The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 761】 Obtaining the Imperial Sword

() The primordial spirit of chaos is inclusive of all attributes.

Even if it is the attribute of wood that Xuantian lacks, there will be a trace in the primordial spirit of Chaos, which will not be cut off.

Therefore, there is naturally a trace of immortality in the primordial chaos, which resonates with the immortal blood, making Xuantian feel the immortal power.

Immortal divine power, this is a terrifying power produced by cultivating the immortal golden body, the biggest feature is indestructible!

Immortality and Immortality are two of the most peculiar powers, which are controlled by the Underworld Emperor Ksitigarbha and the God Emperor Tianxing respectively. ..

Cultivate the Immortal Golden Body, and after reaching the King Realm, you can experience the Immortal Divine Power. The Immortal King cultivates the Immortal Body, and only after you step into the King Realm, can you realize the Immortal Divine Power. As for the first son, he directly learns the Immortal King The method of cultivating immortal power has nothing to do with one's own perception.

Learning the divine power of others is, after all, copying the gourd, and the appearance is not the same as the spirit.

Only the divine power that one has comprehended is truly powerful.

The immortal sword aura contains a huge proportion of the metal attribute, so the sword aura is like a golden ray of light.

call out!

The sharpness of the Immortal Sword Qi is far superior to that of Thunder Sword Qi and Flame Sword Qi. It instantly cut through the void and struck in front of Huangfu Yibao. Huangfu Yibao's defensive mask was instantly cut in half. ..

For Xuantian's sword attack, Huangfu Yibao didn't take it seriously, and didn't use the imperial sword to block it, but cut a wound on Xuantian's golden arm with the sword, which was very important for Xuantian's indestructible sword energy. , Huangfu Yibao just dodged the vital attack.

Immediately, the Immortal Sword Qi struck Huangfu Yibao's chest.

The thunder was fierce. The flames are scorching hot, and Jinzhu kills, the sharpest. There are no other incidental attributes, and some are just pure attack power. Therefore, regardless of the damage caused by lightning or flames, the destructive power of the immortal sword energy should be higher than that of the thunder sword energy and the flame sword energy.

Huangfu Yibao's chest was instantly split open with a sword wound about one foot long, and the bone was deeply visible.

The wound caused by this sword. It surpassed any sword that Xuantian used before using Thunder Sword Qi and Flame Sword Qi.

"Hey Hey…………!"

Huangfu Yibao laughed disdainfully, and said: "There is no damage from the electric light, and there is no burning from the flames. I heal the wounds opened by this simple attack power more quickly, almost as if healed instantly, Xuantian. Your newly realized sword energy is not very good. It is far less powerful than the two sword energy of Thunder and Flame, hehe...!"

However, after only two or three laughs, Huangfu Yibao's expression froze, and he couldn't laugh anymore.

Thunder Sword Qi and Flame Sword Qi will soon dissipate after cutting out the wound, lasting at most two breaths.

As soon as the sword qi attack disappears, Huangfu Yibao will immediately activate the wood's profound meaning to heal himself. It only takes one breath to heal.

but. The situation seems to have changed this time. After three breaths, the immortal sword energy in the wound has not disappeared. After five breaths, the immortal sword energy in the wound still exists...

After a full ten breaths, Huangfu Yibao still felt the severe pain coming from the wound, and the immortal sword energy was still extremely sharp, destroying his body.

boom! Huangfu Yibao felt a shock in his head, like five thunderbolts, exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

Xuan Tian was also observing the effect of the Immortal Sword Qi, and did not rush to make a move. Seeing that the Immortal Sword Qi was indeed immortal, he felt very relieved, and said with a smile: "In front of my Immortal Sword Qi, your self-healing seems to be It has no effect. If I get hit by my immortal sword energy, it will never disappear unless I take it back. Even if you have a deep sense of wood, even if you take the holy medicine for healing, there will be nothing under the attack of the immortal sword energy. Healing effect, Huangfu Yibao, then catch my indestructible sword energy!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuantian's two golden arms exploded with golden light, splitting out two golden rays of light, the rays of light were as thin as silk, like thunder sword aura, flame sword aura, it looked very tiny, but it contained inconceivable strength and sharpness.

Huangfu Yibao was terrified!

To be able to leapfrog challenges, his self-healing ability is very important. Now Xuantian's immortal sword energy has restrained his self-healing effect, and although Xuantian has suffered a lot of injuries, but the injuries are only in the limbs, not fatal. It's not even close to falling time.

Previously, Huangfu Yibao was not afraid of getting hurt, so the two were fighting for damage. Although Xuan Tian was not seriously injured, the loss of the immortal blood still made his combat power gradually weaken.

But now, Huangfu Yibao has no advantage at all, he continues to fight for damage, his spiritual body is not as resistant as Xuantian's indestructible golden body, if he continues to fight, he will suffer a big loss, even...beheaded by Xuantian, Directly eliminated from the Tianxuan Sword Tower.

Huangfu Yibao's body was like lightning, and he flew upwards rapidly, trying to rush out of the Chaos Holy Cauldron.

However, the Holy Cauldron of Chaos is Xuantian's item, how can he enter it when he wants, and get out when he wants it?

The reason why he came in just now was because Xuantian's golden body was damaged, and the immortal blood flowed out. He was in a hurry to enter the chaotic cauldron to deal with the immortal blood. Huangfu Yibao took advantage of Xuantian's unpreparedness and rushed in.

It's not that easy to get out now.

The interior space of the Chaos Holy Cauldron is very large, and a transparent mask appeared in the sky, and Xuantian sealed the space inside the Chaos Holy Cauldron.

With the strength of Huangfu Yibao, it may not be impossible to break this layer of space seal, but it will take time, and Xuantian's Immortal Sword strikes like lightning, Huangfu Yibao doesn't even have half a minute to breathe, how can there be? Time to break the space seal?

Reluctantly, Huangfu Yibao had no choice but to turn around and fight Xuantian, the imperial sword in his hand chopped out a brilliant brilliance, intercepting the two immortal sword qi.

The Immortal Sword Qi never fades away, but Huangfu Yibao's sword gang only existed for two breaths before it began to dissipate, its strength greatly reduced, and it was instantly smashed into pieces by the two immortal sword Qi, and then, the two The immortal sword energy continued to slash towards Huangfu Yibao.

call out! call out!

Two bursts of piercing sound came instantly, but Xuantian chopped out two more inextinguishable sword qi, and struck towards Huangfu Yibao.

Up to this point, Xuantian had slashed out a total of five indestructible sword qi, one was still in the wound of Huangfu Yibao, and it was damaged for a while, and the other two were blocked just now, and the two that were slashed now are all attacking. Huangfu Yibao.

Huangfu Yibao's eyes immediately turned green. He had never seen such sword energy before. Even the sword gang would dissipate within a short time after leaving the body, but Xuantian's indestructible sword energy would last forever. Not disappearing, this is completely beyond Huangfu Yibao's understanding.

Fengyun Wudi, one of the five perverted monsters, knows how to use the power of immortality, but he doesn't have this kind of immortal sword energy.

The reason why Xuantian used the indestructible divine power to transform it into indestructible sword energy was because of his experience with thunder sword energy and flame sword energy, so everything came naturally, and Fengyun Wudi, although he also understood indestructible divine power, he did not know how to combine thunder sword energy with flame sword energy. Flame sword qi, of course, doesn't know how to transform immortal divine power into immortal sword qi, this kind of means of refining the essence of profound truth and raising the attack power to the extreme, looking around the world, there is no other person except Xuantian.

Outside of the sword tower, only the giant three-legged tripod remained on the seventh floor of the small sword tower. Xuantian and Huangfu Yibao both entered the holy tripod. What happened to the inner space of the Chaos Holy Cauldron.

However, the faces of the powerful members of the Huangfu family are mostly joyful.

In the eyes of the vast majority of powerhouses, Xuantian is more ominous than ominous.

Although both Xuantian and Huangfu Yibao entered the chaotic cauldron, Xuantian fled in, and Huangfu Yibao chased him in. Xuantian has the upper hand.

Naturally, after entering the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, most of the powerhouses believed that Xuantian would suffer.

The development of the matter obviously exceeded the expectations of most of the powerhouses. In the inner space of the Chaos Holy Cauldron, Huangfu Yibao was chased and killed by Xuantian and fled everywhere.

He wanted to rush out of the Chaos Holy Cauldron, but he didn't have time to break the space seal of the Chaos Holy Cauldron. The Inextinguishable Sword Qi was really perverted and couldn't disappear. This made Huangfu Yibao dare not fight Xuantian at all. Every streak of immortal sword energy can cause irreversible damage to him.

The Chaos Holy Cauldron is a thing of Xuantian, which is controlled by Xuantian. Although Xuantian cannot obtain powerful combat power through the Chaos Holy Cauldron, he can control the size of the internal space of the Chaos Holy Cauldron.

Xuantian gradually reduced the internal space of the Chaos Holy Cauldron, from a radius of several kilometers to a radius of a kilometer... a radius of hundreds of meters... a radius of a hundred meters...

As the space became smaller and smaller, even though Huangfu Yibao's speed was faster than Xuantian's, he still had nowhere to escape.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Full six paths of inextinguishable sword qi followed behind Huangfu Yibao, chasing and slashing towards Huangfu Yibao.

Xuan Tian's body moved forward, and the distance of less than a hundred meters was reached in an instant. With a swipe of two golden arms like sword blades, two streaks of immortal sword energy were released.

A total of eight indestructible sword qi slashed at Huangfu Yibao, and there was another wound on his chest. In general, Huangfu Yibao was attacked by nine inextinguishable sword qi.

The Immortal Sword Qi will not disappear, the number is related to the cultivation level of Xuantian's Immortal Golden Body, and now Xuantian can split up to nine immortal sword energy.

Nine Daoes of Inextinguishable Sword Qi attacked Huangfu's treasure together, this was Xuantian's most peak attack.

The space was too small, and Huangfu Yibao had no way to avoid it. The imperial sword in his hand swiped quickly, creating a curtain of swords.

In an instant, tinkling, clanging and explosive sounds sounded continuously.

The Immortal Sword Qi never fades away, and when he was repelled, he slashed at him again. Huangfu Yibao couldn't resist the nine attacks of the Immortal Sword Qi at all, and was quickly struck.

A scream sounded, and Huangfu Yibao struck.

call out!

A streak of inextinguishable sword energy struck at Huangfu Yibao's sword-holding wrist.

This sword almost severed Huangfu Yibao's wrist, and the imperial sword in his hand flew out immediately.

As soon as Xuantian stretched out his golden arm, he grabbed the imperial-level sword into his hand.

"Huangfu Yibao, this imperial sword belongs to me! Haha..." Xuantian laughed. (To be continued.)

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