chengming, who stood beside Long Dangqing back then, listed my father's dozen crimes long and short, all of which were to be executed. mortal sin."

After Long Ziyan finished speaking, several people came out from the courtyard.

There were four people in total. Except for the guard who went in to report, two of the other three were at the tenth level of the earth level, and the leader had reached the half-step sky level. He was about 37 or 80 years old. There are some stubby beards on the face.

Needless to say, this person is the guard leader Long Chengming.

Long Chengming came out, glanced at the four of them, and finally stared at Long Ziyan, slightly surprised, but then turned cold, and shouted: "You witch, you look very much like your mother , it seems that there is only your mother's evil spirit in your bones, and there is no blood in my Long family at all...!"

Hearing this, Xuantian knew that it was impossible for this person to inform Long Tenghai, so Xuantian was not even interested in saying a word to him.


The sound of the wind was whistling, extremely fast.

Xuan Tian's figure was like a sharp arrow, and shot in front of Long Chengming in an instant.

Then, with a lift of his right foot, he kicked forward fiercely!

Xuantian's actions were beyond Long Chengming's expectations, and also beyond the expectations of the two strong men at the tenth level of the earth level next to him, and even beyond the expectations of the two guards.

In a hurry, how could Long Chengming avoid Xuantian's kick! In an instant, Xuan Tian kicked Long Chengming's body.


With a loud explosion, Long Chengming's body exploded like a cannonball, and before he even let out a scream, he exploded towards the courtyard with a whoosh. **

While he was in the air, Long Chengming spat out a mouthful of blood with a pop, followed by another scream.


Long Chengming flew back tens of meters, hit a wall, directly smashed through the wall, flew back tens of meters, fell back to the ground, and fell hard to the ground in the inner courtyard. on the square.

How dare you fight against the Long family in the Eastern Region, but it was the leader of the Long family's guards?

The two guards were dumbfounded!

The two deputy leaders of the tenth level of the earth were also dumbfounded!

"Senior Long Tenghai! Junior Xuantian and his granddaughter Long Ziyan are here to visit!" Xuantian yelled loudly as he carried his prime energy.

The two tenth-level deputy leaders reacted, their eyes were full of panic, and they retreated and ran towards the courtyard.

The older guard stepped aside, while the younger guard trembled in fright.

Xuantian waved to Long Ziyan, Xiang Tianxiao, and Luo Yuyi: "Go, let's go in!"

Since there was no one to report, Xuan Tian had to call in and make the matter worse, but he didn't believe that Long Tenghai didn't get any news.

Xiang Tianxiao clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Good kick! Great kick! You kicked so stupidly, Tian Shao, I like your style very much, I appreciate it very much, let's go... let's fight in."

The inner courtyard of Dongcheng is the place where the main line of the Long family lives. It is called the inner courtyard. In fact, it has a very large area. After entering the gate, there is a partition wall 30 meters ahead, which acts like a screen to block the view from the outside.

Bypassing the partition wall, there is a square with a radius of hundreds of meters in front of it. At the end of the square is a large hall, the main hall of the Long Family, Tenglong Hall.

In the two weeks of the square, there are many mansions, all of which are the places where the big figures of the Long family live. On both sides of the gate, there are the residences of the guards, the chief, and the deputy chief.

Long Chengming was pushed in by Xuan Tian's foot, smashed through the partition wall, and fell on the square, causing a lot of commotion.

Moreover, the two deputy leaders at the tenth level of the earth level even shouted: "Attacked! Attacked! There are demons from the Blood Refining Sect attacking the Long family!"

As soon as the four of Xuantian entered the courtyard, a large number of guards ran out, especially the deputy leader, all of whom had cultivation bases of the tenth level of the earth level, and there were dozens of them.

Bang bang bang bang bang...!

Xuan Tian and Xiang Tianxiao stomped and punched, and the deputy leader and guards who rushed up were immediately blown into the air, and then one by one fell from the air and landed on the square like rain.

The first batch of people who rushed up were all blown away, and the strong men behind them looked horrified, knowing that the strength of the comers was extremely powerful, and they were not at their level at all, so they retreated one after another.

Xuantian, Xiangtianxiao, Long Ziyan, and Luo Yuyi continued to move forward, passed the partition wall, and came to the Longjia Square.

At this time, many strong men had already flown out from the mansions on both sides of the square, most of them were at the ground level, and there were two strong men at the sky level.

"What a gutsy dog, if you dare to attack the Long family, you are courting death!"

With a loud shout, a twenty-three or four-year-old young man flew out from the crowd on the left. While in the air, he punched Xuan Tian.

On the right, there also flew out a strong man of the Heavenly Stage, a middle-aged man in his forties, who should be an existence of the Supreme Elder, and also a cultivation base of the first level of the Heavenly Stage.

"Bastard! Give me a punch." The Supreme Elder shouted loudly, as if a dragon was flying in the sky, a huge coercion descended, he punched out, and a huge fist fell from the sky, like a mountain peak, facing The sky laughed and exploded.

The two fists are both like mountains, and they are harder than mountains. Even the entire rocky mountain is far less solid than these two fists.

Whether it's this junior's first-level Heavenly Stage powerhouse or that Supreme Elder, their cultivation bases are already very solid, much better than Li Qinghai's, and even stronger than the direct disciple of the 'Tianxing Pavilion' who died under Xuantian's hand. outperformed.

However, in the face of the attack of the two, Xuan Tian and Xiang Tianxiao were not afraid at all.

The Xuantian sword was unsheathed, the seventh-level sword intent was integrated into the sword, and the sword was cut out.

At the same time, Xiang Tianxiao clenched his hands into a fist, kicked his feet to the ground fiercely, and swung his fist towards the fist that was blasting in the air, a golden light flashed.


With a crisp sound, the fist that blasted towards Xuantian instantly split into two halves, was cut into two sides, and collapsed in an instant.


The sound of Xiang Tianxiao's fist was deafening and earth-shattering, the golden fist directly smashed the opponent's fist into pieces.

The Taishang Elder who punched was horrified, his whole body was shocked, as if he had been hit hard, he was immediately sent flying backwards by the force of the counter-shock.

"The Supreme Elder...!" The juniors of the Long family exclaimed.

With a cultivation base of the first level of the Heavenly Realm, it was beyond everyone's expectation that this Supreme Elder would be shocked to such an extent by Xiang Tianxiao's punch through the air.

Xuan Tian cut open the fist of the young strongman of the Long family with one sword, and the light of the sword exploded in an instant, sweeping around, and then swung the second sword into the air.

Bang bang bang bang bang...

While Xuantian and Xiang Tianxiao were facing the attacks of the sky-level powerhouses, a group of ground-level powerhouses who rushed up to attack Long Ziyan and Luo Yuyi were all swept by Xuantian's four-sweeping sword light, and the body shield It was cut open in an instant, and the bodies of dozens of people were all thrown upside down by a huge force.

If it wasn't for Xuantian not wanting to kill people, the strength of the sword light was controlled, and the sharpness was hidden, only the strength remained. With this sword, at least half of the strong would see blood with the sword and be seriously injured.

At the same time, the young and strong man of the Long family in the sky also looked horrified. Xuantian's sword glow was so powerful that it seemed easy to break through his sword.

Facing the sword slashed by Xuantian, the young and strong member of the Long family avoided like a snake and scorpion, flashed in the air, drew a dragon-shaped trajectory, and immediately retreated quickly, dodging Xuantian's sword.

"How is this possible? Young Master Kong's aptitude is extremely high. He is one of the top geniuses in our Long family except for 'Mr. Zi'. He was actually killed and retreated by a warrior at the ninth level of the earth level?"

"Xuantian, this person is Xuantian, the man who is said to have defeated Li Qinghai, a disciple of the 'Bajianmen', who was at the level of the Earth level...!"

"My God, it's really him. Didn't the monsters from the Blood Refining Sect attack our Long family? He has killed many monsters from the Blood Refining Sect. How could he get mixed up with the Blood Refining Sect?"

"The young man who knocked back the Supreme Elder's punch must be Young Master Xiang who has been in the limelight recently. I heard that he even defeated the 'Bad Young Master'...!"

"The combat power of these two people is terrifying and boundless, and it is easy to leapfrog the challenge. The combat power is really terrifying... For a moment, the disciples of the Long family were shocked and screamed.

"Senior Long Tenghai, junior Xuantian and his granddaughter Long Ziyan, come to pay a visit—!" Xuantian forced the young strongman of the Long family back with a sword, and shouted again.

"It turns out to be the daughter of the traitor Long Haoqing!"

"She is the granddaughter of the blood refiner!"

"She has the blood of a cult demon in her body...!"

"How did Xuan Tian get along with her? Willing to be depraved... the strong members of the Long family all pointed their fingers at each other.

At this moment, another heaven-level powerhouse launched an attack on Xuantian and Xiang Tianxiao.

Two Supreme Elders at the second level of the Heavenly Realm appeared, punched Xiang Tianxiao, and shouted: "Leave this person to us to deal with, and you go deal with Xuantian." "

boom……! boom……!

There were two explosions, and a total of three strong men at the first level of the Heavenly Stage punched Xuantian at the same time.

Among the three, one is the young strong man who fought with Xuan Tian just now, and the other is the Supreme Elder who just punched Xiang Tianxiao.

The third one is the most powerful, and he is also a young man, about twenty-four or five years old, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the first layer of the Heavenly Rank Realm. (to be continued. rq

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