The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 782】 Kill them all

() Two shrill screams sounded at the same time!

The Venomous Snake King broke his arm, and the Centipede Gu King was severely injured. His chest was broken open and the bones were visible!

Two of the nine immortal sword energies struck at the Evil Wind King and the Yin Yue King, and two struck at the Poisonous Snake King and the Centipede Gu King!

In addition, there are five immortal sword energies, which shatter all attacks and kill other kings who come up to attack!

One of the immortal sword energy slashed at the head of the flying zombie puppet. King Corpse Li's martial spirit still resided in the corpse puppet's head!

There were also two immortal sword energies that slashed at the two kings of the Sun family!

The last two immortal sword energy slashed at the other evil king indiscriminately!

Every ray of immortal sword energy is like the sickle of the god of death. Wherever it passes, it is unstoppable and will cause death or injury!


The strong men of the six evil sects in the distance were all stunned, almost dumbfounded, and their legs could not stop trembling!

The warriors of the Lin family felt as if their hearts were beating, and their minds were buzzing. Everything in front of them felt as if they were in a dream, so unreal, and their eyes were full of shock!

Xuantian's killing of the three kings of the Sun family had already shocked the Lin family warriors to the point of being astonished to the heavens!

And the king that Xuantian faced at this moment was more than a hundred times stronger than the three kings of the Sun family that he had killed before?

There are six Dacheng kings, and there are eight more kings below Dacheng!

Faced with the siege of fourteen such powerful kings, he easily defeated all the attacks and launched a counterattack!

Is this——still a human? It's too perverted!

There is a huge gap in strength between a small extreme king and a great king!

The Xiaocheng Extreme Kings who can draw with the Dacheng King are all great geniuses, and the Xiaocheng Extreme Kings who can kill a Dacheng King are monster-level existences in Tianzhou.

With the cultivation of the Xiaocheng Ultimate King, he easily defeated fourteen kings, including six Dachengwang. This is simply the monster among monsters!


Everyone suddenly woke up!

Xuantian just asked the six Dacheng kings and the two Sun family kings to commit suicide to apologize. It was really not a joke, and it was definitely not a headache!

But - with his strength, he is indeed qualified to say such things!

Now, the strong men of the six evil sects are filled with regret!

The Lin family is just an intermediate king-level force, and the strongest one is only the Xiaocheng ultimate king. Any one of the six evil factions who is a great king is enough to sweep away the Wang family.

Because the Sword Emperor's Search for the Dragon Picture is too valuable, the six evil sects made a foolproof plan and sent six Dacheng Kings and dozens of strong men to surround the Lin family to ensure that obtaining the Sword Emperor's Search for the Dragon Picture was foolproof!

They never expected that an amnesiac king who was accidentally rescued by the Lin family would have such terrifying fighting power that he could easily defeat the siege of the six evil sects by one person!

The immortal sword energy spreads in all directions!

As powerful as thunder and as fast as lightning!

The kings of the six evil sects were frightened. Their previous confidence and arrogance were gone. They each raised their strength to the peak state and prepared to break the void and teleport away!

There was no way to escape. Even the six Dacheng Kings were instantly defeated by Xuantian, and a Soul Su King was also beheaded. How could they be Xuantian's opponents? If they delayed for a moment, they would be on the road to death!


When those kings who were threatened by the immortal sword energy were about to teleport, they were surprised to find that the void was imprisoned and they could not teleport at all!

Xuantian has the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, and his ability to imprison the void is equal to his strength. Let alone the Dacheng King, even the Dacheng Peak and Dacheng Ultimate King cannot teleport without special means!

Suddenly, the kings who faced the attack of the immortal sword energy were frightened.

The immortal sword energy could strike more than two thousand meters in the blink of an eye, unable to teleport, which would kill them!

In an instant, there were several screams!

The two kings of the Sun family were instantly killed by the Immortal Sword Qi.

Also instantly killed were the two kings of the six evil sects who were randomly swept away by the Immortal Sword Qi, as well as the Corpse Li King!

King Corpse Li's martial soul resided in the corpse puppet's head. The head was instantly split in half by the immortal sword energy, and the martial soul inside was also killed instantly!

King Xie Feng and King Yin Yue were still attacked by a burst of immortal sword energy. They spit out a lot of blood. The arms holding the king-level sword were numb with shock, as if they were about to escape, and it was difficult to resist the immortal sword. Sword energy attack.

As soon as Xuantian's Nine Immortal Sword Qi came out, in just one move, he killed two Dacheng Kings, four kings below Dacheng, and four Dacheng Kings suffered varying degrees of trauma!

The strength between them is as different as heaven and earth!

"Stop! We know we were wrong, let us go——!" The Viper King covered his broken arm and shouted loudly.

"Stop killing. We will never dare to attack the Lin family again. We will never step foot into Qingjiang County again...!" The kings of the six evil factions shouted.

The six evil sects were brought in by the Sun family. Of course, the Sun family was not qualified to command these six evil sects.

To invade the Lin family, the most important thing is that the Sun family told the six evil sects a secret - the Lin family possesses the Sword Emperor's Dragon Searching Map!

I thought that it would be easy to seize the Sword Emperor's Dragon Search Map from the Lin family, so the six evil factions agreed to help the Sun family avenge and kill Xuantian!

result! But it hit a hard nail!

Not only did he not get any advantage, but he got himself involved!

"You guys from the Lin family can come and leave whenever you want!" Xuan Tian shouted coldly, his murderous intent not diminishing at all, and said: "I just gave you a chance. Since you want me to do it myself, I will kill you." Clean!"

As he spoke, Xuantian's sword moved, and his arms and legs turned into pure gold.

The nine immortal sword energies changed direction as Xuantian's sword moved, as fast as lightning, cutting through the void and killing the other king.

At the same time, Xuantian's body also rushed forward like lightning!

Now that he controls the Holy Cauldron of Chaos, he can confine the void five or six kilometers away. As long as he is within ten miles of Xuantian, the opponent's king cannot teleport.



The screams suddenly sounded continuously!

The two accomplished kings, the Poisonous Snake King and the Centipede Gu King, were already severely damaged and could not resist the attack of the Immortal Sword Qi. They were instantly killed in the second wave of attacks.

Following the two Dacheng kings, the other four Dacheng kings were each struck by a burst of immortal sword energy, killing them with one blow without any suspense!

In the blink of an eye, of the fourteen kings who had just besieged Xuantian, only the two great kings, King Xie Feng and King Yin Yue, were left. However, both of them were vomiting blood, were seriously injured, and had scars scratched by the immortal sword energy on their bodies. .

"Tianchen! If you dare to kill us, you are making the entire evil alliance an enemy!"

"We have sent people to the evil faction alliance headquarters for the news about the Sword Emperor's search for the dragon, Tianchen! You are dead, and the entire Lin family will be wiped out...!"

King Xie Feng and King Yin Yue roared at the same time!

The emperor-level sword in Xuantian's hand swung at the two of them, and all the immortal sword energy struck at the two of them.

In an instant, the two people's roars turned into screams, and they were chopped into several pieces randomly by the nine immortal sword energies!

All fourteen kings who besieged Xuantian were killed by him!

As for the powerful evil sects surrounding the Lin family, the six powerful evil sects located on all sides of the Lin family have already fled in all directions.

Among the people who escaped, there were about twenty kings, and they were all frightened to death!

The Sun family attracted the six evil sects in Yunze County to besiege the Lin family, but they ended up setting fire to themselves and seeking death. The six evil sects and the six evil sects also suffered heavy losses.

Although the six evil sects are high-level king-level forces, the number of kings above Dacheng is not large. Generally there are only two or three, and the most is only four. Each force has lost a Dacheng king. It is definitely huge loss.

The king fled far away and was basically unable to catch up. Xuantian was too lazy to kill the warriors below the king, so he did not chase the strong men of the six evil sects who escaped.

The battle is over!

But the entire Lin family was still silent!

Whether it was the king, the elders, or the disciples, their eyes were filled with shock when they looked at Xuantian.

Even Lin Luofu always thought that Xuantian was not an ordinary person, but Xuantian's unusualness still shocked her!

Xuantian is even more beautiful than the husband she made her wish for!

Without Xuantian, she didn't know how to resolve this disaster. Either the Lin family would be destroyed and reduced to ashes, or she would be worse off than dead and suffer humiliation.

"Tianchen——! I love you——!" Lin Luofu shouted "gaga" excitedly, her body was like a swallow returning to its nest, and she rushed towards Xuan Tian.

Facing Lin Luofu's enthusiasm, Xuan Tian opened his hands, and Lin Luofu threw herself into his arms. Lin Luofu was so excited that tears flowed out.

These are tears of joy, tears of extreme joy.

"Thank you! Tianchen! Thank you!" Lin Love said excitedly.

"Tianchen——! Tianchen——!"

"Tianchen——! Tianchen——!"

Suddenly, cheers sounded like a landslide and tsunami.

The warriors of the Lin family completely recovered from the shock and shouted "Tianchen" loudly, and the excited ones burst into tears.

They couldn't help but be excited. Without Xuantian, the consequences would be unimaginable!

If Xuantian killed the three kings of the Sun family, which shocked the Lin family warriors, then, from today on, the Lin family warriors can only worship Xuantian!

Xuan Tian patted the sobbing Lin Luofu on the back and said, "I told you, nothing will happen to you in the Lin family with me!"

"Yeah! Uh--!" Lin Love nodded vigorously.

Lin Haotian and other five kings of the Lin family quickly flew over and thanked Xuan Tian one after another.

Even the old monster of the Lin family who was over 180 years old looked respectful and grateful to Xuantian!

Lin Luofu's emotions became more balanced. Xuan Tian asked her to stand aside and asked Lin Haotian: "Master Lin, what exactly is the Sword Emperor's Search for the Dragon Map they said? They gave the news to the Evil Alliance. Headquarters, I’m afraid it will attract more powerful enemies!”

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