The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 759】 Xuantian fights Yibao

() For Huangfu Yibao's attack, Xuantian did not defend at all, but counterattacked!

Perhaps it can be said that offense is the best defense!

Xuantian's whole body exudes golden light, and his arms and legs are completely turned into pure gold!

Beep, beep, beep!

Xuan Tian's two golden arms were like swords, glowing with thunder and lightning, he suddenly struck out four swords, and in an instant, four thunder swords struck out almost simultaneously. ..

The Thunder Sword Qi is formed by the condensed essence of the second-order extreme Thunder Profound Truth, and its power is not weaker than that of the early third-rank Profound Truth.

Facing Huangfu Yibao's attack of Wood Profound Truth and Space Profound Truth, Xuantian's intention is obvious, to break the opponent's offensive with extreme attack power, if Huangfu Yibao can be forced to change from offensive to defensive, then Xuantian will be able to occupy upper hand.

With the terrifying attack power of Thunder Sword Qi and Flame Sword Qi, as long as Huangfu's treasure turns into a defensive position, Xuan Tian is sure to break the opponent's defensive position and win this battle.

Bang bang bang!

The flowers and leaves were split by the thunder sword energy, and they were instantly split into two halves, making a popping sound like a balloon bursting.

Every flower and leaf is a terrifying sword gang, and it is still a small space. Ordinary defenses and ordinary attacks cannot affect this small space at all, but the attack power of Thunder Sword Qi is too powerful. , everything was split open, instantly shattering Huangfu Yibao's offensive. ..

However, the thunder sword qi was blocked by those flowers and leaves, and the light dimmed instantly, as if the strength was exhausted, and soon disappeared into nothingness, unlike when facing other people, the thunder sword qi shattered the opponent's attack. It can also cause damage to opponents.

Apart from those quasi-emperors and emperors, Huangfu Yibao is the most powerful opponent Xuantian has ever encountered.

But when facing the quasi-emperor and the emperor, Xuantian was in the midst of a thunder calamity. With the help of Thunder Tribulation, Xuantian's strength can reach an incredible level, so it is very easy to fight.

And this battle with Huangfu Yibao will be the most difficult battle for Xuantian so far!

Seeing that his swordsmanship was broken, Huangfu Yibao showed a hint of surprise on his face, and said: "You are able to break my flower-leaf swordsmanship. Xuantian, in terms of your attack power alone, you are even stronger than the king at the limit of Dacheng!" Much stronger. However, this alone is not enough for you, my Huaye swordsmanship cannot be broken...!"

While speaking, the imperial sword in Huangfu Yibao's hand suddenly moved.

Fragments of flowers and leaves shattered by thunder sword energy. It was supposed to splash in all directions. It was about to turn into nothingness, but suddenly it seemed to be pulled by some kind of force, and it condensed again, and quickly returned to its original state.

"Flowers bloom and fade, leaves grow and leaves fall!"

Huangfu Yibao shouted loudly, and stabbed at Xuantian again.

Xuantian's surroundings completely turned into a space composed of flowers and leaves, and those flowers grew rapidly. All kinds of flowers have a piece of petals. Some have two petals, some have three petals, and some even have over ten petals. With the sudden blooming, all the petals turned into a bright sword beam, which slashed towards Xuantian.

And those leaves, one after another, gathered together, bursting out with bright light, drawing a mysterious trajectory in the void, although the twists and turns are white, but they contain the artistic conception of Tao, unknowingly, they split to Xuantian beside.

Facing these mysterious sword attacks, Xuantian's face was grim, and his whole body's jing, qi, and spirit were all raised to their peak state.



Beep! Beep!

Xuantian slashed out one after another thunder sword energy, the attack power of the thunder sword energy is the ultimate attack power that Xuantian can send out, wherever it passes, all the flowers and leaves of the sword are split in half instantly.

However, there were too many Huaye Jiangangs attacking this time, and, following the pull of Huangfu Yibao's sword, the broken flowers and leaves were quickly reassembled, endlessly, endlessly, seemingly forever It is also impossible to stop the attack.

Xuantian and Huangfu Yibao are separated by more than a thousand meters, and both of them used unrivaled methods and shocking swordsmanship to engage in a long-distance duel.

Following the momentum of Huangfu Yibao's sword, the flowers and leaves formed various attack methods, some turned into swords, some turned into celestial flood dragons, and some turned into ferocious beasts...

All kinds of flowers and leaves attacked, surrounding Xuantian layer by layer, almost forming a huge ball.

Xuantian was trapped in the ball made up of flowers and leaves. Although the attack power of the Thunder Sword Qi was terrifying, and the flowers, leaves and swords shattered as they passed by, he couldn't break the whole ball, because breaking a flower or leaf would destroy the whole ball. More flowers and leaves will fill up.

Soon, Xuantian slashed out tens of hundreds of lightning sword qi, but his situation did not change at all. On the contrary, Huangfu Yibao's sword attack became more and more fierce, with more and more flower and leaf attacks.

Outside the sword tower, on the seventh floor of the small sword tower, there are still only the images of Xuantian and Huangfu Yibao.

The battle between the two was fully displayed through image branding, but there was no sound.

All the powerhouses ignored the tens of thousands of talented kings on the other six floors, and all their eyes were on the seventh floor, paying attention to this battle.

Judging from the image imprint, Huangfu Yibao had the upper hand, and Xuantian's figure was completely covered by the flowers and leaves.

The Flower and Leaf Sword Technique is the top imperial-level sword skill of the Huangfu family, and it is a sword skill of the wood attribute. The Huangfu Family has always stood at the top of many royal forces in Central Continent by virtue of the Flower and Leaf Sword Technique, which shows how powerful the Flower and Leaf Sword Technique is. place.

Many strong people present have experienced the Huaye swordsmanship. At Xuantian's level, they are completely surrounded by flowers and leaves, which means...he is not far from failure.

The faces of the emperors and quasi-emperors of the Huangfu family showed comfortable smiles. Xuantian was famous in Central Continent, and his reputation was prominent. Batch after batch of talented kings of the younger generation suffered a big loss in his hands. In the hands of Huangfu Yibao, not only Huangfu Yibao's reputation will be greatly shaken, but Huangfu's family will once again become famous all over the world.

The Huangfu family deserves to be called the Sword Emperor family, the descendants of genius kings are different!

Thinking of the comments made by the strong men in Central Continent after this battle, the strong men from the Huangfu family naturally felt comfortable.

As emperors, Yan Yuncheng and Mr. Shenji naturally occupy a good position. Looking at the image imprint on the seventh floor, Yan Yuncheng frowned. The Tianxuan Sword Tower only has a chance to be opened once every three years. If Xuantian was beaten out by Huangfu Yibao, and he would have to wait for another three years before he could have a chance to enter the Tianxuan Sword Tower.

The first time you rush into the tower, you enter the seventh floor, which represents a huge gain. If you are knocked out, it will be a huge loss.

Mr. Shenji looked at the image imprint on the seventh floor, but he looked calm and not worried at all.

Before Xuantian entered the Tianxuan Sword Tower, Mr. Shenji did a fortune telling for Xuantian. As a result, Mr. Shenji discovered that Xuantian's trip was so unpredictable that even he couldn't predict what Xuantian would encounter.

He can only calculate when Xuantian enters the sword tower, but cannot calculate when Xuantian leaves the sword tower. From when Xuantian enters the Tianxuan sword tower, Mr. Shenji cannot calculate everything that follows.

Therefore, Mr. Shenji firmly believes that Xuantian cannot be knocked out of the tower by Huangfu Yibao.

If someone beat him out on the first day he entered the sword tower, Mr. Shenji wouldn't even be able to calculate this, and he would be in vain claiming to be a descendant of the Tianji lineage.

Things that even Mr. Shen Ji cannot calculate must have changed greatly, and this change has unexpected reasons. It is blinded by the secret and cannot be investigated.

As expected by Mr. Shenji, it didn't take long for the image imprint on the seventh floor to change.

The flowers and leaves that covered Xuantian suddenly appeared with a line of fire. In an instant, the line of fire turned from a spark of fire into a prairie fire. In an instant, there were endless flames that burned all the flowers and leaves surrounding Xuantian. .

Thunder Sword Qi and Flame Sword Qi are both condensed from arcane essences, and are much more expensive to display than ordinary arcana attacks.

Xuantian could not use the two sword energies of thunder and flame without limit, so when Xuantian used dozens or hundreds of thunder sword energies but was unable to break Huangfu Yibao's offensive, Xuantian immediately changed his attack method.

The thunder sword energy transformed into the flame sword energy and continued to use offense instead of defense.

However, the attack effect of the flaming sword energy was somewhat beyond Xuan Tian's expectation. The temperature of the flaming sword energy was so high that there was no doubt that the flowers and leaves burned instantly after being split in half by the flaming sword energy.

And when the fire started, it was out of control. As Xuantian slashed out ten flaming sword energy, all the flowers, leaves and leaves in all directions began to burn. The flames turned into raging flames, and the entire flower and leaf ball turned into a fireball.

The fire started a prairie fire and was unstoppable. Even though these flowers, flowers and leaves had the power to live forever, they could not withstand the flames and were quickly burned to ashes.

Huangfu Yibao's offensive was broken!

"Huangfu Yibao, you also have a taste of my swordsmanship to attack the thunder and void, the fierce fire is ruthless!"

Xuantian shouted loudly, his left hand glowed with lightning, and his right hand glowed with chichi flames, and at the same time he slashed at Huangfu Yibao.

In an instant, a bolt of thunder sword energy cut through the void and struck at Huangfu Yibao. At the same time, there was also a bolt of flame sword energy, which was no less fast than the thunder sword energy, slashing towards Huangfu Yibao's retreat.

Huangfu Yibao was deeply aware of the attack power of the Thunder Sword Qi. He knew that this attack method would definitely cause harm to him, and his body suddenly flashed.

Xuan Tian had already calculated Huangfu Yibao's reaction, and this flash collided with the flaming sword energy.

In a panic, the emperor-level sword in Huangfu Yibao's hand blocked and struck out, blocking most of the flaming sword energy, but a trace of it still hit Huangfu Yibao's body.


The spirit body was as solid as iron, and the sound of being split was very loud.

A wound instantly appeared on Huangfu Yibao's left arm, with bones almost visible, and blood spurted out immediately.

Under Xuantian's counterattack, Huangfu Yibao was traumatized!

Moreover, the wound was scorched black. It didn't look like it was cut by a sword blade, but more like it was burned by fire. This kind of wound was more difficult to heal than ordinary sword wounds.

Outside the sword tower!

The strong man of the Huangfu family, the joy on his face suddenly disappeared into nothingness, and his gloom suddenly sank. (To be continued.)

ps: The update is not good enough, I dare not ask for a monthly pass. It’s Monday, and the brothers gave some recommended tickets. Today, I don’t even have 300 tickets. It’s too shabby...

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