The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 726】My Xuantian is here

Tong Yi's strength is enough to kill a general Dacheng king, and compared with Xuantian, he is not inferior, even stronger than Xuantian.

After all, Xuantian's strength in the half-step king is more than enough to beat the Xiaocheng limit king, but compared with the Dacheng king, it is at most comparable.

However, with the help of the Chaos Holy Cauldron, Xuan Tian defeated Tong Yi without any pressure, completely crushing her.

Xuan Tian was in an invincible position in the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, Tong Yi's attack power had no effect on him at all, but Xuan Tian's attack did great harm to Tong Yi.

Therefore, the battle process can be said to be easy, and Tong Yi died at the hands of Xuantian.

Regarding Xuantian's strength, Tong Yi was not wrong, but regarding Xuantian's trump card, he still had a big guess. For this, Tong Yi paid the price with his life.

The Tong family is the imperial power of the Wanshan region, which has been passed down for thousands of years, with a very profound heritage and a very strong strength. As the young family head, Tong Yi has an incomparably noble status.

Even if he played wild in the sunset building, Yan Gucheng gave the Tong family face and did nothing to him, but at this moment, he died in the hands of Xuantian, who was only a half-step king. Even if Tong Yi died, there was still something in his eyes. It's unbelievable.

Although Tong Yi was only twenty-seven years old, there were many warriors who died at his hands. He had always held the right to kill others, and he was the only one who killed others. Therefore, he never expected that he would Will die in the hands of Xuantian.

What he is afraid of is Xuantian's potential, not Xuantian's strength, but the result is beyond his expectation, even now, Xuantian can kill him easily and more than enough.

Xuan Tian made a move with his palm. The Chaos Holy Cauldron and Wanjian Sword Formation were both retracted, his figure flashed, and he quickly came to Tong Yi's body. He took off his interspatial ring and the treasured glove in his hand, and then left quickly.

Yan Xixi and Li Yifeng were captured alive, which was beyond Xuantian's expectation, he did not expect it. These people are so bold, Yan Xixi is the only daughter of Sword Emperor Yan Gucheng, if it arouses Yan Gucheng's anger. That's pretty dangerous.

However, they still did it, which made Xuantian frowned slightly, even though he didn't know some people. But the intention to kill him is extremely heavy. I don't know how many people like Tong Yi want to kill him in the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden.

Because, with Xuantian's potential, if he becomes the king, his combat power will definitely improve qualitatively, and it will be ten times more terrifying than it is now.

Some first-class geniuses and super-first-class geniuses don't want anyone to step on them besides the five perverted monsters. Coupled with people with ulterior motives fueling the flames, so. Many geniuses wanted to kill Xuantian before he became king.

"You have murderous intentions towards me. This is your idea. I don't care about it, but! If you dare to touch my friend, you are courting death!" In Xuantian's eyes, there was a sharp and cold light, a powerful murderous aura, in his eyes diffuse around.

Passing through the safe passage and going two hundred miles forward, Xuantian came to the crack on the defensive mask of the central restricted area, got into the crack, and flew out.

It didn't take long to pass through the fifty-mile thick mask, and Xuantian went outside the central restricted area, where he could teleport.

As soon as Xuantian raised his hand, a top-grade Chengwang Pill appeared in his palm, and then he slapped it into his mouth.

Then, Xuan Tian's figure flashed, and he appeared tens of miles away, and he teleported for more than ten times in a row, then flew hundreds of miles, and finally saw a genius and strong man.

Xuantian's teleportation speed was much faster than him, and he quickly caught up, saying: "Swordsman, please stay."

Stepped into the King Realm before the age of thirty, and basically looked like they were in their early twenties, maintaining the appearance of just becoming an adult, the young and strong man stopped, looked at Xuantian, and said: "What's the matter?"

Xuan Tian said: "You know, swordsmen, what major events have happened in the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden in the past few days? For example, the infighting between geniuses, a man and a woman who came from a large number of geniuses to besiege the Xixuan Region...!"

The young strong man nodded and said: "Oh! You said this, I heard that they are too courageous, I heard that the woman is as beautiful as a fairy, but she is the daughter of a sword emperor, dare to touch her The person who is here must also be a genius of the younger generation of the imperial power."

In Xuantian's eyes, Jing's light flashed, and said: "Then where are they now?"

The young strong man said: "In Tianchen Palace."

Xuantian said: "Where is Tianchen Palace?"

The young strong man said: "It is a building left by the Tian family in the Dandi Medicine Garden in ancient times. It has basically been destroyed, but there are still a few houses, and there is a square with a radius of several kilometers. , if you go south for 140,000 to 150,000 miles, you should be there soon, fellow swordsman, what are you looking for? Are you with them?"

"It's not a group of people. I'm looking for them to kill them!"

Xuan Tian's figure disappeared in a flash, leaving only a faint sentence.

The young strong man revealed a look of shock in his eyes, and said to himself: "I heard correctly, a half-step king

Those who say they are going to kill them, but they have more than 20 genius kings, even the super-genius Dacheng kings...! "


Tianchen Palace is located 200,000 miles away from where Xuantian, Yan Xixi, and Li Yifeng entered the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden.

Here, there is a dilapidated palace called 'Tianchen Palace', which is a legacy of the Tianjia, an imperial power in ancient times.

In front of the dilapidated Tianchen Palace, there is a huge square with a length and width of about five kilometers and a square shape.

In the corner of the square near Tianchen Palace, Yan Xixi and Li Yifeng were sitting on a long stone pier at the edge of the square. Not far away from them, there were many talented and strong men, either sitting or standing.

Yan Xixi and Li Yifeng seemed to be in good health, but in fact, both of them had their cultivation bases and acupoints sealed, and they could move, but they had no strength at all.

Although Yan Xixi was restrained, she had a special status, so no one dared to do anything to her, but Li Yifeng was different, there was a slap mark on his face, obviously he was beaten.

There are twenty-four geniuses next to him, and the most powerful ones are the two Dacheng kings. One of them was the one who went to the mountain where Xuantian was before the opening of the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden. The genius with the face.

Before the age of thirty, he became a Dacheng King. With such qualifications, he must have the combat power to leapfrog challenges. The general Dacheng peak kings are probably not his opponents. They are among the geniuses who entered the Dandi Medicine Garden. , one of the most powerful geniuses.

Among the twenty-four people, there were actually two Dacheng Kings, plus some Xiaocheng Ultimate Kings, Xiaocheng Kings, and ordinary kings. The strength of the entire team was unbelievably strong.

In this team, there are a total of seven major forces, each from the seven domains, all of which are royal rank forces.

These seven royal forces include the Tong family of the Wanshan region, the Ji family of the Xize region, the Zou family of the Qilin region, the Teng family of the Liehuo region, the Yellow Wind Valley of the Qiansha region, the Wang family of the Yuanhu region, and the Jinguangmen of the Anyin region.

The number of places to enter the Pill Emperor Medicine Garden is three for some imperial rank forces, four for some, and five for some. Top imperial rank forces can have up to ten places.

The number of places depends not only on strength, but also on qualifications. Although the strength of Xiyanglou is not weak, but before Yangu City became emperor, it was only a top-ranking royal power. It has only been a hundred years since it became a royal power. Eligible to enter the Dandi Medicine Garden, so there are only three places.

Among the seven major forces, Qi Linyu's Zou family and Yuanhuyu's Wang family have three places, and the remaining five major forces have four places. The total number should be twenty-six. However, Ji Feiqiu from the Ji family and Tong family from the Tong family Yi has already been beheaded by Xuantian, so there are only twenty-four left.

Wanshan Region, Xi Ze Region, Qilin Region, Agni Fire Region, Qiansha Region, Yuanhu Region, and Anmerg Region, these seven regions are all in the 108 Regions in the west of Central Continent, Wanshan Region, Qiansha Region, Anmerg Region, Raging Fire Region and Xize Region are large regions with a radius of more than two million miles, much larger than Xixuan Region.

Among the seven royal powers in the seven regions, Tongjia in the mountain region, Huangfenggu in the Qiansha region, and Jinguangmen in the Anyin region are the strongest. The two great success kings, one is from the Yellow Wind Valley in the Qiansha region, and the other is from the Golden Light in the Anyin region. Door.

The Qiansha Region, the Yuanhu Region, and the Anmer Region are all relatively far away from the Xixuan Region, separated by a few regions, and usually rarely deal with the Xixuan Region. The three domains are relatively close, and the royal forces have close contacts and have a marriage relationship. Therefore, the geniuses of the younger generations of the imperial forces in these three domains were also pulled over by Tong Yi, Teng Qing, Ji Chuan and others.

"Huang Jingfeng, do you think that kid will die in the central forbidden area? If he comes out, he should have come here long ago knowing that we have captured his two friends." A Dacheng king in a golden robe said, right at Dan The night before the opening of the Imperial Medicine Garden, the Dacheng King went to the mountain where Xuantian and the others were located to recognize his face.

The person he was talking to was another Dacheng king.

Huang Jingfeng held a nearly transparent long sword in his hand, with surging breath, he waved it casually a few times, and said, "Jin Shiling, if that kid is greedy for life and afraid of death, he will shrink his head like a tortoise and hide somewhere dare not come out."

Li Yifeng glanced at the almost transparent long sword in Huang Jingfeng's hand from time to time, it was his imperial sword.

Jin Shiling patted his forehead and said: "It's really possible. I don't know if Tong Yi entered the central restricted area and found that kid. If he is really a turtle, it's really hard to find the Dandi Medicine Garden so big. ...!"

"Are you looking for me...?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the air, and everyone looked around, only to see an extremely handsome young man about twenty-two or three years old standing on the top of the dilapidated Tianchen Palace.

The handsome young man's gaze was extremely sharp, he swept across the geniuses and powerhouses, and said, "I, Xuantian, are here!"

All of a sudden, the geniuses and powerhouses felt a chill down their backs, and they felt a strong killing intent from Xuantian's eyes.

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