The Supreme Sword (Heaven Defying Sword)

【Chapter 907】 Enter the battle and take your life


spn horrified!

All the strong men from the Demon Sect were horrified!

There was a chill in their hearts, and a chill suddenly rose up on their backs.

Terrible, terrible!

Compared with the quasi-emperor, the third-level emperor is completely heaven-like. An ordinary quasi-emperor can be easily crushed to death by a third-level emperor with one finger. [

However, when the quasi-emperor was Xuantian, the situation seemed to be completely reversed. Xuantian easily killed the third-level emperor with one sword, and he killed two of them in an instant.

What kind of swordsmanship is it? To have such power?

As a region in the Sword World, Yunzhou is a region where most warriors use swords, accounting for more than 80% of the total.

Everyone uses a sword, and the sword is naturally an ordinary thing, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

But... the strong men of the Demon Sect felt deeply wary when they looked at the sword in Xuantian's hand above their heads, and their hearts could not help but tremble with fear.

"How is it possible? This is the power of the fusion of mysteries. At least three mysteries are fused. How is this possible?" Geng Yuqing, the fourth-level emperor, also looked shocked and murmured.

Xuantian's Jian Gang is indeed a fusion of three mysteries.

To practice the art of sword elixir, you need to integrate a kind of mystical power for each revolution. Xuantian has practiced the sword elixir for three times, so he has integrated three mysteries.

To integrate the mysteries, one must comprehend the mysteries to a very deep level and have a strong sense of Taoism in order to be able to do it.

Generally speaking, under normal circumstances, the emperor must reach the fourth level of Dacheng Emperor before he can integrate the power of mystery.

If you are a genius, you will do it earlier. The third-level emperors who can integrate the mysteries are ordinary geniuses, and the second-level emperors can integrate the mysteries. He is a super genius, a first-level emperor who can integrate mysteries, that is a monster genius.

It is not impossible that there are people who can integrate the secrets before they become emperors, but the number is absolutely rare. This is completely the level of a monster that defies the heavens. In the entire Yunzhou, it seems that only the young master of the Demon Sect is in the quasi-emperor realm. Start integrating the mysteries.

The fusion of mysteries starts from the fusion of two mysteries. The fusion of three mysteries is more than ten times more difficult than the fusion of two mysteries.

In the realm of quasi-emperor. It has already integrated three mysteries. what is this? This is even more monstrous than the evil demon like the Demon Sect's eldest son.

This is completely unreasonable.

Geng Yuqing is also a genius. He is proficient in formations. He started to fuse mysteries when he was a third-level emperor. But now that he is a fourth-level emperor, he is still far away from fusing the three mysteries. The power of the fusion of mysteries is very terrifying. Every time he fuses more A kind of mysterious power. The strength will increase exponentially.

Geng Yuqing has self-awareness, and Xuantian combines three mysteries. The attack power is much stronger than him. Even if he has the Dao Suppression of four realms higher, the outcome is unpredictable.

If Geng Yuqing knew that Xuantian's fusion of mysteries was not just a simple fusion of mysteries, he would not have had this idea.

After all, he still looked down on Xuantian. [

Xuantian fuses the secrets because he practices the Nine-turn Sword Pill technique. Every time the secrets are fused, the power of Gang Yuan will explode rapidly. Xuantian's terrifying power is not only the power of the fusion of secrets, but also the power of the secrets and Gang Yuan. Fusion is the power of the sword elixir, which is called the secret of the sword.

The secret of the sword of the Three-turn Sword Pill is much more terrifying than the power of the fusion of the three secrets.

Therefore, Geng Yuqing's judgment of Xuan Tian was still low.

"Go ahead and attack the Qingyun Sword Sect with all your strength and destroy the mountain guarding formation in one go. I will come to deal with Xuantian. Calculate the time. Today, the Fifth Young Master and the two fourth-level emperors of our sect are about to arrive. Xuantian doesn't care. No matter how powerful he is, he has three heads and six arms, but it can't affect this battle. As long as he doesn't escape, he will only die when the Fifth Young Master and others arrive."

Geng Yuqing sent a message to Pei Lie, the leader of the Split Heaven Sword Sect.

"Yes, sir!" Pei Lihun read the message, and then shouted loudly: "Everyone listen to the order: attack the Qingyun Sword Sect with all your strength!"

At this time, Geng Yuqing walked out from the depths of the formation. He was still about a thousand meters away from the edge of the formation. He stopped, looked at Xuantian from a distance, and shouted: "Xuan Tian, ​​do you dare to come and fight with me?" war?"

"Xuan Tian, ​​this man's name is Geng Yuqing. He comes from the Yin Mo Sect, one of the seven sects of the Demon Sect. He is proficient in the art of formations. He has set up a large formation around our sect. He asked you to come forward because he wants to use the formation. The Dharma Formation will kill you, don’t be fooled...!"

In the Qingyun Sword Sect, a second-level emperor shouted loudly. His tone changed as he spoke, and his eyes fell on Geng Yuqing, saying: "Geng Yuqing, it's a blessing that you are a fourth-level emperor. A quasi-emperor wants to fight, and he has to use the formation, don't you feel embarrassed? If you have the guts, you can leave the formation and have a fair fight with Xuantian."

"Hehehehehe...!" Geng Yuqing said with a smile: "A fair fight? Where is the fairness? How much does it cost per pound? Haha...! Fairness does not exist at all, it is only in the imagination of the weak. What do you Qingyun Sword Sect want? Is it fair? Wait until I destroy the Qingyun Sword Sect and see where your fairness lies. Hehe...! Xuantian, I have set up a formation around the Qingyun Sword Sect. If you want to fight, you will join the formation and fight with me. If you are afraid of a battle, if you want fairness, you can stand there, wait, and watch... See if I break the formation and destroy the Qingyun Sword Sect. When the time comes, I will go out to the formation again. A fair fight with you, hahahaha...!"

After destroying the Qingyun Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation and destroying the Qingyun Sword Sect, Yin Shaoqi, the fifth Shaoqi of the Demon Sect, and the two fourth-level emperors of the Yin Demon Sect are almost here.

Geng Yuqing had made a plan. When the time comes, three fourth-level emperors and the fifth master of the Demon Sect, who is more powerful than the fourth-level emperor, will besiege Xuantian alone. Without the help of the formation, it will be impossible. Can be killed easily.


"Shame on you!"

"The Demonic Dog Thief!"

The strong men of Qingyun Sword Sect started to curse one after another.

Xuantian sneered. He searched Fang Yuanbo's soul and knew that the fifth young master of the Demon Sect and the two fourth-level emperors would arrive at the Qingyun Sword Sect today. He didn't know what Geng Yuqing was thinking.

"Ha ha ha ha……!"

Xuan Tian laughed loudly, strode forward, and shouted: "Geng Yuqing, if you see Xuan enter the battle, I will take your life!"

The formation that Geng Yuqing set up in the Qingyun Sword Sect was only a temporary arrangement, and it took very little time. There were many flaws in it, and Xuantian's Emperor's Eye had already seen it clearly.

With Geng Yuqing's attainments in formations, he spent several months carefully arranging the formations. He could trap and kill even the sixth-level emperor and the seventh-level emperor. However, the formation in front of Xuantian could not even reach the fifth level. Even the emperor is difficult to trap and kill. [

This is just a temporary formation used by Geng Yuqing to defeat the Qingyun Sword Sect. Its main function is internal, but it is very crude externally.

Of course, even so, if Xuantian didn't have the Emperor's Eye and entered the formation rashly, he would definitely be dead. But with the Emperor's Eye and could see through the void of the formation, there would be no difference between Xuantian and Geng Yuqing fighting outside.

"Hehe...! Xuantian, I want to see how you enter the battle to kill me, come on..., I am standing here, come and kill me, haha...!" Geng Yuqing! He said with a sinister smile.

Geng Yuqing naturally knew the power of the formation he had set up, and a fifth-level emperor would have the strength to rush out. However, if a fifth-level emperor wanted to rush out, he would have to be seriously injured.

Xuantian's attack power is slightly stronger than that of the fourth-level emperor, but after all, he is only a quasi-emperor. His superior attack power does not mean that he is superior in other aspects. He is completely incomparable to the fifth-level emperor. In other aspects, he is even comparable to the fourth-level emperor. Young, so Geng Yuqing was extremely confident and used the power of the formation to kill Xuantian, just in case he missed.

When the strong men of the Qingyun Sword Sect saw that Xuantian was about to join the battle with Geng Yuqing, many people became anxious and tried to dissuade him, but many people cheered to kill Geng Yuqing.

Those who cheered for killing Geng Yuqing were not necessarily confident in Xuan Tian, ​​but because they had the idea that it would be a good idea to try. If it succeeded, the Qingyun Sword Sect would be saved. If it failed, the Qingyun Sword Sect would still be doomed, and Xuan Tian would be doomed as well. Who cares whether you die or not.

Regardless of whether the people of the Qingyun Sword Sect dissuade him or cheer him, Xuantian has his own plans in mind regarding how he treats Xuantian.

He strode forward, stepped in the void, and soon entered the formation laid out by Geng Yuqing.

Geng Yuqing is in the formation. It is impossible for Xuan Tian to kill him directly. No matter how powerful the attack is, he can use the power of the formation to resist it.

Although Xuantian's secret sword has great destructive power, it is mainly due to its sharpness. In terms of strength, it is not too incredible. A fifth-level emperor can easily resist it. Therefore, if you want to kill Geng Yuqing, you must first break the formation. .

Geng Yuqing is like a fierce tiger in the formation, but to break the formation is to remove his fangs and remove his sharp claws, and then it will not be too difficult to kill him.

"Hahahaha...! Xuantian, you are really the biggest fool in the world. If you dare to enter the formation set up by this emperor, you are asking for death, hahahaha...!"

Geng Yuqing laughed crazily.


He is so happy!

Although Xuantian walked towards the formation area, the joy in Geng Yuqing's heart could not be released without Xuantian taking a step forward.

Now, Xuantian finally came in, and it would be difficult to go out again. The joy in Geng Yuqing's heart burst out, and he laughed crazily.

"Xuan Tian, ​​even the Holy Cauldron can't save you, hahaha...go to hell!"

Geng Yuqing raised his hands, and there seemed to be several air currents pouring into his body from the left and right, making his strength soar, even more terrifying than a fifth-level emperor.

As soon as he finished speaking, Geng Yuqing put his hands together above his head, condensed into a huge Qi sword, and slashed down at Xuantian.

This sword is enough to kill a fourth-level emperor instantly. Even a fifth-level emperor cannot resist it and will be seriously injured.

Many strong men from the Qingyun Sword Sect closed their eyes and sighed.

The strong men of the Demon Sect were cheering. Under this sword, Xuantian had no hope of escaping.

However, Xuantian did not panic under this terrifying Qi sword. He suddenly struck out with two swords.

The green sword gang exploded instantly.

What is strange is that the green sword gang did not slash at the Qi Sword, nor did it attack Geng Yuqing, but instead slashed at two pieces of ground in the distance.

Everyone looked stunned, but Geng Yuqing's expression changed drastically.

ps: On a good day, of course it will explode... The second update of the fifth update... please vote! ! !

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